AN Evening Sacrifice OR PRAYER FOR A FAMILY; Necessary for these calamitous Times.
Printed in the yeer. 1643.
AN Evening SACRIFICE OR PRAYER for a FAMILY; Necessary for these calamitous times.
O Lord God Almighty, protector, and preserver of all thy Creatures, thy glory covereth the Heavens, and the Earth is full of thy praise; than art gracious, and of great mercy in pardoning those who confesse, and forsake their sins; but dreadfull in the execution of thy judgements on all those who hide them, and obsturately go on in their rebellions against thy sacred Maiesty: their judgement sleepeth n [...], and the day hasteth on wherein the Heavens shall 2 Pet. 3. 10. passe away with a noise, the Elements melt with heat, and the Earth with all the works therein, shall be burnt up, and Christ the Iudge of the living and the dead, shall shew himself from Heaven, with millions of Angels in flaming fire, to render vengeance to the wicked, and to recompence every man according to his deservings. Remembring the terrour of that day, the severity of thy Iustice, how impossible it is to flye from thee, how dreadfull to fall into thine hands when thou art angry; and finding no ground of comfort out of thee, and thy Christ no way to escape thy Iustice, but by flying to thy free grace; we appeal from thy tribunall of Iudgement, unto the sanctuary of thy Mercy, let open unto us in that onely living way thy Son our Saviour Iesus Christ, humbly acknowledging, that so many and so grievous have our sins, and transgressions continually been, in the contempt of thy Word, carelesse neglect of our souls health, impious pursuance of our own vile desires, omission of holy dueties, for the prosecution of our own vain and sinfull purposes, as that never durst we lift up an eye to Heaven, nor could we an heart to Prayer; didst not thou whose mercy pulleth us like [Page 2] brands out of the fire, help our infirmities by thy holy Spirit, endite our Petitions when we know not what Rom. 8. Matth. 11. Psal. 50. 15. Zeph. 1. 12. to pray, as we ought, and invite us to call upon thee by promising to hear and help us. We know O Lord, that if thou who searchedst Ierusalem with lights, and punishedst them who setled on their lees, shouldst now examine our lives and conversations in our customary living, nakednesse, and destitution of grace, we could not but be ashamed and confounded at thy presence, having no excuse for our vilenesse, no pretence for our justification left us: Thou hast nourished and brought up children, but we have continually rebelled against thee, and followed our own unhappy wayes; thou hast revealed thy will concerning our salvation, but we have prodigally spent that portion of knowledge, wherewith thou hast not once, but continually furnished us by thy Word preached to beget faith and obedience in us, and to open unto us the inestimable riches of thy grace and mercy in Christ Iesus; thou hast ever béen a tender and gracious Father unto us, but we have sinned against Heaven and against thee, and are no more worthy to be called thy sons: we have consulted shame to our families, and confusion to our own souls, and if we would hide our iniquities, the Hab. 2. 11. stone should cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber witnesse against it: if thou whose allseeing eve of Iustice runneth to and fro through the whole Earth, shall be extream to mark what is done amisse, thou needest no witnesse, because the evidence of every fact cryeth unto thee, nor further examination of the Book of Remembrance, then concerning the sins of this day sufficient to condemn us, to make our houses desolation, and our souls examples of thy just judgements on transgressors: we have by our heardnesse of heart, and secure impenitency stored up to our selves, wrath against the day of thy fierce wrath, and revelation of thy righteous judgements: O Lord we confesse, that we deserve to be smitten with blasting and mildews in all the labours of our hands; that the Heavens over us should either poure down drowning floods, or be stayed from dew, and the [Page 3] Earth from her fruit, and that after this dreadfull execution of thy wrath, by the spirit of division sent amongst us, and the sword in mutuall slaughters, drunken with the native blood of this Lands Inhabitants, thou shouldst also call for a forraign enemy, or a famine and pestilence to consume the residue: But O Lord, our wounds are already dolorous, our afflictions grievous, and our cries dolefull from Dan to Beersheba, from one end of the Land to the other, such as may move an enemy to pitty, such as do make us a wonder and astonishment, not onely to those neighbouring Nations (who have lately envyed our happy peace and plenty) but also to our selves, for as much as this whole destruction is of our selves, who sufficiently feel the judgement, and yet cannot stay our own wretched hands from a desperate pursuite and execution thereof upon our selves. Yet when we consider our many provocations of thy justice by our unthankfulnesse for all thy blessings, abase of thy good Creatures, wilfull stopping our ears to thy Prophets, whose messages we have not layed to heart, nor hearkned to them when they cryed to us to turn from our evill wayes, our vain confidence in the counsells of men, and in arm of flesh, we cannot so much wonder at the present curse which is upon us, and that thou hast béen sore displeased with us, as that thou didst not long since destroy us, or doest not utterly now; séeing we have not yet profited by thy fatherly corrections, Nehem. 1. 