A Breife EPISTLE to the Learned Manasseh Ben Israel. In Answer to his, Dedicated to the PARLIAMENT.



Printed at London, 1650.

TO MY ANCIENT FRIEND William Lenthall Esquier, M r of the Rolles.


I Can, to none more justly, dedicate this little worke of mine of a few dayes production, which ayms at the conversion of the Jewes, than to you who now hold the place of M r of the Rolles, which was the Inn or [Page]Hospitall of the converted Jewes; and therefore it is fit you should take notice of the be­ginning, of their conversion: And I am assured you feare not the too sudden conversion of them, but doe much desire at; and by this little Treatise there is abundant caution given, that the converted should not be bur­densome to the State, and after your perusall of this small peece, which you approv'd as a fayre attempt towards their conversi­on, saying, there was no hurt in it, but wishing it had beene done more seriously. To which I make this reply, That Manaslehs trea­tise beeing so slight, deserved no better. And this may chance do more to their conversion than the [Page]many serious labours of very good and judicious Authours have done. As all the care and endeavour of a skilfull paynter, who desired to expresse the foame of a beast, could not at­taine unto it to satisfie himself, yet by an angry dash of his pen­cill or spunge, thereby saw a rare expression of it: So may this carelesse dosh of my pen doe somewhat, which if it may please you and good men, and bring downe their haughtinesse, I have my ayme.

Your humble servant E.S. Middlesex.

To my deare brother Manasseh Ben Israel the Hebrew Phi­losopher.

SIR, I kindly take [...] Dedication of your Booke, as one who am a Member of that House you so much honour, & your acknowledgement that we of that House do highly fa­vour your Nation; and seeing you would yet have us love you more and more, I will tell you what is the true bond of Love & the great­test obligation, even true Religion, wherein because you yet fall short, I cannot yet love you so much as I [Page 2]would, but I doe abundantly pitty you, that you yet live in darkenesse and the shadow of death, and will not entertaine that light which your Adonai and ours hath sent into the world. But what yet we have done of any glorious action, I cannot yet acknowledge, it may be I may finde it hereafter. And certainely it will be a very glorious action, if wee can convert your Nation of the Jewes to the fulnesse of true beliefe.

And indeed I beleeve we are the likelyest Nation under Heaven to doe it. For wee hate Idolatry as much as you. Nor doe we worship any graven or paynted Images. I wish both ye and many of us were as free from inward Idolatry and did not worship our owne con­ceits and vaine Imaginations. But we have some that are free from that also, and are free from Covetous­nesse which is Idolatry, I wish your Nation were so also. But I would [Page 3]not have our nation put that hard precept of Christianity upon you, that upon your conversion your goods should bee confiscated, that precept, to sell all and give to the poore, is ill administred by the Ido­latrous Roman Congregation.

Secondly, we worship that one God which you doe, whether you call him Elohim or Adonai; but wee say, that Adonai belongs to us more than you, for you shall finde in the Psalmes, that Elohim said to Adonai, which wee declare thus; The Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou on my right hand, untill I make thine enemies thy footstool: you cannot say but this is spoken of the Messias, and the filius Davidis, and hence wee collect two persons in the Trinity, which one God, Trinity in Unity, we worship, and upon this very day, which wee call Trinity Sunday, the Sunday after the comming of the Holy Ghost. And we write de tribus Elohim [Page 4]which wee can prove out of the old testament. Thirdly we acknow­ledge with you the old testament to be the word of God, and receive no other Canon of it than you doe, herein wee both disagree with the Romanist And wee ac­knowledge that God by your Na­tion hath preserved the Canon of the old testament, and wee pray you may understand it as well as wee.

Fourthly, wee keepe a sabbath as well as you, onely wee say that A­donat, being Lord of the Sabbath, changed the day; some other things there are wherein wee agree; and clearly in the whole decalogue, sa­ving that alteration of the sabbath.

Now Sir, I will shew you where­in you differ from your selfe, or fall short of the truth, and that your hopes built upon Montezint's re­lation are very fallible, and nothing so Divine or reasonable as our faith.

Your relation of Montezini is a double here [...] first of him from the Cazic Francis, and that was also from his forefathers; then from Montezini to your selfe. That from the Cazic Francis, with that caution, that Montezini should not aske him any questions, least he should make him to lie. [ p. 10.] A very doubt­full busines, whether Montezini did not aske him too many questions, or whether the Cazic being so apt to doe is, did not lye; but this upon the result must be the fullfilling of the prophesies, and induce our Parlia­ment men to kill the Kings of the earth, that Messias may reigne, and all the world may be under his governe­ment.

There are some of us apt enough to believe, that Christ shall raigne a thousand yeares, and that they shall destroy all Monarchy. They have done prettily well for three kingdoms allready in one man, [Page 6]but that your brethren the Scots call upon his sonn [...] and so will en­deavour to spoyle all the worke, but let them not follow their forefa­thers, your countreyman Iudas Iscari­ot. They have done pretty well al­ready, in so barbarously hanging his best friend, that even our men raile upon them, and so will doe still un­till they have purchased or con­quered their Sanhedrim. Have at them; Cromwell hath once con­quered them allready, for which they have given him thanks, and so may they doe againe.

But Sir, ye both well agree in pulling downe the Pope; but will you pull downe the Antichrist? The Papists say, he must be of the tribe of Dan, will you pull down your bro­ther? Ye loved Musique, your bre­thren the Scots hate all but the bag­pipes, or one of Robert VVi [...]edomes Psalmes. But Brethren of Israel, bee advised, they will have a King of [Page 7]their aun nation, have a care they prove not mongrells; they say they are Christians, not altogether Jewes, England is their land of Canaan; yet they are aswell disper­sed over all the world as yee: even to a proverbe in the German tongue. (Scotten Rotte [...]and base gelt goes all the world over.)

