THe Lords of His Majesties Privy Council considering, that since the Reformation and Establishment of the Protestant Religion within this Kingdom, many desperate Plots and Conspiracies have been hatch'd, and incessantly prosecuted by the Emissaries of the Pope and his Councils, to the hazard of the undermining of that glorious and blessed Structure, where-thorough not only many simple and ignorant people have been deluded and withdrawn from their holy Profession, and those principles of truth wherein they were bred and educat: But the Pillars and Foundations of Alleagiance and Obedience to the Supream Authority and Laws have been sore shaken, by saying and hearing of Mess, resseting of Iesuits and Seminary Priests, trafficking and perverting unstable souls, and setling of Superiours and other Officers depending upon the Romish Hierarchy; by whose council and conduct, they might propagate their rebellious Principles and erronious Doctrines, which in all probability had prevailed to the great hazard of Religion, Monarchical Government, and the Peace of the Kingdom, if, by the wholsome Laws and Statutes, and pious care and endeavours of His Majesty and His Royal Ancestors, the same had not been prevented. And being informed, that notwithstanding of the late Act of this current Parliament solemnly published against Papists, Priests, and Iesuits; whereby His Majesty, to witness His Royal care of, and zeal for, the Protestant Religion, with consent of the Estates of Parliament, did command and charge all and sundry Iesuits, Priests and Trafficking Papists, to depart this Kingdom within a moneth after the publication thereof; and discharged all His Subjects to resset, supply, entertain, furnish meat or drink, or keep correspondence with any of the foresaids persons, under the pains contained in that and other former Acts of Parliament, which during the late troubles have not been put in execution against the contraveeners: Yet divers persons have come into this Kingdom with Instructions, Popish Books and Writings, and Priests Vestments, for prosecution of these abominable Practices; who (finding themselves now mightily disappointed of that great increase of their numbers and advancement of their designs, whereof they had great hopes from the late horrid confusions, introduced into Church and State by Sectaries) do again adventure to trace their old steps, and to imbroil that Order and Government restored to us by Almighty GOD. Therefore they command and charge all His Majesties Subjects of whatsoever quality or degree, to observe and obey the foresaid Act of Parliament, and all other Acts made against Priests, Iesuits and Trafficking Papists; with certification if they do otherwayes, the whole pains therein contained shall be inflicted without mercy. And ordains all Sheriffs of Shires and their Deputes, Magistrates of Burghs and other Iudges, and all Ministers of the Gospel within their respective bounds and jurisdictions, to make exact enquiry after the offenders, and to apprehend their persons and secure them in the next Prison, and immediately to give notice thereof to the Privy Council: As also, to send in yearly to the Lords of the Privy Council, a List of such persons as are known or suspected to be Papists, and to seize on all Popish Books, Writings, Commissions or Instructions, and others belonging to them which they can apprehend, conform to the hundred and ninety fourth Act of the thirteenth Parliament of King James the sixth, and other Acts and Statutes of Parliament and Privy Council made thereanent in all points, as they will be answerable under all highest pain. And ordains these presents to be forthwith printed, and published at the Mercat Crosses of Edinburgh and of all other head Burghs of the Shires, that none may pretend ignorance.
EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1661.