A Tender EXHORTATION TO FRIENDS AT Bristol, To bring to Remembrance How it was with them in the Be­ginning.

This Paper is not only to go to Bristol, but London, or elsewhere, where it may come, because it is a trying Day, and none of the least that we have had; but I hope it will drive the honest-hearted to lay hold of the Standard of Truth and Righteousness, and let that be their chief support, and then they need not fear their Enemy without nor within; for the Lord never fails any that put their trust in him only; for their is no confidence in Man; and therefore the Lord is to be exalted above every Name, to which every Cedar or Oak must bow.

London, Printed in the Year, 1700.

A Tender Exhortation to Friends at Bristol, &c.

Friends, or to whom these may come;

I Being young, did live near the City of Bristol, and about the time of the Massacree in Ireland, it hapned that there was a poor People that came from thence to that City that fled for their Lives, both Men, Women and Children: And after things were a little settled, there was a sort of zea­lous People in that City, that went by the Name of Puritans, which were afraid to speak their own Words, or to wear [...]heir own Cloaths▪ for fear they should offend the Lord; and were kept in a [...]oly Fear, according to their sight and knowledge in that day: But afterwards [...] Persecution rose in the Nation by the Bishops, which they bore very well in that day; and if they met in the Field, there have some come with [Page 4]Staves and Clubs to beat them; but in length of time, the Times turned, and the Bishops were turned out themselves, both there and other places; then when People came to have Liberty and Freedom, there was a division amongst the Professors that were not of their mind. Then there was another Turn, and the City of Bristol was taken by Prince Robart; and these People went thorough it, through great difficulties by an Enemies Army, and then to Lon­don they came, and were received with great gladness of Heart in this City, and with unexpressible Love amongst the honest People in this City, the Lord made way for them in the hearts of his People.

O! Friends, let this never be for­gotten, the tender dealings of the Lord in a time of trouble, whom they found to be a God near at hand, and not afar off in that day. Then it hapned so, that there was another Turn, and they were sent home by the Parliament; and great care was taken for them, and their Enemies were forc'd to flee be­fore [Page 5]them. Now when things began to be settled in London, and in the City of Bristol, they were settled again in their Habitations, than they began also to look into the Prophecy of latter days, and what should be en­joyed in the latter Times; and the Cry was, that they might come to suck at the sweet Breast of Consolation, and for that cause many Prayers were put up, and Days set apart to Pray for the pouring down of the Spirit; and there were many Seekers in that day, seeking the Way to Sion, with their Faces thi­therward: Oh that these travailing days may never be forgot, what way the Lord took to gather a People to himself, tho' through many hardships and difficulties, yet he crowned all with his Heavenly Presence, in standing by them in the worst of Times, endless Glory to his Name for ever. And af­ter great crying for the Spirit to be poured down, the Lord heard their Cry, and news came to the City of London, that there was a poor People in the North, that could give their [Page 6]Backs to the smiter, and their Cheeks to them that pulled off their Hair; and that the Everlasting Gospel was Preach­ed amongst this poor People: And then they came to London, and were scat­tered amongst the Nation with much Reproach and Contempt, yet they were made to bear all things, and some of these that did Pray for the pouring down of the Spirit, and it came in so low an appearance, that they could not readi­ly receive it, because it did not come in the Wisdom of Words, yet to many thousands it was received in much sin­cerity and uprightness of Heart, and a joyful sound it was to them that truly waited for it, and especially this City of Bristol, I know no People received it more readily than they did; and it was a joyful sound to them; and ma­ny of them that were in that day, are gone to Rest with the Lord for ever.

And after they had received the Truth in the love of it, there was a Spi­rit of Division rise amongst some Friends, which put a stop to the Prosperity of Truth for a time; but at last there hap­ned [Page 7]another Persecution, yet notwith­standing all the Difference, they stood the Day, and the Lord was with them, and they suffered joyfully the spoiling of their Goods, and Imprisonment, and some lost their dear Lives.

Now Friends, after the heat of the Persecution was over, there was a rest, and the Enemy took some advantage af­ter that, but I hope that was made up again. But now, Friends, the thing that lies chiefly upon me is, how we have answered the Lord's Call out of many Evils, and that in no wise we may go back to Egypt again, as I am afraid too many are, gone into that which the Lord by his right Hand brought, out of them, that which was displeasing unto him.

And now I do desire, as for my own Soul, you may look back through all those things, and see the Lord's deal­ings all along, from one time to another, and do not despise the day of small things; though the Lord has given Riches, and made up your Losses both in Lon­don [Page 8]and Bristol, (especially Bristol) I mean what you have lost by suffer­ing for Truth; and as he hath made it up to you many ways, the desire of my Soul is, that none of us that have partaken of the Loving-kindness of the Lord, that we may do nothing that may cause him to with-draw his Holy Spirit from us; for if it should be so, we should be as miserable as any People whatsoever, for what can we do without the Lord? we cannot stand of ourselves, because all our fresh springs are in him, and there­fore we are to watch and pray conti­nually, that we may not be carried away by the great Enemy of our Souls, or turned out of the way, for he will be ready to betray the simple-hearted, therefore I do desire that in the simpli­city of our Hearts, we may look about us, and see how many ways the enemy hath taken to betray the Simplicity of the Truth, since the breaking forth of it.

And now Friends, I have a Word or two to the Young Generation, let them be where they will, in City or Country, that have not known much of this [Page 9]travail to consider with themselves whether they ought not to be con­cerned in this Work, as well as the An­cient that have gone before them; for the Way is the same for the Young as well as the Old, and therefore they ought to consider their standing: And the Lord is the same to day, as yester­stay and for ever, and he will not acquit the Guilty, neither Rich nor Poor, therefore I pray Friends, consider and be you watchful with that little know­ledge which the Lord hath given you, over your Words and Actions, whether it be Pride, or any other Evil which op­presses the Seed, that you may witness Peace, as many that have gone before you had done.

