A DECLARATION OF THE Committee of Estates of the King­dome of SCOTLAND.

Against The Forces of their new KING CHARLES the second, Or, any other Forces in Rebellion against Them.

AND Al those that come not in within 20 days their Wives, Children and Families to be put out of the protection of that Kingdome and sent away to forreigne parts

IT is Ordered by the Committee of States that these presents be Printed and Published at the Market Crosse of Edenburgh, Glasgow, Sterling, Perth and Aberden.

Tho. Henderson.

ALSO Heads collected out of severall letters from Scot­land of speciall and remarkeable newes.

EDENBURGH And Re-Printed at London for Thomas Walkley Stationer dwel­ling in the Strand. Anno 1949.

Edenburgh the 4 May 1649.

WHereas the States of Parliament upon consideration of the insolent practises, and rebellious attempts of Thomas Mackenzie of Pluscarden and other his associates, did by Act of Parl. declare them and al such as should ioyn with them, guilty of the crime of high Treason, and prohibit all manner of persons whatsoever, to give any manner of assstance, or countenance the persons aforesaid, under the pain of being esteemed Rebels, and Enemies to Reli­gion King and Kingdome And further the Com­mitee of Estates, out of their earnest desire to pre­serve the peace of this Kingdome, and to reclaim these men from their wicked ways, to their duty and obedience, and especially out of their elemen-towards such as through information were en­snared into these courses, did give power to L.G. [...]e [...]sley to make a general offer to all such as were in Armes, of freedom in their persons and estates, they giving an assurance for their good behaviour in time coming▪ All which notmithstanding James L. Ogilvy, Lord Rae, Lues Gordon, Sonne to [Page 2] the late Marquesse at Hun [...]ly, and John Middle­ton. Sometimes called Maior General Middle­ton, have risen in Armes, and ioyned in open re­bellion with the said Thomas Mackenz [...] of Pluscar­ [...] which sh [...]weth that no necessity for their own preservation hath driven them to this course, but their constant malice and wickednesse against the cause of God and Peace of this Kingdom, and an ambitious desire to attaine their owne base ends. For if they had any love to Religion, and the So­lemne League and Covenant, which they have sworne and subscribed, They would not have in­gaged in wayes so evidently destructive thereunto against the mind and Judgement of the whole Kirk, or if they had any regard to the peace of this Kingdome; they would not begin an un-naturall War to shed the blood and teare the bowels of their owne native Country, and increase the bur­dens of this exhausted Kingdome, and thereby (if the Lord in mercy prevent not) bring on famin and desolation, neither would they if they had a­ny respect to the King, persist in designes so pre­iud [...]ciall to his honour and welfare endeavour­ing so far as in them lyeth to divert him from giv­ing satisfaction to the Commissioners sent from this Kingdome, and now attending His Maie­sties answer▪ Therfore the Committee of Estates after mature deliberation doe hereby declare the said persons with their adherents and abettors, and all such as shall hereafter ioyne and concurre with them, to be guilty of high treason, and to be proceeded against accordingly. And discharges [Page 3] all other persons of whatsoever quality or degree within this Kingdome to assist or supply the said Rebels and their adherents or any of them, with men, mony, armes, ammunition, victuall, coun­cell or intellignce, or to keep any correspondency publick or private, or any who aid or countenance them or any of them under the pain of being estee­med Rebels, & to be proceeded against as enemies to Religion, the Kings Maiesty and the peace of this Kingdom. And further, give power and war­rant to all the good Subiects within this King­to rise in armes for opposing and suppressing the said Rebels, as they shall be required by the Ge­nerall Lieut Gen. Leisly or any others having authority for that effect.

