A DISCOƲRSE AGAINST Judicial Astrology.
CHAPTER I. Of Iudicial Astrology, what it is, the original of it, who was the Authour thereof, by what Names or Titles the Professors of it are called, and their Profession what it promiseth.
FOr as much as I have taken in hand, to set forth to the view of my Countreymen, the nature of that Art which is known by the name of Iudicial Astrology, that now my Doctrine may be understood of all men; What Astrologie that is, which is by the Authour called Iudicial Astrologie. I think it convenient here to set forth in few words, what I mean by Iudicial Astrology, which is briefly thus defined, viz. by Iudicial Astrologie I understand Astrological Predictions, in which the Astrologer doth foretel the particular events of things belonging to man. For as much as it is my [Page 2] desire, that my Antagonists may know and understand my mind plainly: See my Declaration agaist Astrologie, Page 2. line 2. 3. 4. therefore I declare that this aforesaid Art of Iudicial Astrologie, is a secret diabolical Divination, as it is elsewhere by me divulged. Moreover, I do affirm the said Art of Astrologie, to be full of Idolatry and superstition, and is contrary unto the Scripture, as I shall here manifest and prove to all rational men, whom I desire wel to consider this first, Note here viz. That no Astrologer can or is able (according to the Rules of their said Art) to predict or foretell the event or end of any particular thing belonging unto man, but by their superstitious and Idolatrous observing and regarding of time, that this regarding of time is (as I have said) superstition and Idolatry, is evident from the words of the Scripture to be seen, Deut. 18.10.11. in Deut. 18.10.11. verses. You may there find many unlawful things rehearsed and condemned for abominable and wicked practises; amongst which unlawful observations, there is also named this wicked Art of observing of time, in these words; Let none be found among you that is a regarder of times: Note. here is to be noted, how that all observing and regarding of time is here forbidden and condemned, Eccles. 3. chap. from the 1. verse to the 8. vers. which is not agreeable to the Scripture: now whereas Solomon saith, there is an appointed time, and a time to every purpose under Heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die, &c. Solomon doth not here say, that one time is better then another to be born in; nor that one time is worse then another to die in; again he saith, there is a time to love, and a time to hate, a time of Warre, and a time of peace. Yet he doth not say, that Men and Women do either love or hate each other, according to the several dispositions of the significators of their Nativities. Neither doth Solomon say that Warres and Peace proceed of, or from the conjunction of the Planets: nor yet that one time is better to go to warre in then another, because of the positious of the Starres. Now we may see how that Solomon saith, and so with him all other wise men, that there is an appointed time for every thing under the whole Heaven. The sayings of this wise man Solomon, are agreeable to the mind and will [Page 3] of God revealed in the Scripture; for the Scripture doth evidently hold forth unto us, that there is a time for all things to be accomplished and finished in; but in no one place of the Scripture is it said, that one time is better then another, according to the Starres, or the positions of the Heavens, for to do the aforesaid things: wherefore we may clearly behold our Astrologie what it is; for take from it that which the word of God doth forbid and condemn, and then it will be of no worth to the Astrologers, because it will then appear to be a beggerly Art, that hath no resting or abiding place, in any part of good learning. But to return to our matter again, I say, that Astrologie is an unlawful Art, Of the observing of time, the first thing why Astrologie is unlawful. Deut. 18. v. 10. 11. 14. and ought not to be practised in a Christian Commonwealth.
First, because the thing without which Astrologie, cannot be practised, is by, and in the Scripture plainly forbidden and condemned: now this thing is the regarding of times, which you may see, is positively condemned in the 18. Chapter of Deut. v. 10. Let none be found among you that is a regarder of times. Now that the name Astrologie is not here named I confess; but that the practise of Astrologie is here condemned, is evident from what I have, and shall set forth against the said Art. In the next place I will declare to the World (so far as I know) who was the first inventer of Astrologie, that so they, who are ignorant of this secret Art, The original of Astrologie, who was the Inventor of it. may understand from whence it came, and who was the Authour of it, and thereby they may the better judge of its illegality, according to the judgments of many very learned men: the invention of Astrologie is attributed to the Devills; wherefore I have for the witnessing of the said position, the Authority of that learned man, G. Carleton, Bishop of Chichester, whose words are these, viz. vide. Astrologomania, fol. 57. Tertul. Lib. de Idololatria. Origen. Hom. 13. The first Invention of Astrologie, is by many learntd men attributed to the Devills. With whom agree the sayings of many ancient Writers, as Tertullian, Clemens Alexandrinus, and Lactantius, with others who shall be mentioned in their proper places: hereupon it is apparent from what these Authours have written in their own works, that Astrologie is by them [Page] condemned for a wicked Art, whose original is from the Devils, and therefore is not fit to be suffered in a Commonwealth, much less in and amongst those, who are Christians and Professors of the Gospel; St. August. Lib. de Doc. Chr. Aug. Lib. de nat. Daemon. for as Augustin saith, it is a great madness and folly to go about to tell by the Starrs, the manners, actions, and events of men; which saith he, true Christian piety expelleth and condemneth. Also the same Authour affirmeth, that it is not lawful for any Christian to cast Nativities. These things which are here alledged out of Augustin, (I think) are able to satisfie any rational man, that Astrologie is a wicked Art, because as he himself confesseth in his book of Confessions, Chamber. ex August. that he was of that ungodly society of Astrologers, for his words are these, viz. Now also I had renounced the false Predictions of Astrologers, whom Christian and true piety expelleth and condemneth: the Astrologers cannot say (except they will lie) that this great Doctor, and ancient Father St. Augustine writ against Astrologie, through the weakness of his learning; nor can they say that he condemned their Art, because he did not know it; but we find that he speaketh against the said Art, because he had experience of its unsoundness. In the nexr place, I suppose it is convenient to say a little of the Names and Titles of the professors of this said Art of Judicial Astrologie, they are called or known by there names, Names belonging unto the Astrologers, both in English and Latine. viz. Astrologers, Prognosticators, Almanack-makers, Figure-flingers, Wise-men, Cunning-men, Wizards, Magicians, Starre-gazers; with many such strange names they are called, and in latine, Chaldae, Astrologi, Mathematici, Planetarij, Magi, Genethliaci, Babylonij, Divini, Fatidici, &c. this which is said already of the Names of these Professors of the aforesaid Art, shall suffice for the present; but to proceed, now I am to shew what this abominable Profession promiseth to perform: What the Art of Astrologie, promiseth to perform. wherefore you are to understand, that Astrologie promiseth to foretel what shall be the issue, event or end, of any thing belonging to man, which things the Astrologers do say, are signified by the 12. houses of Heaven: these are some of those things which the 12. houses are said (by the Astrologers) to signifie, viz. [Page 5] That the first house signifieth the Life and Body of him that is born, or doth aske a question: the second his Riches, the third, The significations of the twelve Houses. Brethren and Sisters; the fourth, his Parents; the fifth, Children; the sixth, sickness, the seaventh, Marriage; the eighth, Death; the ninth, Religion and God; the tenth, Rule and Dignities; the eleventh, Hope and trust; the twelfth, private enemies: these, and such like things as these are, the Astrologers do busie themselves about, to search out their Events; for so much as these things aforesaid, are by the Astrologers feigned to belong to the 12, houses of Heaven, and that they can by the motions and influences of the Starres, know what shall be the event and end of these, or any such things: therefore I say and affirm, that no man can by the Starres, know what shall be the issue or event of these, or any such things: Also, that the Stars do not signifie any such things as these are: Likewise I deny, that your twelve houses can signifie any of these things, or any such as these are. Moreover I denie, that any man is able by any lawful Learning, to attain to so much knowledge as to know thereby, what shall be the issue, event; or end of these aforesaid things, or of any other belonging to Man. Yet notwithstanding, what is here delivered, viz. (that no man is able by any lawful Art, to attain to so much knowledge therein, by good and lawful learning, as to know thereby what shall be the particular events of things belonging to Man:) yet I say, I would not have any man think, that it is my judgement, that the Astrologer doth not sometimes by his Art, predict or foretel the events of some things belonging to man. But this is that which I say, viz. That no man can by any lawful Art, come to any such knowledg of future events; but as for Astrologers, and such vain men as they are; I confess, that they may by their knowledge and skill in filthy and unclean Arts, (such as is Judicial Astrologie, with Magick, and the like abominable Arts) come to knowe somewhat of future events, 1 Sam. 28. chap. v. