ACT Containing the tenour of the Band for securing the Peace of the KINGDOM.
AT Edinburgh the twenty sixth day of January, the year of God One thousand six hundred and fourty nine years. The Estates of Parliament taking to their consideration the Acts and Precepts of the late Committee of Estates, for citing certain persons to give surety for the Peace of the Kingdom, according to the Band presented to them; And that several Persons accordingly were conveened before them, and did give satisfaction thereanent. They do therefore ratifie and approve the saids Acts, Precepts and Bands; and what hath followed therepon; and now considering that it is necessary towards the setling, and securing of the Peace of the Kingdom, that the like course be prosecute, They do therefore Appoint and Ordain Precepts to be issued out, for citing such persons as were upon the late Engagement, or others as they shall think expedient, to compeir before them or their Committees, having power for that effect, to give surety and to subscribe the Band and Declaration, whereof the tenour followeth. Whereas I [...] am conveened to finde surety for keeping of the Peace of the Kingdom, Therefore to testifie my ready obedience to that which is so just and reasonable, And to witness my desire to hinder and prevent any danger or disturbance which may arise to this Kingdom, and to clear my resolutions; I Declare, That I do acknowledge, the indiction, meeting, and constitution, the lawfulness, freedom, and authority of the Parliament of this Kingdom, conveened on the fourth of January One thousand, six hundred and fourty nine years; And that I shall not any manner of way call the same in question. And I the said [...] As principall and [...] as Cautioner and suerty for me, faithfully binde and obliges us conjunctly and severally, and our heirs, That I the said [...] shall neither directly nor indirectly, consult, or act in any thing tending to the diminution of the authority of the said Parliament, or of the Committees of Estates that shall be appointed by them for the publick affairs: And that I shall not rise in Armes, or in any hostile way oppose their proceedings, for the prosecution of the Cause and Covenant, or concur with, assist, keep intelligence or correspondence with any invaders of this Kingdom, or risers in Armes within the same, against the fore said proceedings of the forementionate Parliament or Committees. And if I shall hear or know of any thing which may derogate from, or prejudge them in any sort, I shall as soon as I can possibly reveal the same to some of their own number to be communicate to the rest. And that I shall neither by my self, nor others by my knowledge or direction do, or suffer any thing to be done that I can let or hinder, which may disturb the present quiet or Peace of this Kingdom, or proceedings of these Judicatories as aforesaid, or which may prosecute the said late Engagement and expedition into England, or break the Union betwixt the Kingdoms, under the pain of [...] Consenting these presents be Rgistrate in the Books of Parliament, or of the Committee of Estates, That all execution, personall, and reall may pass hereupon, which hath been ordinary in the like cases, or which the Parliament or Committee shall think fit, and to that effect constitutes [...] My Pror. promitten de Rato, &c. Likeas, The Estates Ordains every Nobleman (being cited) to give the surety foresaid, And to finde Caution under the pain of an hundred thousand Merks▪ And every Barron of quality under the pain of fifty thousand Merks ad Minimum, and other persons according to their severall degrees and ability. With certification, that whosoever refuse or fail herein, shall be holden and estimate as enemies to, and disturbers of the Peace of the Kingdom; And to be proceeded against accordingly, as the Parliament or their Committees shall think fit.