In this BOOK is the FIGURE OF THE Dividing the Land of ISRAEL AMONG The Tribes of ISRAEL, (That is, among those that have the Faith of Israel) when their Captivity is returned; that is to say, after they are brought up out of their Graves, and that imployed Men have cleansed the Land aforesaid of all the dead Bones of all the Warriours of the World: Wherein is the Figure of the bigness of the Priest's Portion, and Temple therein; And of the Levite's Portion; And of the City Jehovah Shammah, wherein Christ and his Saints shall reign 1000 years; And of the Ground for food for them that minister in the City, which shall be chosen out of all the Tribes of Israel; measured out by the square Root of 121; And of Prince Jesus his Portion, that shall be in the Land of Israel; And of the bigness of the City New Jerusalem, which cometh down from God out of Heaven when the 1000 years aforesaid are ended; which is known by the square Root of 120, as may be seen in the square Figure of 10000 Furlongs also herein included. And all or most of the Signs of Christ's coming explained in Verse; with other Mysteries, by the aforesaid Author.

LONDON, Printed in the Year 1688. [Page] [...]

The figure of the dividing of the land of Israel according to Ezekiels prophesie when the Captivity therof shall be returned

I Present thee in the adjoyning printed Paper the Figure of the dividing of the Land of Israel among the Tribes of Israel, (that is to say, among the Tribes that have the Faith of Israel: For though the Children of Israel be as the Sand of the Sea, yet but a remnant shall return out of Captivity. Saith Esay 10.22 be saved. Saith Paul, according to the Septuagint. Rem. 9.27.) after they come up out of their Graves, when the Prophecy of the 2d Psal [...] is fulfilled, after the battel in Armageddon is ended, and that they have cleansed the Land of Israel of all the dead Bones, of all the Warriours of the World, Ezek. 37. chap. 38. chap. 39. Rev. 16.13, 16. chap. 19.21. So that Na­tion shall not lift up sword against Nation, for they shall beat their swords into plow-shares, and their spears into pruning-hooks, neither shall they learn war any more, Mich. 4.3. And wherein Prince Jesus shall have his porttion, who is called the beloved servant, born to be a King, but not then to be a King, as he said, My kingdom is not now here. (I pray take notice, that if I vary from Translations, I cleave to the Original Hebrew or Greek Copies) John 18.36, 37 who shall sit and rule upon his Throne, and be a Priest upon his Throne, Isai. 42.1. Ezek. 44.13. chap. 46.1, 2, 4. Zech. 6.12, 13. wherein is also described the holy Oblation of 25000 Reeds square, Ezek. 48 8, 10, 20. which according to the measuring Reed of six Cubits long by the Cubit and hand-breadth, wherewith it was measured, amounts to 55 Roman Miles long, and so many broad, allowing the Hebrew Cubit to be 1 ½ Roman Foot, as Robert Morden in his Geography rectified saith it is. Which 55 Miles aforesaid is 50 ⅓ English and better, it being 1833/5180 of an English Mile: if 17 ⅖ English Inches by Guild-hall Standard be an Hebrew Cubit, exactly agreeing with the Roman Measure, as in his Book aforesaid, he saith it is and doth agree. Wherein the Priests shall have a portion of ⅖ of the said Oblation, deducting a four-square place of 500 Reeds long and 500 broad in the midst thereof for the Sanctuary, which is the 1 1/10 Roman measure, answerable to 1 Mile 36 Foot ⅔ English measure. Besides the Suburbs (or prophane place, as it is called of the Sanctuary. Ezek. 45.2. chap. 48.8. chap. 42 16, 20. which shall be 50 Cubits in breadth round about the Wall of the Sanctuary aforesaid. And the Levites also shall have a portion of ⅖ of the said Oblation, chap. 48.13. And the City and Suburbs with ground for food for them that minister in the City, which shall be chosen out of all the Tribes of Israel, is the other ⅕ of the said Oblation, ver. 15.20. And for proof, that the measuring Reed aforesaid was about 11 Roman Foot long, these arguments following will demonstrate. First, A Cubit (i [...] the Hebrew Tongue called Amah) is so called, saith Fuller in his Pi [...]gah Sight of Palestine, from Cubitus the Elbow as that from Cubo to lean, or Cupto, according to the Greek, to bow, because properly the space betwixt the elbow and tip of the middle fingers end, and is of an ordinary Man's arme 18 Inches Roman measure, which is 17 ⅖ En­glish measure. And forasmuch as the Cubit of the measuring Reed was a Cubit and hand breadth, Ezek. 43.1 [...] and that the things herein spoken of were measured in the Vision, chap: 40.1, 2. by the measuring Reed of 6 Cubit long by the Cubit and hand-breadth, chap. 40.5. And that the measuring Reed was 6 great Cubits, chap. 41.8. [...] argues that the measuring Reed (as I shall make appear is about 11 Roman Foot long, every Cubit being 18 Inche according to the lesser Cubit, and four Inches added to it for the hand breadth, to make it a great Cubit, according to the Cubit of the Sanctuary. Now I reckon 4 Inches to the hand-breadth, as they doe which measure the heigh of a Horse by a staff, and grasping the staff in their hands, one hand-breadth after another, which is about 4 Inche of an ordinary hand: but how to order the hand in measuring, to make it 3 Inches (as some account it) I know not, neither doe I think that any Man can tell me. Secondly, The breadth of the Land of Israel is commonly he to be (saith Purchas in his Pilgrimage) 60 Italian Miles broad, which is but 5 Italian Miles more than the length [...] breadth of the holy Oblation aforesaid; and therefore cannot be much longer than I reckon it, because that the Prince, who is more than a Man, Ezek. 44.1, 3. is to have his Portion on the East and West side of the holy Obla­tion aforesaid; And the River Jordan and the East-sea called also the Salt-sea, Jesh. 12.3. on the East-side thereof and the Mediterranean or great Sea on the West-side thereof, they being the East and West bounds of the Land [...] Israel, and of the Prince's Portion, Ezek. 47.18, 20. chap. 48.21. will not suffer his Portion to be much more tha [...] 2 ½ Roman Miles broad on the East-side, and the like breadth on the West side of the holy Oblation aforesaid, which breadth and length aforesaid, little more or less, being considered by Jesus of Nazareth, who is that Prince afore­said, ( Greenvell in his Exposition of Ezek. saith, that some Divines, both Ancient and Modern, hold Christ to be that Prince) will give him cause to say, The lines are fallen to me in pleasant places, I have a goodly heritage, Acts [...] 22, 27. Psal. 16. Thirdly, Solomon made a Vessel called the Molten Sea, of 10 Cubits from brim to brim, according to the first measure which was measured according to the measure that Moses and Bezaleel were instructed in, for the work of the Sanctuary or Tabernacle, as it is called. And God that commanded the Israelites, Levit. 19.35, 3 [...] that they should doe no unrighteousness in Judgment, mete-yard, weight and measure, saying, that they should have just ba­lances, just weights, just ephah, and a just hin: saith also Ezek. 45, 10, 12. Ye shall have just ballances, just ephah, just weights, and a just bath: the ephah and the bath shall be of one measure, that the bath may contain the tenth part of an b [...] ­mer, and the shekel twenty gerahs. Mark twenty Gerahs, as the Lord commanded by Moses, Levit. 27.25. And [...] concerning the Cubit, Solomon was instructed in it for building of the house of God thereby, the length thereof b [...] Cubits, after the first measure, was 60 Cubits, and the breadth 20 Cubits, 2 Chron. 3.3. This is the same length and breadth that the Temple is to be of, that is spoken of in Ezek. 41.2, 4. For the dore-posts thereof are to be six Cubit broad on the one side, and six Cubits broad on the other side, which was the breadth of the Tabernacle, ver. 1. And seem they are expressed to be alike by the Cubits, why not the Cubits alike? See Exod. 26.30 where 8 Boards of the Tabernacle of 1 ½ Cubit broad were set up at the West-end of the Tabernacle, which was the breadth of it. The Cubit therefore is a Cubit and hand-breadth, Ezek. 44.13. So then, according to the great Cubit aforesaid, Sol­mon's Molten Sea had in it (if it was of a round figure like a Bushel 4259200 Hebrew Inches, which agree w [...] 3847319 English Inches, for it was ten Cubits from brim to brim, round in compass, and five Cubits high, and a line thirty Cubits did compass it round about; That is to say, 10 Cubits in the Diameter at the top, and 10 at the bottom and 5 and 5 at the sides, and it received and held 3000 Baths. 2 Chron. 4.2, 5. I say there was in it 3847319 En­glish Inches, or near that number, according to Morden's rule, That 29 English Inches in length, be the same w [...] 