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. through the instigation of the Devil, by the permission of God; for did not the Witch at Endor, with the help of the Devil, predict or foretel to King Saul, what should be his [Page 6] end? which prediction proved true. Now who can prove the going of Saul to aske Councel of the Witch, or the practice of the Witch, in foretelling by the Devil the ruine of Saul; 1 Sam. 31.6. I say where is he that can prove it lawful, because the event answered to the Prediction? And yet our Astrologers have no better Arguments to prove the legality of their Art, of Astrologie; but only because the event falleth out, to be according to the Prediction; for when any one questioneth with them about the legality of their Art of Astrologie,) then shall you have them, to prove the lawfulness of their Art. Rehearse certain Historical Predictions which proved true by the events of the things foretold, and so to say with Sir Christopher Heydon, Sir Christ: Heydon in his Defence, page 195. who saith, that he for his own part doth freely confess, that there is no one thing that hath made him so confident in the validity of this art, as that which he hath seen to fall out true. Now here you may behold that this great Champion of our English Astrologers after that he had made a long and tedious discourse for the defence of Astrologie, at length thinking with himself that all his former Arguments were too feeble to prove what he had undertaken, doth here in this place, lay down as his strongest Argument, (which as himself saith) made him so confident of the validity of Astrologie, Mr. Lilly in his Introduct. page 148. and it is this, viz. The event falling out, according to the Prediction. Now where is he, that by this Argument, is able to prove Astrologie a lawful Art? Almost such another Argument, but to the very same purpose is to be seen in the works of Mr. Wil: Lilly, who writing of the markes, moles or scarres, that the Querent hath, saith that the verity thereof, hath been one main argument of his engaging in all the parts of Astrologie so far. But if Mr. Lilly hath no better Arguments to prove the verity of Astrologie by, assuredly he will not be able to prove the legality of the Art, which he as yet professeth.
CHAP. II. That Judicial Astrologie is a vain and foolish Art, being full of Idolatrous and superstitious Fables contrary to the Scripture, and the practice thereof is a Diabolical Divination.
THe vanity and foolishness of Astrologie, Astrologie is a vain and foolish art. Eccles. 8. Chap. 6. 7. verses. may many wayes be proved. But to begin, I will bring the sentences of that wise man King Solomon, who saith, that for to every purpose there is a time and judgement, because the misery of man is great upon him; for he knoweth not that which shall be: for who can tell him when it shall be? Now from this saying of Solomon, it is very apparent, that none can know the future events of things belonging to man; for he positively affirmeth, that no man knoweth that which shall be, or who can tell when it shall be? The foolishness of Astrologers, and the vanity of Astrologie. here you may see Astrologers to be unwise, and their Art of Astrologie to be a vain and foolish Art; for that which the wisest of men saith cannot be known, that do they take upon them for to foretel: Moreover, the vanity and foolishness of Astrologie doth herein appear.
First, because it hath no one place of the word of God to warrant its legality.
Secondly, because the Scripture is not only silent in the Commendations thereof; but because it is full of plain sentences which declare openly the foolishness and vanity of the said Art, in that the Scripture doth deride at the Practitioners thereof, and condemneth the practice of it as unlawful, as it is to be seen in Isaiah 47. ch. & the 13. & 14 verses. Isaiah 47. c. v. 13.14. Jer. 10. c. v. 2. Let now the Astrologers, the Star-gazers, the monethly Prognosticators stand up, and save thee from these things which shall [Page 8] come upon thee. Behold, they shall be as stubble, the fire shall burn them, they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame, &c. Again, the practice, and the Practitioners thereof are condemned, Jer. 10. chap. 2. verse. Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the Heathen, and be not dismayed at the signes of Heaven, for the Heathen are dismayed at them, &c.
Astrologers do superstitiously regard times, as by imagining one time to be better then another, according to the Planet that is, Lord of the hour, as is set forth hereafter, and this is condemned Deut. 18.10.Thirdly, Astrologie is a vain and foolish Art, because that the regarding of time, without which, Astrologie cannot be practised, is by and in the Scripture condemned for an abomination, as it doth appear in the 18. of Deut. and the 14. verse, which saith thus. For these Nations which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto Diviners; but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do. And as you may see in the 12. verse, aforegoing in the same Chap. these words, viz. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations, the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Wherefore my beloved Countreymen, abandon these your Astrological follies, which if you do not do, I proclaim from the Lord God, that destruction shall come upon you, which you shall not foresee by all your art of Astrologie, and when it is upon you, then shall you behold your selves in misery, but you shall not be able to help your selves by all your Babylonish skill; consider what I say. But from this I hasten to the next thing, which is this, viz. That Astrologie is full of Idolatrous and superstitious fables, contrary to the Scripture: Astrologie is full of Idolatrous and superstitious Fables. now to the end that this position may be made manifest: therefore in the first place I will begin with your Houses of Heaven, and I say that those significations, which you give of them, are superstitious Fables; but to the end my Reader may understand what those significations are: therefore I do insert them into this figure following, according as they are appropriated to the twelve Houses by the Astrologians.
There are many other significations belonging to these 12. Houses, which are so many in number, that it would be over tedious for me to name them every one; for they are so manifold, according to the judgement of Mr. Lilley in his introduction page 50. where he saith, that there is nothing appertaining to the life of man in this World, which in one way or other hath not relation to one of the twelve Houses of Heaven, and as the 12. signes are appropriate to the [Page 10] particular Members of Mans Body; Mr. Lilly his Intred. page 50. so also do the 12. Houses represent not only the several parts of man, but his actions, quality of life and living, and the curiosity and judgement of our fore-fathers in Astrologie, was such, as they have alotted to every house a particular signification, and so distinguished humane accidents throughout the whole 12. Houses, as he that understands the questions appertaining to each House, shall not want sufficient grounds whereon to judge or give a rational answer upon any contingent accident, That the signes cannot signifie the particular Members of Mans Body, neither can the Houses signifie his actions, life, or living. and success thereof, thus far Mr. Lilly with his Forefathers the Astrologers: And now here again I say, that whatsoever Mr. Lilly hath said, or any of his Fore-fathers affirmed of the aforesaid positions, is by me denied from these considerations.
First, I say, for as much as there is not a corporal Heaven, representing the form and nature of a humane body; therefore I do denie, that the several parts, life and actions of a humane body, can be appropiated thereunto; for because that thing which doth represent another thing in body, must have the very self-same form of the thing represented. So that if the several parts of Mans Body be appropriated to the 12. houses and signes then must the houses and signes represent the body of Man in form and shape; but how manifestly erroneous this assertion is to all reason, is proved thus.
