ACT In favours of these of the Scots Nation in Konigsberg, for a Voluntar Collection.
ANent the Petition given in to the Lords of His Majestie's Privy Council, by the Ministers, and Elders, Commissioners appointed by the late General Assembly: Shewing, That where an Address directed to the General Assembly of the Church of SCOTLAND, or in their absence to their Commissioners, from these of the Scots Nation, Residing in Konigsberg in Prussia, with the Ministers and Elders of the Reformed Church there, hath been presented to the Petitioners, by Mr. Francis Hay their Deputy, Earnestly Craving the Assistance of the Churches of this Kingdom, for helping them to carry on the Building of the Fabrick of a Church, which they have obtained the Liberty to Build, by the Favour of the PRINCE ELECTOR of Brandenburg, as the said Address produced with the said Petition bears; And seing that the said Work appears to be Good and Necessary, and that the Petitioners are indeed sensible of the great and particular Obligation lyes upon them, to give their Country-Men in that place, all Assistance in their Power, which they conceive can only be done by their Lordships Interposing of their Authority, for a free and voluntar Collection, to be made through the whole Churches and Paroches of this Kingdom, and that in the way and manner that may prove most effectual. And therefore, Humbly craving to the effect under-written, as the said Petition bears, The saids Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, having considered this Petition given in to them by the above Ministers and Elders Commissioners appointed by the late General Assembly, with the Request of the Scots Nation in Konigsberg, to the General Assembly of this Church, or their Commissioners mentioned therein, and produced therewith, They do hereby allow, a general Collection to be made through the haill Churches and Paroches of this Kingdom, for promoving of the said Work, of Building a Church at Konigsberg, for these of the Reformed Religion; And that it may be the more effectual: The saids Lords do hereby allow the Respective Presbytries and Ministers concerned, either to make the said Collection, at their Kirk Doors, or by the Ministers, Elders and Deacons from House to House, as they shall think most Expedient, And to Intimate the said Collection upon such Days, as they shall think most fit for that Effect. Extracted by Me.
Here follows the Address of these of the Scots Nation, and others of the true Reformed Religion, residing in Konigsberg in Prussia.
To the Venerable General Assembly of the Church of SCOTLAND, or in their absence, To the Reverend Commissioners of the Church, Deputed by them.
The Humble and Earnest REQUEST, of those of the Scots Nation resideing in Konigsberg in Prussia; Together with the Reverend Ministers and Elders of the Reformed Church there, whereof they are Members,
THAT whereas, in the Providence of GOD, Our Lot is cast in this Place of the World, We, by the Blessing of GOD, and under the Protection of the Prince Elector of BRANDENBƲRG, have hitherto had the Ordinances of the Gospel Dispensed to Us, in an Hall of the Prince Elector's Palace here; all the Churches in the City being Lutheran, except one Popish. But now finding, that by the Goodness of GOD, Our Number is so encreased, that the aforesaid Hall cannot conveniently contain Us; Considering what Hazard, We, or Our Posterity might be in, of being deprived of any Place for Publick Worship, if any sad Change (which GOD prevent) should [Page]happen, through the death of Pious Princes, and the Succession of others of another Persuasion, as hath lately happened in the Palatinate, and Silesia. Upon these Considerations, We have, (with the Countenance, and by the Advice of Our Gracious Prince Elector) Resolved to Build a Publick Church in this City, the Prince Elector having prevailed with the Three Estates of this Land, to give their Consent, that Four Churches may be Erected in Prussia, for those of the Reformed Religion, and one of these Four to be in this City, which was not obtained without Difficulty, the Body of the Land being Lutheran, We have, upon Our own Charges, with the Assistance of some Friends, begun the Building, and brought it considerably foreward. But considering what is yet required, for perfecting of the VVork, (The way of Building here, being so costly, which we cannot shun, unless VVe would expose Our selves, and Our Religion to Contempt) We find it above our Power, without Assistance from others, who wish well to the Church of Christ; And to whose Door can We with more confidence come for Help, than to Yours, the Representative of Our Mother Church, where most of Us had Our Original?