And to the end all the Kingdome may haue full satisfaction concerning the equity of our proceed­ings. And that these now in rebellion may be yet reclaimed from their wicked practises and designs if it be possible, or otherwise left altogether unex­cusable. The Committee of Estates is content to passe by any thing they have done in referrence to this late rebellion, And to allow unto them freedome in their Persons and Estates they re­nouncing and disclaiming their present course, and giving assurance for their dutifull carriage in time comming, It being always provided, that such as shall accept of this offer shall come into Lieut. Gen Leisly. and give the satisfation betwixt this and the twenty of this instant, in which case they shall bee free, but that the said Declaration shall stand in full force against all such as after the [Page 3] twenty day shall persist in rebellion or ioyn with them. And that in respect of their frequent out­breakings upon al occasions, their wives, children and Families shall be no longer under the prote­ction of this Kingdome. And that such course shall be taken for transporting of them out of the Kingdome into forraigne parts, as the Estates of Parliament or their Committees shall thinke fit. And for incouragement of all such as shall suffer in opposing or suppressing the said Rebells, The Committee of Estates declares that the los­ses and and sufferings of such as have, or shall be active in the cause against the Rebels shallbe ta­ken into speciall consideration as their carriage shall deserve, and repaired out of the Estates of such as shall obstinatly persist in the said Rebelli­on▪ As likewise it is declared, that whosoever hath, or shall doe any thing against the said Re­bells, and their adherents and abettors, or any of them in their persons or goods, during the time of their continuance in Rebellion, shall be free of all actions criminall or civill at the innf [...]once of any person whatsoever for the same,

And lastly, It is ordained that these presents bee Printed and Published at the Market Crosse of Eden­burgh, Glasgow, Stirling, Perth and Aberden, which publications at the places aforesaid, the Committee of Estates doe declare to be a sufficient intimation to the persons above specified, and to all the Lieges.

Tho. Henderson.

Heads collected out of severall Letters from Edenburgh in Scotland, dated the 8. and 9. of May, 1649.

ALL here about Edenburgh are quite, our Gran­dees being all out of Towne, the Marquesse of Argile went yesterday over the water to the Lieute­nant Generall, from home, and the enemies we heare nothing as yet certaine.

Upon Saturday last, there was a Proclamation emitted, declaring Lues Gordon, Pluscardin, and Middlcton, with all their adherent, Enemies and Trai­tors, except they come in, and make their peace be­twixt and the 20. of this Month, which if they will not obey, themselves shall be as Traitors, and their and children, left without shelter or protection.

We heare that there is a great scarcity of victualls in the North, and many fertile fields lying waste and their houses deserted and waste.

This same day there was an expresse came, shew­ing that those in Armes have sent and craved a new parley, and that their wants are such as cannot bee supplyed, so that they aree constrained to submit; the Lieutenant Generall marched towards them on Sa­turday to Cromar where they are to meet, he hath sent Peter Innes with a Trumpeter to them. Col. Ker with five troopes is in Rosse, joyned with the forces of the Earle of Sutherland.

The Lieutenant Genarall in his last march from the North, was in hazard of his life, in the water (die) labouring to rescue a poore Souldier who was carried away with the streame; the Lieutenant Generall horse fell amongst the stones, and he twice under water, but was recovered, and yet without changing cloaths, [Page 6] rode twelve miles, and keeped his intended quarters that night.

By another letter dated May 8. The Lieu. General was the 5. of this instant at Blair in Athol, at an ran­dezvouze of the party that are troubling the peace; I have no certainty further for the present from these parts.

The Presbyterians in Ulster have given a remove to Monke the length of Dublin.

There was an out-fall at the siege of Darry, where Sir Charles Coot commands within the walls, where they killed Major Balsoure, Major Graham, and Capt. Galbraith, and took certaine prisoners, whereat wee and our friends are not glad. There is newes expe­cted from Ormond before the last of this month.

By another letter dated May 9. The businesse in the North is rather worse then better, Ogilby, Pluscar­dy, and Middleton, were the last week at Atholl, but the Atholl men refused to rise, they have made Ruthen in Bazenoch sure, they are backe to the North againe; David L [...]sly was the length of Dunkeld with his for­ces, which is more then theirs are, and marched hard till they were returned; Argile is over to speake with David Lesly, whose forces doth daily increase; no Highlander doth rise at all, but are all quiet there, and peaceable, and very few doth follow Lues Gordon. There is a Proclamation declararing them all Rebels and Traytors, who doth not come in before the 20. of May Instant,

T. J.


Theo. Jennings.

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