First I say, that the houses cannot represent the body of Man, because that they are only imaginary circumstances in the circumference of the 9. Heaven. Wherefore or as much as that the houses and signes have but onely an imaginary being in form and shape: therefore they cannot be appropriated to the particular Members of Mans Body, because the Body of Man hath a visible and real Being in form and shape. which the 12. houses and signes have not, because they are only imaginary things as I said before. Now seeing I have from sufficient grounds, denied that the 12. houses and signes can be appropriated unto the particular parts of Mans Body: In the next place I am to write of the life and actions [Page 11] of man, for this is the position of the Astrologers, viz. The quality of the life & actions of Man, cannot be known by the Houses, nor from the signes of Heaven. The 12. Houses represent not only the several parts of Mans Body; but his actions, quality of his life and living: this Position is already afore by me denied, and I have given reasons for my so doing. But to the end, my Reader may be the better able to judge between me and my Antagonists: Therefore I say, that the quality of the life and actions of Man, cannot be known by the Houses, nor from the Stars or signes of Heaven: which thing although I have spread abroad sufficient Arguments for the proof of what I have delivered, yet nevertheless, this I say again, that for as much as the 12. Signes, as also the 12. Houses of the Astrologers, are only imaginary things, seigned by the Astrologians: therefore I deny, that the quality of the life and actions of Man, can be known by the Houses, or from the 12. Signes of Heaven; because that no conceived Idaea, which is as it were a substance, but is not a real substance in being, can represent the humane nature of Man, which is a rea substance, and hath a visible being: wherefore seeing, the Houses and Signes cannot truly and really represent the Body of Man, in substance, form, and being: Therefore I say, that the quality of the life and actions of man cannot be known by the Houses, nor yet from the Signes of Heaven; for that thing, which doth not truly and really in nature, represent the very substance, form, and natural Being of the thing represented, cannot in any wise signifie the quality of the being; nor yet the nature of the actings of the thing represented: from which Argument I infer this conclusion following which is this: That for as much as the 12. Houses and Signes do not truly and really represent the very substance, form, and natural being of Man: therefore I say, that the quality of the life and actions of Man, cannot be known by, Mr. Perkins against Witch-craft. page 620. nor from the Houses and Signes of Heaven aforesaid.
Now then in this place, to insert something out of the works of that godly Man, Mr. Perkins, I judge it very necessary for these two Reasons. [Page 12] First, because he was a very godly man, and therefore all men ought the more readily to believe that which he wrote to be truth. Secondly, because he was a Student in the said Art of Judicial Astrologie; and therefore he was the better able to judge of the legality or illegality of the Art of Astrologie. Now what he faith of Astrologie, you may see in his discourse of Witch-craft, page 620. where his words are to this purpose, viz. That divination by the Starres, is commonly called Judicial Astrologie, of which we may read, Deut. 18.10.11. where the Holy Ghost doth of purpose reckon up all those kind of develish Arts, Deut. 18.10.11. whereby men have dealings and society with Satan, either in divining or practising: amongst which this is the second.
The word there used may carry a double sence, for it signifieth either him that observeth times: under which acception Astrologie is comprehended, or him that observeth the Cloudes; Megnonen. and howsoever, the best learned Interpreters do dissent about the Notation of it, yet all agree in this, that the profession of divining by the Starres, is condemned: and that it is to be numbred among the rest expressed in the prohibition, may further appear by other places of Scripture, as in Isaiah 47.13.14. where the Lord threatneth the same judgements against the Diviners by the Starres, Isaiah 47.13.14. Dan. 2.2. that he doth against Sooth-sayers, and Magicians. Again in Dan. 2.2. Inchanters, Astrologers, and Sorcerers, are joyned together, as being all sent for about the same business, viz. To expound the Kings Dream.
Now if the Lord himself have alotted the same punishment to the Astrologer, which he hath to the Sooth-sayer and Magician, and account them all one; it is manifest, that divining by the Starrs, ought to be held as a superstitious kind of Divination.
Thus Mr. Perkins hath declared against the Art of Astrologie, whereby it doth appear from that which hath been delivered, that Astrologie is contrary unto the Scripture, and is also full of idolatrous and superstitious Fables; for it doth manifestly appear to be fabulous, and to abound with superstition and Idolatry, in your Planetary days and hours; [Page 13] for thus say you Astrologers, viz. Bacon. Ganivetus. That Saturday is not a good day for work, because of the Planet Saturn; for saith Ganivetus, if any one cometh to aske councel in the hour of an evil Planet, viz. Saturn or Mars, it is a suspition rather to evil then to good.
Again saith another, Haly. Abenragel. the hours of Saturn and Mars ought to be abhorr'd in all things; for saith he, you were best to take heed that you take no great matter in hand, or begin any long journey in the hours of the aforesaid Plan [...] &c. But of this more hereafter in this discourse. Yet nevertheless it is manifest, from what hath been declared, that the Art of Astrologie is a Diabolical Divination. Psalm. 84.11. & 34.9. For saith the Prophet David, the Lord will give grace and glory, no good thing will he uphold from them that walk uprightly.
From hence I gather that much, viz. That the knowledge of all good things is, and hath been by the Lord manifested unto his People, so that if the fore-knowledge of things by Astrologie be a good thing, it hath been by the Lord revealed unto his People; but the Scripture doth in no place justifie those that seek after the fore-knowledge of things by the Starres: therefore I say, that the seeking to know future events by the Stars, which is Astrologie, is not a good thing; because that whatsoever is a good thing, Isa. 47.10.11. Jer. 10.2. the Scripture doth not condemn it, in deriding at the professors thereof.
But the Scripture doth condemn Astrologie in deriding at the Professors thereof: therefore Astrologie is not a good thing. Again, whatsoever is an evil thing, the word of God doth condemn it with those that practice it; but the word of God doth condemn the Practitioners of Astrologie: therefore it doth condemn Astrologie.
Now then, for as much as Astrologers do take upon them for to divine by their Art of Astrologie, of the particular events of things belonging to Man: therefore I say, that the aforesaid Art of Judicial Astrologie, is a Diabolical Divination, because it is condemned by the Scripture, with the Professors thereof for a wicked Art; for saith the Prophet to the Law, and to the Testimony, Isaiah 8.20. if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
From the very word of God, you may here then very evidently [Page 14] behold, that Astrologers are workers in darkness, and their Art of Astrologie is a work of darkness: Eph. 5.11. wherefore consider the words of the Apostle, who saith thus: Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but even reprove them rather.
CHAP. III. In which is set forth, that one of the first and chiefest points in Astrologie; and without the said point, Astrologers can do nothing, is the regarding of times, the which regarding of times, is superstition and Idolatry.
Regarding or observing of times, the great point in Astrologie.NOw in this place I will manifestly declare that which is one of the first and chiefest points in Astrologie, and the point is this, viz. The regarding or observing of times.
Now I say, that without this point of regarding of times, the Astrologers can do nothing in their Art of Astrologie; for take from the Art of Astrologie but this one thing, viz. The regarding or observing of times; and then it will be so poor an Art, that the Practitioners thereof, will be ashamed to own it; for then it will do them no more service, neither shall the Astrologers get any more pence by their Art, for telling of Fortunes, or resolving of horary Questions, nor for their making of Elections; for take away Regarding of times, and then no Astrologer can calculate your Nativity; for according to the Rules of Astrologie, the very exact [Page 15] time must be known, in which the Man or Woman is born, before judgement be given by the Astrologer: so in like manner, it is in questions, elections, Mr. John Booker. and all other parts of Astrologie, that this is according to the rules of Astrologie, it is very manifest from their own words; for that Astrologer Mr. Booker, saith plainly thus, viz.
But to come more close unto the matter, I find that the Astrologers do regard and observe times, to be either good or evil, to do such, or such a thing in, because of the Stars and their positions, &c. for they have planetary days and hours, according unto which Planets, that then rule and govern: Lupton. page 107. ex Haly. Abenragel. The Astrologers do account the time to be either good or evil; for saith one, the hour of Mars is to be abhorred in all things, both in the beginning, and when the thing is done.
And a little after he saith thus, viz. And as I have said of Mars, so I say of Saturn, for there is never a good of them both, meaning their hours.
Now this regarding of times, is Superstition and Idolatry, for these Reasons.