30 Roman or Hebrew Inches; And that there was 4259200 Hebrew Inches in it, if made according to the Figure aforesaid. Thus I demonstrate by Weights and Ballance, and thus I found it out, and thus you may doei [...] Take two pieces of Paper (or what you will, that will demonstrate it better) of a like bigness and weight, a [...] four-square, and let 1 of them be called 100 Cubits, that is, to suppose it, 10 Cubits long and 10 broad, and [...] this serve to make Weights for weighing the other piece, of what figure soever it be. Then cut 1 of them into a rou [...] figure, but let the Diameter thereof be of the same length and breadth with the 100 Cubit weight aforesaid, a [...] you will find it to weigh by Weights that you may make of a known quantity, (suppose 1 of them be 9 long [...] [Page]9 broad, that weights 81, agreeing with Multiplication, that 9 times 9 is 81: and if that weight be too heavy for your round figure, whose Diameter is 10, as aforesaid, you may counterpoise it by a weight of 1 Cubit made out of the 100 Cubit weight of Paper aforesaid, as the 81 weight was made,) and then it will be 80, as I found a round figure to be to a square of 100 aforesaid. Vincent Wing, in a Book of his making, doth not make a round, to a square Figure, altogether so big as I make it; for he in measuring a round Figure, (suppose it of Land) gives directions to multiply half the Circumserence, by half the Diameter. Now suppose that half the Circumserence be 11, and half the Diameter 3 ½; then there is in it, according to that rule, (wherein 22 is reckoned the Circumference of 7 the Diameter) but 38 ¾; whereas by my way of measuring by Weights, I make it somewhat more, for I make it as 40 to 50, whereas his is as 38 ¾, to 49, which is no great difference: And if there was 3847319 English Inches in the Molten Sea, and they devided by 3000, because so many Baths were in the Molten Sea. It shews that 12824 1100/3000 Inches were in the Bath or Ephah, which Fuller in his Pisgah Sight saith is 4 Gallons 2 Quarts, which multiplied by 10, makes it out, that 12824 1100/3000 Inches were in the Homer, which devided by 360, because so many Pints are in a Homer, holds forth that 35 2 [...]/360 Inches were in the Pint (if they had 1) which is but 1 Inch, and 7/11 of an Inch in a Pint difference; And indeed the Bushels in Essex, before they were cut, which was done about 10 years ago, where they call 5 Bushels a Horse or Ass-load, (for they usually lay as much upon the one as the other) were much about that bigness; that 5 of them were very nigh the bigness of an Homer, for in the Cambridge-shire Bushels of 8 Gal­lons to the Bushel and 272 Inches to the Gallon, according to Winchester Measure, there are in 5 Bushels 40 times 272 Inches, which is 10880 Inches; we were forced to put about 2 Gallons ½, which is 680 Inches into 5 Bushels to hold measure in Essex, which is 680 joyned to the 10880 aforesaid, make 11560 Inches, which is within 1264 In­ches of the 12824 Inches in the Homer aforesaid, which is but 4 Gallons 3 Quarts difference. But if the great Cubit was but ⅛ longer than I demonstrate it to be, then the Homer (which is an Hebrew word, and signifies the Load­ing of an Ass) would be 8 Bushels, 3 Gallons, 1 Pint Winchester Measure, which is too much to lay commonly upon an Ass in a Hill-country, as the Land of Israel was, Ezek. 36.4, 6. chap. 38.20, 21. chap. 39.4. But if the Cubit aforesaid was but ⅛ less than I hold it to be, then the Homer aforesaid would be but 3 Bushels, 7 Gallons, 1 Pottle Winchester Measure, which is too little for one Horse or Ass-load. And thus is the Cubit plainly proved to be about 22 Hebrew Inches aforesaid, which is 21 8/30 English Inches. I am willing to tell you, that according to 28 Inches in the Pint, this goodly Vessel would hold and contain 68 Tun, 39 Gallons, 1 Pottle and 7/28 of a Pint Wine-measure. I could say more to prove that the Cubit (by the Ephah that Ruth gleaned and thrashed in one day, and by the Wall of the Terrple, Ezek. 40 5. to be about that length that Robert Morden aforesaid saith it is: but this I have said I think is sufficient. I therefore proceed to speak of the City wherein the Lord Jesus will dwell, Acts 15.16, 17. having its name Jehovah Shammah, Ezek. 48.35. which signifies the Lord is there; for the Lord hath said that he will return the Captivity of Israel, and build again the House of David that is fallen down, &c. that the residue of men might seek after the Lord. The Hebrew Text reads it, that the remnant of Adam might possess it, even all the Gentiles that call upon my Name, saith the Lord, that doth all these things. Acts 15.16, 17. Psal. 15. Isa. 2.2, 3. Jer. 30.3 is, For the City shall be built for the Lord, from the Tower of Hanancel to the Gate of the corner, and the measuring-line shall yet go forth over against it upon the hill Gareb, and compass about to Goath and the whole valley of the dead bodies, and of the ashes, and all the fields to the brook of Kidron unto the corner of the Horse-gate towards the East shall be separate unto the Lord; and when it is set up of this fashion it shall not be pluck'd up, nor thrown down any more for ever, Jer. 31.38, 40. by which it appeareth that it shall be a far more glorious City than ever it was before or since that Prophesie, and God hath promised that he will make it the praise of the Earth, Isa. 62.7. Let any man shew me any other meaning of these Scriptures aforesaid than the literal meaning aforesaid, and he shall be to me a great Apollo. Now this City aforesaid, with the Suburbs, which shall be toward the North 250, towards the East 250, towards the South 250, and to­wards the West 250 Measures broad, shall be 5000 Measures long and 5000 broad, which is 11 Miles square Italian measure, and to measure it round about from Gate to Gate by all the four sides, is 18000 Measures of the Reed afore­said, Ezek. 48.35. chap. 40.5. which is 39 Miles 6 Primes Italian measure, or 26 Miles 2 Furlongs English, for it is 4500 Reeds long on every side, which is 49000 Roman Foot, which is 47850 English, which is 9 Miles 9 Primes Italian measure, which are the length of 9 Miles 20 Poles or Perches English measure, and there is in the whole square 98 Miles Italian measure, which make 84 Miles, 61 Furlongs, 5 Acres English measure, having at the North­side 3 Gates, at the South-side 3 Gates, at the East side 3 Gates, and at the West-side 3 Gates, as I have described them, with the Names of the Tribes of Israel thereon in the Wall of the City aforesaid, Ezek. 48.31, 35. with greets from gate to gate, and other streets therein probably, according to this Figure, not opposing them that think there may be more of them little streets therein, than I have described. Now will I offer some Reasons why I lined but the great Streets according to the Figure aforesaid. First, because the Lord's dwelling will be in the midst of [...]t, as in New Jerusalem; And seeing every high Hill shall be thrown down, and every Valley exalted, the rough places made smooth, and the crooked ways made strait, that all flesh may see the salvation of God, which is Jesus Christ, Esay 40. [...], 5. chap. 12.6. Rev. 22.1, 2. Acts 15.16, 17. Luke 2.30. Rev. 2.7. chap. 21.22. Now the high Hill, low Valley, [...]ough, crooked ways that formerly were to Jerusalem, shall not be used in the day that all the Land is turned into a Plain, from Geba to South-Rimmon, and Jerusalem is listed up and abides in her place, from Benjamin's Gate, to the place of the first Gate, unto the corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananiel unto the King's Wine-presses, Isai. [...]5.7, 8, 9. chap. 40.3, 4. Zech. 13.10. but a smooth, safe, strait, easie, plain, high-way (as I have described in the figure to some of the Gates, which should have been made to all the Gates, if it could have been done without in­terruption) shall be to Salvation's house aforesaid. Secondly, by drawing the Streets after this manner, I figure out very handsome Market-place, or place to walk in: for both these words the Original word signifieth, of two Miles and almost two Furlong long, and so much broad as may be known by the scale for Jehovah Shammah. And to what purpose [...]id God tell them Israelites (that would be ashamed of all their evil ways, who should enjoy the Land of Israel, wherein Jacob their Father did dwell, and be placed in the said Land as they are set down in the Figure) Ye shall have just weights, just ballance, just shekel, just ephah, and a just bath, if there should not be buying and selling there? and what needs that saying, that the Levites shall not sell, &c? Paul saith, 2 Cor. 9 6. He that sowes his Charity spa­ringly, shall reap sparingly; and that one Saint in the resurrection shall differ from another, as one Star doth differ from ano­ther in glory: therefore he that reaps plentifully, ought to sell of his reapings to make that difference. And although have drawn all the Tribes Portions of an equal bigness, it is probable, they may exceed one another in bigness and [...]odness as they doe in places: for this I observe, that the most worthy Tribes are placed nearest to the City and [...]emple, where the Houses and Grounds (most likely) will be of most value, as about London and Westminster. and they are so placed, according to Ezek. 47.48. chapters, that from the North-border (which is the City Hamath, [Page] [Page]

A Ground Platt of two Glorious-Cityes that shall be HEREAFTER

The one Jehovah Shammah according to Ezek. 48.35. and Revel. 20.9

The other New Jerusalem according to Revel. 21.v2.9.10 &c.

