A DECLARATION OF THE PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND, To all his Majesties good Subjects of this KINGDOME.

Concerning their Resolutions for RELIGION, KING and KINGDOMS, In pursuance of the Ends of the COVENANT.


Imprinted at Edenburgh by Evan Tyler, and re-printed at London for J. Huntscot 1648.

A DECLARATION OF THE Parliament of SCOTLAND, To all his Majesties good Subjects of this Kingdom, concerning their resolu­tions for Religion, King, and Kingdoms, in pursuance of the ends of the COVENANT.

WE the Estates of Parliament now conveened, in the first Session of this-second Trienniall Parliament, finding the strong endeavours and attempts of disaffected persons and Enemies of Truth, to blast and ob­struct our Labours in the perfor­mance of our duties, in order to all our Relations, by traducing and calumniating our proceedings; Are there­fore obliged to undeceive the abused People, to vindi­cate our selves from all unjust Aspersions, and to clear and evidence to this Kingdom our constancy and firm­nesse [Page 4]to the Cause of God, which wee finde now in as great (if not greater) Danger then it ever was in since the beginning of all their late Troubles.

Upon the growing divisions and debates betwixt his Majestie and his Two Houses of the Parliament of England, This Kingdome did for the space of neer two years, by reiterated Petitions and Messages of­fer their Services and endeavours, for composing and removing these Discentions and Differences. But their desires therein, through the Councells and Practises of their common Enemies were still made ineffectuall and disappointed, untill at length many thousands of either side were fallen by the fury and rage of a cruell and unnaturall Sword, and the Flourish­ing Kingdome of England turned into a field of blood. And while they were thus with their own hands, tear­ing out their own Bowels, and massacring themselves, The Houses of Parliament then in a very low Con­dition invited this Kingdom to their Assistance, who finding their Petitions and addresses to his Majestie, for a more Naturall and amicable decision of diffe­rences, then by the Sword, rejected; and justly appre­hending to have the dregs of that bitter Cup, which overflowed in England poure out upon their owne heads, if those Councels and advices, which gave first Life and motion to these Discentions, should still be prevalent; Did engage in a Solemn League and Covenant for Reformation and defence of Religion, the Honour and Happinesss of the King, and peace and safety of the three Kingdoms; In pursuance there­of, this Kingdome joyned in Arms with their Brethren in England, and for divers years through many hazards [Page 5]and wants, did prosecute these ends, untill by the Bles­sing of God upon their joynt endeavours, their com­mon Enemies were subdued, and most of them brought to such condigne punishment as the respective Parlia­ments thought fit. Thereafter, our Army returned home upon assurance from the two Houses, that the Treaties and Covenant should be inviolably kept. But by the contrary, We finde that there is not any Article of the Solemn League and Covenant, which has not been Sinfully and Dangerously violated be­fore God, Angels and Men, by the prevalent party of Sectaries, and their adherents; Nay, the Covenant it selfe like to be destroyed, or at least forgot and laid aside. For where we expected that according to the first Article of the Treaty betwixt the Kingdoms, in Anno, 1643. It should have been tane by both King­doms, and that the not Takers thereof are by the joynt Declaration of both declared publick Enemies to Religion and Country, and are to be punished as pro­fessed Adversaries and Malignants. We now finde by the prevalent Party of Sectaries and their adherents; It is not onely laid aside in the new Propositions lately sent to his Majesty to the Ile of Wight, and no executi­on of publick Orders for taking it through the Coun­try, but also many persons of eminent & publick Trusts in the Army and elsewhere, have never taken it, neither are urged thereunto. Instead of Reformation & defence of Religion, That Reformation which by the Cove­nant ought to be endeavoured, is resisted and hindered, Heresie and Schisme Tolerated, under which most horrid Blasphemies are sheltered and protected, if not openly professed and allowed. In stead of maintaining [Page 6]the Rights and Priviledges of Parliament, the Houses have been highly disobeyed, and threatned; Those who by the Covenant ought to be brought to con­digne tryall and punishment for hindering the Refor­mation of Religion, dividing the King from his Peo­ple, or any of the Kingdoms from another, or making any Faction or Party amongst the people, contrary to the League and Covenant, have been protected and assisted, and those persecuted who by the Covenant ought to be defended. In stead of a firme union and peace betwixt the Kingdoms, a breach hath been en­deavoured. And whereas both Kingdoms by the So­lemn League and Covenant are obliged to preserve his Majesties Person and Authority, in the preservation and defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdoms, that the world may beare witnesse with our Consciences of our Loyalty, and that we have no thoughts nor intentions to diminish his Majesties just power and greatnesse. And the Kingdom of Scotland, having also upon his Majesties going from Newcastle, declared against all injury, harm, prejudice, or violence to be done to his Royall Person: Yet by a sudden sur­prizall his Majesty was violently seized on, and carried from his house at Holdenby against his owne will, and the declared Resolution of both Kingdoms by a par­ty of the Army under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax, and by that Army thereafter carried about from place to place at their pleasure, kept and inviro­ned with strong guards within their Quarters untill he was forced for safety of his life to fly from Hamp­ton Court, as he himselfe declared in his Message from thence: And by the power and prevalency of that Ar­my [Page 7]and their adherents he is kept a close Prisoner in the Isle of Wight, and Votes past, declaring it high Treason to make any further applications to him, or to receive any Messages or Letters from him; Yea, even to that extremity are they already gone against him, that it is declared they will repose no further trust in him. Like as not onely such as had Warrants for ac­c [...]sse to him, from the Parliament of this Kingdome are debarred thereof, notwithstanding of the ingage­ment of the Houses 27 January, 1647. to the contra­ry, but the Earl of Landerdale a publick Minister of this Kingdom, contrary to the Law of Nations, was violently removed from Woburn, where his Majestie then was, and not suffered to have accesse to him; and though reparation therein was desired by the Com­mittee of Estates, yet none was given: And when the said Commissioners desired to know whether the Votes against all Applications to the King did extend to His Majesties Subjects of Scotland, to debar such as are Warranted by the Parliament of this Kingdome, or their Committees from free accesse to, or intercourse with His Majesty; or that he should be hindred from, and so made uncapable of any Act of Government in relation to the affairs of Scotland, no Answer at all was returned thereto, untill the Commissioners from both Houses now residing here, did in March last give to us a large Declaration from them, acclaiming the sole power of the disposing of the Person of the King in England. We do not conceive it fit at this time to insist upon any violation made of the large Treaty con­cerning the remainder of the money due upon the bro­therly assistance, nor of the Treaty for the Army in [Page 8] Ireland, whose service there was due in Anno 1643. by a subscrivit Accompt 312000. l. sterling (though we can never part from the interest of that Army till they be justly satisfied for their long and faithfull services) For as money neither was the cause nor motive to any of our undertakings nor resolutions, whatever hath been falsly suggested by our Enemies, so wee shall not value it to much as now to mention it amongst the causes and grounds of our proceedings at this time.