We do therefore, in the Bowels of Our Common LORD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, earnestly entreat, You may please to lay Your selves forth, for procureing some considerable Assistance, from the Churches in that Kingdom, that this Good Work may not die in the Birth, (which Our and Your Enemies would gladly see) but may be brought to Perfection; and it is not a small thing will do it. We leave the Method, for Raising and Collecting it, to Your Discretion. We have Authorized and Commissionated two Faithful and Worthy Friends, Mr. Charles Ramsay, and Mr. Francis Hay Merchants here, to receive from You, what the Piety and Charity of Your Church will bestow upon this Great and Good Work. We hope We need not use Arguments, to urge Our Request; the advanceing, yea the standing of the Reformed Interest, amongst Enemies in this Place; the Comfort of Us Your Countrey-men here; the Edification also, of many Merchants and Seamen, which Yearly from Scotland do frequent this Place, do call aloud for this.
And for Your further Information, about this Matter, VVe have desired the Reverend Mr. James Brown now Minister at Rotterdam, who knoweth Our Circumstances well (having for several Years, in the time of Persecution, laboured in the Gospel amongst Us, and that not without Success, Blessed be GOD) more fully to Inform You of the Expediency, yea of the Necessity of this Good VVork.
This only, without boasting, VVe presume to add, that there are several VVorthy Persons, both of Gentlemen, Ministers, and others in Scotland, (though some of them are fallen asleep) who, from their Experience, can testifie, how ready We were, to Our Power, to be assistant to suffering Persons, in the time of Your Dispersion; And now, when the LORD hath graciously restored You to Your former Priviledges, We are confident, You will readily open Your Ears, to this Our Necessary and Earnest Request.
Finally, As we desire, that CHRIST'S CHƲRCH may Flourish every where; so particularly, Our Earnest Request daily to GOD is, that the Glory of the former Temple in SCOTLAND, may not only be restored; But also, that the Glory of the second Temple there, may exceed the first.
- Didericus Farver V. D. M.
- Johannes Wilh. Cochius Serenis. Elect. Brandenb. a Sacris.
- Silvester Lursenius Eccles. Ibid.
- Frideric Adams.
- Thomas Hervie Senior.
- Daniel Gemnig.
- Paul Sievers.
- Edward Collins Senior.
- Jacob Kiuck.
- Gottfriedt Sturmm.
Here followeth the ACT Of the Provincial Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, for a General Collection for the building of a Church, to the Scots Reformed Protestants, and others in the City of Konigsberg in Prussia.
THE Provincial Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, taking into their Consideration, the Act of the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, of the date the fifteenth day of April last bypast; Whereby they allow a General Collection to be made through the whole Churches and Parishes of this Kingdom, for promoving the Building of a Church at Konigsberg in Prussia, for Our Countrey-men, and others of the same Reformed Religion with Us. And to the end that it may be the more Effectual, allowing the respective Ministers and Presbytries concerned, to make the said Collection either at their Church-doors, or by the Ministers, Elders and Deacons, from House to House, as they shall think most expedient, and to intimat the said Collection, on such days as they shall think fit, for that effect; as the said Act more fully bears. And having also considered the Address, made by these of this Nation, residing in the said City of Konigsberg, with the Reverend Ministers, and Elders of the Reformed Church there, directed to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, or their Commissioners, with the Petition thereupon presented by the said Commissioners, to the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, which were the Grounds of the foresaid Act: Whereby it manifestly appears, that the promoving of the Building of the said Church, is a most necessary Work, for the preserving and advancing of the Interest of the true Reformed Religion in these Parts; And likeways a Duty, whereunto all that sincerely love the Protestant Religion within this Kingdom, are obliedged, both on the account of their Countreymen and Brethren in these Parts; And also, of that Christian and kindly Sympathie, that they have constantly Expressed towards the Church of Scotland, even in its greatest Calamities: Do therefore most seriously recommend it to every Minister, within the foresaid Province of Lothian and Tweeddale, to cause gather the said Collection, either at their Church-doors, or by the Ministers, Elders and Deacons, from House to House, as they shall judge most effectual, at any time or day they shall think fit to appoint and intimate, betwixt and the fifteenth day of July next to come, and that for Parishes Vacand, as well as these Planted, of which the respective Presbytries are to take particular care; And what shall be brought in by the foresaid Collection, be immediatly delivered, either by the Ministers of the several Parishes, or by the Moderator of the Presbytrie of the Bounds, to Mr. Francis Hay Factor appointed by the foresaid Reformed Church in Konigsberg, or to his Sub-factors, on their Receipts, or otherways that the same be sent to Mr. John Blair agent for the Kirk, at his House in Edinburgh; and that every Presbytrie within the Bounds of the said Synod, draw up and have the Report of their Diligence ready, against the first Tuesday of August next, for the said Commissioners of the Assembly, who are then to meet. And this Collection is again recommended by the foresaid Synod, to all Ministers, Elders, Deacons, and other good Protestants within their Bounds, with all seriousness, as they would approve themselves to be sincere Lovers of the true Reformed Protestant Religion, and of their Brethren and Countrey-men, both before GOD and Men. Extracted forth of the Records of the said Provincial Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, by
ACT and Recommendation, Concerning a Collection, for helping to Build a Church in Konigsberg in Prussia, in pursuance of the Act of His Majestie's Privy Council.
