And a List of the names of 3. Lords, 12. Knights, 5. great Officers, and 3. Doctors of Divinity, with other Gentlemen that submit to the Parliament upon the surren­der of Newarke.

Where wee tooke on Friday last, May the 8. 1646.

  • 1. Great peece of Ordnance, called Sweet-lips.
  • 2. Great peece of Ordnance more.
  • 2. Morter peeces, and divers small Guns.
  • 4000. Armes, and 40 Barrels of Gun-powder.
  • Many thousand weight of Bullet, and all their Ammunition and provisions, and all their bag and baggage.

These being examined by the originall Papers, are commanded to be printed, and are published according to Order of Parliament.

LONDON: Printed by Elizabeth Purslow, May 11. 1646.

The Copy of a Letter from the Com­m [...]ssioners Quarters at Newarke, relating the manner of the Surrender thereof to the Parliament, on Fryday the 8 of May, 1646.

Worthy Sir,

YOu had in my last the Copy of the Articles of the surrender of Newarke; since which, I give you this further accompt of the performing what was there agreed to, it being ours one day sooner then wee expected from them. For, whereas the agreement was by the Com­missioners on both sides, that Newarke should be surren­dred this day to the Commissioners of both Kingdomes, for the Parliament of England. The Governour hath bin so ready to hasten it, that yesterday, being Fryday, the 8 of this instant May, the Lord Bellasis sent to Major Ge­nerall Poyntz to have it then surrendred; which, by reason of the sicknesse, being so hot in Newarke, he desired to hasten; as also, the other Lords and Gentlemen, with the Ladies and Gentlewomen▪ did much desire to be speeded, as much as could be, longing for their Inlargement, which occasioned the surrender a day sooner then by the Arti­cles was agreed; and truely, it is become a miserable stinking infected Towne, I pray God they doe not infect the Countries and Townes adjacent, which is the care of the Commissioners, that way be taken to prevent.

[Page 2] Yesterday the Commissioners came up to see them march out of Newarke; they carryed not much out of the Towne, for they had but very few Carriages: we have ga­thered together 4000 Armes alreadie, and there are more; which, by reason of the sicknesse in divers places, the Officers dare not yet venture to fetch out, nor make that diligent search, which will afterwards be made, so soone as with safetie we may.

We have taken Sweet-lips (the great Gunne) which they so much esteem'd of, and 11 more great pieces, two Mor­ter pieces, and divers Drakes, and other small pieces, and 40 Gunpowder, with great store Match, Bullets, and all sorts of Ammunition.

Those of Newarke Garrison, from the greatest to the least, doe all of them generally seeme to be much discon­tented at their hearing, that the King hath delivered him­selfe up to the Scots, and are very much troubled at the hearing thereof, which makes many of them to repent, that ever they were engaged in the service, being like men in amaze at the hearing of it; And when 800 of them had marched out with the Lord Bellasis the Governour, and it was expected that they should name to what Garri­son they should march, they would not nominate any Garrison to march to, for the further service of the King in the designe against the Parliament : But (as all the rest that came out of Newarke, who were above 1000 more, so they went every one to their owne homes: So that, as I confesse, I know not where they could have easily found out any Garrison unbesieged to march to, according to the Articles, so they did not take care to put themselves into any other prison in that service, in which they have received so little satisfaction.

The Governour (to give him his due) hath beene very [Page 3] punctuall, and the conditions very exactly observed, and performed so fully, as I beleeve, ever any were, and all of them are very diligent to procure a good repute of the Parliament; the Commissioners and the Courtry, for which they labour much, and thereby make way to com­pound with the Parliament for their delinquency: I be­leeve, that all those of qualitie (of whom there are many) will continue labouring to compound for their e­states.

The Countrie thereabouts are all summoned to come in with Spades, Shovels, Pick-axes, and other necessa­ries on Monday next, to assist in the demolishing of the Workes of Newarke, which are very many, strong, and formidable, I beleeve they will come in very joyfully to that worke, which tends to so great an ease to all those parts, as they have found by wofull experience, since they felt the oppression of that Garrison, and others, of all which they are now cleare, and all will be buried in the ruines of this, which they are forthwith to levell. Doctor Deane, Doctor Hurst, Doctor March, and divers other malignant Clergy-men were in Newarke, who with the Gentrie, as Aldermen Atkinson, and the rest of the malig­nant Townes-men, and others, are very sad in the Towne, so as they walke away in a mournfull posture; the trou­bles of those parts, being now most troubled in their own thoughts.