First, Gen. 1.31. because God hath not made any thing to be both good and evil; for saith Moses, God saw every thing that he had made; and behold, it was very good. So that here you may see, after God had created all things, behold, he seeth all things to be very good: then from hence I gather thus much, that is, that the making the Starres, and so times according to the Stars, and their positions to be evil, for such or such a purpose; I say that this making of times evil or unfortunate according to Stars, and their several positions, is not of, from, nor by the appointment of God,
The Reason is, because the word of God saith the contrary; for saith the Scripture, God saw all that he had made, and behold it was very good. So then from this you may see according to the Scripture, the hours of Saturn and Mars, to be as good for to do any thing in them, as in the [Page 16] hours of Jupiter or Venus. Also the Moon may be in any of her Mansions, and yet you may not fear to do any lawful thing, although the Astrologer shall tell you, that you have taken an infortunate election, to do your operation, by reason of the position of the Heavens. As also because of the Moon, who is in one of her Mansions: which position of the Moon in the said Mansion, doth signifie the destruction of the thing you have begun, or that it shall be marred by this or that means, before you can perform the work, &c. I say, that none that fear the true God, ought to regard these or any such like heathenish superstitions of the Astrologers, because that these things aforesaid are not of Gods own institution; but are of mans invention, that these things are not of Gods institution: it doth evidently appear from and by the Scripture; for whatsoever is of Gods institution, the Scripture doth bear witness of the same: but the Scripture doth bear witness that God made all things good, Gen. 1.31. therefore all things are good, by and from Gods institution.
Again, whatsoever is by, and in the Scripture condemned, the same is not of Gods institution; but the regarding and observing of times, Levit. 19.26. 2 Kings 21.6. Deut. 18.10.11. is by and in the Scripture condemned: therefore the regarding and observing of times, is not of Gods institution.
The Arguments above written, do wholly depend upon the Scripture, as you may see; for the first Argument whose scope is to prove, that all things are good, by and from Gods institution, is evidently seen to agree with the Scripture, and is therefore confirmed by the Scripture, as you may see Gen. 1.31. in these words, And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold it was very good. Now the Scripture saith plainly, that God made every thing good; so then we may now manifestly know, that God made all the Stars of Heaven good also according to his word, he made all years, moneths, weeks, days, and hours to be good, then that fantastical opinion of making a difference of days and hours, to begin a work in or upon, is in very truth, an Idolatrous and superstitious Dotage and fiction of the brains of the Astrologers.
[Page 17]Also the other Argument, in which is declared, viz. That the regarding and observing of times, is not of Gods institution, is proved thus, because it is condemned by and in the Scripture; for you find that Manasseh, that great Idolater, is in the Scripture reproved for his observing of times, among other his Idolatrous practises; for saith the Scripture thus of him, viz. 2 Kings 21.6. Deut. 18.10. And he made his Sonne pass through the fire, and observed times, and used Inchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits, and Wizards, &c. 2 Kings 21.6. Again in Deut. 18.10. it is said, viz. Let none be found among you, that useth Divination, or is an observer of times, or an Inchanter, or a Witch, &c. Also in Levit. 19.26. it is said, Ye shall not use Inchantment, nor observe times. From these places of Scripture, it is plainly to be seen, That the regarding or observing of times is forbidden to be used, and the use of it is condemnen for Idolatry.
Now then from hence it is apparent, that Astrologers are very Idolaters, because that they regard times, the which regarding of times is in the Scripture condemned: In the very like manner it is very apparent to all rational men, that Judicial Astrologie is a secret Diabolical Divination. I say secret, because it is so close, and a subtil delusion of the Devil, whereby Satan doth delude almost all men at his pleasure, and maketh men which believe in this vain delusion, viz. Astrologie, to think that the Stars of Heaven are the causes of those strange alterations here upon earth, in the Bodies of Men and Woemen, according as the Astrologers say the 12. Houses of the Heaven do signifie. Now what those significations are, is elsewhere by me set forth in a Figure, See Chap. 2. of this Discourse. and there you may find many of those things belonging to man, which the Astrologers do appropriate unto the 12. Houses; and withall the Astrologers do say, that these 12. Houses do give signification of the particular events of the said things, and also of many others which are not there by me mentioned. But once again I give all men to know, how that I do here again deny, that any Man can know the issue, event, or end of any of the things a fore by [Page 16] me, set down in the second Chapter of this Discourse, in the Figure of the Astrologers 12. Houses. I say that no man can by any lawful learning, attain to so much knowledge therein, as thereby to know the events of the aforesaid things; but that some-what may be known of the particular events of those things, by unlawful and filthy Arts, I do not deny; 1 Sam. 28. c. 7. v. c. 31. v. 6. for we find, that the Witch at Endor did predict and foretel to King Saul, that which afterwards fell out to be as the Witch had said. What cause now then have our Astrologert to brag so much of their Predictions, because the event is as they foretold, I say they have no just cause to rejoyce so much as they do, seeing a wicked Witch is able to do as much. Again, their art is such, that they are not able to prove lawful according to the Scripture; and therefore it doth appear to be nothing better, then an art of learned Witch-craft: Daemonologiae Lib. 1. cap. 3. according to which position, is the saying of the late King James, whose judgement is this, viz. as there are two sorts of folks that may be inticed to this a [...], to wit, Learned or un-learned: so are there two meanes, which are the first stirrers up, and feeders of their curiosity, thereby to make them to give themselves over to the same: which two means I call the Devils School, and the Devils Rudiments.
The Learned have their curiosity wakened up, and fed by that which I call his School.
Judicial Astrologie is the Devils School, for Learned men to learn orcery in.This is the art of Judicial Astrologie; for divers men having attained to a great perfection in learning, and yet remain without the spirit of Regeneration, and the fruits thereof, finding all natural things common, as well to the Countrey Clown as unto them; hereupon they assay to purchase unto themselves a greater name, by not only knowing the course of the Heavens, Stars, and Planets; but likewise to climb to the knowledge of things to come thereby, which at the first face appearing lawful unto them, in respect the ground thereof seemeth to proceed of natural causes only: they are so allured thereby, that finding their practise to prove true in sundry things, they study to the cause thereof.
[Page 19]And so mounting from degree, to degree, upon the slipperie and uncertain scale of curiositie; they are at last intised, that where lawfull Arts and Sciences fails, to satisfie their restless minds, even to stick to that black and unlawfull Science of Magick. Where finding at the first, that such divers forms of Circles, and Conjurations, rightly joyned thereunto, will raise such divers forms of spirits, to resolve them their doubts: and attributing the doing, to the power inseparably tyed, or inherent in the Circles, and many words of GOD, confusedly wrapped, they blindly glory in themselves, as if they had by their quickness of ingeny, made a Conquest of Plutoes Dominion, and were become Emperors of the kingdome of Hell: where, in the mean time, (miserable wretches) they are become in very deed, bond-slaves to their mortall enemy, viz: the devil, and their knowledge for all that, they presume thereof, is nothing increased, except in knowing evil, and the horrors of hell for the punishment thereof, as Adam was, for eating of the forbidden Tree. I will here end with that saying of Saint Augustine, who saith, August. de doc. Christ. lib. 2. cap. 23. that the running to these Wisemen is, Genus quoddam fornicationis, A spirituall kinde of fornication. For all such as run after this Art, or seek to those which practise the same, I say they go from God; and run after the Devil a whoring.
CHAP. IIII. The Positions and Arguments, which the Astrologers use, and bring for to warrant the legality of their Art of Astrologie, examined, condemned, and overthrown; Also their Objections opened, controverted, and Answered according to Reason.
