A PROCLAMATION For apprehending several Traitors and Fugitives.

JAMES by the Grace of GOD, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, To [...] Macers of Our Privy Council, or Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch as Archibald Campbel late Earl of Argile (that Arch and Hereditary Traitor) having with some others his Accomplices and Associats, both of this and other Nations, Combined together, to disturb Our Government, and the Peace and Tranquillity of this Our Ancient Kingdom, and having Associated to themselves the Vile and Sacrilegious Mur­derers of James late Archbishop of St. Andrews, and even that Bloody Miscreant Rumbold the Maltster, who was to have embrued his hands in the Sacred Blood of Our dearest Brother, and to have been the Principal Actor of that Hellish Tragedy designed at the Ry in England: They pursuant to their Traiterous and wicked Plots and Designs, having Landed in some of Our Western and High-land Islands, and there Pillaged and Harrassed Our People for a considerable space bygone; And now after all their desperate endeavours, It having pleased Almighty GOD to give Our Forces that good success over these Our Enemies, as to Defeat and totally Rout them; many of whose chief Ring-leaders are now taken, and particularly the said Arch-trai­tor Archibald Campbel, Rumbold the Maltster, John Aleife, called Collonel Alcife, (which last, out of the terrour of his Attrocious Guilt and Despair, endeavoured to kill himself after he was taken, by giving himself a Wound in the Belly with a Knife in the Prison of Our Burgh of Glasgow,) and many others: And whereas there are severals of that Hellish Crew not yet taken, who may sculk and lurk in this our Realm with these of their Party, and be sheltered by disaffected Persons: And We being resolved to prosecute and pursue those exe­crable Rebels and Traitors, until they be apprehended and brought to condign punishment: Do hereby with Advice of Our Privy Council. Require and Command all Our good and loving Subjects, and particularly all Our Sheriffs and other Magistrats, and the Officers of Our standing Forces and Militia, to use their outmost endeavours for apprehending the saids Rebels and Traitors, and bringing them to Justice: And for that effect to convo­cat Our Liedges, and use all other Warlike Force against them: And for their encouragement, We hereby not only Indemnifie and fully Pardon them of any Blood, Slaughter, Mutilation, Fire-raising, or such like inconveniencies which may fall out in this Our Service; But We do here­by promise and assure any person, or persons, who shall apprehend the persons underwritten, dead or alive, or discover them, so as they may be apprehended, the Rewards following, viz. For John Cochran, sometime called Sir John Cochran of Ochiltree; Patrick Home, sometime called Sir Patrick Home of Polwart, forfaulted Traitors; Archibald Campbel, Son to the Lord Neil Campbel; Charles and John Campbels, Sons to the said Arch-Traitor Archibald Campbel; [...] Pringle of Torwoo [...]lie; Sir Duncan Campbel of Auchinbreck, and each of them the Sum of Eighteen Hun­dred Merks Scots Money; for [...] Denholm of Westshiels; and [...] Balfour, and [...] Fleming, Murderers and Assassins of the said late Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews; William Cleaveland, called Captain Cleaveland; and [...] Stewart, younger of Cultness, Grand-Child to Sir James Stewart, sometime Provost of Edinburgh, and each of them One Thousand Merks, Money foresaid; for [...] Wishart, Master of one of the Ships, who came alongst with the said Arch-Traitor Archibald Campbel, Five Hundred Merks; and for every Fa­natical Preacher, who was with the saids Rebels, One Thousand Merks, Money foresaid. And We further Declare, that if any of Our Subjects shall be so desperately wicked, as to Harbour, Reset, Intertain, Intercommune, Converse, Correspond with, or Comfort any of the saids Per­sons, any manner of way, or shall not give Intelligence of them, or shall not give their Assistance against them, that they shall be holden, repute, treated, and demeaned as Art and Part of, and Accessory to the said horrid Crime of Treason and Rebellion against Us, and Our Royal Government, with the utmost severity of Law. And generally, We hereby Prohibite and Discharge all Our Subjects from Harbouring, Re­setting, Lodging, or Intertaining any Person whatsoever, unless they have a Pass from these Authorized by Our former Proclamations to grant the same, as they will answer at their highest Peril. And that this Our Pleasure may be known to all Our Liedges, Our Will is, and we Charge you strictly, and Command, that incontinent, these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, Linlithgow, Stirling, Lanerk, Air, Renfrew, Rutherglen, Glasgow, Irving, Dum [...]artoun, Wigtoun, Kirk [...]udbright, Dumfreis, Inverarey, and all the other M [...]rcat-Crosses of the Head Burghs of the Shires of this Kingdom, and there, by open Proclamation, in Our Royal Name and Authority, make Publication of Our Pleasure in the Premises. And We further hereby Recommend to the Right Reverend Our Arch-Bishops, and Bishops, that they cause this Our Royal Proclamation be read from the Pulpits, by the Ministers of the several Paroches in their Diocesses respectivè, upon the first Lords Day after the same shall be delivered to them. Requiring hereby all Our Sheriffs to cause Publish and Deliver this Our Proclamation in manner above-said, immediatly after the same comes to their hands, as they will answer the contrary at their highest Peril.

Per Actum Dominorum Secreti Concilij.
COL. MACKENZIE, Cls. Sti. Concilij.
GOD save the KING.

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