A PROCLAMATION, For Regulating the Army's Payment of their Quarters.
THE Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, Taking to their Consideration, that when Their Majesties Forces shal be Disposed of in their Winter-Quarters, or in their Transient-Quarters, while they pass through the Countrey, they may commit Abuses on the Countrey People, by exacting Free-Quarters, or at least not satisfying their Land-lords for the same, and that others may Destroy and carry away their Cornes and Hay, without giving any satisfaction therefore; And they being most desirous, that Provisions be made for the saids Forces, and the Furnishers thereof sufficiently satisfied and payed, and that the Parties so Injured may be Redressed of the prejudice they shall Sustain by any of His Majesties Forces; and that such Abuses may be fully prevented, Do therefore conform to the 3d Act of the 3d Parl. of K. Ch. 2d. In Their Majesties Name and Authority, Strictly Prohibit and Discharge all Free-Quartering of the Souldiers, either Transient or Local, upon any of Their Majesties Subjects; and in case any Officers or Souldiers, shall exact any Free-Quarters, or any such Locality hereafter, the Damnage being instructed before two Commissioners of Assessment, upon production of a Certificat thereof under their hands, the Officer being Required by way of Instrument, to give Redress to the Party, and not doing the same, shall loss a Months Pay, which they ordain to be given to the Party injured, by the Collector of the Cess or Excise in the Shire, by and attour the said Damnage, which they Declare, shall be allowed to him by the General Receivers; And in case any of the Officers or Souldiers upon the Scots Establishment, shall remove from their Quarters, Local or Transient, without paying the same, or at least Clearing and Fitting Accompts with their Land-lords, under their Hands; The Lords of His Majesties Privy Council allow their saids Land-lords to repair to two of the saids Commissioners, and before them verifie their Accompts upon their Oath, and Sign the same with the saids Commissioners, that payment may be made to the saids Land-lords, conform to the saids Accompts by the General Receivers and their Collectors, off the first end of the Pay that shall be due to the saids Officers and Souldiers, who shall Remove without Paying or Clearing their saids Quarters. And because the Forces upon the English Establishment, cannot fall under the manner of payment, specified in the said Act: Therefore the saids Lords of Privy Council, Do hereby Ordain and Appoint, that before any of the saids Forces Remove from their Quarters, Local or Transient, that they shall clear with their Land-lords, either by present Payment, or by Stated and Fitted Accompts, under the Hands of their Officers, wherein if they fail, The saids Lords Declare, that it shall be leisum and lawful to any Persons who had Souldiers Quartered upon them, or Furnished them any Provisions, to Repair to any two o [...] the present Comm [...]oners o [...] A [...]e [...]ment, and to verifie the Accompts resting to them by any of the said Forces, upon their own Oaths, to the effect that the saids Accompts being Signed by them, and two of the saids Commissioners, the same may be reported to the saids Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, who Declare they will Order present payment to be made to the saids Parties, conform to their saids Fitted, Sworn and Subscribed Accompts, and that out of His Majesties Revenue, and will represent the same to his Majesty, that Warrant may be granted for stopping and resounding to His Majesties Thesaury and Exchequer, proportionally of their Pay from England, effeirand to the Quota that shall be found due to the saids persons, and payed to them in manner foresaid; And for the Damnages their Land-lords and others may happen to sustain by the neglect of the saids Officers and Souldiers, or their delay of timous Satisfaction, and for preventing the great and many inconvenencies that the Countrey do sustain from the Officers and Souldiers, by their Pillaging and taking away of Corns, without any Appretiation thereof, or satisfaction given for the same; They Do, in Their Majesties Name and Authority foresaid, Require and Command the present Commissioners of Assessment, whereof five to be a Quorum, within all the Shires on this side the River of Tay, betwixt and the third day of October next; And all the Commissioners on the other side thereof, betwixt and the eleventh Day of the said Month, to meet and appoint the prices of Corns, Straw and Hay, and to take and lay down such effectual methods, for providing a Magazine of the saids Provisions, for the space of eight dayes at the several Burghs of their Shires, as they shall be advertised, for the number of Forces to be Quartered upon them, and so from time to time, during the continuation of their Quarters at that place: And the saids Lords Require and Command, the saids Commissioners to Order and Appoint the Collectors of Cess within the saids respective Shires, to make preparation for, and furnish the saids Magazines, in manner, and for the time above-mentioned, which shall be allowed to them respective, out of the Cess due, and payable by the saids Shires, how far they shall not be payed by the saids Officers and Troopers. And they Do hereby Strictly Discharge and Prohibite, all Officers and Souldiers from going out to Forrage from the place of their assigned Quarters, under all highest Penalty. And Ordains these Presents to be Printed, and Published at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and other places needful, that none may pretend ignorance.
God save King William and Queen Mary.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, by Order of Secret Council, Ann [...] Dom. 1689.