REASONS humbly offered against some Clauses in the Present Bill for Encourage­ment of Privateers.

VVHEREAS It is the Intent of this Honourable House, That Privateers shall pay no Tenths for any Prize Ship or Goods except French Goods, yet in Page 37. where all Goods except French are ex­empted from Tenths, the word Ship is left out, and nothing in any other place to help it.

Therefore it's prayed the word Ship may be there added.

That it often falls out, that Enemies Ships are driven into our Ports, Ri­vers or Havens by contrary Winds, and other times they come in as Spies and to Trade with ill affected persons contrary to Law, and get out again unmo­lested by any but Privateers; wherefore His Majesty by His Commission to Pri­vateers, as an Encouragement to them to annoy the Enemy, hath given them what Prizes they shall take in Ports, &c. as well as at Sea, which Encouragement is by this Bill in Page 38 taken from Privateers, and not only so, but a fur­ther discouragement added, for by this Clause, if a Privateer Chases a French Ship into any of our Harbours and there seize her, Their Majesties shall have the sole benefit thereof.

Page 43. By this Bill its Enacted that if an English Ship retaken, shall ap­pear to have been, after the taking by the Enemy, by them set forth as a Man of War, she shall be restored to the former Owners, paying one Moyety for Salvage, whereas before by the Law of Nations, such a Ship retaken be­long'd wholly to the retaker as a Lawful Prize, and therefore this Clause will discourage English Privateers from Engaging French Privateers, which above all ought to be encouraged.

And in Page 45 this Bill gives but one half of such Owlers and Wooll Boats as the Privateers shall take, to them, whereas before they had the whole.

Wherefore it's humbly prayed that the said three Clauses may be left out of the said Bill.

And Whereas by this Bill, the selling and disposal of French Prize Goods is given to the Commissioners of Prizes, It's humbly prayed that, that part of the Bill may be altered, so that the parties concerned in Privateers may have the management and disposal of their own Estates, for few will be willing to run the risque and charge of Privateering when what they take, shall be put into other peoples hands and management.

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