AN EXTRACT Of a LETTER From a Person OF Quality At BRƲXELS of the 5. of March S. N. to a Private FRIEND.


I Shall now give you intelligence of certaine, and I assure you acceptable News to us, and doubtlesse will be so to you in England. On Tuesday last the Marquesse of Caracene by a Commission from the Court of Spaine, went to the King of Scots, and did give him a full assu­rance of all possible Assistance both of Men, and Mo­neys, towards the obtaining his Crowne, and Right a­gaine, the Marquesse delivered to the King of Scots a Packquet. And another to the Duke of Yorke from the Court of Spaine, And in the Dukes there was a Letter which offered him to be Lord High Admirall of all the Spanish Fleets in Europe, and both the Indies, and to have the disposition of ten thousand Land Souldiers, of whom he shall be con­stituted Commander in chiefe, wheresoever he shall Land in any of the Spanish Dominions. And from the Court of France, the Lord Jermyn and Crofts are come to this place, and have from the Cardinall made such Pro­positions to the King, as will undoubtedly bring a bloudy VVarre into England, unlesse the Parliament do in love to themselves and Country pre­vent it, by a peaceable restoration of the King to his owne Right. This Court, and all these Parts are full of joy at this News. And the King of Scots is not only Courted by the Court of Spaine, but very highly by the Embas­sadors of France and Holland also; This News you may report for true.

Yours, &c. T. R.

Printed for Tho. Bassett in St. Dunstans Church-Yard, 1660.

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