ACT Against Tumults and Disorders in Colledges and Ʋniversities.
THe Lords of Their Majesties Privy Council, Ordains the Act of Privy Council of the Date the ninth day of March last, against Tumults and other Disorders of Students in Colledges, whereof the Tenor follows: At Edinburgh, the ninth day of March, one thousand six hundred and ninety three years. The Lords of Their Majesties Privy Council taking to their Consideration the Tumults and Disorders which frequently fall out amongst, and are committed by the Students within the several Colledges and Universities within this Kingdom, and having considered the Report of a Committee of their own Number, appointed in this matter. The saids Lords for preventing of any Tumults or other Disorders in any of the saids Colledges and Universities for the future, Do hereby Authorize and Impower the several Principals, Regents & Masters of the saids Colledges respective, in case it shall happen hereafter any of the Students of any of the Colledges above-mentioned, to commit, or be guilty of any Tumults, or other enormous Disorders, against the quiet & good Government of the saids Colledges; to impose and exact Fines from such as they shall find guilty, not exceeding the respective Rates and Proportions after-mentioned, viz. For a Nobleman, or his eldest Son, an hundred and fifty Pounds Scots, for Noblemens younger Sons, or Barons, themselves, or their eldest Sons, an hundred Pounds, for the younger Sons of Barons or Gentlemen, and for the Sons of Burgesses fifty Pounds; and for the Sons of Crafts-men or Yeamen fifty Merks Scots, and that by and attour the Reparation of Damnages: And the said Lords do hereby require and Command the Magistrats of the respective Burghs, where the saids Colledges are kept, to interpose their Authority to the Sentence of the saids Masters, and to give them their Assistance in executing the same, by Imprisonment, if need be [...]; and allows and appoints the Sums that shall be exacted for Fines, in manner, and for the Causes above-mentioned, to be applyed for the use of the several Bibliothecks of the saids Colledges. And the saids Lords having reviewed an Act of Council, of the date the first day of February, one thousand six hundred and seventy two years, prohibiting one Colledge to receive any Schollar from another Colledge: They do restrict the same to such Schollars only as have been removed for Misdemeanors, or have fled from Discipline.
To be Printed and Published at the Mercat-Crosses of Edinburgh, New and Old Aberdenes, Saint Andrews and Glasgow, and likewise to be publickly Read before the Students, in the Common Schools, or Publick-Halls of all the Universities and Colledges within this Kingdom, and printed Copies thereof to be affixed upon the Doors of the saids Ʋniversities and Colledges. Extracted by me
Edinburgh, Printed by the Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printers to Their Most Excellent Majesties, Anno DOM. 1694.