A Letter of Advice, From a secluded Member of the House of Commons, To his Excellency, Thomas Lord Fairfax, TO Admonish him of the Kings danger, his own duty, and the sad consequence of Oppression and Tyranny.
All whose extremes are onely to be avoided by His Majesties Safety, and the defence of his Royall Person and Honor.
Delivered on Saturday Decemb. 30.
Printed in the Yeere 1649.
IT is not onely rumor'd but remonstrated (you, as is suppos'd, forbidding it) that the Kings life must shortly passe upon a dangerous unequall triall; that being (it seemes) the hallowed prey which these unsanctified sons of the earth, reprobate to all Faith and Government, but what they pile up in their own wicked Imaginations, run greedily to seize upon: 'tis true this Land hath been twice polluted already with the blood of her Princes, but how the first violence was visited upon the actors with an implacable vengeance, and 200000. lives sacrificed by offended Justice, for a revenge [Page 2]of the second, our Chronicles have sufficiently witnessed.
To kill a King the Lords Anointed, by private conspiracy, and for particular interests, is questionlesse an impiety deserving the extremes of hate and punishment, to be inflicted upon the Confederates; but for Subjects to solemnize their Soveraigns murder with a pretended legality, and usurp the power to be themselves his Judges, (then which nothing can be more rediculous in sence, a greater enemy to reason, or more opposite to divine and humane Lawes) must needs appeare a very monstrous prodigy, & affrightfull to every loyall contemplation: and the rather, because the act being by order, consent or connivency, made a nationall crime, will hardly be expiated without a nationall ruine.
The power is now yours, you will be certain of the hearts of thousands, and the assurance of their hands to justifie your resolutions if they be fervent, as is hoped, for the Kings safety: and the meanes is likewise not wanting to make a timely prevention of the most execrable villany that ever tainted any Christian Kingdome: Let not therefore so generall an expectation relying (under God) upon your self alone, be beguiled, but rowze your selfe my Lord, to suppresse these blasphemers, your designe (in this particular) being encompassed with the Ordinances of God to guard it: His Angells to be your guide, and a just cause to make you triumphant, by which religious undertaking, your life will be made honourable, your memory renowned; whereas,
If you sleight this opportunity (whereof heaven and men invite you to so glorious a triall) and fashion your selfe to behold your Soveraignes fall, with commanding, or indifferent eyes, what can you then expect, when the next danger shall look black upon your selfe like a doomes day, but trembling from a divine wrath, & judgments that are due to such a guilty Aspirer: for though you strip Majesty naked, & rob him of all his regall State, and Ornaments, yet that will be your Epithere.
Make (my Lord) Quintus Curtius your companion, but for a few houres, and he will offer you the full view of a famous Traytor, call'd Bessus, whose story be pleased to make so far your owne, as by a wise anticipation of Loyalty, to decline both his fault and fortune: That Bactrian Generall would have no pity upon his wofull Lord, distressed Darius, a Prince whom for mer [Page 4]misfortunes had disarmed of all defence, and humbled him to the disdaines and oppression of that his most wicked servant; who first finished his Lords Tragedy with dishonourable wounds, saw himselfe next made King of Bactria, by a military Election. And lastly, in chaines, within few moneths at the mercy of a just Alexander, who not onely designed him to a deserved death, but appointed him the way to it by most exquisite torments for his presumption and trechery: Believe it my Lord, the Throne that was temperate to King Charles, will be (to you) a burning one.
The rents in the Church; the Divisions among the People, with the violation of Lawes, Liberties and Government, all carry your name, and you the burden of a generall dislike, for allowing protection to such outragious insolencies as are acted daily; your selfe not marking (so blind is Ambition) what loose earth the state of your own fortune stands upon; ready, by the removing of a few weak props, to sink under you at the pleasure onely of your underminers, who (it is strongly fancied) are now digging your Lordships grave.
If any Peters live about you, which having finally denied their Master, would tempt you Sir to the same infidelity, upon perill of your soul my Lord, bid that Satan avoid, and cast his charmes behind you, it being certain that if his Majesty die by the meanes, as is projected, not onely Religion, and the ancient honor of the Noble English Nation, (whereof your Lordship pretends to be the selected Champion) but your own peace of Conscience, and hope of heaven for ever, [Page 5]must die with him: for could Judas repent, after he had betraied the innocent blood? you see it was impossible: yet Iudas was an Apostle, who it is beleeved wrought more miracles in a few moneths by the Word, then your Lordship shall ever be able to do by your sword, though the yeeres of your life might be ten times doubled.
The Message of Pilates wife to her husband, in the behalf of Gods most holy Son, will be the best conclusion and advertisement to your Lordship touching his Royall Lievetenant, and your dread Soveraigne Charles: Have thou nothing to do with that just man: suffer any thing, sleeping or waking for his preservation, but let his life be the Jewell of your care, from that infallible and grounded Principle of David: Destroy him not, for who can stretch forth his hand against the Lords Anointed, and be innocent!