A true Copie of the Letter from the Committee and Estates of the PARLIAMENT of SCOTLAND; Inviting His Highnesse the Prince of WALES, to come and remaine in SCOTLAND, or with the Scotch Army, now in ENGLAND.
AMongst all the Calamities, and miseries which this Nation these late yeares hath wrastled under, none doth more deeply wound and afflict us: (next to His Majesty your Royall Father his present sad condition and restraint) then your Highnesse long absence from this Kingdom, whereunto by Gods mercy and a long discent from your many Royall Progenitors, your right and title is so just and unquestionable, and seeing the forces of this Kingdome, are now againe in England, in pursuance of their duty to Religion, and His Majesties Rescue, Wee the Committee and Estates of Parliament intrusted by them with managing the publique affaires of this Kingdome under His Maiesties government, do presume humbly begg: That your Highnesse would be pleased to honor and countenance with your presence and assistance, our Pious and Loyall endeavours for Religion and your Royall Fathers Re-establishment upon his Throne, with all your just power: Which we look upon as the most eminent and hopefull means of strengthning and uniting us in this great work, being confident that if it shall please God to honor us with being instrumentall in His Majesties rescue, that your Hignesse will effectually apply your self, to procure from him just satisfaction to the desires of Parliaments, and those intrusted by them in both his Kingdomes. And if your Highnesse shall be pleased to grant these our humble desires and intrust your Person amongst us, We doe ingage the publique faith of this Kingdome for your being in honour, freedome, and safety: during your aboad with us, in Scotland, or with our Army or Forces now in England, and that your Highnesse shall have a free and entire liberty to remove from us when, or whither your Highnesse shall think fit.
These our humble desires we have presumed to offer to your Hignesse by the Right Honourable the Earle of Lauderdaile a person of great Honor and Loyalty, who hath been eminently Instrumentall and usefull in this present engagement, who is fully instructed and Authorized by us in every thing concerning this service, to whom we beg your Highnes would be pleased to give trust to all shall be by Him presented to you: From
- Crawford,
- Lindsay.