HEre I am to Dispute, of the Positions and Arguments which the Astrologers make use of, to warrant their Art of Astrologie by: but if the said Positions and Arguments are warily considered, it will appear, that they have nothing in them, to prove the lawfulnesse of Astrologicall Predictions. Of which Positions this is the greatest and strongest, and the [Page 20] said Position is this, Sir Christo: Heydon. viz: That the Stars are naturall causes of such effects, as Astrologers foretell. From this Position the Astrologers frame many Arguments, to prove Astrologie a lawfull Art: for upon this very one Position, doth rest and depend that great Discourse of Sir Christopher Heydon, which he made in the Defence of Astrologie. So that if I can but remove this Prop, you shall see Sir Christopher's Defence of Astrologie drop down to the ground, and so with it, all our English Astrologers, and their Art of Judiciall Astrologie: for our Astrologers, if a man questioneth the lawfulnesse of Astrologie with them, they are then at stand what to say; and have not any other way to resolve him that maketh a doubt of the said Arts legality: But to send him to Sir Christopher Heydons Defence of Astrologie; and thus these idle Drones, which are not able to prove the legalitie of that Art which they daily practise: are glad with all their hearts to run, and hide themselves under Sir Christopher's protection, as in a Mouse-hole; for fear they should be catched in their own Arguments for it. Come out of your selves, you idle Drones, and prove your Art of Astrologie a good, true, and lawfull Art, if you can. For if you are not able to prove the legalitie of Astrologie by sound and substantiall Arguments, then for shame give off your practising of such an Art, which you cannot prove lawfull and honest: and think not with your selves, that seeing we are not able to prove Astrologie a lawfull and honest Art yet we have on our side Sir Christopher Heydon, and Doctor Gell; and they shall prove it for us. I give you to understand, I will not be so satisfied; for I say unto you Astrologers, that if Sir Christopher Heydon, and Dr: Gell, and all the Friends Astrologie hath, I say, if I were before their faces all at once, yet then, even then I would denie, Astrologie to be a lawfull Art. But now to return again, to the aforesaid Position of the Astrologers, which is this, viz: That the Stars are naturall causes of such effects, as Astrologers foretell. First I will examine this Position, and then shall we see, whether those events which the Astrologers foretell, are caused by the Stars, or not. Wherfore in the first place we are to know, what those Effects are which the Astrologers say are caused by the Stars. Now the effects, which the [Page 21] Astrologers do affirm are caused by the Stars, are these, viz: The particular events of those things, belonging to man, which things are by the Astrologers appropriate to the twelve houses of Heaven. As for the things whose effects, Mr. Lilly his Intro: pa. 50. the Astrologers say are caused by the Stars, I have mentioned many of them in the second Chapter of this Discourse, and therefore I refer you thither; for there you have them inserted into a Figure, according as they are by the Astrologers, appropriate to the twelve Houses. Now in this place I am to treat, of the Effects of the aforesaid things; that is to say, whether, A question. The Answer. or not, the effects of those things are caused by the Stars. To this I answer Negatively, and say, that the Stars are not the causes, of the Effects of those things belonging to man; as for example, I will instance in these particulars following, viz: Gauricus warned Henry the second King of France, Heydons Defence of Astrologie. p. 194. Page 81. not to run at Tilt in the one and fourtieth yeer of his age, for that the Stars did then threaten a wound in his Head. Paulus tertius, warned his Son long before, of the very day of his death. Mr. Christian an Astrologer of Prague, Rants zovi [...] fol. 97. admonished Ladislaus Jagello King of Poland (by a Priest,) that he should beware of eminent Death, because that many Planets were conjoyned this yeer, and there happeneth an Eclipse likewise of the Moon under the earth; notwithstanding the premonition he dyed that yeer, 1434. Anno aetatis 49. Also Picus, being fore-told by three Astrologers, that he should not live above thirty three yeers, confirmed the prediction. Now that these aforesaid events, were fore-told by the said men, (viz: Astrologers) I confess; But that those men could fore see those events by the Stars, or that the Stars were Naturall causes of those events, both these things I do deny, for these Reasons. First then I say, that the Stars were not naturall causes of those afore-said Events; Because there is a dependence and coherence between the cause and the Effect, in Naturall things; but in these things there is none. For every Effect and Accident, doth shew it's Cause. So that Naturall and Elementary effects and accidents, shew forth Naturall and Elementary Causes. Also Metaphysicall or supernaturall Effects and Accidents, shew forth Metaphysicall or supernaturall [Page 22] causes. Herein the Astrologers are beside the matter, and are deceived in their principles; for they take Metaphysicall or supernaturall effects and accidents, to be effected by Naturall and Elementary causes. Now why the Astrologers are here deceived is this; viz: because they do behold and see, many Alterations, changes, events and accidents, effected in mans body; Hereupon they do beleeve that the said Alterations, changes, events and accidents, are effected by and from Naturall and Elementary causes: because the body of man, upon whom the said things are effected, is a naturall and elementary substance. Wherefore I say, that there are many things, which the Astrologers affirm to be effected by and from Naturall causes; the which Position I do deny, and say, that those things are not effected by nor from Naturall and Elementary causes: But I say that those things are Metaphysicall, and supernaturall Effects, and Accidents; and are effected and accomplished, in Naturall and Elementary bodies, by a Metaphysicall and supernaturall Cause: as I will hereafter in these following examples declare. For whereas the Astrologers do impute the Flood, Albumazar, ca. 3. de Max. conjunc. Marcilius Ficinus in his Treatise of the Star that led the Wisemen. Spine us in Catastro. Mundi. which was in the dayes of Noah, to a certain great Conjunction of the Planets: so in like manner they say of the Birth of Moses. Also the coming of Christ, and the preaching of the Gospel, the promulgation and publication of the Law, the sedition of the people, their troubles, persecutions, banishments, bloodshed, deaths, wars, these, and many other such like things as these are, the Astrologers say are fore-shewed by the Stars. Now all these things are supernaturall effects, that is to say, they are such things whose cause is not Naturall, but above Nature. So then, for as much as the cause of these things, is a Metaphysicall Agent, therefore I denie, that the Effects of the aforesaid things can be caused by a Physicall constellation.