Note that the Great lynes in the Figure doe signifie the Gate-streets; The other lynes which lead into the Gate-streets are Lesser streets: And all the white places doe signifie buildings, Courts, &c.

[Page]and the Cities Beta, Berothai, Sibraim, Damascus, to the coast of Hauran, Joshua 13.5. and 2 Sam. 8.5, 6, 8.) to the South-border, which is towards Teman, whose bounds shall be from Tamar, to the Waters of Meribah in Ka­desh, and the River to the main Sea. Numb. 34.3, 4, 5. Ezek. 47.16, 19. that it amounts to 1600 Furlongs. Which Fuller's Pisgah Sight saith is the length of the Land of Canaan. And so far the blood is to run out of the Wine­press, (which shall be trodden without the City Sion.) Rev 14.1, 20. Thirdly, by drawing the Streets after this manner, I figure a City of strength, for the streets are therein lined from every gate to the house of the Captain, Heb. 2.10. Mich. 5.2. in a strait line; so that he may see to every Gate, and send his Armies thither as he pleases, Rev. 19.13, 14. And Tindal's Translation says thus, Isa. 26.1. Then shall this Song be sung in the Land of Judah, We have a strong City, the Walls and the Ordinance shall keep us. And let no body think there is no need of these things, for this City shall be besieged. Rev. 20.7, 9. Now will I speak concerning the City New Jerusalem, which is a City that is above, Gal. 4.26. and cometh down from God out of Heaven, when the first Heaven and the first Earth are passed away, and there is no more Sea. Rev. 21.1, 2, 5. and therefore is not the City Jehovah Shammah aforesaid. For on the East and West-side of the holy Oblation aforesaid, wherein is the City Jehovah Shammah, is the Prince his Portion which joyneth to the Great Sea, the West border of the Land of Israel. Ezek. 47.20. chap 48.21. who is God's Son, Ezek. 44.2. Psal. 72.1. for the Son spoken of in the first verse, is meant God's Son. And may be read thus, as I had it from a learned Person: Give the King thy Judgments, O God, and thy Righteousness to the King thy Son, because of the affixis. And in that day shall running-waters go out from Jerusalem, half of them to the East-sea, and half of them to the West-sea, (and so it is described in the Figure) in Summer and in Winter shall it be. Zech. 14.8. But it is not so now, for the waters that go forth from Jerusalem in the Brook Cedron, towards the East-sea, behave themselves like a Brook in Summer-time: which waters, when a man hath most need of, are not to be found. Job 6.15. And if waters did continually flow from Jerusalem, yet they cannot now go down to the West-sea, for the Hill-country, spoken of Luke 1.39. lieth between: but when the day of the Lord is come, Zech. 14.1. All the Land shall be turned to a Plain from Geba to South-Rimmon, as is described in the Figure, and Jerusalem shall be lifted up, ver. 10 by the Hil [...] and Mountains that lye about it. Psal. 125.2. that the Mountain of the house of the Lord may be established upon the top of Mountains, Mich. 4.1, 2. the Mount Olivet being one of them Hills (towards the East) that lye about Jerusalem, which shall cleave in the midst thereof, towards the West, and cause a very great Valley, Zech. 14 4. and conse­quently be the cause, with the Mountains aforesaid, by God's power, that Jerusalem shall be lifted up, and abide in her place, from Benjamin's Gate unto the place of the first Gate, and from the Tower of Hananiel, to the King's Wine-press. ver. 10. Again, Jerusalem built again upon her own heap, cannot be New Jerusalem, for New Jeru­salem is a City four-square (whose breadth is as much as the length) of 12000 Furlongs. Which is of a side 109 ½ Fur­longs and better. Not 12000 Furlongs long, and 12000 Furlongs broad, for 3 Gates of a side is too little for such a great City. It had need to have above 300 Gates of a side. Much less is it to be believed that it is 12000 Furlong high: for 1 Gate of a side in the midst thereof, is enough for such a high City; for he that is on the North-east cor­ner, or North-west, South-east, or South-west of the City, is but 6000 Furlongs from a Gate of either side; but he that will go up to the top of the City, hath at least 12000 Furlongs to ascend from thence. Neither is it like, that a City of that height should have a Wall but of 144 Cubits high. Rev. 21.17. I understand it therefore after th [...] manner, that it is a square City, (not Cubical, for the Wall of 144 Cubits aforesaid allows not that meaning) of 12000 Furlongs according to the former part of the 16th verse of Rev. 21. and that the height thereof is answer­able to the length and breadth thereof (agreeing with the Original) according to the latter end of the said verse It is probable, that it is 2 or 300 Cubits high, at the out sides thereof, and 3 or 400 Cubits high nigh to the street of Gold in the middle thereof. Rev. 21.22. chap. 22.2. And so it is equal, answerable, semblable or proportionable in the height thereof to the length and breadth. Now I am confirmed, that such an equality of length, breadth and height is the meaning thereof, by the Reed that the Angel had, to measure the City, and the Gates thereof, and the Wall thereof, which is said to be a Golden Reed. Not that it was made of Gold, for that is the worst mat­ter that a measure can be made of, because of its heaviness, and being apt to bend. But it was called a Golden Reed, because it had Numbers upon it, to measure the City, which was 12000 Furlongs, and therefore a surd number which cannot be known but by the Roots of Numbers. Secondly, it had Numbers upon it that would measure the Gates of the City, which I do not think were Oblongs, as they commonly now make Doors; but that they were rather of the old fashion, fit to hang 12 Pearls in the 12 Gates thereof for Doors: and consequently had such Num­bers upon it, as a common man doth not understand how to reckon by them. Thirdly, it had Numbers upon it to measure the Wall of the City, which was 144 Cubits. So that if the Angel's Reed was of the length that that Reed was of, which measured Jehovah Shammah, of 6 Cubits long by the Cubit and hand-breadth, Ezek. 40.5. of 11 Hebrew Feet long, as I have demonstrated it was, there might be 6 Cubits length of a common Italian man figured upon it, which is 9 Roman Feet long. And 24 of them Measures was the height or thickness thereof. Rev. 21.12, 17. which is 216 Roman Feet. Which, according to English Feet, is 208 24/30. Now this Wall is built with 12 Foundati­ons. The first Foundation thereof is Jasper, (a precious Stone, well known to Lapidaries, as all the rest are also known) of 144 Cubits broad. The second Foundation Saphire, which I understand to be 132 Cubits broad, and upon this Foundation, which is a setting off of 12 Cubits, which is 18 Roman Foot, (as I shall make appear, when I speak of the bigness of the said City,) 3 or 4 Men may walk a breast thereof, 9 Foot being set off on the inside, and 9 Foot on the outside thereof, the length of 13 Miles and more. The third Calcedony, with the like settings of as all the rest of the Foundations are made. The fourth an Emrald. The fifth Sardonix. The sixth Sardius. The seventh Chrysolite. The eighth Beril. The ninth a Topas. The tenth Chrysoprasus. The eleventh a Jacynct. The twelfth an Amethist. All which said pretious Stones are set down to make us believe the Reality of the thing. And upon the top of the said Wall, which is 12 Cubits, as I understand it, broad, 6 or 7 Men may walk a breast, as 3 [...] 4 may doe upon any of the other Foundations. Come I therefore now to treat of the exact bigness of the City is the length and breadth thereof, for the 12000 Furlongs aforesaid must lye in a four-square, the breadth thereof being as much as the length thereof. Rev. 21.16. And I doe say that 6250 Measures, each measure being the Ro [...] of 120 Foot Roman measure, is the Breadth, or Root of New Jerusalem, as 625 Roman Feet is the Breadth, or Ro [...] of a Roman Furlong. For as 625, multiplied by 625, produceth 390625, the number of Feet in a Roman Furlong so 6250, multiplied by 6250, produceth 39062500, and that multiplied by 120, the square of the Reed or Measure the measured the City, produceth 4687500000, the true number of Feet of 12000 Furlongs aforesaid. And this Root 120 [...] Foot, the number of the Names of the Disciples of the Lamb sent forth into all the World to make a Bride [...] the Lamb; I conceive to be marked in the Golden Reed, so called for its Excellency, as the Golden Rule is for [...] Excellency. Or if you will, Thus I say, That 100 square Furlongs of a side, each Furlong being so much bigg [...] [Page]than a Roman Furlong, as 120 is bigger than 100, is the side or root of 12000 square Furlongs contained in New Jerusalem aforesaid. For 100 times 120 is 12000. Which that I may the better demonstrate how long, and how broad it