But ye must joyne with some of us for a thousand yeares raigne; their Nappier speakes much against it, and very rationally. Well, then ioyne with those Millenarians now or never. What though it hath been condemned for an Heresie? Origen was a good Scholler, and a good Hebrician. You have also many of the ancients, and many of our Synod men on that part. But they will have the Sonne of Mary to raigne He is not for your new Mes­sias. Well then peece up aswell as ye can, and finde some medium.

For me, and those of the true re­formed [Page 8]Religion (though we have great hopes of your conversion) yet wee must say, that by these opinions of yours, you will cause the prophe­sie to bee fulfilled, that the Messias shall come againe as a thiefe in the night For while yee loke for a glo­rious temporall King he will come out of the clouds with the sound of the trumpet to judgment. Take heede of the Valley of Jehosophat! But then indeed shall the true sonnes of Abraham reigne with him the thousand yeares of eternity. Take heede least through such wick­ed expectations yee and they thinke not the end of the world soe neere as it is, and through your want of faith and charity, yee cause not the dates to hee shortened, and that the world continue not the six thousand yeares, before the long day of eternity comes, and ye be shut out into utter darknesse.

Connder therefore the Doctrine [Page 9]of Iohn Baptist, and repent betimes, (yee have Moses and the Prophets,) and looke well to the Starre, [...] Ʋirgins Sonne, and the Branch, and see well whether he be not come already, and Flias in Saint John Baptist. Hath he not destroyed all the Idolls Temples and Oracles? Hath not hee rent the vaile of the Temple, and broken the pertition wall between Iew and Gentiles? Is not Shilo come, where is your King of Iuda? Was not Herod an Idumaean? Hath not he prepared a a heavenly kingdom for you, if you will beleeve in him? Brethren, be not so stupid to looke for an earthly kingdome. Is not the heavenly farr better? Yee believe a judgement day and a resurrection; The Sadu­ces (I hope) have no sect amongst you now, then ( see also p. 83. cap. [...]7) harken to your countrey-men, Paul and Peter, they will inter­pret the old testament better than [Page 10]you doe. Who sent Montezini to preach to you? Be not deluded with vain expectations, you and he say the time of your deliverance is con­cealed, and your people are concea­led untill that day, and beleeve me; or your owne Prophets and Nati­on, ye will still be so, untill ye come into utter darkenesse, if ye repent not, and know ye have crucified the Lord Jesus. For examine your selves in what is revealed: have not all of you a bloody issue about your bo­dies, (See the booke of the blessed Jewe of Morrocco) and doe not the Italians say, they smell a Jew before they discerne him with their eyes? Did not your forefathers say, His blood be upon us and our children? Was not his prophesie fulfilled in the destruction of your Temple, and the dispersion of the reliques of your na­tion? What plainer signes would you have? What plainer prophesies? O brethren, be not wilfully blinde.

My consent ye shall have, that you and your people shall live in Eng­land, and have meeting places to worship Adonai, but no place for sacrifices, for that were to deny Christ, as your owne Countryman, Paul hath told you. And ye shall bee allowed to expound the Old Testament, and Christians shall be admitted to heare you, and you shall admit them to teach you. And indeed, wee have yet some that are very skilfull in the Easterne tongues. You may doe well to give them good Pensions, to teach your nation, and they are so poore they had neede of it. But let me intreat you, not to endea­vour to destroy Kings, untill Christ come. You will hardly destroy the Popish Kings, and if yee destroy the Protestant, yee will cause the Papists to prevaile.

I had thought to have shewed you, the slendernesse of your [Page 12]proofes and expectations of your Earthly Monarch and Messias; but but I had rather you would consi­der the full proofes of our beliefe, and the reasonablenesse of the grounds thereof, to the helpe of your people herein. I wish reverend Doctor Hammond would put his little booke of the reasonablenesse of Christian religion into La­tin.

I like well your intention, that you will continue the history of your countrey-man Iosephus. see. P. 44.45. &c chap. 16.

I had thought heere to have made an end of my discourse with you, seeing your writing so vaine and frivolous, but truely my bow­ells yearne after your conversion, and I must say, wee Christians doe a great deale more honour your Nation than you your selves. For wee worship that country-man of yours, that sonne of of David, and [Page 13]of Mary, the Sonne of the most high God, perfect God, and per­fect man, whom you and wee cru­cified, though the eternall act of his crucifixion was done by your forefathers alone. We reverence all your progenitors, and prophets. Wee reverence our fathers in Christ of your nation, the holy Di­sciples and Apostles, who by their preaching overthrew all the vaine Gods of the gentiles, and suffered Martyrdome for the beliefe and expectation of your forefathers; they indeed raised up seed to your father Abraham, and wee are the sonns of his faith, which wee have nowe held forth almost as long as the law was held forth. Wee yet hold forth the eternall lawe of God, the Ten Commandements, though the law of ceremonies bee abrogated, by that one sacrifice of him upon the crosse, who was a Priest after the order of Melchise­dek. [Page 14]And what priests have you of the order of Aaron? You must goe looke for them, you know not where; amongst the Indians. Mon­tezini may be your guide, to bring you to the Cave of Montezint in Don Quixot. But Brother, though I could say enough farther upon this point out of the old testament and the Psalmes, yet I will leave that to ours who are more learned in the Easterne tongues.

And nowe come againe to that which is most proper for my part. The preparations for your ad­mission into England, to which, if the Parliament shall thinke fit, I shall give my directions and cau­tions.

1. First, I doubt whether we may admit you to circumcise in our land. For should wee doe it, wee should deny Christ to bee come. And yee need not alwaies doe it; for it was not done for fortie [Page 15]yeares in the wildernesse, and o­mitted for long times in your cap­tivity; and truly you doe but cru­cify Christ againe by it, in deny­ing him to be the Messias, and so do your brethren the Turkes.

Well then; will you forbeare that, if you should live amongst us? We will but desire you to for­beare it till Messias come to have an earthly kingdome, some of you say, that is to be very shortly.