And now Friends, I have a Word to some that minister among us, for they that have their Commission rightly from the Lord, their need not much be said; but some there are that minster in the wise part by what they learned from others, and from the Scriptures, and they reach to the wise part in others: But the right Ministry dissolve all to [Page 10]nothing, and makes self of no Reputa­tion, and cuts down that that stands in the way. And further, I desire that there may not be too much healing of the Wound, until it be throughly search­ed, that they may not go away to much at ease, and forget themselves, and a liberty get in, and then they are more careless than ever they were before. And so I desire you that are rightly called, may watch over the Flock, and over your own Hearts too; for I do not question but you may have occasion as well as others to watch continually; for what the Enemy cannot do one way, he will endeavour another.

And now Friends, I have a Word to those that have been long hearers of the Truth, as we have been long Hear­ers, but now the Lord is risen, and calls upon us to be doers of his Will in whatsoever he calls us to, and as others have been Preachers to us, we may now be Preachers our selves in Righteous­ness, and in Truth; for if we hear all our Days, and do not come to that of God in our selves, to be Preachers to [Page 11]others in our Conversations, it is no encouragement for others to follow our Example. I pray Friends, be not of­fended at my plain Dealing, for I al­ways found it best, if I had any thing against a Friend, to tell him of it to his Face, and not joyn with an Enemy a­gainst him behind his Back; and I ever had Peace in so doing, and I hope shall to the end.

Friends, I have some concern upon my Mind, concerning some of those that run into such things that I am sure the Truth will not justifie in desiring to be Rich by that way that God's Con­troversie is against. I pray consider, is it not better to be contented with the Blessing of the Lord in a middle way, than to run into that that causes an evil Report upon the good Land.

I would have none discouraged be­cause of these things, nor think the worse of the Land , because of the evil Spies; for such as have known the true Travel to it, can give in their Te­stimony, that the Land is good for all [Page 12]this, and to be desired beyond all things in this World.

Friends, I have something further that lies upon my Mind, that is the con­sideration of those things which is be­fore written, of the great appearance that was once witnessed of the presence of the Lord, that was amongst us. And now my desire is for my self, as well as for you, that we may not sit down at ease, and please our selves with what we have known, for it is not that we have known in former Days, will satisfie our Hungry Souls now, because our Lord exhorted us to Pray for our dai­ly Bread, and that we may Watch and Pray always, for if we lose the Sense of our condition, Darkness may soon overtake us, and then what can we do.

And now Friends, if any should rise up againgst the Truth, in oposition to it again, as formerly they have done, I have this to say in the behalf of it, though they make little of the appear­ance of it, and it came forth by a poor People, yet there was Men which I [Page 13]can name, that spoke and Prophesied of it in our Day, though they saw it but I through a Vail, yet the Lord was pleas'd to rent the Vail, and they did Preach of the New Jerusalem coming down from above, in the Day that the Lord would search Jerusalem as with a Candle, and they Preached of the two Seeds, though we did not know what they meant in that Day. And I pray what difference is there between that they Preached and that Friends came forth in: And now to witness what I have said, I shall write down some of these Men's names that use to hear in those Days, as Walter Cradock, William Ar­berey, Joshua Sprig, Thomas Brooks, John Webster, Dr. Everard, Peter Sterer, William Dell, John Saltmash, Morgan Floyd; and as John's Baptism was Glo­rious in his time, so was there Preaching in their time, and they were greatly set by, by the Government, which proved some hurt to them, which I desire may be a Warning to all others, not to be much lifted up of what perswasion soever.

Friends, upon the consideration of [Page 14]the many deliverances that we have had, since that Massacree, the desire of my Heart is, that we may do nothing to provoke the Lord, as Israel did of old, to cause him to bring his Judgments up­on us, as he did upon them, because I see there is many come in among us, some for one end and some for another, and such serve their own end, but the end of the Lord is not answered: And these are some of the little Foxes that hurt the tender Grapes. I pray let none take offence at my thus Writing, for in the Grief of my Heart do I Write these things, because I do hear so many Complaints by some that have suffered loss by some that are call'd by the name of Quakers.

Friends, seeing some Exercises are come upon you concerning these Men, that rather strikes at the Truth more than you, but I hope the Lord will plead bis own Cause, and not let it fall for all this: But this I desire for my self as well as for you, that we may all consider right well and search our Hearts every one, and [Page 15]see whether there be nothing in us that may cause the Lord to suffer such a thing to come upon us; that so what we find amiss, we may let it fall, let it be what it will, and endeavour to be Examplary to our Enemies, in whatso­ever we are concern'd in.

A. R.
O Day of Tryal, come thou art,
For to discover every Heart,
And manifest things as they be,
That all the Innocent may see
The Man that doth the Life possess,
From him that it only profess;
Yea, thou wilt shew them who they are,
That soared up above the Sphear,
In Words, in Carriage, or in Action,
Which gave the Seed no satisfaction.
And such before that thou art over,
Their Nakedness thou wilt discover,
Whereby some that deceived have been,
Are catcht by them as in a Gin,
Will be ashamed and sit down,
And wait within to feel their own
[Page 16]Eternal Gift to God again,
And Life to breath upon the Slain.
And as these things they come to feel,
It will afre [...] renew their Zeal,
To stand against every thing
That would to God dishonour bring,
And patiently the Cross do bear,
Who ever fly, they will not dare,
Because they see it would offend,
And bring them Sorrow in the end.
The living God who is so just,
That all that will him follow, must
Deny themselves in every thing,
And wait on him who is their King.
George Fox the Younger.

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