But now I am come to the second thing which is this, viz: That no man can by the Stars foresee such Effects as is aforesaid. Now that no man can by the Stars foresee such events, it is very manifest, for if all the Star-gazers in the world, if they were agazing all together at once on the Stars, they are not able to foresee those events in the Stars, which events [Page 23] they do not cause. That the Stars are not the causes of those events, it is the saying of some of your own Authors; For, saith Spineus, that as well the great Conjunctions, Spineus. as Mo [...]kstars, Comets, Eclipses, and the like, ought not to be called the causes of future events, here then you may see, that there is so great contradiction, between the sayings of the Astrologers and their practises; that all Rationall men may behold, the Art of Astrologie to be a foolish lying Art: and that the Astrologers do profess such an Art, whose Rules they are ignorant of. For sometimes you shall have them say with Spineus, that the Stars are not the causes of Future events, but do they alwayes say thus? No, for if we look upon their Astrologicall Predictions, then shall we hear them say the very contrary. For whereas they said at one time, that the great Conjunctions of the Planets, &c. are not the causes of future events. At another time you shall have them say, that the very same Conjunctions do produce great Effects. As for example, I will instance in the said Spineus who is cited afore, Spineus in Catastrophe Mundi. whose words are thus in one place of his book, viz. That as well the great Conjunctions, as Mock-stars, Comets, Eclipses, and the like, ought not to be called the causes of Future Events. But this very man, Spineus writing of a Future Catastrophe to come upon the world, in the same book saith thus, speaking of the said Catastrophe, subversion, or end of the world, viz: that the principall causes are the great, mean, and lesser Conjunctions of the superiour Planets, the other principall causes are Mock-stars; changing of the Absis of the Planets, Eclipses, and the like: so likewise the Genitures of Kings, Geniturae validae regna mutant: Segment. 7. Aph. 166. Strong Genitures do change Kingdoms. Causes Adjutant, are Revolutions, the progressions of the greater Orb, of great Conjunctions; before Noah's Flood, the Birth of Christ, Mahomet, and the like; which things being rightly considered, may not only enable us to foretell the end of the world, but perhaps the time also: and a little after the same Author saith again, viz: Spineus in Catastrophe. That seeing therfore the great Conjunctions of the weightier Planets, are wont to produce great effects, as the changes of Monarchies and Kingdoms, the coming of Prophets, &c. by them [Page 24] also shall the dead be changed, and all things shall be renewed; and again he saith, viz: for like as the Causes are, so shall the effects be; for good Conjunctions are wont to bestow goodness, and good Magistrates; but evill Conjunctions produce the contrary. Thus Spineus who is so much applauded by many Astrologers, doth one while say one thing, and another while he saith the very contrary to what he said afore, as it is to be seen from his own books: for one while he saith that the principall causes of that Catastrophe, are the great, mean, and lesser Conjunctions of the superiour Planets, &c. and not long after he saith, viz: that as well the great conjunctions of the Planets, as Mock-stars, Comets, Eclipses, &c. ought not to be called the causes of future events, what shall I say, of such an Art as is Astrologie? and of such Artists, as are Astrologers? As for the Art of Astrologie, it is as I have elsewhere said, viz: a foolish and lying Art. But as for the Artists of this Art of Astrologie, they are Astrologers: of them I say thus much, that for as much as some of them would needs be taken for to be Prophets: I deny that these Astrologers are any of Gods Prophets; But that they are the Devils Prophets I grant: for if in their Astrologicall predictions, of the particular events of things belonging to Man; they at any time do predict or foretell such an event, which at the time limited by the Astrologer, doth come to pass accordingly: yet I say, that the said particular event could not before seen by the Astrologer in it's cause, without the help of a Spirit. That this Position is according to your Art, Centiloqui Ptol. Aph. 1. I prove by your own Authors, for your great Master in Astrologie, Ptolomie saith, Soli autem numine afflati praedicunt particularia: that is, none but those inspired with a Daemon foretell particulars: Marcilius Eicinus in li. 3. here also I will bring another great Artist, who speaking of Astrologicall Predictions, saith thus of them, viz: That such predictions stand not by Learning, but by some instinct. Wherefore it is apparent from what these two great Astrologers have said, that he who doth foretell, the particular events of things in Astrologicall predictions, doth not foretell those events, from the Positians and Qualities of the Stars: But by being inspired with a Daemon, or by having familiarity with some Spirit.
[Page 25]Again here I bring another great Astrologicall Author, Cor: Agrippa, who saith, Agrippade occulta Philosophia, lib. 3. Astrologomania. that Magick and Astrologie cannot be separated: for, saith Agrippa, there is such affinity and agreement, between these two Arts, viz: Astrologie and Magick; That as Magick cannot be performed without Astrologie; so Astrologie cannot have it's end and perfection without Magick. So then the differences is not much, whether we call these predictions Magicall, or Astrologicall predictions. Now here it is objected, viz: Objection. Solution. that the Astrologer may stay himself in his Figure, and proceed no further. To this I answer: That for as much as the Knowledge of a particular event, cannot be known without the help of a Spirit; therefore I say, that the difference is not great, in whatsoever degree he proceedeth, so he proceedeth at all with the devill in his illusions. So that if he come to the knowledge of a particular event, whether it be by conference, or by some other means, then he doth proceed with the devil in his illusions, for we are herein certified, that this thing cannot be done by any lawfull Art and Learning, but by the help of a Spirit; take that help which way you will, it is diabolicall. For that judiciall Astrologie either hath been, or may be altogether separated from Magick; this the Astrolegers can never prove: if they can, then let us see them do it.
But it is again objected by the Astrologers as followeth, viz: The great Objection of Astrologers. That those events which the Astrologers do Predict, and foretell; many of those events do fall out to be, as the Astrologer fore-told: therefore the Art of Astrologie is usefull and profitable in the life of man. To this I answer thus: That to come to the knowledge of any thing by unlawfull means, Answer. Vide Epist. de T. Vicars. Deut. 13.1. does not make the practise warrantable. For suppose that their predictions fall out to be as they foretold, yet this makes the Astrologer never a whit the more to be believed, nor his Art to be ever a jot the more lawfull: as it is plain in the 13. Chap. of Deut. verse 1. If there arise amongst you a Prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a signe or a wonder. And the signe or wonder come to passe, yet shalt thou not hearken unto him, for the Lord your God proveth you, &c. Again the devill in Samuels shape, 1 Sam. 28.11. being conjured up by the Witch, did foretell unto Saul those things [Page 26] which were true, and as the devill had predicted, the prediction proved true by the event, which fell out to be as the devill had said: as you may see, for said the divell, 1 Sam. 28.19. unto Saul, 1 Sam. 28.19. Chap. 31.6. And to morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me, and the Lord shall give the host of Israel into the hands of the Philistines. 1 Sam. 31.6. Which thing was according to the devils prediction, for in the 1 Sam. 31.6. you shall finde these words, viz: So Saul died, and his three sons, and his armour-bearer, and all his men that same day together. Moreover we find in the Acts of the Apostles, that the Pythoniss there did give a true testimony of the Apostles of Jesus Christ: thus we may see that the devill telleth truth sometimes, and yet he is still the father of lyes. Now here you may plainly see, that the devils can foretell what shall be the events of some things; so then it being so, that God is sometimes pleased, to permit unto the devils, the foreknowledge of some things, and that the said devils do many times declare the future events of things as is aforesaid. Therefore I say, for this cause we are not to think it a strange thing, in that we sometimes see the Astrologers foretell, that which afterwards doth come to pass, and when the thing is come to pass, we are not then to give ever the more credit to the Astrologer; nor yet to think Astrologie to be any whit the law fuller; because the event falleth out to be, as the Astrologer had afore predicted. For, if because the event falleth out to be true, or shall come to passe according to the prediction, I say if any shall beleeve Astrologie to be a lawfull Art, from this ground ( viz: Because those things foretold by the Astrologers, many times fall out to be true, and so come to pass as they predicted) again I say if they have no better arguments to prove the legallity of Astrologie then this of the event answering to the prediction. Here then I say to all rationall men, viz: Note. that Magick, Conjuration, Witch-craft, and all such abominable, wicked and unclean Arts may by the aforesaid argument, be proved to be as lawfull as is the Art of Judiciall Astrologie. 1 Sam. 28.19. 1 Sam. 31.6. As for example, I will instance in the death of King Saul with his sonnes, and the destruction of his great Armie, for we finde that the witch at Endor having conjured up the divell for to resolve the King of his doubts, the said divell being [Page 27] raised up by the Witches art, answereth unto the King after this manner, viz. 1 Sam. 28.19 To morrow shalt thou and thy Sonnes be with me, the Lord shall deliver also the Host of Israel into the hand of the Philistims, &c.
Now that this Prediction fell out to be true, 1 Sam. 31.6. according to the Devils predicting of the same, none can deny; for saith the Scripture, so Saul dyed, and his three Sonnes, and his Armour-bearer, and all his men that same day together.
So then from hence you may see the aforesaid argument, cannot prove the legality of the art of Astrologie any more, then it can prove the lawfulness of the Witch and her art, in raising up the Devil at Endor: wherefore we may evidently understand from hence as followeth, viz. What the greatest and strongest arguments are, which the Astrologers can, or are able to bring to prove the legality of Astrologie from and by: I say that Magick Conjuration and Witch-craft, may from and by the said argument, be proved and warranted, as lawful and as honest as Judicial Astrologie; Exod. 22.18. Mic. 5.12. but how lawful and honest Witch-craft is, I leave unto all men for to judge from these places of Scripture; for it is said in Exod 22.18. Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live, again it is said by the Lord God in Mica, 5.12. and I will cut off Witch-crafts out of thine hand, and thou shalt have no more Sooth-sayers.