2. In lieu of this, we will neither force you, nor any of your chil­dren to be christned, wee hold that an abomination; but if any of you will repent and believe, wee will christen them; but if anyfall backe, wee must punish them: and wee must tell you, the Rolles in Chancery lane is the Hospitall of the converted Jewes, and wee will make more colledges for such converts, if there be neede.

3. He that dyes a christian shall [Page 16]enjoy his whole estate, and he that dyes a Iew shall leave but a third part to his posterity, one third to the state of this land, and one third to the maintenance of converted Iews.

4. There shall be a viewe at their entrance taken of their names and circumcisions that have beene heretofore, and a Record kept con­stantly, that the circumcised may be entred, which if they neglect, they shall suffer death and confisca­tion.

5. Every yeare a search shall be made, whether any male childe be circumcised, and if done in En­gland, or the Dominions thereof, a consiscation of halfe the parents estate shall ensue. If any lew under­take to circumcise a christian, he shall suffer the paines of death and confiscation, in what Nation soever he doth it.

6. They may come of both sexes [Page 17]to christian praiers and sermons unconverted, so they behave them­selves reverently and decently. And once in the yeare, viz. on Good Fry­day or the day of Crucifixion, they shall be compelled to come, & then the names both of men, women and children to be taken, and recorded. As also the names of the converts.

7. They may well pay double cu­stome, both they and the Postnati borne in England, untill they be converted, and then to pay only single custome.

8. They shall keepe no Fraternityes or Guilds, but by speciall license, but they may dwell and trade in any part of England. No corpo­rations to be allowed but to those of the converted Iewes; & all in ge­nerall shall maintaine their owne poore.

9. None of either sex shall marry with any Christian, nor shall any [Page 18]christian marry with them, untill they be converted.

10. If they shall endeavour to raise up any of their owne nation to be their King, those that are guilty thereof shall suffer death and con­fiscation.

11. If they joyne with the Anabap­tist or Leveller to raise a Captaine Generall, such as Iohn of Leyden or Knipperdoling, they shall suffer death and consiscation.

12. They shall be subject to all o­ther lawes of the land. To these lawes the Parliament may add or diminish as they please, in relation to the government of the Iews.

And now brother Manasseb, to give you one touch more for a farewell; you know how long the world hath lasted hitherto; some say two thousand years before the law, two thousand yeares under the law, and 1650 since the lawe, this is [Page 19]the yeare of Iubilee, look for the sab­bath day of eternity, it may be the world shall not last six thousand yeares. There are five thousand six hundred and fifty passing, and there is no roome for Messias his one thousand yeares reigne upon earth. Will you hear a story I have lately heard, and I hope to make out the record better than you doe that of Montezinies.

It is thus; one of your great Rab­bins upon his death-bed, in the Low-countreyes, not many yeares since, called his people to him, and saide, Wee have long, expected our Messias, and hee doe not come in the yeare 1650. or 51. Embrace the Christians Messias, for he must needes have beene the man. And at his throne no doubt all Protestant Kings will cast downe their Crownes. Looke upon some of the psalmes, I will direct you to a [Page 20]few viz. 65. v. Psa. 66. V. Psa. 67. All the Psalme Psa. 68. For this dayes mor­ning prayer v. 1. Let God arise, and let his enemies bee scattered, let them also that hate him fly before him. Thou art gone up on high, thou hast led captivity captive, and received gifts for men: yea, even for thine enemies, that the Lord God might dwell among them. There is [...] little Benjamin their ruler, and the Princes of Juda their councell: the Princes of Zabulon, and the Princes of Napthali. Observe that your first King was a Benjamite, and observe how many of your tribes shall returne. Ascribe yee the power to God over Israell his worship and strength is in the clouds. Why will yee then have it a temporall reigne upon earth.

See the eightieth Psal. v. 14. Turn thee againe thou God of Hostes, looke downe from heavan, behold and visit this vine, v. 15. and the place of the vineyard, that thy right hand hath planted: and the branch that thou ma­dest so strong for thy selfe. v. 17. Let thy hand bee upon the man of thy right hand and upon the Sonne of man whom thou madest so strong for thine owne selfe.

Your Rabbins say, there are two Messiahs, that of ours you call Ben Joseph, But you expect Messiah Ben David. Was not ours Ben David? Looke upon the Pedegrees in Ma­thew and Luke, in the latter you shall finde Maries Pedegree, who was the right heire after her espou­sed Joseph was dead.

Behold, a Ʋirgin did conceiv and beare a Sonne; This was the Branch, and the Man of Gods right hand, and he was called Wonder­full [Page 22]and Emanuel. And often called in his life time by prophe­ticke spirits whom he cured, the the Sonne of David, nay the Di­vels themselves confessed he was the Sonne of David, and quarrelled with him, because hee came to tor­ment them before their time.

It was a wonderfull production. The Spirit of God overshadowed this Virgin, &c. Why should not that make her fruitfull, as it did the Abysse in the first of Genesis, v. 2 Ter­ra erat inanis et vacua, et tenebrae erant super faciem abyssi, & Spiritus do­mini ferebatur super aquas: There have you the third person in the Trini­ty. Et dixit Deus, fiat Lux, & facta est Lux. And as upon this incubati­on Light was made, so upon this obumbration, our faviour Christ, the true and everlasting Light, was brought forth by the holy Ghost in the shape of man. What would [Page 23]you have more? See Sylou scintil­lane, 97. pag.