is, I have drawn the Figure of 10000 Squares out of the Figure of New Jerusalem of 12000 Furlongs (annexed to this writing) for 10000 Furlongs. Which was done, by dividing the Figure into 12 equal Oblongs, and then taking 10 of them for 1 Oblong, I put the breadth thereof 10 to the length thereof 12 into one line, and erected a Perpendicu­lar at the midst thereof 11, that thereby I might draw the side of a four square of 120 answerable to the Oblong of 120 or 10000 Furlongs aforesaid. Which was done by extending my Compasses to half the length of the line afore­said, and setting 1 Foot of my Compasses at the place of Conjunction where the length and breadth of the Oblong was joyned, and touching the Perpendicular aforesaid with the other Foot: From which place touched, to the Base of the Perpendicular aforesaid, is a true length of a side of a four square Figure made out of the Oblong of 120, or 10000 Furlongs Oblong aforesaid. Which that you may know, That the way I took for turning the Ob­long into a four-square, is a good way; doe thus: Let the line on the left hand, from the bottom of the 10000 square to the place marked with 40, signifie the Root of 1600 Furlongs, because if you make a square of 40 Furlongs in a side thereof, there will be 1600 Furlongs in the said square, agreeing with the Rule for Multiplication, that 40 times 40 is 1600. Then let the line at the bottom, from the corner at the left hand, to the place of 20 at the bot­tom, signifie the Root of 400, because 20 times 20 is 400. Then let the Ladder-line or Hypothenuse from 40 to 20, as in the Figure, signifie the Root of both those numbers, that is, 2000 Furlongs; for a four square made with that line, by adding 3 lines to it, of the same length, will contain in it as much as both the other lines made into squares; to wit, the 1600 Furlong-root, and the 400 Furlong-root. Then suppose the length of the Root of the 2000 afore­said, reacheth almost to the square of 45 in the left hand of the Figure, as it doth. And suppose the length of the Root 10000 be placed at the bottom of the Figure where it is to be seen, and a Ladder-line reaches from the far end of that, to the end of the line that reaches almost to the 45th. square; That Ladder-line will be the Root of both those numbers; that is to say 12000 Furlongs. And is of the same length, with a side of the 12000 Figure, with the 12 Gates; from whence the 10000 Oblong figure aforesaid was taken. And so it will hold true in any other pro­portion. As for Example; Let the side of 3 of those Squares at the bottom stand for the Root of 9, and it agrees with the Multiplication-Table, that says 3 times 3 is 9 And let the side of 4 of those Squares on the left hand that joyn to it at the bottom, be accounted the Root of 16, agreeing with the Table aforesaid, that 4 times 4 is 16. A Lad­der-line from the far end of the 3 Squares, to the far end of the 4 Squares, will be the length of 5 of the Squares: as you may prove by the Figure, which is the Root of 25: agreeing with the Table aforesaid, that 5 times 5 is 25. Again, as the length of a 100 square Furlongs is the Root of 10000 square Furlongs, so the Diagonal-line, or line of furthest distance from corner to corner, according to the Figure, is the Root of 20000 Furlongs, for a four-square made equal to that line will contain as much as the bottom line turned into a Square, which is 10000 Furlongs, and the length of the line on either hand, turned into a Square, which is 10000 Furlongs. And half the length of that long line, from corner to corner, which is in the Figure, is the Root of 5000 square Furlongs; for to make a Square of half the length of 1, is but ¼. And the Root of 250 is to be seen in the Square, which is made of the Diagonal-line, which answers the Root of 5 Diagonal Units for the Foot, which is 50; and 10 Diagonal Units for the Leg, which is 200. I will only say thus much at this time, of this matter, That as 100 times 100 Squares, each Square being a Furlong, is the Root of 10000 square Furlongs. So 100 times 100 Squares, each Square being a Furlong, and the 5th. part of a Furlong, is the Root of 12000 Furlongs. Which is to be done by the Rules and Figure afore­said. And Multitudes of Millions of Roots (I suppose) may be made by this Square, or another like it better drawn, which may be made use of in Arithmetick, to multitudes of purposes. Now I will offer some reasons why I reckon the 12000 Furlongs of the City to be Roman measure. First, because it is prophesied in Scripture, that blood shall run out of the Wine-press, trodden without the City Sion, by the space of 1600 Furlongs. Rev. 4.1. chap. 14.1.20. which space Fuller (in his Pisgah Sight of Palestine) saith is the length of the Land of Canaan. And I have read also that Benjamin Tudilensis, a Jew, saith, That 1600 Italian Furlongs is the length of the Land of Canaan. And seeing that every high Hill shall be thrown down, and every Valley exalted, the crooked paths made strait, and the rough ways plain and safe, that all flesh may see the Salvation of God, which is Jesus Christ, dwelling in the Tabernacle of David on Mount Sion, Esay. 40.3. chap. 12.6. chap. 51.10. chap. 35.9. Luke 2.30. 2 Sam. 5.9. I am apt to think, that they are Italian Furlongs, because the blood may run from the Wine press, trodden without the City Sion, to both ends of the Land of Canaan without Hill to stop it. Secondly, I reckon them to be Italian Furlongs, as best known to the World. And God that made the World, would have all men saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim. 2.4. And the World then, when the Revelation of John was written, and long before, and ever since hath been, and as to continue under a Roman power till Christ's coming. 1. Maccabees 8.1.10. Luke 2.1. Acts 22.26. Dan. 7.7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23. What Nation under Heaven (said Augustus Caesar to the Senate of Rome in the time of the 4th Kingdom being in Iron. Dan. 2.33, 40. chap. 7.23. as Heylin in his Geography recites it) hath not sued at your dores for Peace, but you have sent War into their gates. And since that Rome became Pontificial, being in the Feet with the 10 Toes of Iron and Clay, riding upon a Beast with 7 Heads, which 7 Heads signifie the 7 Hills whereon the City is built, namely Palatinus, Capitolinus, Aventinus, Coelius, Esquilinus, Quirinalis, Viminalis, all which Hills are now within the Wall of the City of Rome, as they were when John wrote the Revelation. And the Heads also sig­nifie the 7 Governments thereof, which have been in it since it was first built, 5 whereof were past, saith the Angel to John, which 5 were, First the Government by Kings, afterwards of Consuls, Dictators, Tribunes, Decemviri, one is, saith he, which was that of Emperors, when John was shown the Vision, which was the 6th, and the other, faith he, is not yet come, which is that of Popes, which made the 7th Which Exposition I read in Heylin's Geogra­phy 40 years ago. Which Government by Popes, hath continued ever since Constantine the Emperor made the Priest [...] Prince; And in that grace, the Empire's grace, disgraced ever since. As Warner in his Albion's England rhimes it. And when Constantine the Emperor aforesaid, gave Sylvester Bishop of Rome the Government of Italy (the Beast) with [...]he 10 Kingdoms, namely, France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, England, Scotland, Denmark, Swethland, Poland and Germany, (which 10 Kingdoms, are signified by the 10 Horns of the Beast, and 10 Toes of the Image of the Man's [...]eet, that were of Iron and Clay. Which Iron and Clay (as a Doctor of Divinity, so called, told me) signifie the Magisterial and Ministerial Power of them.) There was a voice heard in the Air, auricularly to say over Constantinople, [...]he Metropolis of the Emperor, (as Fox in his Acts and Monuments hath it.) Now is the poyson poured forth into [...]he Church. And a learned King saith thus in his Book, To all Christian Kings, &c. The 10 Horns in Rev. 17.12. [...]gnifie us Christian Kings, &c. And by the power of Italy (the seat of the Beast, upon which Mystery Babylon [...]e great City, Rev. rideth with the 10 Kingdoms aforesaid, is Rome's power in Europe, Asia, Africa, [Page]and America, atchieved. So that there is scarce any Kingdom under Heaven, that there are not some drunk with the Wine of her Fornication, in her belief of the Trinity, Transubstantiation, Pardons, Purgatory before the Resurrection, Worshipping of Images, and Pope's Supremacy, &c. forbidding to Marry, keeping of Lents, forcing of Tithes, and many other departings from the Faith, besides her Whore-houses she allows for them that dwell in her own City, and others. Now will I speak of the Happiness which the Saints shall enjoy in these two Cities, and upon the Earths where they shall