August, 17. 1642.
A RELATION FROM BELFAST IN IRELAND, SENT TO A FRIEND, MENTIONING SOME late successe against the Rebels, by Colonell Clotworthy, about Mount-Joy, in the County of Tyrone, WITH A LETTER OF THE Deputy-Lieutenants of Devonshire, to the Gentlemen of Cornwall.
London Printed for John Bartlet. 1642.
A Relation from Belfast, sent to a friend, mentioning some late successe against the Rebels, by Colonel Clotworthy, about Mount-joy, in the County of Tyrone.
SInce my last to you, of the eleventh of July from Mount-joy, Colonell Clotworthy had some businesse to call him over to Antrem, where after his stay for two dayes, he was returning back to Mount-joy by water, where he met on the Lough with a great storme, yet was resolved to venture onwards notwithstanding, and therefore cast Anchor neere an Island in the Lough, called Rams Island, intending there to land, and stay till the storme was over, but when he was going to land there, a violent storme forced him back againe to Antrem, where he that night received certain intelligence, that had he landed according to his intention in that Island, he had been cut off, for many of the Rebels had gotten thither for shelter, and might easily have prejudiced him, hee not expecting to meet any there, and the company with him not being many; [Page 4]but thus did Gods immediate hand interpose and divert what otherwise was very neere. This storme also lost five of Colonell Clotworthies Boates, hee had built for the Lough but he by setting men on worke, presently to repaire them, hath made up all his former number, which is 12, large boates that will carry above 60. men a peece, and the Admirail the Sidny, which also he hath built, and with these Botes and Barkes he is able to carry on any part of the Lough side neare a 1000. men, which doth so distract and torment the Rebels, that they have no quiet there abouts; hereby also we have all our victualls easily transported, and our Ammunition, (carrying now by land onely to Antrim) and thence by water in these Boates we convey it to any part joyning to the Lough, which is of ex [...]ng advantage to us.
As soone as the Lough was calme Colonell Clotworthy went to Montjoy, to that part of his Regiment [...]e left there, and presently upon his comming, having notice the enemy was within seven or eight miles, he tooke 400. of his men, leaving some in garrison in the Forts, and mounted 40. more with Firelockes, on Horses he had formerly taken from the enemy, and with this 440. men he marched all night and came timely to the Legar of the Rebels, where he found most of them in their beds, and thereby had opportunitie to cut many of them off [Page 5]before they could get to their Armes (and runne away) which presently they did, though there were a 1000. of them; and as we are certainly informed Sir Philem Oneale was there also, and ranne among the rest, but in Colonell Clotworthies first charge, they shot Colonol Ocane, (who is counted their most skilful Commander, who came from beyond Sea to them) him they shot in the Leg, kild his Lieutenant Colonell, who was one of the chiefe of the O Quines, and divers of his Captaines, and about 60. of their common souldiers; had their horse beene any thing good more execution might have been done upon them, but they were only such as Colonel Clot: took from the enemy, and had not one Shooe upon them all, yet served to bring home a pray of 600. Cowes, which that night they brought home to the Leager at Mount-joy: So God blessed that dayes worke exceedingly, let him onely be acknowledged for it.
Within two dayes after, Colonel Clotworthy hearing the Rogues had a Camp at Mony-more, he began his March at midnight with 500. of his men, and came to their Camp by break of the day, where there was not many of the Rebels, and those but inconsiderable fellows, had the cutting of them off, and just as he was comming, the rogues were going to kill one hundred and twenty poore English and Scots prisoners they had in their [Page 6]hands, but by Gods providence his comming was so seasonable, that he relieved and rescued all of them, and cut off those were going to destroy them: Thus did the Lord bring on them, what they intended for others: after this, Colonell Clotworthy returned to the Leaguer at Mount-joy, where he stay, expecting some help from others to come and joyn with him, to March up further into the Countrey, God having so blessed him, that with halfe his Regiment he hath cleered twelve miles about him, save only Charlamount, which is kept with a few of the enemy, but we are in hope shortly to salute it, for my Lord Conway is going forth from hence, having with him 400. men; a piece of my Lord Ards, Lord Clandeboyes, and Colonell Chichesters Regiments, who with 600. of his own men, and 300. Horse, March through the Countrey to Mount-joy to Colonell Clotworthy, who with five or sixe hundred of his men also, March thence with them, and all our provisions, both of Victuals and Ammunition, we sent to Antrem, that thence by the Lough it might bee conveyed to us to Mount-joy, where we intend (God willing) to be on Wednesday next, what successe the Lord is pleased to give us, you shall heare at our returne, in the meane time, Farewell.
From Belfast, the 28, of July, 1642.
A Letter of the Deputy-Lieutenants of Devonshire, to the Gent. of Cornwall.
WHen Religion, liberty, property, and our Lawes lie at the stake, he deserves an execration that appeares not a defender: wee know the attempts that are now on foot: for the destruction of all is not confined to the Northerne parts, but the storme runs mainly hither. That wisdome hath no life, that foresees a danger to feare it, not to prevent it. We know our safeties are bound up with yours, and not only that, but our affections to our Religion and Countrey, commands our expressions, and ensuing resolutions, which are, that on all occasions we shall be ready according to our Protestation, and the commands of both Houses of Parliament, and as far as the safety of the Countrey will permit to be assistant to you for the maintenance of the Ordinance of Parliament, and the opposing the Commission of Array, which enslave not only persons, properties, [Page 8]but consciences, in informing men, as it is probable, to fight against these that have been, and are the known defenders of our liberties: If wee are linkt together, we can hardly be ruined; Let us contract a mutuall assistance, that wee may so doe, is the desire of, &c.