To see the humblest maid with light dy­vine,
in poorest dresse so brightly shine,
In darkest wombe to hide the light,
till that his starre did shew this sight.
All this and more we wondring see
disclos'd by faith and & hope in thee.
All this and more were but to see
our God take flesh and borne of thee.
The shepheards weet harmelesse lives!
(on whose holy leasure,
waites innocence and pleasure)
Whose leaders to those pastures and
cleare Springs,
were Patriarchs, Saints and Kings.
How happened it that in the dead of night,
you only saw true light.
VVhile Palestine was fast a sleepe & lay
without one thought of day?
Was it because those first and blessed swaines
were pilgrims, on those plaines
When they receiv'd the promise, for which now
twas there first showne to you.
Perhaps some harmelesse cares for the next day
did in their bosomes play,
As where to leade their sheepe, what silent nooke
what Springs or shades to looke.
But that was all; and now with gladsom care,
they for the towne prepare.
They leave their flock, & in a busie talke
all towards Bethlem walke,
To see their soules great Shepheard who was come
to bring all straglers home.
Where now they find him out, and taught before,
that lambe of God to' adore.
That lambe whose dayes great Kings & Prophets wish'd
and long'd to see, but miss'd.
The first light they beheld was bright and gay,
and turned their night to day.
But to this later light they saw in him,
their day was darke and dim.
Sanctae & individuae Trinitati Gloria,
Gloria Deo in excelsis, in terra Pax, &c.

Praenobili Domino Edvardo Spencero Militi, [...].

Ornatissime vir,

SPem nostram de Gentis Judaicae conversione, faelici­ter expergefecisti: quam licet semper spectavimus ut certam, nunquam tamen ut propinquam: non ut opus hu­jus, sed alicujus venturi saeculi. Cum enim consideramus quot procellae, turbines, ac tempesta­tesubi (que) gentium, orbem Christi­anum [Page]mir è perturbant! quan­tilla autem spes sit remedij, aut alicujus vicinae pacis! quam omnia in praecipiti nutant! & in Catholicam ruinam cedunt! Quis Christianae fidei Atlas, aut spei Hercules tanto oneri pares praebere poterit humeros? Cum naufragio periisse visa est Cha­ritas, quis è perituris secundam tabulam admovebit Iudaeis jam clim perditis? Cum nobis non convenit inter nos, quis nostrae communionis participem dedet suam animam? Sed esto! Spes, non est nisi fit de arduis. Hebraee ausculta: Ʋir doctus, & nobilis: [...]: Genere, & Genio honorandus, rem illam ar­duam aggreditur! Quidui per di­vinum auxilium & auspicium opus hoc possibile redderetur? [Page]Heu! nimium faciles Hebraeos, se gentium idolis & superstitioni­bus olim praebuisse, testantur om­nes ad unum prophetae Israelitae. In Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum qualis, quanta, & quā obstinata durities? Adeone mu­tuari d [...]um alienum ab Ethnicis, in promptuest? Deum autem ve­strum communicare Ethnicis a­deò molestum est? Qualis est haec justitia? Crudeles Judaei, aut vo­bis aut peregrinis! Deum non vultis vestrum esse, quia noster esse dignatus est. Si haec non sit ratio Iudiaicae insaniae, Istaneces­se erit. Quod suae non divinae sa­tis factioni inhiarunt. Miserias prius quaese, quam peccata quae Deum premunt removeri sem­per placuit. Idcircò Beatum Ie­sum Bar-Mariae qui suo primo [Page]adventu Deo satisfecit potius quam Iudaeo; A Iudaeo asperna­tur. Qui peccata prius studuit tollere quam miserias nullo modo his Messiah esse poterit. Sed eli­gunt in peccatis simul & mise­rijs per multa annorum saecula inter varias gentes comminui, potius quam hanc methodum amplecti.

Sed age, Illustrissime Domine, hunc foelicem conatum proseque­re, occasionemque sapiens ut ar­ripuisti, sic faxit Deus sinem o­peris prosperè consequaris. Ita precatur, Domine,

Humilimus tuus in Christo Jesu Servus & Jesu Christi conservus N. B.


LEctor, sisve Judaeus, vel ex nobili Gentium stir­pe, non in malam par­tem acceptum erit spero. Si le­vi manu tangam quod scopus est hujus pusilli operis. Quod (prae­ter ablationem scandali ex eo quod nonnulli failè credent af­ctionem nostram esse eximiam & nimis magnam ad intro­ducendam incredulam Iudae [...] ­rum Nationem, quandoquidem maximo desiderio prosequimur illorum conversionem.) altiorem [Page]habet finem & metam, continua­tionem scilicet industriae Docto­rum nostratium, hominum, in linguis orientalibus peritorum: Et animum addere industriae eorum, ad operandum, verbo scripto (que) ejusdem Nationis con­versionem. Quandoquidem nec recté loqui eam orationem possi­mus Adveniat Regnum tuum, ni maximopere studeamus Is­raelis restaurationem, ut ita simus unicum ovile sub unico pastore Salvatore nostro Jesu Christo, qui intranubes veniet circumvallatus & circumsep­tus totis caelestium cohortibus ad judicium, & ad separatio­nem Caprorum ab Ovibus. Tunc certe nos, qui credentes [Page]sumus, maximo maerore affecti erimus, si videbimus totam istam gentem quae super terram ma­nebit, per nimiam expectatio­nem & desiderium Monarchiae terrestris caelestem illam amit­tere. Per longum abhinc tempus in usum venit in diem Crucifix­ionis preces sundere pro eorum conversione. Nunc etiam optimè actum esset si jejunium appositum opus continuaremus anniversari um, & preces funderemus. Quod faxit Deus. Ita precatur pusillus Author.

To the Reader.

REader, whether you be Jew or Gentile, I think it will not bee taken amisse that I give you a little touch of the intent of this lit­tle peece, Which besides the taking off the scandall of our too great desire of entertay­ning the unbeleeving Nation of the Jewes, and yet our ear­nest wishes of their conver­sion, hath also another aime, to continue the indu­stry of our learned men in the Easterne Tongues, and to en­courage [Page]some of them to take more paines in endeavoring that Nations Conversion by word and writing, seeing wee cannot say that Prayer, Thy kingdome come, unlesse we en­deavour the restoring of Is­rael, that wee may bee one flock under one Shepheard our Lord and Saviour Christ Ie­sus, who shall come to Judge­ment in the clouds attended with the whole hoast of Hea­ven, to separate the Goaets from the Sheepe, and we who are beleevers should bee loath to see that whole Nation, who are left upon earth at that day, by their expectation of an earthly Monarch should loose [Page]the heavenly. Therefore we have used to pray for their conversion upon the day of Crucifixion, and therefore may well fast and pray upon that day anniversarily, which that wee may all still continue is the hearty desire of the small Author

E. S.

Fratri suo spectatissimo Menasseh Ben Israel Hebraeo Philosopho. S.

