ACT Of the COMMITTEE of ESTATES, and the LORD GENERALL, for safe-guard of the Lieges.
FOrsameikle as there hes been divers complaints and grievances made to the Committee of Estates, by the Lieges, from severall parts of the Kingdom; Of the many insolencies and wrongs done upon them by Foot Companies and Horse-Troopes, their Officers and Souldiers, under pretext of taking Quarters as they goe or come thorow the Kingdom. For remeid whereof, and preserving the Lieges in time-coming from the like; The Committee of Estates, and the Lord Generall, hes statute and ordained, and by thir presents statutes and ordains; That no Officers nor Souldiers, either in Foot Companies or Horse-Troopes, presume nor take upon hand at any time hereafter, in their passing thorow this Kingdom, to commit or do any insolencies or wrongs to the Lieges, but that they addresse themselves for Quarters to those to whom by their warrants they are directed; And that they leave their Tickets of all that they receive in name of Quartering: VVith certification to all such Officers or Souldiers as shall do in the contrary, that they shall be punished by Death, or otherwayes, according to Martiall Law and Discipline. And ordains thir presents to be published at the Market-Crosse of Edinburgh, and others places needfull, and affixed on all Landwart Villages and Towns, where-through none pretend ignorance of the same.
Ordered by the Committee of Estates, that this Act be forthwith Printed and Published.
EDINBURGH: Printed by EVAN TYLER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. Anno Dom. 1644.