The Scots are marched Northward withall their whole body of Horse and foot; the Horse march before with the King, and with them Lieutenant Generall David Lesley; they march along with great rejoycing that they have the King with them. But the Yorkshire men, so soon as they heard that the Scots Army were to march Northward, they presently (most of them) gathered their Horses, [Page 4] and forthwith sent them over Trent into Lincolnshire, for feare that some unruly Souldiers, in the Scots Army, up­on their march northward (coming through their coun­trey) should plunder them, by which meanes there were very many horses sent into Lincolnshire, and so the coun­trey had not many horses left in their grounds to loose. The Scots Forces are marched towards Doncaster, but I beleeve that a party of Horse will goe before with the K [...]ng towards Newcastle.

They say that they have dealt very plainly with the King since he came into their Army.

Wee have taken great care to prevent the Souldiers from plundering, though some of them did very well re­member how they were stript at Spittle.

The Governour hath had very great care of all things in Newarke, to see that nothing should be imbezeled, and hath shewed himselfe very noble; there is a great change, by which God hath given us experience of his great power, in bringing downe the hearts of the proud and h [...]ughty.

There is a M [...]ssenger come to the Commissioners from the Parliament, for those who came with the King, and the Commissioners have sent to the Scots, to demand Master Iohn Ashburnham, and Mr. Hudson, for those are the two th [...]t came along with his Majesty from Oxford, but the Messenger is not yet returned, nor do we yet heare what answer is made to him.

The severall Regiments and Companies from the As­sociation, that came to assist us in the taking in of New­arke, are all marching home with no small joy, that all things are now s [...] cleare in those parts.

Our Commissioners have endeavoured (by all meanes possible) to continue all amity and loving accord with [Page 5] the Scots, who, I beleeve, will grant to have his Majesty disposed of as both Kingdoms shall agree, & in the mean while to remaine with Generall Levens Army, where hee shall dispose of him; and Generall Leven hath carried on things since he came to the Army with great wisdome and moderation; and it is said, that hee is much troubled what to doe to please both Kingdomes, in the matter of giving account about the King.

Newa [...]ke is now open and free againe, and the Trades­men are prepa [...]ing to furnish their shops, our Souldiers have already bought divers thing of them, and the Coun­trey have a free market, but it cannot be expected to bee much, whilst the sicknesse is in the Towne; but to God be the praise, who hath done this great work for us, to de­liver this strong hold of the enemies into our hands; I pray God, that others (so oppressed) may have the like mercy, and peace and truth be setled amongst us, which is the prayers of

Your humble s [...]rvant, S. R.
A List of what was taken in Newarke, on Friday the eighth of May, 1646.
  • 1. Great piece of Ordnance, called, Sweet-lips.
  • 11 Great pieces of Ordnance more.
  • 2. Morter pieces.
  • Divers Drakes and small pieces.
  • 4000. Armes gathered, divers Armes not taken in.
  • 40. Barrell of Gunpowder.
  • Many thousand weight of Bullets and Lead, Match, and other Ammunition, proportionable and plentifull.
  • Little fresh meat, onely Poultry, and that very scarce.
  • Salt-meat, some plentie, but much of it tainted, and not fit to be eaten.
  • Butter and Cheese, some store, Beere and Wine many barrels. Corn good store. Fewell for fire very little.
A List of the Lords, Knights, Colonels, and chiefe of the Gentry that marched out of Newark, to their owne homes, to submit to the Ordinances of Parliament.
  • Lords.
    • Lord Bellasis, Governour.
    • Lord Davencourt.
    • Lord Laxington.
  • Knights.
    • Sir Iohn Burrell.
    • Sir Guy Palmes.
    • Sir Charles Dalison.
    • Sir Robert Dalison.
    • Sir Robert Tredway.
    • Sir George Hennings.
    • Sir Jarvis Skroop.
    • Sir Philip Constable.
    • Sir Thomas Iugram.
    • Sir Bryan Balmes.
    • Sir Iarvis Nevill.
    • Sir Simon Fanshaw.
    • And others.
  • Great Clergy-men.
    • Doctor Farmer, Chancelor of Lincoln.
    • Doctor March, Dean of Y [...]ke.
    • Doctor Hurst, and others.
  • Chiefe Officers.
    • Major Generall Eyre.
    • Colonell Gilby.
    • Colonell Trollop.
    • Colonell Herne.
    • Colonell Darsey.
    • Colonell Atkins.
    • And others.
    • The most malignant Alder­men of the Town were
    • The Maior of Newark.
    • Alderman Atkinson.
    • Alderman Standish.
    • And others.

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