WE the Ministers and Elders Commissioners appointed by the late General Assembly of this National Church of Scotland, Considering that upon an Address, made by these of the Reformed Religion in Konigsberg in Prussia to the said General Assembly, or Us their Commissioners, We did apply to the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, on their behalf, and that it pleased their Lordships, to allow a publick Collection, through all the Churches and Parishes of this Kingdom, for promoving the Building of a Church, for these of the Reformed Religion in Konigsberg, We the saids Commissioners of the General Assembly, Do therefore Judge it our Duty, for promoving so Good, Necessary and Charitable a Work, to represent to all Ministers, and all who sincerely love the Protestant Reformed Religion, the Grounds and Motives contained in the said Address, and that the same are confirmed by diverse Letters from Ministers Abroad, and good Information from Persons of good Credite at home; as also that our Bretheren in that place did express a great Sympathy with, and contributed Liberally for the support of diverse of this Church and Kingdom, in the time of their late Distress and Calamity Abroad, all which did move the Lords of His Majestie's Privy Council to allow a publick Collection for this good Work: As also, the Provincial Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale, by their Act Dated the 5 day of May instant, did Cordially and Unanimously Recommend this Collection within their Bounds: Therefore We the saids Commissioners appointed by the late General Assembly Unanimously did and hereby do most seriously and earnestly Recommend this Collection for so Charitable, Pious, and Necessary a VVork, to all Ministers, Elders and Deacons, and other good Protestants within this Kingdom, for though we are sensible, it is a strait time with many, yet the VVork being necessary and of great concern, we cannot but again Recommend it to every Minister within this Kingdom, that according to the Act of His Majestie's Privy Council thereanent, they cause gather the said Collection, either at their Church Doors, or by the Minister, Elders, and Deacons, from House to House, as they shall judge most effectual, and that they make Intimation thereof, on a Sabbath before the Collection be made, and that this be perfected once before the 15 of July next to come, and we Recommend to the Respective Presbytries of this Church, to take care this be done in the Parishes Vacant, as well as in these that are planted; And we humbly entreat the Magistrates of the Respective Bounds, to promove this Charitable Work in all Parishes without Exception; and it is desired that what shall be Collected, be with due Care and Diligence delivered to Mr. Francis Hay Commissionated by our Bretheren in Konigsberg for that effect, or to his Sub-Factors on their Receipts, or otherways that the same be sent to Mr. John Blair Agent for this Church at his House in Edinburgh, and that a Report of Diligence herein be sent by each Presbytry betwixt and the first Tuesday of August next to come, to us the saids Commissioners of the General Assembly, who are to meet at Edinburgh at that time: And Lastly, We do seriously Recommend this Charitable Work to all good Protestants within this Kingdom, as they would approve themselves to be sincere Lovers of the True Reformed Protestant Religion, and of their Bretheren and Country-men, both before God and Men. This is Signed in Name, and at the Command of Us the saids Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly, By
- Mr. George Meldrum Modr. Com.
- Mr. John Moncrief Cls. Com.
EDINBƲRGH, Printed by George Mosman, in the Year, 1697.