A PROCLAMATION, For Adjourning the Parliament from the 27th day of March, to the 15th day of April next.

WHereas His Majesty, by His Royal Letter of the Date at Ken­singtoun, the Twenty eighth day of February, One thousand six hundred and ninety years, Authorized and Required the Lords of Privy Council to issue forth a Proclama­tion in Their Majesties Names, Continuing the Adjournment of this Current Parliament, from the eighteenth day of March Instant, till the twenty seventh day of the said current Month; And that Their Majesties High Commissioner, and the Lords of Privy Council have in obedience to His Majesties Commands, and in Their Majesties Names, and by vertue of Their Royal Authority, Declared the said Parliament Cur­rent, and Continued the Adjournment thereof untill the said twenty seventh day of March instant: And His Majesty having signifyed by His Royal Letter, to Their Majesties High Commissioner, and the Lords of Privy Council, of the Date at Kensingtoun, the Twentieth day of March instant, That divers Considerations now moved His Majesty to continue the said Adjournment, from the said twenty seventh day of March, to the fifteenth day of April next, Hath Authorized and Required the saids Lords, to Issue forth a Proclamation in Their Majesties Names, Continuing the Adjournment of the said Parlia­ment until the said fi [...]teenth day of April next. Therefore Their Majesties High Commissioner, and the Lords of Privy Council, Do in Their Majesties Names, and by Their special Command and Authority, Declare the said Par­liament Current, and Continues the Adjournment thereof until the said fif­teenth day of April next, and Continues all Processes depending before the Parliament, until the said day; And Do hereby Require and Command the Lyon King at Arms, and His Brethren Heraulds, Macers of Privy Council, Pursevants, Messengers at Arms, Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and several­ly, that incontinent these presents seen, they pass to the Mercat Cross of Edin­burgh, and remanent Mercat Crosses of the Head Burghs of this Kingdom, and there, in Their Majesties Names and Authority foresaid, by open Procla­mation, make Intimation of the Continuation of the said Adjournment, from the said twenty seventh day of March current, to the said fifteenth day of April next: Certifying all the Members of Parliament, that the Parliament will then fit; And Requiring hereby all the Members thereof to attend that Day, at Ten a-Clock in the Forenoon, in the usual Way, and at the ordinary Place, and upon the accustomed Certifications. For doing of all which, Their Majesties High Commissioner, and the Lords of Privy Council, commit to them conjunctly and severally Their Majesties full Power, by these presents, delivering the samine by them duely Execute and Indorsed again to the Bear­er. Extracted by me

GILB. ELIOT; Cls. Sti. Concilii.

GOD Save King WILLIAM and Queen MARY.

EDINBURGH, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, by Order of Privy Council, 1690.

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