But to return again to my purpose, I have declared a little afore, that the greatest and strongest arguments that are set forth by the Astrologers, for to prove the legality of Astrologie by, is this, viz. The event falling out to be according to the Prediction. Now that this is the best, The greatest argument the Astrologers have to prove the legality of their art. and strongest of all the arguments, which the Astrologers can bring and produce, to warrant the legality of their said art of Judicial Astrologie by.
I say it is evidently to be seen, that this is their greatest and strongest argument, as it doth plainly appear by their own words and confessions, written by themselves in their own Books, as you shall see I will here again manifestly prove, although the same is else-where by me done.
[Page 28] Sir Christopher Heydon in his defence of Astrologie, fol, 195.But to begin, I think it is my best way, to set their Champion in the first place, because if any man questioneth with our Astrologers, about the lawfulness of their Art, they in all the haste and speed as may possible be done, send him unto their Champion Sir Christopher Heydon's Defence of Astrologie, where he may have a full resolution of all his questions and doubts which he hath ag inst Astrologie.
But now seeing we are in a Dispute about the Arguments that the Astrologers do commonly bring, to prove their art of Astrology a lawful art: now then seeing Sir Christopher is the chiefest of our Astrologers, and unto him they send all that gainsay their art; therefore let us hear what he can say for Astrology.
Heydon. 195.Now what he saith, made him believe Astrology to be a lawful art, is onely, because he had seen the event fall out true according to the Prediction; as it doth plainly appear by his own words, which are as followeth in the 195 page of his Discourse, where he saith thus, viz.
I, for my part (saith he) do freely confess, that there is no one thing that hath made me so confident in the validity of this art, as that which I have seen to fall out true.
Thus the great Artist of Astrology, in few words, hath told us, what his strongest argument is, whereby he can prove Astrology a lawful and a mighty powerful art: now if this be a sufficient warrant, to make a man confident in the validity of an art, 1 Sam. 31. because he seeth the Predictions fall out true; then may these Astrologers be as confident, in the validity of Witchcraft, as they can be of the legality of Astrology by their own argument; for because the greatest and strongest argument, which all of them use to plead the validity of Astrology by, is this, Because they see their predictions fall out true.
Again, to this I answer, as I said before, That this argument doth prove Astrology no more to be a lawful art, then it doth prove Witchcraft to be lawful; for all that which was foretold unto Saul by Witchcraft fell out true: [Page 29] Therefore Witchcraft is as lawful as Astrology, by the best argument of the Astrologers.
Now that this is the best and strongest argument, which the Astrologers have to warrant the legality of Astrology by, this, I say, I will prove by their own words and confessions, as I said afore; and I will fetch out him first into the light, unto whom they all run to hide themselves in the dark.
He it is, whom I cited a little afore, Heydon. fol. 195. Sir Christopher Heydon in his Defence of Astrology, saith thus, viz. I, for my part (saith he) do freely confesse, that there is no one thing that hath made me so confident in the validity of this Art, as that which I have [...] fall out true.
Now you having here understood what Sir Christopher Heydon's great argument for Astrology is, Mr. Lilly. page 148. of his Intr. in the next place you shall hear what Mr. William Lillie hath declared to be his great argument, for the verity or truth of Astrology; his words are thus, speaking of the markes, moles, or scars of the querent, (saith he) I have many times admired at the verity hereof, and it hath been one main argument of my ingaging so far in all the parts of Astrologie, for very rarely you shall find these rules fail.
Thus Mr. Lillie, with his feeble argument for the verity of Astrologie, which argument of his, can prove Astrology to be no better then Witchcraft.
But I have another of our English Star-masters, Mr. Booker in his Bloody Almanack. Mr. Booker, who writing of the conjunction of Saturn and Mars, saith thus, viz.
I am herein (saith he) much incouraged by those labours of my friend Mr. Lillie, not onely printed in these times, but made more memorable in the success, I have observed, hath followed his Astrological Predictions; a few of which I will repeat, that the misguided infancy against Astrologie, may not be destitute of sufficient testimony in his onely Writings of the verity of that Art; by which art, at this time, I write the ensuing Discourse. Thus Mr. Booker.
Wherefore, my Reader, consider what these aforesaid [Page 30] Astrologers have said for the verity of their art of Astrologie, and thou shalt see that their best and strongest arguments that they can produce to warrant the legality and verity of A rologie by.
I say, thou Reader mayst see, that by their own arguments the legality and verity of Astrologie is proved no more; then the legality and verity of Witch-craft, by their own aforesaid argument of the event falling out, according to the Prediction. But seeing I have sufficiently declared against this argument, in shewing the insufficiency of the same to prove Astrologie any better then Witch-craft: therefore I here leave it, and so proceed on to the next position of the Astrologers, wherein they do affirm, that the World is governed by Stars and Angels. Now their said position is this, viz. that from the beginning of the World there were 7. Spirits appointed as Rulers to the 7. Planets, and every one of these Spirits ruleth the World 354. years, and 4. months in order. Tritemius. Avenazre. Now then for as much as I am here to write of the Astrologers Planetary Angels or Spirits, therefore I will evidently set forth to the view of all men, what the said Angels or Spirits are, that so all rational men may understand and see, how the Astrologers would delude others, as they themselves are deluded, for that they believe a lye, in their affirming Gods governing of the World by planetary Angels, which said planetary Angels are very Devils. Wherefore I say again, and again, I will affirm it as followeth, viz. That the Astrologers 7. planetary Angels, are no other Angels or Spirits, then those 7. chief Angels or Spirits, which are the only Agents for the Magicians and Conjurers in their several operations of conjuration, that this is truth, I am able to prove by the writings of some of your Authours, and others. Also I can bear witness to the same, from my own experience; Mr. Lilly. Tritemim. Avenazre, for you Astrologers say, that the names of your Planetary Angels are these, viz. 1 Cassiel, 2. Zachariel. 3. Samael. 4. Michael. 5. Anael. 6. Raphael, 7. Gabriel. Thus they are also called by the Magicians, and Conjurers, as you see here set forth by the Astrologers; for [Page 31] the Magi [...]ians know them by these names, viz. 1. Cassiel. Heptameron Petri de Albano. 2. Zachariel. 3. Samael. 4. Michael. 5. Anael. 6. Raphael. 7. Gabriel. Aga [...]n, these 7. Angels are thus by the Astrologers appropriate unto the 7. Planets, viz. unto Saturn, Cassiel, unto Jupiter, Zachariel, unto Mars, Samael, unto the Sunne, Michael, unto Venus, Anael, unto Mercury, Raphael, unto the Moon, Gabriel: and as you see they are appropriate unto the 7. Planets by the Astrologers, even so in the very same manner, they are appropriate unto the [...]. Planets, by the Magicians. Also in like manner as the Astrologers do divide the days of the week amongst the 7. Planets, and so from hence they call the 7. days of the week after the names of the Planets, by appropriating the days of the week unto the Planets as followeth, viz. unto the Planet Saturn, they give Saturday, unto Jupiter Thursday, unto Mars Tuesday, unto the Sun Sunday, unto Venus Fryday, unto Mercury Wednesday, unto the Moon Munday: even so do the Magicians. Moreover, the Astrologers do divide the day into 12. equal parts, whether the day be long or short: these parts they call planetary hours, these planetary hours the Astrologers appropriate unto the 7. Planets for them to rule in: from hence it is, that they are called planetary hours. After this manner do the Magicians and Conjurers also, and as you here see, how Astrologie and Magick do begin together, even so do they end together; for there is such a strong tye between these 2. arts, that they cannot be separated one from the other, without a renting of them both in peeces. But now here to return again to my former matter where I laid down this position, viz. That the 7. Planetary Angels of the Astrologers, are 7. Devils, &c. Mr. Booker in his this years Almanack. 