By the large Treaty betwixt the Kingdoms of Scotland and England, it is provided, That if any Ar­mies bee leavied in any of the Kingdoms, and the neighbour Kingdome thereby harmed or wronged, that then the Estates, of the Country by which it is done shall be obliged to pursue, take, and punish the offenders with all rigour. The Kingdome of Scot­land hath divers times desired the performance of this Article, and in particular the Parliament of Scot­land upon the 16. of Ianuary 1647. To which the Houses in their Letter of the 27. of Ianuary ingaged themselves to the Parliament of Scotland, That the English Garisons being delivered up, and the Scottish Army marched out of England, They should take that desire into speedy consideration. Upon the 16. of Iuly, 1647. the Scottish Commissioners desired per­formance hereof. But through the prevalencie and power of the Sectaries, no reparation, satisfaction nor answer was given.

And although by the eighth Article of the Trea­tie, 1643. It is agreed that no Cessations, Pacifica­tions, nor agreement for peace whatsoever shall bee [Page 9]made by either Kingdome, or the Armies of either Kingdom without mutuall advice and consent of both Kingdomes, which engagement the Houses of Parliament also repeated in their Letter of the 17, of January 1648. to observe that Article after the remo­vall of our Army out of England; yet contrary there­unto the Army of Sectaries and their adherents fra­med Proposalls destructive to the Ends of the Cove­nant, which were presented to his Majesty without the advise or consent of the Kingdom of Scotland: And thereafter, by their power and prevalency, the Houses of Parliament have laid aside the Propositions agreed on by both Kingdoms, & have contrary to the Trea­ty, presented Propositions and Bills to his Majesty; against which the Commissioners of this Kingdom by order, and according to their instructions, did protest, as being destructive to Religion, the Crowne and u­nion of the Kingdomes.