be placed. One of the Earths being the Earth that is now. 2 Pet 3.7. which was made to be in­habited, and where Israel shall be saved: for thus saith the Lord that created the Heavens; God himself that formed the Earth, and made it, he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he form'd it to be inhabited: And commands all the ends of the Earth to look unto him and be saved thereon, Esay. 44 17, 22. And this agrees with Dan. 7.27. where it is written, that the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, (when the time comes) and all domini­ons shall serve and obey him, or rather it, the Original signifying it or him, Dan. 7.23, 24, 26, 27. For thus Daniel was inform'd, ver. the 7th of the fourth Beast, being made to know the Interpretation thereof, which I have pro­ved to be the Roman Monarchy: out of which Monarchy, namely, out of one of them Kingdoms (signified by the 10 Horns, of which I have given an account, shall proceed a little Horn, That is to say, an underling King which shall wax exceeding great towards the South, and towards the East, and towards the pleasant Land, where­by we may conclude, that he goes from a Countrey that is North-west, to the pleasant Land wherein Jerusalem is placed. For upon that Land is the little Horn called Gog-Magog, to have his overthrow, and there to be broken with­out hand, that is, by the 6 Plagues that God will plead with him. For God will call for a sword against him through all his Mountains, which are the Mountains of Israel, Ezek 38.8. Every mans sword shall be against his Brother in his hand, and will plead with him with Pestilence, and with Blood, and overflowing Rain, great Hail-stones, Fire and Brim­stone, without a Comma at the word Fire, as I have written it, are the words translated by Tindall, so that I con­ceive it shall be Fire made of Brimstone. This is the overthrow of Gog-Magog, who shall be seduced ( S ducam te Jerome's Bible reads it) led about from the North parts, to the Mountains of Israel, there to take a prey and spoil, and turn his hand upon the desolate places that have a long time lain wast, but are then inhabited by the people of Israel, ver. 12.14, 22. chap. 39.1, 4. Rev. 19.17, 18. Dan. 8.9. chap. 11.40, 41, 44 For tidings out of the East, into the North, shall trouble him, who is also called King of the North, Chetham, Lucifer, The Lion out of his entangle­ments, The proud man of the Caldeans, ( Spoilers it should have been translated) who come all for violence; their Horses are swifter than Leopards; they come from far; they sup up the East-wind, (in the Margent) their saces shall look towards the East, (and therefore come not from Caldea) to fell the trees of Lebanon. Hab. 2.17. Esay. 7.14, 8. He is also called the little Horn with courtecus eyes: oculis humanis, Junius and Tremelius read it, in the 7th of Daniel. The little Hori with a fierce countenance and wise, in the 8th of Daniel. Both the Horns signifie but one person, who springs from Ja­van, who was Father of Chetham, out of whose Countrey Alexander the Great went, 1 Maccabees 1.1. Rome also bears that name, Dan. 11.30. Chetham also was the Father of Brute, who brought the Britains into Great Bri­tain; for Chetham begat Saturn; Saturn, Jupiter; Jupiter, Dardanus; Dardanus, Tros; Tros is he who built Troy, in remembrance of whom London was formerly called Troynobant, which is all one with Troynovant; Tros begat Assar­racus; Assarracus, Capys; Capys, Erychteus; Erychteus, Anchyses; Anchyses, Eneas; Eneas, Pesthumus; Pesthumus, Brule, who built Troynobant, and probably brought Troy Weights hither, as William the Conqueror coming from Haver [...] ­grace hither, brought Avoir du Poi [...] Weights from that Town with him. Thus Brute, who brought the Britain [...] Worshippers of the Goddess Britona (as Sheringham tells us) into this Countrey, called Albion from Albion the Son of Neptune, (as Warner tells us, from whom I learnt Brute's Generation) Neptune was the Son of Saturn, as the Dictio­naries tell us, and so we are descended from Chetham and Javan as aforesaid. This Brute is said to suppress the State of the Albinists, huge Giants fierce and strong, the chief of which stands pictured in Guild hall in London, whose Title was Gog-Magog, which is as much as to say, the Protector of Magog. And I suppose upon this occasion: Brute having conquered this Island, with the assistance of his Cousin Corenius, and his Allies, descended of the Tri­jans which were fled into Italy after the destruction of Troy about the Coasts of Venice, as I have read it, and so mingled their Language with that People, which makes it differ a little from the Welsh Language, brought in with Brute. This Brute or Brutus (of which Name there was a Noble Family in Rome, and so the likelier to be true) at his Death left the South part of this Island to his Son Locrin, called of him Loegria; The North part thereof be­yond Humber, to his Son Albinact, called Albania; The West part thereof beyond Severn, to his Son Camber, called of him Cambria; And Cornwall to his Daughter whom Corineus had married, called of him Cornwall. And in their days a King called Humber came with a Fleet of Ships into the River, now called Humber, and landed on the North­side thereof: King Albanact gave him battel, and was worsted; whereupon King Locrine went down and fought him nigh to the River aforesaid, and overthrew him there, and in that River was Humber the King drowned, and therefore called Humber. This King Locrine aforesaid married the Daughter, some say the Niece of Humber, I sup­pose his Heir, and begat a Daughter on her called Sabrine; But the Daughter of Corineus, King Locrine's Wife, with an Army of Cornish Men, gave him battel near the River Severn, and overthrew him there, and drowned Sabrina in Sabrina fluvius, called Severn to this day. And the better to bring and keep the Kingdom in subjection to her Son Madan the lawfull Heir of Locrine, and her Father Corineus, who threw down Gog-Magog at the Clift of Dover (called therefore the Downfall of Gog-Magog) erected two Statues, the one of Gog-Magog, who is pictured with his Bow and long Staff; the other of Corineus, with his Halberd in his hand, in the chief Hall of the Kingdom, th [...] now is called Guild hall, (agreeing with the Records of the City of London, as I have been told,) as Oliver th [...] Protector so called, after his overthrowing the Scots, hung up the Scots Ensigns that he had taken from them, (th [...] he might thereby the better get up and ride in the Saddle of the Kingdom) in Westminster Hall, the chief Hall [...] the Kingdom. We read of a Gog who is said to be the chief Prince of Meshech and Tuball, Ezek. 38.2, 3, 14, 18, [...] chap. 39.1, 11. A. Mondy in his Book presented to the Lord Mayor and his Brethren, in the year 1611. saith, th [...] Samothes the sixth Son of Japhet, called by Moses, Meshech, according to our Translation, but by Jerome's, Mos [...] pronounced by the Jews, Sheth, in the last syllable thereof, as a Scholar told me. It appears to me that Samet [...] and Moshech is all one person, for the Jews use to shorten Names, as Aram turn'd into Ram, Matth 1.3, 4. Ruth 19. and Sheth, the last syllable of Mesheth, by inversion of letters, turned into Thes, the last syllable of Samothes afore­said, which Samothes, he saith, had all the Countrey between the River of Rhine and the Pyrenean Mountains for [...] portion. And Tubal (according to T [...]rapha) had Spain. So that this Land wherein we dwell, according to Ho [...] Scriptures and Chronicles, appears to me to be the Land of Magog, and the Language we now speak is the Langua [...] [...] Magog. Magog had a Language, Gen. 10 5. and no likelihood of its being lost. And France and Spain are the [...] [Page]Kingdoms (as I suppose) that Ezek. 38.2, 3 speaks of. And I no more think that the Language we speak is the Saxon Language, as some account it, or the Gallick as others, than that Gog-Magog Hills in Cambridge shire (whereon Higmon-Gog's Yard, as the Countrey-man told me is, that was at Plow by them, which Yard is inviron'd with a great double Wall, wherein Gog-Magog lyes pictured, and to great admiration that it keeps its figure, and is not marr'd, and within two or three Furlongs of that place, as I guess it, I have not lately seen it, there is a round Hill thrown up wherein Hogmon Gog is said to bury his Wife with a shovel,) came from those places with the Saxons Con­quers, which are descended, as Warner in his Albions England tells us, from Jupiter after this manner. The Saxons which in these descents derive from Gods and Men, Jove, Minos, Geta, Flockwild, Flyn, Freodwolph, Freoloph, Woden, each as I name them other's Son. This Jove or Jupiter aforesaid, was the Son of Saturn; who was the Son of Chet­bam; who was the Son of Javan aforesaid. The Normans also came of Javan aforesaid. For thus William the Con­queror told his Soldiers here at his Landing in England:

You come, said he, among the English Pikes to hew you Honours out, Howbeit of more hardy Foes no passed Fight hath sped you, Since Rollo to your now abode, with Bands victorious led you, Or Turchus, Son to Troilus, in Scithia zato bred you; As Warner in his Albions England rhimes it. This Troilus aforesaid was the Son of Priamus that lost Troy to the Gre­cians. Priamus was the Son of Laomedon; who was the Son of Ilus; who was the Son of Tros; who was the Son of Erichtonius; who was the Son of Dardanus, saith Swan's measuring Reed; who was the Son of Jupiter; who was the Son of Saturn; who was the Son of Chetham; who was the Son of Javan, as aforesaid. Thus being descended from Chetham by Albion the Son of Neptune, that conquered this Island, from whom it was called Albion. And from Brute that brought the Britains hither. And from the Romans that Julius Caesar and other Roman Captains and Popes sent and brought hither. And from the Saxons that Hengist brought hither. And from the Normans that William the Conqueror brought hither. I see no reason but that Balaam in his Prophecy of the Ships that come from the Coasts of Chetham, Numb. 24.24. did point out this Countrey where we dwell. I shall therefore speak no more at this time of the little Horn or Gog-Magog that God will overthrow by assisting his Army of Saints, who shall have a resur­rection, To come with God and Christ upon the Mount of Olives, 1 Cor. 15.22, 23. Zech. 9.13, 15. Ezek. 39 4. Rev. 19 14, 19, 21. That so the kingdom, and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven may be given to the Saints, and they possess the kingdom for ever; but will speak what they shall enjoy in the first and better resurrection. Rev. 20.6. Heb 11.35. First, their natural bodies shall be made spiritual bodies, 1 Cor. 15 44. without corruption, ver. 42. being born of the Pedigree of Christ, ver. 49. Children of Christ, Heb. 2.13. Isai. 8.18. Members of his body, and of his flesh, and of his bones, as the Wife of Adam was made of her Husband, Ephes. 5.25, 28, 30, 32. Gen. 2.21, 22, 23, 24. And Sons of Abraham, being blessed, as being descended of him, Gen. 12.3. be­cause we shall be the Children of Christ. For if we be Christ's seed, then are we Abraham's seed, and heirs of the blessing promised to us by God in him, being heirs of Abraham, Rom. 4.12, 13, 14 Gal. 3.29. For after this manner the Saints shall derive their Pedigree from him: Abraham begat Isaac, he Jacob, he Judas, he Phares, he Efrom, he Aram, he Aminadab, he Naashon, he Salmon, he Boos, he Obed, he Jesse, he David, (there's 14 Generations, as Matthew counts them) he Solomon, he Rehoboam, he Abia, he Asia, he Jehosaphat, he Joram, he Hosias, he Joatham, [...]e Achaz, he Ezekias, he Manasses, he Amon, he Josias, he Jeconias, (there's 14 Generations, as Matthew counts [...]tem) he Salathiel, he Zorcbabel, he Abiud, he Eliachim, he Azor, he Sadoch, he Achim, he Eliud, he Eleazar, he Matthan, he Jacob, he Joseph, he was the begetter of Mary, by whom was begotten Christ, (there is the other 14 Ge­nerations that Matthew speaks of) Matth. 1.17. Luke 2.17. And he is to be the begetter of the Saints from the lead, who by that doing to them, making them thereby partakers of his divine and humane Nature, will be his Chil­dren; for he is to be Pater futuri seculi, as Jerome's Bible reads it, that is, Father of the future kind, Isa. 9 6. 2 Pet. [...].4. In all from Abraham 43 Generations; for by Christ's being begotten from the dead by God, according as it is written in Acts 13.33. Thou art my Son, that day have I begotten thee. His Father Adam's Nature was not done a­way, for he was flesh and bones, as he said himself after he was so begotten, Luke 24.39. And yet he was a spiri­ [...]ual Body, or quickning Spirit, 1 Cor. 15.44, 45. And so are we to be partakers of his flesh and bones, as aforesaid. Now that he was made of the seed of David, as Paul bids Timothy remember, and also was the branch of Jehovah, [...]s Isai. 4.2. chap 53.1. having a Father and Mother that begat him, who was also the chief born of every creature. Remember the word Creature, Col. 1.15. No other having his begetting from God but himself, John 1.14, 18. Hear I [...]ray what Luke saith, chap. 1.31, 35. as Castalian Translates it, Ac scito, te utero concepturam, parituramque filium quem [...]esum nomine vocabis. Is erit magnus, & supremi filius vocabitur: eique dabit Dominus Deus solium Davidis, ejus Parentis, [...]que in Jacobeorum domum regnabit in perpetuum, nec ullus ejus regni finis erit. At Maria quo pacto fiet istud, inquit An­ [...]elo cum ego virum nesciam? Et ille respondens: Te Spiritus Sanctus, inquit, invadet, & supremi vis inumbrabit: itaque [...]anctus iste partus dicetur Dei filius. In English thus: And know, said he to Mary, thou art about to conceive, and a­ [...]ut to beget a Son, whom thou shalt call by name Jesus: he shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest; and [...]e Lord God will give him the Throne of his Father David, and he shall reign over the House of Jacob for ever: neither shall [...]ere be any end of his kingdom. But Mary said to the Angel, How can that thing be done, seeing I will not know a man as [...]et. And be answering, said, The holy Spirit shall enter the house, ( Beza reads it, Super veniet in te; That is, Come upon, [...]to thee. It also signifies to leap upon, as the male doth the female) and the working ( thrusting back the Scholar's Com­ [...]ion Englisheth the Greek word, that is translated Power) of the most High shall shadow (our English Church reads [...] overshadow) thee. And so that reverend thing begotten by God, shall be called the Son of God. Now seeing [...]od was his Father, and Mary his Mother, he must needs be God-man, (one person in one skin, not two persons [...] one skin, by birth,) and so continues, having no corruption in him, he being made perfect through sufferings, of [...]at imperfection that came to him from Adam by his Mother Mary. Heb. 2.10, 11. chap. 5.2, 3, 5, 9. chap. 7.27. [...] she had brought forth a Woman-child, she must have laien in the blood of her purefying 60 days. (The Woman [...]as first in the Transgression) but seeing she brought forth a Man-child, she lay in the blood of her purefying but [...]o days, Lev. 12 2, 5. No longer than from Christmas to Candlemas. Therefore a Man child is not conceived so much sin, as the Woman child is. The next thing I shall observe to you is, That whosoever shall forsake Father or Mo­ [...]er, Wife or Children, Houses or Lands, through persecution, for Christ's name's sake, and the Gospel, now in this World; [...] shall therefore receive an hundred sold of Brethren, Sisters, Mothers, ( Beza, in his Annotations upon the Greek Testa­ [...]ent, saith thus: In tribus vetustis scriptum legimus, & Patrem, & Matrem; That is, in three old Copies we read, [...]d Father, and Mother) and Children, and Lands, and Eternal life. But many that are first, (in the parting with those [...]ings) shall be last rewarded, said Christ: and many that are last, shall be first rewarded, as he explains it by a Para­ [...]e, Mark 10.29, 30, 31. Matth. 10.27, 30. chap 20.1.16. Our Saviour Christ, to comfort the twelve Apostles, [...]hich had forsaken all those things, and followed him; said thus unto them, That in the Resurrection, ( Regeneration [Page] [Page]


[Page]it is translated) when the Son of Man shall sit on the Throne of his Glory, they also should sit upon twelve Thrones, judg [...] the twelve Tribes of Israel. And the rest of the Saints are also to reign with Christ after that manner, though not [...] judge the twelve Tribes aforesaid, yet to judge the rest of the World, and have a share in judging the Angels, 1 Con [...] 6.2, 3. Rev. 20.4. Psal. 149.6, 9. And Paul said, Acts 17. 30, 31. That the times of Mens rebellion, God now despise [...] because he hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the World in righteousness, by that man whom he raised from the dea [...] And if the World shall be judged by him, then the Saints shall likewise have a share therein. For Christ saith, Th [...] he that over-commeth, he will grant to sit with him upon his Throne, even as he also had over-come, and was sat down with his Father upon his Throne. For the Saints are not to sit with Christ upon his Throne for nothing. The Justices [...] not upon the Throne with the Judge, for nothing, They have a power, and the Mother of James and John, th [...] Sons of Zebede, desired that her two Sons might sit with Christ, the one at his right hand, and the other at his le [...] hand, in his Kingdom. Matth. 