1651. Now whereas Mr. Booker saith, who dare or can deny Gods Government of the World by Angels and Stars: and whereas Dr. G [...]ll hath made a Sermon of Gods Government of the World by Stars and Angels, who in the same Sermon saith thus in the 2. page of his said Sermon, viz And therefore before the times of restitution of all things, Act. 3.21. which are at hand, appear before the many oppressed divine truths be [Page 32] set free: Dr. Gells Sermon, p. 2. the truths in nature, which together with those other, have been long time decryed and trodden underfoot, must be revealed and publickly made known. Such is Gods Government of the World by Stars and Angels. Thus Dr. Gell in the said Sermon, doth in divers places speak of Gods Government of the World by Stars and Angels; and so he being deluded with a superstitious and heathenish opinion, of the Astrologers and Magicians, striveth and laboureth with all the might and power he hath to delude others, as he and his Auditory are deluded, in that they be of a heathenish opinion concerning the Stars, and also have a good conceit of the Devils, as if God did govern the World by them. Dr. Gells Ser. page 23. Mr Booker in his Almanack. 1651. Now seeing Dr. Gell, and Mr. Booker say, who can deny, or who dare deny, Gods Government of the World by Stars and Angels? therefore I say, and hereby I give them to know, and so with them all other of the same society to understand, that I dare and can deny their said position, in which they do affirm the Rule and Government of the World by Stars and Angels; the which I do deny as followeth, viz. That for as much as the Astrologers do affirm, that the World is governed by secundarian Intelligences, which said secundarian Intelligences, are Stars, Planets, Constellations and Spirits. Therefore I do deny the aforesaid assertion of the Astrologers, for these reasons following, viz. That whatsoever is immediately governed by the providence of God only, the same is not governed by secundarian Intelligences; but the whole life of Man is governed immediatly by the providence of God only: therefore I deny that Mans life is governed by the secundarian Intelligences, which are Stars and Angels: Now that the life of Man is governed by the providence of God only, I prove it thus, Job. 38.41. Psal. 147.9. That he who provideth for the Raven his food, the same it is who only governeth the whole life of Man; but saith the Scripture, The Lord God, he giveth to the Beast his Food, and to the young Ravens which cry: therefore it is the living God that governeth the whole course of the life of Man, and not only man; but also the whole course of the [Page 33] World likewise; for, behold the Fowles of the Air, Mat. 6.26. for they sowe not, neither do they reap, nor gather into Barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Again, Mat. 10.29.30. are not two Sparrows sold for a Farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbred; so that a Sparrow cannot fall, nor a hair of my head perish, without the good will and pleasure of my heavenly Father.
Wherefore we may see plainly, that God, the living God, doth govern all the World by his only wisdom and providence: So that we see here is no place for the secundarian Intelligences of the Astrologians; whereupon it is evidently to be seen, that their secundarian Intelligences, are only pernitious and superstitious Fables, whereby the Astrologers are deluded by the Devil, in that they Idolize the Starres, and are deceived in their Planetary Angels, who they think are the good Angels of God; but the Astrologers and all other that think those 7. Angels which the Astrologers call Planetary Angels, are good Angels. I say if any man say that the said Angels are good, I say that all such men are deluded; for whosoever saith that evil is good, the same is deluded; but Astrologers do call evil good, in that they affirm the Planetary Angels to be good Angels, the which said Angels, are Devils, as I said afore; for because that no man can by Conjurations cause the good Angels to appear in a visible form at his will and pleasure; But some man can cause the Planetary Angels to appear in a visible form at his will and pleasure, by Conjuration: therefore the Planetary Angels are not good Angels.
Moreover I say, that these 7. Planetary Angels of the Astrologers, are the chief agents for Conjurors.
Reader, to the end that thou in this place mayst have seen how that the said Planetary Angels of the Astrologers, are as I have aforesaid told thee, viz. Seven Devils which are also the Magicians chief agents in all Magical operations.
[Page 34]I say, I did purpose with my self at the first, when I begun this work against Astrologie, to have shewed how Astrologie is the foundation of Magick: as also I thought to have set forth how these Planetary Angels are the chief agents for the Magicians, in their several operations of Conjuration.
Likewise, I could here have set forth unto thy view, their Figures, Circles, and many such things not fitting to be mentioned.
Also I could have shewed unto thee, how these 7. Planetary Angels are to be called upon by the Magician. To speak briefly of the matter, I could have here shewen unto thee, the whole body of Magick, the which if I had done, when thou hadst seen it, The difference between Magick and Astrologie, in the practise. thou wouldest have told me that Magick is as lawful as Astrologie; for the difference that is between Magick and Astrologie, is only in the practise; for whereas the Astrologer doth work by his Houses, and from the positions of the Stars in them, he doth from thence with his superstitious regarding of times, conjecture of the events of things: but the Magician doth work after this manner, for the Magician having by Conjuration, called upon the Astrologers Planetary Angels, and many other. The said Angels do appear in many forms, but at the length, they appearing only which should, and in their proper forms, they will say unto the Magician, Pete quid vis. &c. which the Magician having made known, then the said Spirits will resolve him of his doubts, and if the Magician hath any thing for the said Angels to perform and do, then will they (if God permit) accomplish the same according to the desire of the Magician.
Here I could have declared more of the mystery of this wicked art; but why I will say no more of the same at this time, this is my reason, because if I should here unfold and lay open the Rules of this art, men of corrupt hearts who are now ignorant of that wicked art, when they saw the Rules of the same made manifest, although they are as unclean, and as wicked as the very Devil: yet I say, those [Page] men would take the Rules of the said art, and joyn them together again, and so I should contrary to my own desire, help to build up that which I am appointed to destroy: wherefore it is sufficient, that I have declared the illegality of the aforesaid arts. But one word more, and then I have done, whereas I said a little before, viz. That the Astrologer doth work by his Houses, and from the positions of the Star in them, he doth from thence with his superstitious regarding of times, conjecture of the events of things; that is to say, viz. that whereas the Magician doth in his practise work, and understand plainly from the Planetary Angels, by conferring with them, I say the Magician is herein fully resolved, by this way of conference, what shall be the event of any thing he desires to know, (if the Devils know it; But for as much as Astrologers do not work in this way of conference with the Planetary Angels: therefore the Astrologers have another way whereby they work: now in the way the Astrologers go, they know things but only by conjecture; and the reason why they cannot determine positively in things, as can the Magicians, is this, because the Magicians have the help of the Devils, by having conference with them. Now the Devil maketh out himself unto the Astrologer in a dark hidden way, that the Astrologer cannot see him, although he work continually by him. Now then the way by which the Devil and the Astrologer do work together, is briefly thus, viz. That the Astrologers superstitious regarding of times, and their erecting of a figure, with their observing the position of the Stars in their said figure; to this end, that so they might know the events of particular things: I say that this regarding of time, and erecting of a figure, with the observing of the Stars therein, to the end aforesaid: I say it is nothing else but vain Ceremonies, whereby the Planetary Angels do come to understand and know, what it is the Astrologer would foretel, or what the thing is, of which the Astrologer would predict and foretel the event thereof. So then the Astrologers Figure being erected, he doth from thence conjecture what [Page] shall be the event of the thing, for which the figure was erected. Now the Astrologer having thus delivered his Oracle, from thence forth the Planetary Angels do all that they are able (God permitting them) to bring to passe that which the Astrologer did foretel: Now why the Devil doth all this, it is to this end, that so he may uphold and maintain his Kingdom of darkness.
Thus Reader, I will here make an end, and if thou hast any thing to say against me, because I have denied Astrologie to be a lawful Art, thou knowest where I have my abiding place.