These dangers so eminently threatning Religion, and Government call upon us, as Christians, as Sub­jects, as Scotchmen, to a duty to God, our King and Countrey, and to our oppressed and heavily afflicted Brethren in England who are faithfull and constant to the cause of God. We have therefore resolved in the first place to endeavor & assay all brotherly and ami­able means of repairing and making up such differen­ces or breaches, as may otherwise necessitat this King­dom to ingage in a War: And therefore, we do intend to send to the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of England, These following necessary, and just de­sires for Religion, His Majesty, and good and peace of these Kingdoms.

1 That an effectuall course be tane by the Houses for enjoyning the Covenant to be taken by all the subjects of the Crown of England conforme to the first Article of the Treaty, and conform to the Declaration of both Kingdomes in anno 1643. By which all who would not take the Covenant were declared to be publike enemies to Religion and the country, and that they are to be censured and punished as professed adversaries and malignants: And that Reformation of, and Uniformity in Religion be setled according to the Covenant. That as the Houses of Parliament have agreed to the Directory of Worship, so they would take a reall course for the practicing thereof by all the subjects in England and Ireland, that the con­fession of Faith transmitted from the Assembly of Divines at Westminster to the Houses be approven; & that Presbyteriall government with the subordinati­on of the lower Assemblies to the higer be setled and fully established in England and Ireland, and that any effectuall course be taken for suppressing and exterpa­ting all Heresies & Schismes, particularly Socinianism, Arminianism, Arrianism, Anabaptism, Antinomio­nism, Erastianism, Familism, Brownism and Indepen­dencie; and for perfecting what is yet further to be done for extirpating Popery & Prelacy, and suppres­sing the practise of the Service Book, commonly called the Book of English Common Prayer.

2 That conform to the former desires of this King­dom, the Kings Majesty may come with honour, free­dom and safety to seme of His houses in or neare Lon­don, that the Parliaments of both Kingdoms may make their applicacations to Him for obtaining His Royall [Page 11]assent to such desires as shall be by them presented to Him, for establishing Religion, as is above exprest and setling a well grounded peace.

3 And to the end, that all Members of both Houses who have been faithfull to this Cause, may freely and safely returne and attend their charges, the City of London may enjoy its liberty and priviledges which it had before the late encroachment of the Armie, the Parliament may sit and voice with freedome and safe­ty, both Kingdomes without interruption or distur­bance may make their applications to His Majesty, and the setling of Religion and Peace may be no lon­ger hind red and obstructed, that the present Army of Sectaries under the Command of Thomas Lord Eair­fax of Cameron, bee disbanded, and none imployed but such as have or shall take the Covenant, & are wel affected to Religion & Government, excepting from the said disbanding the garrisons necessary to be kept up by the Parliament of England, for the safety of that Kingdom, which are desired to be commanded by such as have or shall take the Covenant, and are well affected to Religion and Government as aforesaid.