4.21. chap. 20.20, 21. Believe it, courteous Reader, that Saviours shall come u [...] upon the Mount of Sion to judge the Mount of Esau, when the Kingdom shall be the Lords. Obadiah 21. And be­lieve also the Son of God's words, That the Saints shall have an hundred sold for their forsaking Father, Mother, Wife Children, Houses, Lands in the world to come, as he promised. What though a Saint hath but one Wife in the wor [...] to come, yet if she be an hundred fold better in respect of time and goodness, than her that he parted with: Chri [...] is as good as his word. But those Translations which read they shall have them now in this time, doe contradict expe­rience. For many forsake Father, Mother, &c. for Christ's sake, that cannot have them here. Therefore those Translation that say that they shall have them now in this life or time are to be corrected. Again, That saying of Christ which he explain'd, by a Parable, That many that are last in forsaking, shall be first rewarded; and many that are first i [...] forsaking, shall be last rewarded, Matth. 19.27, 30. chap. 20.1, 8. quite overthrows such a meaning, as if they should have them before the resurrection, and before the time comes that Peter and the rest of the forsakers, an [...] such as shall be beheaded for the witness of Jesus receive their rewards, and sit upon Thrones, and judgment is give [...] unto them to act and doe as it is written for all his Saints, Rev. 20.1, 4, 6. Psal. 149. Dan. 7.9, 26. Neither do [...] that saying of Christ in Mark 12.25. That when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in ma [...] ­riage, but are as the Angels of God: contradict that saying of his spoken before in Mark 10.29, 30, 31. That they should have an hundred fold of Wives and Children in the resurrection, as aforesaid; for the Sadduces that believe no re­surrection, Mark 12.18. supposed that they had gotten Christ upon the hip for his asserting, that in the World to c [...] his Followers should have an hundred fold of Wives and Children, when as they could tell him of a Woman that had [...] ­ven Husbands, which they believed by the law of Moses were all to be married to her that had buried them; if the [...] be a resurrection, which they believed not, as aforesaid, not understanding the Scriptures, how that Death (as P [...] tells us) looseth a woman from the law of her Husband; so that if her Husband be dead, she is at liberty to be marrie [...] to another man, and so shall she not be bound to marry any of them which she had out-lived. Rom. 7.2. He said therefore unto them that brought this tale unto him, That there was a woman that was married to a man that di [...] and left no issue behind him, and he had six brethren that married her to fulfill the law of Moses, who also died a [...] left no issue behind them, and afterwards the woman died, and they asking him whose wife of them she should Fo [...] be. As may be understood by their answer which they received from him. For Christ told them, that in the Re [...] ­rection they cannot die any more, for they are like the Angels which die not, Heb. 2.9. And therefore they marry n [...] nor are given in marriage to raise up seed unto their Brother. The word First also should have been in Rom. 13. [...] and in 1 Tim. 2. I know it is commonly understood, as if the Angels married not; but that is their mistake: [...] to what end then should they have seed? Heb. 2.16. And they that think that the Angels doe not Marry, h [...] not, I suppose, consulted that place of Scripture in the 4th. and 5th. of Revelations, where it is said, that the [...] Beasts ( living Creatures it might better have been translated) with six wings apiece, and the twenty-four Elders wh [...] Kings among them Angels, known to be so by their Crowns, (for David was none of them, he being not ascended into [...] Heavens, Acts 2.34. He and the rest of the Saints must first enjoy a Resurrection, which is the first Resurrection or else they are miserable, and their Faith was vain, 1 Cor. 15.12, 16, 18, 20, 23, 24. Rev. 20.4, 5, 6.) said to [...] Lamb, which is the root of David, (Mark that, the root of David) thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by [...] blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and nation, and people: which words they could not say, unless there was [...] ­ting among them. And for proof that there are Princes, and Kings, and Languages in Heaven, see these pla [...] of Scripture, Col. 1.16. Dan. 8.16. chap. 10.5, 6, 13.1 Cor. 13.1. Now that the Saints shall have Fathers a [...] Mothers, Wives and Children, read Ps. 128. 2 Cor. 6.18. 2 Pet. 1.4. For God in that day will be their Father, and they shal [...] his Sons and Daughters. Christ will be their Father, he shall be called Pater futuri seculi, The Father of the [...]u [...] generations, Isa 9.6. For those that are for signs, and for wonders, like Christ, God will appoint him to be the [...] Father, for they are to be his Children, chap. 8.18. For as we have born the kind of the earthly Adam, so we must [...] bear the kind of the heavenly Adam; for flesh and blood onely cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven, 1 Cor. 15.49, [...] being made members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones, Eph. 5.30. and by that means we shall be the seed Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called, Gen 21.12. They were the Fathers and Mothers of Christ, and consequently will be our Fathers and Mothers, for Christ their Son, bone of their bone, [...] flesh of their flesh, will beget us from the dead, and make us thereby bone of his bones, and flesh of his flesh, as aforesaid according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself, Eph. 3.21. For as the Father hath life in [...] ­self (without a Wife) to beget from the dead, so hath the Son likewise, John 5.18, 29. I proceed now to give surd [...] proof that the Saints shall have Children, Houses, and Lands, and Eternal life, as Christ hath said. But before I [...] that, I think it convenient to tell you, That the [...]45 Psalm doth prove that Christ shall have a Wife, and Daugh [...] and Sons. And concerning the Queen, the 10th. verse saith thus:

O Daughter, take good heed, encline and give good ear, Thou must forget thy kindred all, and fathers house most den [...] And in the 16th. verse of the Singing-Psalms it also saith thus:

Instead of Parents left, (O Queen thy chance so stands) Thou shalt have Sons whom thou maist set, as Princes in all I [...] And they that think this Psalm to be meant of Christ, and his Church, because New Jerusalem is called the Bride, Lamb's wife, Rev. 21.9, 10. I think, have but little discerning in this matter. For if Prince Jesus give a gift of inheritance, Ezek. 45.7, 8. Ps. 16.10. to any of his sons, the inheritance thereof shall be his sons, it shall be their posse [...] by inheritance: But if he give a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, then it shall be his to the year of libe [...] after, it shall return to the Prince, but his inheritance shall be his sons for them. Now this Prince, Expositors, [...] modern and ancient, saith Greenhill in his Exposition of Ezekiel, is Prince Jesus, who is called King, and Prince, [...] 27.24, 25. one shepherd, vers. 24. John 10.16. And the servants of this Prince, are members of the Bride, the [...] [Page]wife aforesaid, for they are faithfull, Psal. 101.6, 7. but not sons, as aforesaid. For these sons which are to receive the Inheritance, prophesied by Ezekiel, chap. 46.16, 17, as aforesaid; He was not to see, till he had made his Soul an offering for sin. But the promise is, that when he had made his Soul an offering, &c. then he should see his seed, Isai. 53.10 Seeing therefore that Christ, the Head of the Body, the Church, Col. 1.18. shall have a wife and children, it cannot be denied, but that the Body, his Members, shall have wives and children; and to this agree the words of the Prophets. Psal. 128. Psal. 1.3. Ezek. 27.25, 26. And that they shall have houses, and lands, see Ezek. 45.1, 4, 5. chap. 48. Isai. 54.1, 3. chap. 45.18. Jer. 31.38, 40. And then will be fulfilled Christ's promises which he made in his Sermon in the Mount, and no good thing wanting to those that lead a godly life, Matth. 