A PROCLAMATION, For offering the Band obliging Heretors and Masters for their Tenents and Servants, in some shires.

CHARLES, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith,
To Our Lovits, [...] Macers or Messengers at Arms, Greeting;

Forasmuch as upon consideration of frequent Rebellious Field-Conventicles, and other Insolencies and Disorders in several Shires of this Kingdom, We by Our Letter of the eleventh of December last, did authorize Our Privy Councill to use such means, and take such courses as might be effectual for securing Our Peace, and quieting these Disorders; And particularly, We did require them to cause Heretors, Liferenters, and Masters give Bands for their Tenents, Servants, and others in manner therein exprest: And in pursuarice of these Our Commands, a Band was drawen, which by a Committee of Our Privy Councill hath been offered to the Heretors in some Western and other Shires of this Kingdom, which were most infested with these irregularities, conform to the power and instructions given to that Committee: And to the end such In­solencies and disorders so expresly prohibited by Law, and tending so much to Sedition and Disturbance of the Publick Peace, may be prevented in other places of the Kingdom; We with advice of the Lords of Our Privy Councill, have thought fit, That the foresaid Band, obliging Heretors, Liferenters and Masters, for their Tenents, Servants and others therein mentioned, shall be offered to the whole Heretors and Liferenters of the Shires of Edinburgh, Haddington, Linlithgow, Peebles, Berwick, and Selkirk, to be subscribed by them: Our Will is herefore, and we charge you that incontinent these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Market Cross of Edinburgh, and other places needful, and there in Our Name and Authority you strictly command and charge the whole Heretors and Liferenters within the Shires above-named, and Jurisdictions within these shires to meet and conveen upon the dayes and at the places respectively following, viz. These of the shire of Edin­burgh at the town of Edinburgh, within the new Session-House, upon the nineteenth day of March instant; These of the shire of Haddington at the burgh of Haddington, the twentie day; These of the shire of Linlithgow at the burgh of Linlith­gow, the twentie one day; These of the shire of Peebles at the burgh of Peebles, upon the twentie two day; These of the shire of Berwick at Dunce, upon the twentie sixth day; And these of the shire of Selkirk at the burgh of Selkirk, upon the twentie eighth of this instant: And they being met upon the dayes respectively foresaid, that the Sheriff principal, or in case of his absence his Deputes, do offer the foresaid Band for securing the peace to the whole Heretors and Liferenters of the shire to be subscribed by them; and that the Sheriff also subscribe the same himself: Certifying such Heretors and Liferenters as shall be absent, or being present shall refuse to subscribe the said Band, they shall be charged with Letters of Lawborrowes, conform to the Act of Our Privy Councill, of the fourteenth of February last. And to the end, Our said service may be the more effectually prosecute, We hereby require the Heretors and others foresaids, to repair to their saids shires, and attend the dyets foresaid, as they will be answerable upon their highest perill. And We ordain the Sheriffs of the said shires and their Deputes, to cause intimate this Our Proclamation at the several paroch Kirks of the shires upon the Sunday immediatly preceeding the dyet of meeting, that none may pretend ignorance thereof: And that they return to Our Privy Council an account of their diligence in the premisses, with the Bands signed by the Heretors, and the Names of these who shall be absent, or refuse to subscribe the same. The which to do We committ to you conjunctly and severally, Our full power by these Our Letters, to be by you duely execute and indorsed again to the Bearer, And ordains these pre­sents to be Printed.

Per Actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii.
Al. Gibsone, Cls. Sti. Concilii.

GOD save the KING.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His Most Sacred Majesty, 1678.

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