DEdicationem libelli tui aequi bonique consulo Iose, pars nonnulla e­jusdem (quem tanto honore prosequeris) Confessus: nec minori studio, am­plector gratam tuam recognitio­nem, istius favoris, quo Nos ejusdem Consessus (vti dicis) vestram Gen­tem dignamur. Et quoniam vult Dominatio tua, nos indies vobis magis magisque amorem nostrum impertire: dicam tibi quid sit ve­rissimum amoris vinculum, et [Page 2]maximum ligamentum; verus sci­licet, in vera Religione consensus, et unio. Qua in re quoniam non­dum Nobis satis aut Christo feci­stis, tantū amorem vobis impertire, Mihi necdum licet, quantum a­lias facile liberet, intimisque me­dullis cupio. Sed totis visceribus genti vestrae misereor, quatenus adhuc in tenebris, et umbra mor­tis miserrimè circumvagamini: nec vultis persuaderi, Lucem illam quam Adonai tam vester, quam noster, misit in Mundum; ample­cti. Sed honorem cujusquam glo­riosae actionis, seu splendidi fa­cinoris nondum admitto, nec agnosco; amodò fortassis tale aliquid patrare, et arrogare Nobis licebit. Et certe gloriosissimus erit ille conatus, si nostrâ operâ gens vestra Iudaica conversa fuerit, et adscita in communionem, ac ple­nitudinem verae fidei.

Et sanè nullus dubito, quin Nostra Gens ex omnibus quae in toto Orbe Terrarum degunt Nationi­bus, huic operi sit maxime par, et idonea. Pari enim vobiscum idololatriam odio prosequimur; nec quemquam venerari patimur sculptile, aut pictas imagines; Utinam tam vos, quam multi è no­bisaeque immunes essemus ab I­dololatria interna; nec coleremus nostras proprias Phantasias et vanas Imaginationes. Sunt ta­mem nostri aliquot, immunes ab illis etiam malis: ficut et ab ava­ritia, quae est Idololatria vestrae (ni fallor) Gentis. Sed ipse nolim durum, istud Christianita­tis praeceptum de omnium bone­rum, venditione, & in pauperes erogatione; per Nostram Gentem vobis immitti; malè nimirum Idololatrica ista Romana Con­gregatio vos in conversione vestra [Page 4]omnium bonorum dispendio mulctavit.

Secundò eundem quem vos De­um Religìosè colimus ac venera­mur, utrum sit apud vos Elohim, aut Adonai; nos autem dicimus, Deum Adonai magis propriè ad nos, quam ad vos, pertinere: In­venietis enim in libro Psalmorum [...] quod nos inter­pretamur, dixit Iebova domino meo sede ad dextram meam: donec dispo­suero inimicos tuos in scabellum pe­dum tuorum; neque potestis negare, Messiam illum filium Davidis hic nominari; et inde colligimus duas Trinitatis Personas; quem Trin-Ʋnum Deum nos etiam hodie ve­neramur; Hodie (inquam) Do­minica est Sanctae Trinitatis; Domi­nica proximè immediata a Pen­tecoste, seu Dominica Adventus S.S. Spiritus. Et nos de Tribus Elohim tractatulos edimus, quos [Page 5]probare possumus, ex veteris Testa­menti libris. Tertiò pariter vo­biscum agnoscimus, et confitemur vetus illud Testamentum, esse ver­bum Dei; nec alium ejusdem admittimus Canonem, quàm qui vester est: et Utrique, Romanae Sectae hac in re contrariamur. Agnoscimus etiam Deum, per ve­strum populum, praeservasse illum veteris Testamenti Canonem: et enixè rogamus Deum, ut vos illud probè intelligatis, sicuti nos.

Quartò Sabbatum ita colimus vt vos, hoc tantùm dicimus, quod Adonai qui Dominus est Sabboth, five Sabbathi, mutavit diem. Sunt etiam alia quaedam de quibus in­ter nos convenit: et planè de toto Decalogo praeterquam de alterati­one Sabbathi

Nunc autem videre liceat ista, in quibus parum tibi stas, aut ve­ritati, nec tibi tecum, aut cum ve­ritate [Page 6]convenit; unde spes posita supra relationem Antonii Monte­zini vana apparebit, nec adeo divi­na, aut rationi consentanea, ut no­stra, quam respuitis, Fides.

Vestra Montezini relatio duplex est fama. Prima ipsius Montezini a Francisco Cazico tibi delata; altera à propatribus Francisco tra­dita. Ista Francisci narratio ea lege facta; modo Antonius non esset molestus, aut nimium illum roga­ret, ne illum induceret, ut falsa diceret p. 10. Rem totam reddidit dubiam; fortasse Montezinus illum nimium rogavit; et tum fortasse Cazicus (huic rei satis aptus) mentioba­tur. Sed inde concludendum est, Prophetias impletum iri, et Patri­bus nostri Parliamenti persuadere [...]aris, Reges Terrae interimere: utpote Messias regnaret, et totus orbis suo subijceretur Sceptro.