Wee will not doubt, but the Honourable Houses will seriously weigh and consider how necessary and just these our demands are, to which we will expect a satisfactory answer; But if through the influence and power of the Army of Sectaries that now invirons them, these our desires be slighted and rejected; Yet, we resolve by Gods assistance in all our proceedings never to break on our part the uniō betwixt the king­domes, nor to encroach upon the nationall rights of the subjects of England, or entrench upon their just [Page 12]liberties, much lesse is it our intention at all to make any National engagement against the Parliament and Kingdome of England. But for them whose freedome Priviledges and happinesse shall be ever as Dear to Us as our owne. And if we shall be necessitate to any un­dertakings in War. Wee doe resolve that as the in­gagements of this Kingdome have beene constantly hitherto, for setling Truth and Peace under his Ma­jesties Government, So they shall still be for the ob­taining the same ends. And wee will be carefull that in the managing & carrying on of so pious & dutifull a worke. That we shall not enter into Association and Conjunction of Force with those, who shall refuse to sweare and subscribe the Solemn League and Co­venant, nor use such meanes or instruments as may discourage or disoblige the Presbyterians in England, who continue firme to the Solemne League and Co­venant: And that we will be so farre from Joyning or Associating our selves with the Popish, Prelaticall or Malignant party, if they shall againe rise in Arms; either to oppose or obstruct all or any of the ends of the Covenant; That on the contrary we will oppose and endeavour to suppresse them, as Enemies to the Cause and Covenant on the one hand, as well as Se­ctaries on the other. And we further declare, That wee will give trust in our Armies, and Committees to none but such as are of knowne Integrity, Abilities and Faithfulnesse to this Cause and Covenant, and against whom there is no just cause of Exception. And as wee shall endeavour the Rescuing of his Ma­jesty from those who violently carried him away from Holdenby, and by whose power he is stil detained [Page 13]close prisoner; That he may come with Honour, Free­dom and Safety to some or his Houses, in or neer to London, where both Kingdoms may make their appli­cations to him, for setling Religion, & a well ground­ed Peace: So we resolve not to put in his Majesties Hands or any others whatsoever, any such power, whereby the foresaid ends of the Covenant, or any one of them may be obstructed or opposed, Religion or Presbyterian Government endangered. But on the contrary, before any agreement or condition to be made with his Majesty, having found his late Con­cessions and Offers concerning Religion not satisfa­ctory. That he give assurance by his Solemne Oath under His hand and Seal. That he shall for Himselfe, and his Successors give His Royall assent, and Agree to such Act or Acts of Parliament, and Bills as shall be presented to Him by His Parliaments of both or either Kingdomes respectivé, for enjoying the League and Covenant, and fully establishing Presbyteriall Government, Directory of Worship and Confession of Faith in all his Majesties Domi­nions. And that his Majesty shall never make any opposition to any of those, nor indeavour any change thereof. And further to shew and evidence the can­dor and reality of our intentions, we are willing to subjoyne to the grounds of our undertakings and Oath, whereof both in the framing thereof, and other­waies we are willing the Church shall have their due interest as formally in the like cases.

And albeit we are resolved not to ingage in any War before the necessity and lawfulnesse thereof be cleared: so as all who are well affected may be sa­tisfied [Page 14]therewith. And that reparation to such breaches an injuries as are or shall be condescended to shall be demanded in such a just and fit way as shall be found most lawfull and expedient. Yet we cannot be answerable to the great trust laid upon us, if seeing so imminent and great Dangers to all that is dearest to us; We did not make use of our Authority and Power for the common safety of this Kindome; And therefore we have resolved to put this Kingdom presently into a posture of Defence, as it was An. 1643

And now as many of the dangers, with the grounds and resolutions in pursuance of our duties, are hereby made known to this Kindom; so we are assured, that all, and every one, who have any zeale to Religion, love to Monarchicall Government, sense of the suf­ferings and imprisonment of their King, affection to their oppressed Brethren in England, or desire to pre­serve the Priviledges of Parliament, and liberty of the Subject will cheerfully in such an exigent (while the eyes of al Christendom are on us) rouze up themselves and contribute their best endeavours, as they shal be required by us, in pursuance of all the ends of the Co­venant, aswell for Religion as for his Majesties Per­son, and Government, and Priviledges of Parliament; in doing whereof we shall witnesse to the world, that we have not swerved from these our first principles contained in our Nationall Covenant, and in our So­lemn League and Covenant, whereby we did solemn­ly swear and promise before God and his Angels, To endevor in our severall places and callings, the Refor­mation of, and Uniformity in Religion and Church-Government in all his Majesties Dominions, accord­ing [Page 15]to the Word of God, and example of the best Reformed Churches; and not onely to the utmost of our Power, with our meanes and lives to stand to the defence of our dread Soveraign, his Person and Au­thority, in the Preservation of the true Religion, and liberties of the Kingdoms: But also in every cause which may concern his Majesties honor to concur ac­cording to the Laws of this Kingdome, and duty of good Subjects: And also hereby give a singular proof of the good intentions of all that maintain Presbyte­riall Government, that they are not enemies to Mo­narchie as they are falsely by their enemies branded. And in particular this Kingdome of Scotland will now make it evident as they often declared, that their qui­etness, stability, and happinesse doth depend upon the safety of the Kings Majesties person, and maintenance of his greatnesse and Royall Authority, who is Gods Vice gerent set over us for maintenance of Religion, and ministration of Justice: Having so many bands and ties of Duty and subjection to his Majesty, and his Government, who is our Native King from a lon­ger Series and discent of his Royall Progenitors then can be paralleld in Europe. That we resolve closely, and constantly to adhere thereunto, as also to all the Ends of the Covenant.

Alex. Gibson, Cler. Regist.

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