A PROCLAMATION Appointing the Officers and Souldiers of the Militia, to keep the diets of Rendezvous assigned to them.

CHARLES, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, De­fender of the Faith,
To [...] Macers of Our Privy Council, or Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunct­ly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting;

Forasmuch as there have lately ap­peared in Arms, and are now risen in manifest Rebellion, in some Western Shires, great numbers of persons, who have had the boldness to fight and oppose Our standing Forces: For pursuing and dissipating of which rebells, We, with advice of Our Privy Council, having issued forth several Orders to the Earl of Linlithgow, Major-General, and Commander in Chief of Our Forces, and to the Militia Forces, Horse and Foot, in divers Shires, to concur and joyn with Our Forces, as they shall be Ordered. And whereas by the second Act of the first Session of Our second Parlia­ment, and the first Act of the third Session of that same Parliament, We, and Our Estates, have, for the greater security of the publick Peace, settled a Militia in the se­veral Shires, appointed days of rendezvous, and determined the penalties of absent Officers and Souldiers, in time of Peace and War; and particularly the Out­reikers of Horse and Foot, are lyable in six Pounds Scots for the absence of ilk Horse-man, and two Pounds Scots for ilk Foot-man, each day of the rendezvous in time of Peace, and the double thereof in time of War; and the Of­ficers of the Militia, to be lyable to, and forefeit the Fynes following, viz. A Major, and a Captain of Foot, and a Lieute­nant, and Collonel of Horse fifty Pounds, and the other inferior Officers twenty four pounds, for ilk days absence, in time of War, and the half thereof in time of Peace. And albeit We doubt not, but that the whole Officers and Soldiers of Our Militia will, upon this occasion, when such a rebellious rabble do presume to appear in Arms, attack, kill and invade Our Forces, cheerfully witness their zeal for Our service and their own security, and come forth and joyn in opposition to these Rebels, as they shall receive Orders: Yet We have thought fit hereby, in pursuance of Our saids Laws and Acts of Par­liament, to intimate and make known to the whole Officers and Soldiers of the Militia, that if they, or any of them shall refuse to come out, and keep their several dayes of Rendezvous, and joyn and act with Our Forces, as they shall be required by Our Privy Council or Commander in Chief, That they shall not only be fined in the particular penalties above-exprest, without favour or defalcation; But if they shall be negligent in their duty herein, they shall be looked upon as disaffected persons, and favourers and complyers with Rebels, and pursued and punished accordingly. And We Ordain these presents to be printed, and published at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and other places needfull.

Tho. Hay, Cl. Sti. Concilii.

God save the King.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dem. 1679.

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