PAPERS LATELY Delivered in to the Honorable Houses OF PARLIAMENT BY THE COMMISSIONERS of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND, Concerning The Proceedings of the Scotish Army, And their Intentions.

Published according to Order.

LONDON: Printed for Laurence Chapman. June 9. 1646.

Right Honorable,

VVEE are desired by the Committee of Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland residing with the Scotish Army, to communicate to the Honorable Hou­ses the Letters and Papers herewith presented; wherein it will appear, how careful they have been in exhorting His Maje­sty to give satisfaction to the joynt desires of both Kingdoms, without medling in any Propositions of Peace; They have also renewed their desires for advice from hence, and do earnestly entreat, That Commissioners may be sent from both Houses to joyn with them, and to be witnesses of all their actions, wherein they endeavor nothing more, then that they may be such as may give equal satisfaction to both the Kingdoms.

We are further desired to acquaint their Lord­ships with the particulars of a Letter written by Co­lonel Poyntz to Lieut. Gen: David Lesly, wherein he doth require, That if he had any forces about Rippon, he retire them to some other place; And if he had appointed any more to come thither, that he recall his Orders; all which he advised him speedily to perform, as he would evidence to the world, that the intention of the coming of the Scotish Army into this Kingdom, was to pursue the common Enemy, and not to be troublesome or encroach upon their [Page 4]Friends. To which Lieut. General Lesly returned a civil Answer, shewing him, That his commands should be obeyed; and accordingly did forthwith withdraw his Forces from those parts, being desi­rous, according to the directions given unto him, to avoid all occasions of difference and contest: Upon consideration whereof, It is their earnest desire, That as directions are given by them to all the Offi­cers of the Scotish Army, so the Honorable Houses would be pleased to give Order to the Commanders of their Forces in those parts to forbear all pro­voking expressions, speeches or actions, which may give just cause of offence. And for preventing all disorders and inconveniences, they do earnestly en­treat, That Directions may be speedily sent to the Committee at York to appoint them Quarters, that a considerable Supply of Money may be sent unto them, now, after so much want, and so long suffer­ing; which desires being so reasonable, and so often renewed, we are perswaded the Honorable Houses will take them into their serious consideration, and return a speedy and satisfactory Answer. We re­main

Your Lordships affectionate Friends and humble Servants, Lauderdail, A: Johnston, Cha: Erskin, Hugh Kenedy, Robert Barcley.
25 May. 1646.

For the Right Honorable, The Speaker of the House of Peers pro tempore, to be communicated to both Houses Par­liament.

May 25. 1646.


If the sending of Supplies to the Scotish Army, and the giving order for their Quarters were a matter of small consequence, or could without very great prejudice suffer a delay, we would be very loath so frequently to trouble the Honorable Houses about that particular. But when we consider the ex­ceeding great wants of that Army, and the insup­portable burthen that lyes upon the Counties where they do now reside, by reason no moneys are paid to the army, wherewith they may discharge their quar­ters, from whence many dangerous inconveniences and sad evils must needs follow, as may appear by the Letters from the Committee at York, if not very speedily prevented: We do finde a necessity laid upon us still to importune the Honorable Houses for send­ing a considerable Supply of mony to that Army, and in the mean time to give order for their Quarters, that all differences which may arise between them and the Country, or the Parliamenrs Forces, may be avoided, and all fair correspondence may be mutually cherished and entertained. These things we have ear­nestly pressed at the Committee of both Kingdoms, And do now again renew to both Houses for our further exoneration; wherein, as we have used our best endeavors to prevent the evils that are like to en­sue, so we cannot but promise to our selves, That the Honorable Houses will take the same into their wise consideration, and speedily return a satisfactory An­swer to

Your affectionate Friends and Servants, Lauderdail, A. Johnston, Charls Erskins, Hugh Kenedy, Robert Barcley.
For the Honorable William Lenthal Esq Speaker of the House of Commons.

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