RECORDS Of Things done in PARLIAMENT (without the Kings consent) Of higher consequence then have yet been done by this PARLIAMENT.

LONDON: Printed by R. Bishop for Lawrence Blaiklock at the Sugar-loafe neer Temple-Barre. 1643.

Records of Things done in Parliament of higher consequence then have yet been done by this PARLIAMENT.


AN. 4. Ed. 3. art. 1. The King had put to him 4. Bishops, 4. Earles, and 4. Barons, without whose consent no great businesse was to bee trans­acted.

Ann. 14. Ed. 3. num. 35. The Par­liament appointed the Arch-bishop of Canterbury, the Earles of Lancaster, Warren and Hun­tington, to be Counsellors to the Duke then Prote­ctor, with power to call such others as they shall think fit.


Ann. 50. Ed. 3. num. 10, 11. Ordered in Parliament that the King should have at least 10. or 12. Counsel­lours, without whom no weighty matters should passe.

Ann. 11. Ric. 2. num. 23. No person to be about the King, or to intermeddle with the affaires of the Realme other then such as should bee appointed by Parliament.


Ann. 8. Ri. 2. num. 11.16. The names of the chief Officers of the Kingdome to be known to the Parlia­ment, and were not to be removed without just cause.


Ann. 7. & 8. H. 4. num. 31. Counsellors appoin­ted by Authority of Parliament.


Ann. 1. H. 6. num. 24. The Protector & Defensor Regni appointed in Parliament.


Ann, num. 26. Privy Counsellors.

Ann. 2. H. 6. num. 15. Counsellors appointed in Parliament.


Rot. Parl. 13. Ed. 3. num. 15, 16. The whole Navy disposed of by Parliament.

Num. 13, 14. Admiralls appointed, and Instructions given them.

Num 32. Instructions for defence of Iersey, and a Deputy Governor appointed in parliament.


Num. 36. A Clerk appointed for payment of their wages by the over-sight of the Lord Percie and Nevell.

Num. 38. Sir Walter Creak, appointed Governor of Barwick.

Ann. 39. Sir Thomas Wake, appointed to set forth the Array of Souldiers for the County of York.

Num. Others for other Countreys.

Custos regni.

Num. 14. Ed. 3 num. 36. The Parliament agreeth that in the Kings absence, the Duke of Cornwall shall be custos regni.


Num. 19. Certaine men are appointed to keep the Ilands and Sea Coasts.

Num. 42. The Lord Mowbray appointed keeper of Barwick.

Num. 48. Commission to the Lord Mowbray of the Iu­stices Lentham.


Num. 53.54. Commission of Array to the Earle of Angors and others.

An. 50. Ed. 3. num. 15. A Commission to the Lord Piercie and others, to appoint able persons for the de­fence of the Marches of the East-riding.


An. 15. Ed. 3. num. 15. The Chancellors chiefe Iu­stices, Treasurers, the Chancellors and Barons of the Ex­chequer, &c. may be chosen in open Parliament, and there openly sworn to observe the Law: Answer, as they fall by death or otherwise, that shall be so done in the choyse of new by their assents, &c.

Kings education.

An. 1. Ric. 2. num. 18.19. The Parliament wholly dis­poseth of the education of the King, and Officers.


Num. 51. Officers for Gascoyne, Ireland, Artois: keepers of the ports, Castles, &c.


An. 2. Rich. 2. Rot. Parliament. part. 2. art. 39. Admi­ralty.

Num. 37. In a scedule is contained the Earle of Nor­thumberland and others, for the defence of the North Sea Coasts, and confirmed by Parliament.

An. 6. Rich. 2, num. 11. The proffers of the Bishop of Norwich, to keep the Sea Coastes, and accepted in Parliament.

An. 15. Rich. 2. num. 15. The Commons name the persons to Treat of a peace with the Kings enemies.


An. 1. H. 4. num. 106. That the King appoint able Captaines in England and Wales.

An. 5. H. 4. num. 16. The King at the request of the Commons removed his Confessor and others from be­ing about him.


Num. 37. The King at the request of the Commons nameth divers privie-Councellors.


An. 7. & 8. H. 4. num. 26. Power given to Merchants to nominate two persons to bee Admirals.

Stat. 5. Ri. 2. ca. 3. The Marriners of the West ap­pointed [Page 5]to guard the Seas, and had six pence per pound out of Merchants goods towards their charges, and reprisals.

7. & 8. H. 4. num. 26. Commissions granted in Par­liament to keepe the Sea.


An. 1. H. 6. num. 61. Chancellor, Treasurer, and Privie-Seale appointed by Parliament.


An. 4. H. 6. num. 19. The Duke by common consent in Parliament, appointed a Deputy to keep Barwick Castle: Note, that was a trust committed unto him for which he could not make a Deputy.


An. 14. H. 6. num. 1 [...]. The keeping of the Towne of Callais is committed to the Duke of Glocester by In­denture between him and the King, and confirmed in Parliament.


An. 31. H. 6. num. 41. Richard Earle of Salisbury and others, are appointed by Parliament to keep the Seas.

An. 33. H. 6. num. 27. discharged.


An. 39. H. 6. num. 32. The Duke of York made Ge­nerall by Parliament.

Counsell of Warre.

Stat. 21. Iocob. cap. 34. Tresurers and a Counsell of [Page 6]War appointed by Parliament, and an oath to be taken by them.

An. 8. H. 6. cap. 25. The Mayor of K. Staple to con­tinue but two yeeres in his Office: Note the Kings Pre­rogative in appointing his Officers abridged by Parla­ment.


40. Ed. 3. num. 7.8. Resolved, that the King could not dispose of the Kingdome without the consent of his people.


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