A Brief ADVERTISEMENT, Concerning East-New-Jersey, in AMERICA.
THat whereas it hath upon solid grounds been by very Judicious Men, judged as well the Advantage of the Nation in general, as of the particular Ʋndertakers, to have an Interest in some of the America Plantations; and that in Order to the promoting this Design: There went in July last, 1684. a Vessel from Leith, with 160. Passengers, or thereby; an other from Montrose with 130. to East-New-Jersey, in which two Vessels were some Gentlemen and Merchants, of very good Repute; the account of their safe Arrival in eight weeks after their parting from Aberdeen, and their several Opinions of that Countrey, all agreeing anent the Fertility, Pleasantness, and Wholesomness thereof, as being stored with all things necessar for the comfortable Accommodation and Life of Man, being compared with former Relations of that Countrey, and both confirmed as Truth, by several Gentlemen and Merchants at present in Edinburgh, who have been there: The consideration of this, as of the reasonable constitution of the Government; the Model whereof hath been fully perused and found satisfactory, hath ingaged many to pitch upon this Province of East-New-Jersey, as the most proper seat for a Collony of this Nation; The same being a Climat agreeable to our Constitutions, and a place fit for Trade; and of great Security, being as it were, the Centre of the English Plantations, and a place affording in plenty, all desirable Accommodations.
And seeing the Approbation of these in Authority is absolutlie requisit, for countenancing and encouraging such a Design, without which, it cannot be expected, that any such Attempt can be made effectual; Mr. George Scot of Pitlochie resolving to settle his Family in that place, hath procured the following, Pass,
By the Right Honourable Earl of Perth, Lord High Chancellour of Scotland, &c.
These are permitting, and allowing Mr. George Scot of Pitlochie, [Page] with his Lady, Children, and Family; and such other Persons as he shall ingage to passe from this Kingdom, either by Sea or Land, to any of His Majesties Forraigne Plantations, providing such persons to be transported by him, be not declared Traitors, Rebels, Fugitives; and that without any Let, Impediment, or Molestation, from any person whatsoever; they alwayes behaving themselves peaceably, and according to Law.
By the perusual of the foresaid Passe, it will appear that such who intend to be concerned with the said Mr. George Scot, in prosecuting this Design, are hereby included as well as himself, they being qualified according to the contents thereof.
And for his further encouragement, the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council have been pleased by an Act, to condescend, That such as are under Bond, to compear before them when called, shal have up their said respective Bonds, upon their going with him; Whereby they are secured from the Apprehension of any Process to be in their absence, intented against them upon that head.
Whereas there are several people in this Kingdom, who upon accompt of their not going that length, in conformity required of them, by the Law do live very uneasie; Who beside the other agreeable Accommodations of that place, may there freely enjoy their own principles, without hazard or the least trouble; seeing there are Ministers of their own perswasion going alongst with the said Mr. George Scot, who by the fundamental Constitutions of that Countrey, are allowed the free Exercise of their Ministry, such as Mr. Archibald Riddel, brother to sir John Riddel of Riddel, Mr. Thomas Paterson late Minister of Borthwick, and several other Ministers. It is hereby signified [Page]to all who desire this Voyage, That the Henry and Francis of Newcastle, a ship of 350. Tun, and 20. great Guns; Richard Hutton Master, is freighted for the Transportation of them Families, and will take in Passengers and Goods at Leith, and take in Goods and Passengers at Montrose, and Aberdeen, and Kirkwa in Orknay, and set sail thence for East-New-Jersey, against the 20. day of June, GOD willing. It being resolved by these concerned in the freight of the Vessel, to Accommodate such other Passengers as may be conveniently done, without crouding themselves, and their Families; the inconveniencies of which they are fullie resolved to avoid; as what is certainly very troublesome in such a Voyage. Such therefore who desires to go Passengers in this Vessel, may apply in time, between and the 12. of May, to Mr. George Scot of Pitlochie, at his Lodging in Bailie Robisons-land; and at John Johnstouns Drogist, at the sign of the Unicorn in Edinburgh, to Mr. John Gordon of Colinston Doctor of Physick, at his Lodging in Montrose; to James Armour Younger Merchant in Glasgow; To Heugh Broun, or James Nisbet Merchant in Irvine; To Bailie Boyd in Kilmarnock; To Bailie Ma'keuen; or Ralph Holland Merchant in Air; To Bailie Burt in Stirling; To Bailie James Gordon in Kirkcudbright, William Corbet Apothecary in Drumfries, To sir Robert Hamilton at Dubline, one of His Majesties Privy Councilfor the Kingdom of Ireland; To Andrew Maxwel, Thomas Loch, and James Stuart Merchants in Belfast, in that Kingdom; and David Sherwood, at the Black Eagle, in New-Castle; [...] in Berwick; whereby they may have their passage secured upon Reasonabble Conditions in the said Vessel; And Accompts of the Prepositions to be made to them, in Order to the promoting effectually of that Design, seeing after the number condescended upon, as proper to be carried without Croud in the said Ship; there will be no more admitted there; and so such as incline to go the Voyage, may loss their passage in the said Vessel, delaying to secure their place in time.
In hath been judged proper for the more full Information of such as intend to be concerned in this Design, to make publick some of the many Letters come from East-New-Jersey, that are known to be sent from Persons of good Credit; and therefore are to be trusted; which is published by the Proprietors, and Printed by John Reid, 1685. in Edinburgh, And who are desirous may have them there.