The Declaration of the Nobility, Gentry, and Commanders of his Majesties Forces of the Province of Ulster.
WHereas we are given to understand, that some ill-affected Members for private respects of their own, and malice to our party, have endeavoured to sow sedition and discord betwixt us and such as are well-affected to his Majesty, both of the Scottish Nation and others, alluring many of them from time to time, to harbor very prejudicious and jealous thoughts of our proceedings, by casting the Calumnies and aspersions on us, that our intentions and actions tend rather to our own particular ends and private gain, than to the advancement and preservation of His Sacred Majesties Interest, Crown and Dignity in this Land; Which evill practice can produce nothing but sad, destructive, and lamentable effects, as it is two wel known already by woful experience; for it is most palpably evident, that the like unhappy misconstruction enforced the Scots at first to rise in Arms, and invade England against his Majesty, their own flesh, and blood, that occasioned the falling out [Page 3]of the Irish and Scots in the beginning of these Wars; the occasion whereof, was only and solely the cause of the beheading His Majesty of happy memory, all these mischiefs being perpetrated by the practice and policy of the Up-starts of England, that this day tramples under-foot in misery, thraldom and slavery, the Nobility and Gentry of England, by raising and exalting the basest abortive scums of that Kingdom, to the greatest height of Honour, Power and Command, that allured the Scots hitherto to endanger their lives, endeavors and fortunes, first in England as aforesaid, and secondly in this Kingdom against our Nation, when we little suspected ever any such sedition, or quarrel could be fomented betwixt us and them, or that they having once in their hands all the Forts and Garrisons in this Province (excepting a few) should be so far deceived by the sinister practice of the Parl. of England, as that they have not at present the Command of any of them in all Ʋlster, so as consequently it is to be feared none of the Scots will be suffered, either Gentry or Communalty, to inhabit in any part of this Province, bordering on their Native Kingdom of Scotland.
All which we cannot but sadly take to heart, and that the rather, because we see our fellow subjects so mislead, and withdrawn from their obedience to his Majesty, in not siding with us in the present service misconstructed by the evil suggestions of others, our endeavours and intentions, which might sufficiently give occasion of discouragement, where their community and assistance in the prosecution of this War in his Majesties behalf, was unfeignedly expected by [Page 4]our Party and Nation, for the cleering and removing of all past mischievous practises of that kinde on our parts, and prevention of any the like jealousie and discord hereafter; We thought it necessary, and do accordingly declare and avow, in the sight of the great God of heaven, and the world, that our intentions and resolutions, are to the last man to endeavour with the loss of our lives, estates, and fortunes, the advancement and preservation of his Majesties service and interest in this Kingdom, and of all those whosoever, that prosecute his quarrel, so far forth as we be not troubledled in the free exercise of our Religion, as we will no way hinder or trouble any person or persons of what Nation or [...]uality soever adhering to his Majesty to exercise and embrace his or their own profession or Religion, all which (with Gods assistance) our actions shall ere long ever expresly manifest in the view of the World. Finally, it is our intention, that we shall make no distinction or difference between our selves and so many of the Scottish or other Nation whatsoever, that now shall (as we invite them with heart and hand) joyn to his Majesties service, or any way freely contribute to, or countenance the same, but as becometh Brethren and fellow-Subjects, ingage in one quarrel for their true and lawful King.
- Emerus Clogherensis
- Richard Farral
- J. Loagh
- Inskillin,
- Arthurus Dunmere and Conc.
- Ter O Seal,
- Alex. Mac Donnel
- Shane. O Cahane
- Hugh Maguire
- Tur. Boyle
- Brian O Neale.
- [Page 5]Miles Swine,
- Hugh Mac Mahone
- Cormack Mahallen
- Cullo O Donnel
- Jo. Mac Donnel
- Jeron: Mac Donnel.
- Owen O Dougherty,
- Turl. O Quin
- Brian O Neale
- Ter. O Boyle
- Brian Mac Mahone.