Sunt è nobis nonnulli satis facilè [Page 7]credituri Christi Regnum Ter­restre per mille Annos duraturum, & ipsos in ruinam [...] posi­tos; cui rei ut satagunt, ita pro Tri­bus Regnis in uno Capite, nimium peregerunt. At fratres è gente Sco­torum vestri hoc opus Conantur praetervertere; compellant enim filium Regis ablate: ni (quod ma­lè timeo) vestigia majorum suo­rum premant, et vestratis, Judae. Iscarictae. Quod iamdudum per­commodè fecerunt, ita inhumani­tersuspendendo, huic amicessi­mum: ut etiam nostri his convitian­tur, eo nomine; et convitiabuntur, usque dum mercede conduxerint, aut Bello devicerint Scotorum Synedrium. Bene caveant! Crum­wellus semel iam, illos perdomuit; cujus causa gratis illi habuerunt, et iterum habere possunt.

Sed Domine, Judaeis convenit cum Scotis, de deturbando Papa. [Page 8]Atquid fiet de Antichristo? Papistae illum de tribu Dan futurum asse­runt. Num vim illaturi estis fra­tri vestro? Vos melodiae et harmo­niae amatores habiti estis: Sco [...]i autem fratres vestri omnem concen­tum odio habent, praeter illum quem reddit tibia utricularis, aut aliquis è Psalmis Roberti Wisdo­mi. Sed fratres Israelitae! sapite, et circumspicite; Scoti Regem Sco­tum habebunt, cavete ne sint hy­bridae! hise Christianos prositen­tur, non prorsus Iudaeos Anglia est istorū Terra Canaan, sive promissi­onis: tamen aequè ac vos supra to­tum Mundum bene dispersi sunt, ut est in proverbio. Scotten rotten et Nummus adulterinus ubique Gentium sunt.

Vobis igitur incumbet, non­nullis nostratium adhaerere Regni mille annorum causa: Napierus, Scotiae in hoc regnum multa et [Page 9]probabilia invehitur, nunc ergo aut nunquam porrigite dextras Chiliastis, sive Millenariis; sit licet haeresis olim damnata; Origenes doctus erat, et linguae vestrae peri­tissimus, multi etiam ex Antiquis hisce partibus stetere; multi item è nostra Synodo ijsdem iam stant. Attamen Regem istius Millenarij Regni, habebunt omnes Iesum Bar Mariae; novum Messiam neu­tiquam admittent. Esto; resarcite mutuò vestras licet divisas sententi­tias, ut convenire placebit; aut me­dium exquirite.

Quantum mea interest, et illo­rum qui sunt de Ecclesiis verè reformatis (licet spem fovemu vestrae conversionis et resipiscentiaes cogimur vobis pronuntiare, Per hasce vestras perversas opiniones Prophetiam implendam praestabi­tis, Messiam ita reversurum, & venturum, vt fur necte. Dum enim [Page 10]hujus saeculi Regem splendidum speratis, Ipse descendet de nubibus, cum voce tubae ad judicium. Con­tremiscite, et cavete a valle Je­hoshaphat! tunc certè veri Abrahae filii ipsi conregnabunt, per mille annos aeternitatis. Circumspicite ne propter istiusmodi impias ex­pectationes, cùm vos tùm illi cogi­tetis finem Mundi non ita vici­num ut est: et per vestram infide­litatem, et Charitatis indigentiam, faciatis, ut decurtati sint dies illi, ne Mundus continuetur per Annos 6000, ante adventum gloriosae di­ei eternitatis; et sic vos excluda­mini in tenebras exteriores.

Considerate igitur doctrinam Johannis Baptistae, et impigrè paeni­tentiam agite; Habetis Mosen, & Prophetas, consulite Stellam, Ʋir­ginis Filium, et Ramum, et videte, num hic qui venturus erat, iam venerit necne? Et Eliiah etiam, in Ioanne [Page 11]Baptista? Nonne ruinam invexit Idolorum Templis, et silentium Oraculis? Nonne velum Templi ab ipso fissum est, in duas partes, à summo ad imum? Nonne solvit me­dium naceriae parietem, inter Iudaeos et Gentes? Nondum venit Shilo? Ubi est Rex Iudae? Fuitne Herodes Idumeus? Nonne Salva­tor noster etiam vobis Caeleste Regnum paravit, si modo in cum crederetis? Fratres, nolite stultescere, nec de Terrestri Regno diutius somniari! Nonne Caelum praestat? Uos fidem adhibetis, diei Iudicii et Resurrectioni; Saduceorum Secta, inter vos (uti spero) locumampli­us non habet, Auscultate igitur vestratibus' Paulo, et Petro, melius Mosen et Prophetas interpretan­tibus quam cuiquam è vobis.

Quis misit Mentezinum, vobis praedicatorem? Nolite ( Andaba­tarum more) errare vanis ex­pectationibus: [Page 12]Et vos et ille confite­mini, tempus illud vestrae restitutio­nis latere, imo et populum latere, donec iste dies venerit. Et crede mihi uterque latebit, donec veneritis in tenebras exteriores: & si non mihi, sal­tem credite genti vestrae, & Prophetis vestris) nisi resipiscatis et agnoscatis vosmet crucifixores domini Iesu Christi. Scrutamini enim vos ipsos in his quae manifesta sunt: Habetis vos ad unum omnes in corporibus vestris fluxū sanguinis, an non? Non­ne dicunt Itali se prius Judaeum, na­ribus sentire quam oculis? Majores vestri protulerunt haec verba, sanguis ejus super nos et super filios nostros? Nonne impleta fuit isthaec Prophe­tia in ruina vestri Templi, et dis­persionibus reliquiarum vestrae gen­tis? Quae signa manifestiora, quas clariores Prophetias quaeritis? Oh fratres, nolite Caecutire de industria.

Libenter Concederem vobis [Page 13](quod ad me attinet) inter nos et commorandi et adorandi loca; sed non sacrificandi! hoc enim es­set negare Adonai, Christum no­strum: sicut docuit vestras Paulus. Ut & licebit vobis, vetus Testamen­tum interpretari, imò & [...]hristianis vos audire; dummodo vos mutuo nostris auscultabitis: Nec desunt nobis viri in Linguis Orientatalibus valde docti, et eorum nonnulli adeò egeni & indigentes ut (quod & vos deceret) vestram gentem operis mer­cedem pensuram, docerent eas.

