A Relation of what passed in Con­naught between His Majesties Forces under the Command of Brigadier Sarsfield, and the Re­bels Led by the Lord VVey­er, the Collonels Floyd, Russel, &c. upon the Army Decamping from Allardstown.

OGaras's Regiment of Foot, Collonel Luttrell's of Horse, Sir N. ô Neil's of Dragoons were ordered to march under the Command of Brigadier Sarsfield, upon intelligence brought to His Majesty that Schomberg had sent a Party to strengthen the Rebels in the Province of Connaught, which they by that time had almost over-run. The Brigadier had likewise Commission to joyn to His Body such of the King's Troops as lay most convenient in his March. With this Strength he ventur'd to make several De­tachments, one of two hundred Foot to aid the Gentle­men of the Countrey, who with the new raised Mo­bile had Block'd up James-town then in the enemies hands. Upon his Arrival at Athlone, the Key of that Province, he sent another Party to take possession of another Pass betwixt Boile and Sligoe, upon the Curlew Mountain, to cut of all communication from the Garrisons of James-Town and Boyle, with that of Sligoe, he then advanced into the Countrey, and from Roscommon sent another Party of 90 Horse, and 80 Dragoons, under the Command of Collonel Henry L [...]trell, [Page 2]to prevent the Enemies burning or destroying all places they should think fit to abandon upon his approach. In their March they overtook, and put to flight a party of two hundred Horse of the [...]y, with a prey they had taken of a thousand head of Cattel. Lut­trell pursued them fourteen miles▪ obliging them to quit their Prey, and run back in full speed to the Boile, and endeavoured yet further th [...] night towards Slygo, but were prevented by Major [...]k Bourke, who Commanded the Detachment sent by Sarsfield to secure that Pass. The Lord Weyer who commanded that party of the Enemy, and above fifteen of his men were killed, and several wounded [...] [...]ndeavouring to force it. The day before Collonel [...]loyd from Sligo, with a party of Rebels attempted to come up to Boile, but was two several times beaten back with loss. The party commanded by Weyer, prevented in their de­sign of going to Sligo, retired strait to Ja [...]-town, and joyned the Enemies Garrison. The next morning they all abandoned that place, and marched towards the County of Cavan, either to joyn S [...]homberg's at Dundalk, or make their way thorough to [...]illen. But those of ours that blocked up Jamestown having timely notice pursued them so close that they were Forced like Hard Hunted deer to take soyl and swim three Rivers in which there were 80 drowned and several killed, nor do we finde of 400 Horse and Dragoones of which number that party consisted, ten got Home together, Sarsfield still continued his March to Boyle, and thence to Sligoe, when he had reach'd Collooney six miles short of the end of his March finding that the Enemy had broke the Bridg of Ballysedare a mile and a half on the other side of Coloony, and being well inform'd of the Country he sent a detatchment of three hundred Foot, seventy Horse and one hundred Dragoones under the Com­mand of Collonel Lutterell a private way about by the Mountain Foot in order to cut off those that sustain­ed the Bridge, and at the same time advanced to it [Page 3]with his Party to amuse The Enemy, whilst Luttrell came round, at which time Mr. Talan­dier Lieutenant Coll. to Sir N: ô N. was wounded in the Groin Luttrells guide carried him nearer Sligoe then Sarsfield designed, where he met with a Party com­ing from Sligoe under the command of Coll. Russel, and at the same time those at the Bridge finding that Lutrell was got round, Return'd under the Command of Coll. Lloyd, so that they were both in the Rear and Front of Luttrell whose Dragoones and Foot were not yet got quite up to him by reason of a long Defile, upon which he divided what Horse he had, making half of them Face those in their Rear, and with the other half he himself charged those in his Front, and upon the first Onset broke both the Parties, killing Fifty upon the place the rest he pursued in sight of Sligoe, at the same time Sarsfield made up the Bridge the Enemy had abandon'd with Ioyces and Planks he had provided for that purpose and Marched with all dilligence to Relieve Luttrell who had before he could get up to him, beaten the Enemy again that had rallied at the Barriers of the Town, which were well maintained by som French Foot, By this time Sarsfield was come up and all the Horse and Foot that were in the Town Ran away with Lloyd and Russel, except some four or 500 that shut themselves up within a Fort in the further end of the Town which immediatly was Blocked up and Trenches being opened in five days before it, on the 5th they Capitulated to march to Inniskillen, which was Granted by Sarsfield his men being spent by a long march, in bad way and ill weather, which con­tinued while they lay in the Trenches. As soon as Sarsfield became Master of the Town, he Ordered it imediatly to be Fortifyed and the Fortificati­ons are already so far advanced and the place [...]o capable of being made strong, that the whole Pro­ [...]ince is hereby secured under His Majesties Obedience.


Will. Talbott.

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