THE Estates of Parliament, now presently conveened in this second Session of the second Trienniall Parliament by vertue of an Act of the Committee of Estates, who had power and Authority from the last Parliament for conveening the Parliament, Considering the dangers now threatening Religion, the Covenant, and the peace of thir Kingdoms, And that they are thereby necessitate to keep up the Forces within this Kingdom, and to provide for their entertainment; Have therefore thought fit to prorogate and continue the monethly Maintenance, as it was imposed upon the said Kingdom, by vertue of an Act of the Committee of Estates of the 3. of November last by-past 1648. years, for one moneth after the moneth of Ianuary contained in the former Act. Whilk moneth shall begin upon the first day of February instant, and continue till the first day of March next to come, with a deduction of the just third part of the said monethly Maintenance, whilk was formerly established, Save that the saids Shires and Burghs shall be onely lyable in payment of the two part of the Maintenance formerly imposed upon them for the said moneth of February, Whilk two part shall be payed by them without any deduction or defalcation: And therefore Statutes and Ordains, That ilk Burgh and Shire within this Kingdom, are and shall be lyable, and obliged in payment of the particular sums of money under-written for the said moneth of February, And that betwixt and the 15. day of February instant, And Ordains the same to be payed, to Sir Iames Stewart, Provest of Edinburgh, Treasurer of the Army, and Collector-Generall of the said Maintenance, or his Deputies, or sub-Collectors: And that the sums to be payed by the severall Shires and Burghs, be as follows: viz. The Sheriffdom of Orkney of monethly pay, 1143. Merks. Innernes 4176. M. Caithnes 945. M. Cromartie 99. M. Sutherland 423. M. Nairne 315. M. Elgine 1890. M. Aberdeen 6543. M. Bamff 1431. M. Kincairdin 1566. M. Forfar 5004. M. Perth 8001. M. Fyfe 6642. M. Stirling 2538. m. Kinrose 144. m. Clackmannan 522. m. Edinburgh 4167. m. Linlithgow 1746. m. Hadingtoun 3384. m. Berwick 3555. m. Roxburgh 5778. m. Selkirk 1278. m. Peebles 1638. m. Lanerk 5382. m. Air 6066. m. Wigtoun and Kirkcudbright 4374. m. Dumfreis 4446. m. Renfrew 2205. m. Dumbartan 1233. m. Argyle 2907. m. Bute 459. m. Follows the sums payable monethly by the Burghs, conform to their taxt Roll: viz. Edinburgh 5175. m. Perth 810. m. Dundee 1200. m. Aberdeen 1260. m. Stirling 240. m. Linlithgow 324. m. St. Andrews 780. m. Glasgow 1530. m. Air 342. m. Hadingtoun 324. m. Daysert 270. m. Kirkaldie 600. m. Monrose 324. m. Cowpar 216. m. Austruther eister 180. m. Dumfreis 270. m. Innernes 450. m. Breichen 220. m. Irving 252. m. Elgine 135. m. Iedburgh 126. m. Kircudbright 180. m. Wigtoun 135. m. Pittinweyme 120. m. Dumfirmling 162. m. Dumbartan 162. m. Renfrew 90. m. Lanerk 162. m. Aberbrothok 81. m. Bruntiland 216. m. Peibles 108. m. Craill 216. m. Kinghorne 108. m. Taine 90. m. Selkirk 126. m. Austruther wester 54. m. Culrose 90. m. Dumbar 180. m. Bamff 72. m. Whithorne 45. m. Forfar 27. m. Rothesay 60. m. Forress 54. m. Rutherglen 45. m. Northberwick 36. m. Cullein 27. m. Nairne 36. m. Lawder 45. m. Innerkeithing 90. m. Kilrynnie 27. m. Annan 30. m. Lochmaben 18. m. Sanquhair 27. m. Galloway 18. m. Dingwall 18. m. Queensferrie 108. m. Dornoch. 18. For the better In-bringing and Collecting whereof, The saids Estates of Parliament, allows to the said Sir Iames Stewart Deputies, one or more in each Shire and Paroch, in manner contained in the Act for the Taxt and Loan; Which Collectors and Deputies foresaids and Clerks to be appointed by him, shall have such Fee as is allowed in the Act of Loan and Taxt: The Burghs alwayes being free of the aforesaids Fees. And the Estates Ordains that the Letters and Charges to follow upon this Act for payment of the foresaid Maintenance shall be raised and direct at the instance of the said Sir Iames Stewart and Collectors aforesaid against the sub-Collectors of Shires, Magistrates of Burghs, Collectors of Paroches, Heritors, Fewers, Life-renters, and others indebted in payment of their severall proportions of this monethly Maintenance now imposed, And with power to the said Sir Iames Stewart, that if any Shire or Burgh be deficient in payment of their parts of this Maintenance, to imploy any Forces that shall happen to be upon the bounds for the time, or in the next neigbouring bounds adjacent thereto, for uplifting of the said moneths Maintenance from the deficient Shires, Burghs and Paroches, which Troops are to receive their entertainment from the deficients at the ordinary rates beside the payment of their maintenance: And it is hereby Ordained that the Committees of War within the severall Shires shall be aiding and assisting the said Generall Commissary herein, for inbringing of the said maintenance; And in regard of the prorogating of the foresaid Maintenance on the Shires and Burghs for the said moneth of February, It is Statute and Ordained by the Estates of Parliament, that every debtour shall have Retention from the Creditors of one of each eight payable for annual Rent for the said moneth above specified, So that the debtor shall be lyable in payment of seven of annual Rent of each hundreth of stock proportionally according to the said moneth, With this provision always, that no debtor whatsoever shall have the foresaid benefit of Retention who shall not pay his annual Rent to the Creditor within the space of ane yeer after that one preceding years annual Rent is fully resting, owing, unpaid: And in regard of the present distressed condition of the Sheriffdoms of Argyle and Bute, The Estates do exeem the whole Sheriffdom of Argyle from all payment of the foresaid one moneths maintenance of February instant; As also exeems the Sheriffdom of Bute, from all payment of the equall half of the said moneths Maintenance; And Ordains the same Shire of Bute to be only liable in payment of the whole half of the said moneths Maintenance, And to be proportionably payed by the Heretors and others lyable in payment thereof through the whole Shire of Bute: As also the Estates declares this present Act to be without prejudice of the Act granted in favours of the Town of Innernes of the fift of Ianuary 1647. years, That any Taxations or Impositions to be layed on that Town be allowed to them in part of their losses conform to the tenour of that Act: And lastly, it is Ordained that no suspension be granted without consignation; and that all Heritors within Burghs, Pendicles and Liberties thereof shall contribute with them for payment of the Maintenance, as is mentioned in the Act of the 27. of February 1645. years. And the saids Estates Ordains, that the Lands and Teinds shall pay the foresaid Maintenance, as they lie locally in Shires and Burghs, conform to the former Act of Maintenance; And it is hereby Declared, that this Act is to be without prejudice of the Priviledges of the Lords of Session, conform to former Acts of Maintenance: And Ordains the same presently to be Proclaimed, And thereafter Printed.
Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1649.