Sed quaeso vos, nolite ante adven­tum Messiae Regum ruinam conari; conatus enim perdifficilis erit in Reges Papistas, sin autem molire hoc placet contra Reges Protestantium nō vobis, sed Papistis, non Hierusoly­mis, sed Romae, triumphā parabitis.

Cogitavi imbecillitatem vobis, vestrorum argumentorum proposu­isse, necnon vanitatem vestrae spei, & expectationis Monarchae Terra­stris, [Page 14]& Messiae. Sed malim vos promptos, attentioni probationis nostrae fidei & ejusdem demonstra­tionibus habere, & in auxilium po­puli vestri hac in re, optarem, reve. rendum nostrum D. Hammondum libellum suum de justitia sive equitate Christianae Religionis, latino ser­mone donaret.

Intentionem tuam de continua­tione Historae vestratis Josephi, val­de probo. vide p. 44, 45 &c. c. 16.

Hic autem meis finem imposuisse mihimet proposui, tuorum abunde satur scriptorum tricis, & nugis. Sed reverà adeo amore vestri, & conversi­onis vestrae cupidus sum; ut prorsus dicam, nos Christianos majori ho­nore gentem vestram, quam vosipsi prosequimur. Nos enim colimus vestratem, filium Davidis & Mariae fi­lium Altissimi, verè Deum verè homi­nem: quem & nos & vos crucifixum reddidimus per peccata; tametsi [Page 15]actus hujus crucifixionis externus, propatribus vestris solis ascribitur. Veneramur omnes Prophetas proge­nitores vestros, veneramur item Pa­tres nostros in Christo, de gente ve­stra, Sanctos scilicet Descipulos, & Apo­stolos, cujus doctrina, omnes dij fictitij Ethnicorum eversi sunt: & quorum Martyrio, quod passi sunt, pro fide, & expectatione Patrum, se­men Patri vestro Abrahamo exer­tum est. Nos enim filij consurrexi­mus Abrahami fidei, quam fidem nobis, & mundo, nunc praetulimus, tamdiu, quamdiu ante nos, lex Mosaica a vobis praelata fuit. Et ad­huc praeferimus legem illam Dei aeternam, scilicet Decalogum, et si lex caeremoniarum per sacrificium illum vnum, ejus qui Sacerdos erat secundum ordinem Melchisedeci, a­brogata sit. Quos autem habetis vos Sacerdotes ordinis Aaronici? Quaerendi sunt vobis apud Indeos, [Page 16]aut ubi gentium nescitis! Sit Antoni­us vester deductor in antrum Monte­zini, apud D. Quixotum. Sed mi frater; etsi plura satis super hac re ex veteri Testamento, & libro Psal­morum possim dicere, tamen haec doctioribus nostris qui Linguas Ori­entales callent, relinquenda censeo.

Ac nunc redeo, ad partes quae mea propriè intersunt, praeparatio­nes (scilicet) ad vestri admissionem in Angliam. Quibus (si ita Parlia­mento visum fuerit) cautiones, & Regulas dabo.

Primùm hic haereo: utrum venia circumcisioni vestrae inter nos con­cedenda sit, necne? si daremus enim hanc vobis, nos ipsi negaremus Christum venisse. Neque vobis ne­cessario illa semper incumbit; per quadraginta annos in eremo omissa fuit: ut & per longa temporum spatia in captivitatibus vestris. Et sane vos, nihil aliud agitis, nisi Christum iterum recrucifigere dum [Page 17]negatis ipsum Messiam esse. Quod item faciunt fratres vestri Turcae.

Quaero igitur num differetis cir­cum cisiones vestras donec inter nos commorabitis? Hoc tantum peti­mus, hujus intermissionem, donec adveniat Messias cum terrestri suo regno; quod brevi futurum non­nulli èvobis audactèr dicitis.

Instar hujus hanc vobis indulgeri placet immunitatem, fine vi aut pa­na, vos et liberi vestri, ut Baptismo carere possitis. Cujus carentiam vobis fraudi esse prorsus abomina­mur. Si qui autem è vobis paeniten­tiam agetis, et credetis (ì) fidem nostram amplexi fueritis, honore et beneficio Baptismi, dignemini. Siqui autem per Apostasiam, se subduxerint, graviter plectendi sunto.

Hoc autem vobis innotuisse pla­cebit, Tabularium Archivum vulgò the Rolls in angiporto Cancellariae [Page 18]Hospitium olim Iudaeorum con­versorum fuisse. Et pluribus conversis amodò plura Collegia si ne­cesse sit instruemus

Minores Iudaei Christiani defuncti haeredes in asse erunt, seu plenam e­jus rem possidebunt, Qui Judaeus tantum (hac est) non conversus, mo­ritur, tertiam tantùm partem rei suae posteris relinquet: alteram reipub­licae: postremam denique in alimo­nium supradictorum Collegiorum.

Ad introitum vestrum per exa­men lustrari placet, & in catalo­gum digerere nomina circumciso­rum antehac, & Album servari vbi denuò circumcidendorum nomina scribantur. Quod siqui neglexerint & morte & confiscatione mulcta­buntur.

Singulis quoque annis Jnquisiti­onem fieri placet, de liberis mari­bus, circumcisi sint necne? si ita! num res peracta fuerit in Anglia, [Page 19]aut locis quae sunt Anglicanae diti­onis? & inde pars altera totius rei parentis infiscum eat.

Siquis Judaeus praesumeret cir­cumcidere Christianum, ubicunque gentium factum fuerit scelus hoc, paenas mortis & confiscationis luito.

Vtriusque sexus Judaei etiam non­dum conversi ad conciones Christi­anorum, venire si placet, possint, mo­do illic honeste & benè se gesserint. Semel autemin anno jubeantur, imo cogantur convenire, viz. Die Passionis dominicae quando nomina virorum, faeminarum & liberorum scribentur in Album, vt & nomina converso­rum.