6, 7. nor turned to the Hand that smiteth us. But O Lord, who can stand before thine indignation and endure the fiercenesse of thine anger? Spare us, good Lord, miserable Creatures, but the work of thine own hands: who is God like unto thée, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by transgression? Have mercy on us, wretched sinners, but the people whom thou hast redéemed: Lord retain not thine anger for ever: thou who delightest in mercy, turn again, and have compassion on us: subdue our iniquities, cast all our sins into the depth of the Sea, that they may no more appear in judgement against us, to provoke thine anger to our destruction: perform thy truth, and thy mercy [Page 4] to us: revive thy work, and in judgement shew mercy: thou delightest not in the misery, nor desirest the death of wretched sinners, but that they may be converted and live: O Lord, it is too much misery to be sinners, let not thy justice presse upon the wounds of our afflicted soule, nor follow us with the bitter fruits of our sins, the guilt and dreadfull punishment due to the same in the finall desolation which now threatneth this Land: Lord consider to whom thou hast done this; thou hast given us the Seals of thy Covenant, whereby we are called thine: Lord destroy not the work of thine own mercy; thou reconciledst us when we were enemies; cast us not away, séeing thou hast made us thy Sons: though thou afflict us with grief, and fill us with bitternesse, to make us consider our waves, and to return unto thée; yet thou hast not forgotten to be gracious, nor is thy mercy come to an end for ever: Therefore have compassion on us: we have rebelled, and thou hast not spared: fear and snare, destruction and desolation are come upon us: we hope, and attain not, we cry unto thée, but yet, O holy one of Israel, it appeareth not that thou hearest us: yet we beleeve (Lord help our unbelief) and are assured of the truth of thy promise once to heare us: But Lord how long shall we mourn, and finde no comfort in our souls? We know we cannot be deceived in our confidence, for thou hast never failed them that trust in thée: Lord try us not above that patience which thou wilt give us, and so thy holy will be done: Reject us not finally, and so give us patience to expect thy saving health: Blessed Iesus, who after many sharp repulses, gavest a gracious answer to that importunate Canaanites intercession, now at last answer our Petitions with comfort: Lord look down from Heaven, and behold how we labour and have no rest: Where our Prayers want fervency, poure out upon us thy Spirit of grace and supplications: where our sins hinder thy mercy, in mercy turn us unto thee, and we shall be turned: where our hardnesse of heart holdeth us in impenitency, take away our stony hearts, and give us hearts of flesh: give us unfeigned repentance, [Page 5] who will assuredly shew mercy to the penitent: renew our dayes as of old: thou art our portion, give us not over unto the will of our destroyers: we resigne our selves wholly into thy hands, O Lord our Maker, make us such as thou wouldst have be, that thou maist be pleased to shew mercy unto us in our deliverance: give us rest from our dayes of trouble, that we may again rejoyce in thée, before we go hence into the silent grave, where none can praise thée: let the end of all our sufferings be thy glory, and our amendment, not our destruction.
Neither are we mindfull of our selves alone, but we humbly pray thée also for thy universall Church: Lord blesse her with the Spirit of Truth and Unity: Suppresse all those unhappy Schismes, Heresies, and Factions, which any wayes, or any where, distract, or disquiet thy little flock: Lord God of Unity, grant that all we who professe one truth of the Gospel of Iesus Christ may by our mutuall love approve our selves his Disciples; and being united by his good Spirit, may all hold that unity in the hand of peace, to the glory of thy great Name, who art the God of peace; to the adorning of the Gospel, which is the doctrine of peace: to the good example of our Brethren who are the sons of peace: to the silencing them who are the enemies of peace, and to the endlesse peace, and comfort of our souls and consciences, through Iesus Christ our Lord.
Blesse our Soveraign Lord the King; save and defend Him, that He may defend the Faith and faithfull People: Kéep Him from all Treasons and Conspiracies, confound the Councells of all mischievous Ahithophels: give Him the Spirit of Wisedome and Counsell to govern this people in peace and godlinesse: Blesse Him with aboundance of peace, a prosperous Raign, Faithfull subjection of His People, length of dayes, and eternall happinesse in the world to come. Blesse the Quéen, and the Royall Issue: Lord so season their tender yéers, with grace and truth, that in their riper Age, they may become nursing Fathers, and nursing Mothers to thy Church: [Page 6] Blesse all the Counsellors, Iudges, and Ministers of State, with Wisedome, Fidelity, and Equity: be with them in the Cause, and direct them in the sentence so, as that they may Councell prudently, and Iudge equally, ever remembring that themselves must ere long stand before thy more dreadfull tribunall, where there is no respect of Persons: Blesse all the faithfull Ministers of thy holy Word and Sacraments, with sincerity of life, and soundnesse of doctrine, that they may faithfully and powerfully dispence thy saving Mysteries, and lead thy People in the strait paths of Life everlasting: shew thy mercy on all the afflicted Servants of Christ Iesus: apply thy Comforts to them according to their severall wants and necessities: speak peace unto their souls, and assure them of thy saving health, that they faint not under their burden.
Blesse and kéep this Family, and all that thou hast given us: set thy fear in every one of our hearts, and make us all thy faithfull Servants: preserve us from all noysome contagion and infection of bodies and souls from all the snares of sin, Satan, the World, and the Flesh; from the power of the adversary; from robbers, spoilers, and oppressions, and from all dangers, spirituall or temporall; forgive us all our neglects, and failings this day past.
And now that the night and darknesse are upon us, wherein thou hast appointed that we shall rest; we humbly pray thée, whose providence, neither sléepeth, nor can be prevented by any sudden evill, to watch over us, and preserve us so, as that our sléep may be comfortable for the refreshidg our weary bodies, that our souls resting in thee, we may awake enabled to thy service, and the works of our callings: Into thy hands, O Lord, we commend, and commit our selves, bodies, and souls, and all that which thou hast given us, and made neer and dear unto us, whether we sleep or wake, live, or die, have us ever in thy gracious keeping this night, and ever more. Amen.