REASONS Humbly Offered for Continuing the Right of Foreign-Built Ships, now belonging to English Owners, to Load at and from any of the Plantations for England directly.

THE Intent of the Bill for Preventing Abuses Committed to the prejudice of the Plantation-Trade, particularly by the Scotch, and to hinder the Trading in Foreign-Built Ships from Port to Port, and from one Colony to ano­ther in the Plantations, being now before your Lordships,

It is Humbly proposed to your Lordship's Consideration.

I. That the present War hath very much decreased the Shipping of Eng­land, especially those Employed in the Plantation-Trade, so many having been Taken, and Lost. The Consequences of the War have made all Materials for Building Ships very dear, and the Great Occasion the King hath for Shipwrights, makes Building not only very Charge­able, but also Dilatory, for want of Ship-Carpenters, and altogether a great discouragement to Build many Ships during the War.

II. That Foreign-Built Ships, Called English Shipping, as belong­ing Bona Fide wholly to English Owners, and Bought for Valuable Considerations, and Navigated with the Master and three fourths English Seamen, are not even in Times of Peace Excluded by the Act of Navigation, nor by the Act of Frauds, from going to the Plantations to load there for England directly, Paying Aliens Customs if not made Free.

III. That during this War, there hath been a want of Shipping to bring off the Yearly Product of the Plantations, the Natural Conse­quences whereof are High Freights, and few Goods, and those Sold Dear here, and but little left to be Exported to Foreign Markets, for the want whereof we suffer so much in the Exchange, and are forc'd to send out the more Mony.

IV. That the English Merchants and Traders in this Kingdom be­ing no [...] debar'd by the said Acts of Navigation and Frauds to Trade with Foreign-Built Ships, under the Conditions therein mentioned, have always been possess'd of such Ships, whereby the Customs as well as the Trade have been Increased.

'Tis therefore Humbly Hoped that such Provision may be made in the said Bill, as may Preserve the Right and Property of the Subjects to continue such Foreign-Built Ships in the Plantation-Trade as be­fore this time they are Possess'd and Owners of. Provided they do not Trade from Port to Port in the Plantations, nor from one Colony to another.

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