The SECOND PART Of the Nevv Ballad Of the Late and Terrible Fight on St. James's day One Thousand 666.

To the Tune of the First part Written and Printed at London.
A Second part, I here indite
Of the English and Dutch Bloody Fight
With a Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump▪
Thump, Thump, upon Thump.
This only tells what was done since,
The Renowned Duke and Famous Prince,
Made the Seven Headed Beast to wince
With a Thump, &c.
As you the first so sing this too
To the French Tune call'd Monsieur Ragou,
With a Thump, &c.
Or else because that this discourses
Of Beauforts and 'De Ruyters Forces
Call the Tune The Dancing Hobby Horses,
With a Thump, &c.
Sing not High English in Low Dutch
Though now our Foes are truly such
With a Thump, &c.
This must be Sung not said at all
And they that Sing must Rise and Fall
The first part did th [...] [...]
The Duke of [...]ork and King now saies
The Sea-men too deserve some Bayes
With a Thump, &c.
For though the Officers bear the Bell
The private Sea-men Rung the Dutch Knel
With a Thump, &c.
The Bores fought well with Brandy Drunk,
But in two houres their Courage sunk
And then like beaten Stock-Fish stunk.
With a Thump, &c.
Goliah like, look'd Houndsfoot and Skellum,
But Monk and's Fryers with Slings and Stones fell'um
With a Thump, &c.
Ruyter swears that Trump came not to's Aid
Trump swears Ruyter ran like Coward afraid,
We had done both their works had they staid.
With a Thump, &c.
While Trump and Ruyter sneake in th' Welling
The brave English land at Ʋly and Schelling,
With a Thump, &c.
A thousand Houses with eight score Ships,
We Fired like so many Chips,
And made the States to bite their Lips,
With a Thump, &c.
This was a most prodigious Rap,
To loose five Millions at a Clap
With a Thump, &c.
We beg but one boon more kinde Fates
Their India Fleet and then proud States
Wee'l make you shit as small as Rats,
With a Thump, &c.
Old Rome neere did ought worth a doyt
Compar'd with Holmes's brave exploit,
With a Thump, &c.
The Tale of Ten years War for Hellen
Homer had never thought worth telling,
Had he but heard of Ʋly and Schelling
With a Thump, &c.
Twelve East-land Ships did likewise fall-in
To the hands of stout Sir Thomas Allen
With a Thump, &c.
And we now spite of Adelar
And Beaufort too have Pitch and Tarr
And Ropes enough to end the Warr
Without a Thump, &c.
Our Victory hath but one Flaw
The Unhappy loss of the Breda
Without any Thump, &c.
On the Dutch Coast she ran aground
And without men was strangely found
They merit Hanging if not Drown'd
With a Thump, &c.
With a Thump, &c.
Alas, alas, poor baffl'd Hans.
The Dane can't ayd thee, nor dares France
Though thou hast had Thump, upon Thump,
Thump, Thump, upon Thump.
The Monsieurs, Fleet a Mangy Crew is
Monks brave Boys that eat Beef and Brewis
Cry a F—for Denmark and King Lewis
With a Thump, &c.
Bow then to Charles distressed States
After so many broken Pates,
With a Thump, Thump still upon Thump, &c.
Beg Peace or next your Banks shall Rue,
And we will give the Divel his Due,
He shall take Monsieur, the Sea drown you
Then are ye both Thumpt and Mumpt and Mumpt, &c.
Now to conclude I will take care
As Ballads use to end with Prayer,
With a Thump, &c.
For Ballads made of the old Fashion
Should still conclude with Supplication
For King and Queen, and the whole Nation
With a Thump, &c.
God Bless the Swede, he's not our Foe,
And Spains King too though France say no,
They both wish the Dutch well Thumpt, Thumpt, &c
Heaven send our Fleet Auspicious Gales
Our King and Queen a Prince of Wales
And then let who will bite their Nayles
When we all our foes have Thumpt, and Mumpt, &c..

Printed in the Year, 1666.

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