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Appointing a Rendezvous of the Militia-Regiments in several Shires, & calling out the Heretors, &c.
JAMES by the Grace of GOD, King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, To Our Lyon King at Arms, and his Brethren Heraulds, Macers of Our Privy Council, Pursevants, Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially Constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch, as by the Thirty second Act of Our First Parliament, We were Graciously pleased, for the Ease of Our People, to Discharge the ordinary Rendezvouzes of Our established Militia, during Our Royal Pleasure. And now We having thought fit for the Good of Our Service, and Security of Our Royal Government, that the Foot-Regiments of Our Militia of the Town of Edinburgh, Mid, East and West-Lothians, Fife and Kinross, Perth, Stirling, Mers and Forfar, should be Rendezvouzed, at the Times, and Places, and under the Commanders after-mentioned: Therefore We with Advice of Our Privy Council, Do hereby strictly Require and Command, that all Persons lyable in Outriek of the said Militia-Foot Regiments, in the foresaid Shires, do peremptorly send out their respective Proportions, as formerly, with their best Arms, and with Fourty Eight Hours Provision, viz. The Regiment of Our Good Town of Edinburgh, at the Links of Leith, upon Tuesday next, the 25 Instant, at Ten a Clock in the Forenoon, under the Command of the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, and in his Absence, under the Command of the first Baillie; The Regiment of Mid-Lothian, at the said Time and Place, under the Command of the Earl of Lauderdale; The Regiment of East-Lothian, the said Time, at the Burgh of Haddingtoun, under the Command of Sir James Hay of Linplum; The Regiment of-West- Lothian, the said Time, at the Burgh of Linlithgow, under the Command of the Earl of Linlithgow, Our Justice General; The East Regiment of Fife, at the Town of Levin, the said Day and Time, under the Command of the Earl of Belcarras; The West-Regiment of that Shire, upon Wednesday thereafter, the 26 Instant, the said Time, at the Burgh of Kirkcaldie, under the Command of the said Earl of Belcarras; The Regiment of Stirling-shire, at Sauchenfoord, the 25 Instant, at the above-written Hour, under the Command of the Earl of Callendar; The Regiment of Berwick-shire, the foresaid Time, at the Town of Dunce, under the Command of the Earl of Hume; The Regiment of Forfar, at the Burgh of Forfar, the said Day and Time, under the Command of the Earl of Strathmore; The West Regiment of Perth-shire, at Auchterardor, the foresaid time, under the Command of Sir John Drummond of Machany, or in his absence, James Grahame of Urchle; And the East Regiment of that Shire, at the same time, at the Inch of St. Johnstoun, under the Command of the Marquess of Athole, Lord Privy-Seal, or whom he shall appoint: And Ordains the saids Regiments to continue in the respective places above-written, in a Body, for the space of 48 hours: In which time they are to receive further Orders from Us, or Our Privy Council. Hereby strictly Charging and Commanding all Heretors, Liferenters, Leaders, and others, any manner of way lyable in Out-reik of the said Regiments, to give punctual obedience to this Our Royal Will and Pleasure, under the pains contained in the Acts of Parliament anent Our Militia: Requiring also the saids persons now nominat by Us, to send in exact Accounts from their said first Meeting, to Our Chancellor, what Commissionar Officers are wanting in their respective Regiments, that We may supply the same, as in Our Royal Wisdom We shall think fit; Hereby likewise Requiring and Commanding all persons, whether Officers or Souldiers of the saids Regiments, to give cheerful obedience to those intrusted by Us in this Command, and that as they will be answerable at their highest peril, And appoints and Commands the respective Sheriffs and their Deputs, to cause prepare Beacons at North-berwick-law, Gairlntoun-hill, St. Abbs-Head, Coldinghame-Moor, Arthures-Seat, Dininicker-law, Kellie-law, Largo-law, Easter-Lowmont in Fife, and the Bass; upon which places the respective Sheriffs are hereby ordered to cause kindle Beacons, how soon they see any considerable number of Ships appearing on the Coasts of this Kingdom. And strictly Requires and Commands all Fencible Persons, Our Leidges in the saids bounds, betwixt Sixty and Sixteen, in their best Arms, to repair to the respective places appointed for the Rendezvous of the said Shires, and that immediatly upon their having notice of the Firing of the saids Beacons, or either of them. And likewise hereby Requiring all Heretors, Liferenters, and Wodsetters, to be ready with their best Horses and Arms, to attend Our Host, whenever they shall be requi [...]d tereto, and that under the Pains and Pe [...]alties contained in the Acts of Parliament anent Absents from Our Host. And to the end Our Royal Pleasure in the Premisses may be made publick and known, Our Will is, and We Charge you strictly and Command, that incontinent, these Our Letters [...]een, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and whole remanent Mercat-Crosses of the Head-Burghs of the Shires of this Kingdom, and other places needful, and there in Our Name and Authority, by open Proclamation, make Publication of Our Royal Pleasure in the Premisses. And recommends to the Most Reverend the Arch-Bishops, and Right Reverend Bishops, to caus read this Our Royal Proclamation in all the Pulpits of this Kingdom, upon the first next Lords Day, in the Forenoon, immediatly after Divine Service, that none pretend Ignorance.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Prin [...]r to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom. 1688.