Duplex vectigal bene solvere pos­sint, & hi et in Anglia postnati ante conversionem, scilicet post autem simplex soluturi Fratrics, nullas & Sodali [...]ia nulla habebunt sine speci­ali permissu & licentia, & habitare & [Page 20]commercia tractare quibuslibet Angliae locis licebit.

Corpora quod ajunt Communia nullis nisi conversis Judaeis conce­denda sint & omnes in communi proprios alant pauperes.

Nullus Iudaeus ducet Christia­nam, nullus Chrisflianus Judaeā ante conversionem, nec vicissim, nubert.

Si molientur quenquam è suagen­te in regem sibi constituere, mortis & confiscationis poenas luant quicun­que hujus criminis rei sunt.

Si foedera ferient cum Annabap­tistis aut Aequifaratoribus Impera­torem, aut [...] constituere similem Joanni Lugdunensi, aut qualis crat Knipperdolling, mortis & confiscationis paenas subeunto.

Omnibus caeteris teriae legibus se subdant, ijs item legibus quas pla­cebit Parlamento addere, aut qui­bus detrahere, pro eorum placitis in ordine ad Judaeorum temperatio­nem.

Nunc autem frater Manasse, pri­u quam tibi valedicam, hoc unum addere liceat, Probe nosti aetatem Mundi usque adhuc. Quidam com­putant duo millia annorum ante le­gem latam: duo millia sub lege, & mille sexcentos quinqu aginta à Christo nato. Hic annus est Iubilaeus Sabathum nunc expecta aeternitatis Fieri potest mundum per sex millia annorum non ducraturum esse A mundi Cre­atione anni 5410. secundū aeram tu­am praetericrunt. Quis locus igitur, milleannis terrestri Messiae regno? Li­betaudire narrationem nuperrime receptam è meliore, uti spero, origi­ne, quam illa tua Montezint? haec est.

Quidam vestras Rabbimus jam moribundus suos sibi advocatos (inter Belgas non multis abhinc an­nis) sic alloquitur. Valde diu expecta­vimus nostrum Messiam; & si non ve­nerit ante annos 1650. aut 51. pe­ractos, amplecti vobis suadeo Christia­norum [Page 22]Messiam necesse est ut ipse sit [...]. Et ante ejus Thronum, procul dubiò, omnes Protestantium Reges Coronas suas mittere aut ab­jicere parati erunt. Consule, si placet, aliquot Psalmos, quorum nonnullos tibi indigitabo, viz. Psal. 65. v. 2. 5. 7. 8. 13. Psal. 66. v. 1, 2, 3, 6. Psal. 67. per totum Psal. 68. Hujus diei matutinis lectioni­bus proportionatum, v. 1. Fxurgat Deus, & dissipentur inimici ejus, & fugiant qui oderunt eum, à facie ejus, &c. 2.3.4 Ascendisti in altum, cepisti cap­tivitatem, accepisti dona in hominibus; etenim non credentes, inhabitare Do­minum Deum, &c. ver. 19 Ibi Benjamin parvus, & do­minatur corum; Principes Jehudae, & caetus eorum: Principes Zebulunis, Principes Naphthali. Attende ut primus Rex suit è Tribu Benjamin; Attende item quot Tribus rever­tentur. [Page 32] v. Tribuite robur Deo, cujus excellentia est super Israelem, & cujus robur in supe­rioribus nubibus. Quid amplius ani­litèr desipitis circa ejus in terris temporale regnum. Consule Psal. 80. v. 14. Deus exercituum, revertere jam, intuere è caelis, & respice, ac vi­sita vitem hanc. ver. 15. Et surculum quem plantaverat dextra tua; id (que) propter filium quem fortificasti tibi. ver. 18. Adsit manus tua viro dextrae tuae, filio hominis quem fortificasti tibi.

Dicunt Rabbini duos esse, qui Mes­siae nomen subeunt; alterum Chri­stianum, quem vocant Ben Joseph; al­terum quem ipsi expectant Messiam, Ben David. Nonnè noster fuit etiam Ben David? Consule Genealogias secundum Matthaeum, & Lucam; po­steriori enim invenies Mariae paren­telam, quae post Josephum conjugem, proxima erat haeres.

Ecce virgo concepit, & peperit fi­lium! Hic erat ille Ramus & vir dex­tra Dei; cui nomen erat Admirabilis, & Immanuel. Saepius etiam à spi­ritibus propheticis quos sanavit no­minatus filius Davidis dum vixit in terris. Imò ipsi Daemones hunc confitentur filium Davidis, & que­rebantur illum venisse ante tempus in corum cruciatum.

Mira plane erat illa productio. Spiritus Dei obumbravit hanc vir­ginem, &c. Quidni autem redderet illam sic gravidam, ut etiam reddi­dit abyssum primo Geneseos, ver. 2. Terra erat inanis & vacua, & [...]ene­brae erant super faciem abyssi, & spi­ritus Dei ferebatur super aquas. Ecce tibi tertia S.S. Trinitatis persona. Et dixit Deus, fiat lux, & facta est lux. Et quomodo ex hac incubatione lux producebatur, eodem modo ex hac etiam obumbratione, Sal­vator noster Christus vera & aeter­na [Page 24]lux concipiebatur de Sipirt [...] Sancto in forma hominis. Qui [...] amplius moramini aut deside­ratis?

Sanctae & individuae Trini­tati Gloria.
Gloria Deo in excelsis, & in Terra Pax, &c.


PAg. 1. l. 1 for your r. the, p. 8. l. 7. for loke r looke. p. 9. l. 10 for pertition r. patition p. 13. l. 4. for eternall r externall. p. 19. l. 17. for and he. r. and if he. p. 20. l. 14. dele a. p. 23. l. 1. dele See Sylex &c. & adde l. 12.


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