REMARABLE PASSAGES Newly received of the great overthrow of Sir Ralph Hopton and his Eorces; At Madburie, 12. miles from Plimouth:

WITH The taking of the High Sherife ( Sir Ed­mond Fortescue) prisoner, and divers others of Note, their names being here inserted.

THE WHICH PARTICULARS WERE Sent in two Letters, to Gentlemen of good Credit here in LONDON.

LONDON, Printed for Henry Overton, Decemb. 14. 1642.

Plimouth, Decemb. 9. 1642.

SIr Nicolas Slaning, and Sir Ralph Hopton have entred Devon: as you have alreadie heard, with two or three thousand foote and horse, and first tooke Tavestocke, and next Plymton neere Plymouth, and after went to Mod­berry, leaving these townes fortified where the high Sheriffe of Devon: Sir Edw. Fortescue met them, and by his warrant of Posse commitatus cal­led many thousands together at Modberry on Tuesday and Wedsday last, where they thought by examining everie man to perswade the people to stand against the Parliament, either by faire or foule meanes, and also to increase their armie by taking up of volunteeres, and arming them with the armes they could take from honest men that were unwilling to follow their designes, by which meanes they would certainely have gotten many to serve them, for that most part appeered [Page 2]from 18. yeares to 60. yeares, but it hath pleased God to frustrate their designes for this time, by meanes the Scottish Colonell went hence on Wednesday morning by foure of the clocke with foure troopes of horse, viz. Bar. Drakes, Captaine Tompsons, Captaine Pimmes, and Captain Gooldes, and about 200. Dragoneeres; and comming to Modberry about nine of the clocke, all the Coun­trie people sled, most of them being naked men, and those that had armes also threw them down and ranne away without any armes or horses; by which means, with the losse of one man, they tooke the high Shereffe Sir Edmond Fortescue, Baronet Seymer and his eldest sonne which was Knight of the Sheire for Devon: in Parliament) and Squire Arthur Basset of the North of Devon: (a notable Malignant) but the Clarke of the Peace, and about thirteene Gentlemen more, which they carried from Dartmouth, and this day sent them hither by sea (God send them a faire winde, I hope here will be 30. or 40. great Malignants sent from hence to London) Sir Ni­cholas Slaning, and Sir Ralph Hopton scaped very narrowly: Captaine Goold, I heare, is sent with his troope to Exon to desire some aide from thence, which if they come to joyne with our forces, with Dartmouth and Plimouth (I hope, by Gods assistance) they will be speedily suppressed. Our Souldiers are heartie to the Worke, at [Page 3] Madbury they got great store of monie, horse, and armes from the Gentrie they met there,


Master Stock and loving friend,

SInce the writing of my Letter a friend is come hither upon purpose from Exeter, to bring us tidings of a brave exploit done by the Plimouth Forces, worthy to be Chronicled, a neat and true relation, and fit for the Presse, is as solloweth.

Upon Tuesday last at night, being the 6: of this instant, The Commanders of the Garrison at Plimouth entered into a consultation concerning what was fit to be done, and having intelligence that the Sheriffe lay at Madbury, where the train­ed bands by vertue of his Posse Comitatus met that day, and the next, the Cavaliers chiefe quarrers being at Plympton, within 3. miles of them, thereupon they framed their designe. Very early in the morning Captaine Thomson, Captaine Pym, and Captaine Goold, and some others, with 500. Horse and Dragooneers, marched away very pri­vately Northward, toward Roubard Downe, as if they meant to goe to Tavestock, and then whee­led [Page 5]about toward Ivie Bridge on Plimouth road, and so went to Madbury, where in Master Cham­pernons house, [...]nd in the Towne, they found the Sheriffe, with divers other Gentlemen of quality, and 2000. trained Souldiers, and Voluntiers; presently on their approach the Trained bands crying out, the Troopers are come, run away, many of them leaving their Armes behind them; The house was beset, and the Sheriffe stood up­on his defence untill it was fired, and then the Assailants breaking in, possessed the house, and tooke divers prisoners, to the number of 20. or thereabouts, amongst which were these that fol­low, Sir Edmond Fortescue, high Sheriffe, Sir Ed­ward Seimor Baronet, Master Edward Seimor Knight of the Shire, Master Basset, Captaine Champernon, Captaine Pomeroy, Captaine Bed­lake, Captaine Peter Fortescue, Master Barnes, Master Sheptoc Clerke of the Peace: After which they marched away towards Dartmouth, with their prisoners, where that night they safely arri­ved, bringing good store of Armes with them.

This good newes I could not but write, al­though 10. at night: I conceive, nay I heare they will there Ship these Prisoners for london, I wish them a faire winde to bring them unto Win­chester house, or some such place: Master Hill understanding the wayes of the March, will say [Page 6]it is as brave an exploit as hath been attempted a long time, unto whom, with all my good friends that shall be at the reading hereof, I pray remem­ber him that is alwayes ready to serve you, &c.

R. B.

We have now Letters from Portsmouth, where they are very couragious, and ready to doe exploits.


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