REASONS Humbly offered, why the Bill brought in by the Adventurers in the Fenns should not passe before the Adjournment of the PARLIAMENT.

1. BEcause they bring in their Bill in this streight of time, on purpose that the wrongs they have, and still do the KING, Country, and many particular persons, may not be heard.

2. They would entitle the Parliament to the guilt of all the wrongs they have done the King and Coun­trey; and by this short Bill have the bolder face to per­petuate their Injuries by a longer Bill to be brought in hereafter.

3. If there be any reall danger to the Countrey, the Commissioners of Sewers being the most ancient and legall Judges, are more likely to apply the proper remedies for the safety of the Countrey in general, then A Company of private persons, whose interest is oppo­site to the Publique.

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