5.3, 8, 12. Psal. 34.10. And the Jews shall have a Temple to worship God in; Into which, no stranger uncircumcised in heart, nor un­circumcised in flesh, shall enter, of any stranger that is among the children of Israel, saith the Lord God. And the Levites that are gone away far from him, when Israel went astray after their Idols, they shall also bear their iniquity: yet they shall be Ministers in the Temple, having charge at the gates of the house: They shall slay the burnt-offering, and the sacrifice for the people. But the Priests the Levites, the Sons of Zadock, that kept the charge in God's sanctuary, when the children of Israel went astray from him. They shall enter therein to offer unto God, the fat and the blood, saith the Lord God. Ezek. 44.9, 15. Now this that is written by Ezekiel, is not contradicted by Paul, 2 Cor. 3. For Paul doth not speak there of the Law being done away, but of Moses glory in the shining of his face being done away. And he there prefers the Gospel ministred by him and Timothy to the Saints of Corinth, which was made known by them, (not with Ink in Tables of Stone, as the Ten Commandments were written, which Moses was the Ministrator of) above the law, for that their Gospel was written in the fleshie tables of their hearts with the Spirit of the living God, they being inriched by him in all wisdom, utterance and knowledge; even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in them, Mark 16.15, 17, 18. So that they came behind other Churches in no gift, Acts 1.3. 1 Cor. 1.1, 2, 5, 7. Of the like import also is the 7th. Chapter of the Hebrews, which prefers the Priesthood of Christ, before the Priesthood of Aaron. Because Christ was made a Priest with an Oath, but Aaron without an Oath. Christ, by reason of Eternal life, hath an un­changeable Priesthood; but Aaron, by reason of death, had not. Therefore (as in the 12th. verse) the Priesthood of Christ being put above (the Greek word is Metathesis) the Priesthood of Aaron. There is made of necessity a pre­ferrence of the Law belonging to Christ's Priesthood, the new Covenant spoken of, chap. 8.18. which is above the Law belonging to Aaron's Priesthood? ver. 11. What shall I say more in confirmation of this Doctrine, Christ preached it up in his first Sermon in the Mount; Think not, said he, I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill it by my doing and teaching. For I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle, shall in no-wise pass from the law to be observed, for (the Greek word is an) all the Law shall be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments, which the Law commandeth to be done, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall doe and teach them least Commandments, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, said he, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees in teaching the Law, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Ye have heard, said he, that it was said by them Scribes and Pharisees of old time, Thou shalt not kill: and whosoever shall kill, shall be in danger of the judgment. There was all that they taught about killing. But I say unto you, said Christ, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause, shall be in danger of the judgment. Which is as much punishment as they taught for killing their brother without a cause. And whosoever shall say unto his brother without a cause, Racha shall be in danger of the counsel: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of Hell-fire. Therefore, said he, if thou bring thy gift to the Altar, to be offered by the Priests, and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee: Leave there thy gift before the Altar, and go thy way: first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift, Matth. And in his Sermon in the Temple, probably his last Sermon that he preached there, He said unto the multitude and his disciples, The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you ob­serve of Moses's law, that observe and doe, Matth. 23.1, 2, 3. I think I have spoken enough of this matter at this time, I therefore will give an answer to them that would know the Signs when the times of the restitution of all things shall begin.

IF you would know of me some Signs, when Jesus Christ will come
To the valley of Josaphat, and give to Men their doom.
When Sion's City's built so large, as by me is set down;
And that the Lord therein doth dwell, which is her chief re­nown.
And that the Saints are divine born, doe eat and drink the best:
Adorn'd like Kings, doe judge the World: with Seed by wives are blest.
Then I'll you tell what I have read shall happen before then,
War, Plague, Famine, Fear, Pit, and Snare, shall thin the World of Men.
Heav'n powers doe shake, the Sun turns black, the Moon blood, and I find,
Heav'n Stars doe fall like Figs from trees, shak'd with a mighty Wind.
The Mountains melt, Mount Ol'vet cleaves to East, West, North, and South,
Such as fight Christ are kill'd by the two-edg'd sword of his Mouth.
Before those glorious times begin, wherein the Saints alway
In holiness without fear serve, their God both night and day.
The Mountains of Isr'el yield fruit, and food doth grow upon
The hills, and dales, and valleys, and upon the Mount Sion.
The Son of Strengths, with twelve times twelve thousand chast ones appears,
Whose presence in that Holy place, is gained by the tears
Of those that weeping to Sion that Mount do ask the way,
And there a Cov'nant with the Lord do make to last for ay.
These hundred forty four thousand are men bought from the Earth,
In whose mouths there was found no guile, and therefore they go forth.
With the Lamb wheresoe'er he goes, and they have also right,
To be before God's Throne, and there to serve him day and night.
And many such are then in Heav'n, when Rome shall be no more,
And Hallelujahs sing to God for judging that great Whore.
These first-fruit men are cloath'd with Robes long, pure, trim, white, and fine,
Procured by the bloud of God, and they as Stars do shine.
But lo, a Dragon great and red doth wait, Christ to devour;
But then the Son unto God's Throne is caught up that same hour.
And then in Heaven a fight is fought by Mich'el and his Men,
Who throw the Dragon down from thence, not to come there a­gen.
For neither Satan nor his Sp'rits are able to prevail,
'Gainst Mich'el and his Angels bold, which make them for to quail.
The field they win by the Lambs blood, and by his Test'ment-word:
Which makes them careless of their lives, not fearing Satan's sword.
When as that Satan sees himself cast down upon the Earth,
Then he against the Isr'elites in malice marcheth forth.
But they from him doe flee as fast, as Eagles with great wings;
Then he on the Sea-sand doth stand, and thence a Sea-flood flings,
After them in their flight, that so he may cause them be drown'd,
But his intent prevented is by a gulf in the ground.
Before Jehovah Shammah's built, where Christ and Christi­ans dwell,
A thousand years 'fore New Salem comes down from Heav'n I tell.
A Nor-west King of Japhet's line, doth march and conquer Babel,
Roma, Palestine, Egypt, and rules Phut, and Cush the Sable.
Paras, Gomer, Mesheth, Tubal, the Togarmites, and Gaul,
With all the Nations under Heav'n upon this mighty Ball.
The Princes of Europe burn Rome, the last Pope he is slain,
Whose wondred at by the whole World, because he lives again.
And ope [...] his mouth in blasphemies, and proves an angry rod,
To those that will not worship him in that same house of God,
That placed at Jerusalem is, the Holy City call'd,
For in a part of that same house, as God he is install'd.
Where he doth sit and vaunt himself, above all Gods to be:
And the false Prophet, fire and stars, makes t' come down from the Sky.
And other Miracles he doth, the Nations to deceive,
For he an Image makes to speak, that they a mark receive,
In their right hand or else forehead, for therein doth he fix,
To be seen the print of his name, Six hundred sixty six,
To honour him as God it is, that killed was with sword,
And so fall from the God of Gods, and Christ his Son and Word;
If not, they kill'd must be with Sword, this is it that he saith,
And then it will be manifest, who patience hath and faith.
But whoso takes the mark of him, that killed was with sword,
Shall drink the wine of God's fierce wrath, this is God's Angel's word.
And from Gog's mouth goes like a Frog, doth Wonders not the least,
For he o'er dry'd Euphrates brings, the Kingdoms of the East,
Unto Jerus lem, not Rome, where Gog Magog will dwell,
For to the first, not to the last, that Flood's an obstacle.
And there, in Mauzim he adores a strange God, which his Sire,
Ne'er knew with gold and precious stones, provoking God to ire,
Whom he regards not, but Women he lusteth after much,
And to ascend above the Stars, in heart his thoughts are such.
And to change Times and Laws, his thoughts are fixed much upon,
And he hath power to doe so till three years and half be gone.
In all which time he makes to cease the daily sacrifice,
And heads an Hoast 'gainst Jesus Christ, when he comes from the Skies.
O Lion rais'd from thy dark house, which hast the snorting horse,
To stand against the chiefest Prince, this is not thy best course;
For he with six Plagues will the strike, Blood, Pestilence, and Fire,
Brimstone, Hailstones, and great Flood-rain, as tokens of his ire.
Then dead Kings from the Earth shall speak this Speech to thee in scorn,
How art thou fall'n, O Lucifer, from Heav'n, thou Son of Morn?
Lo thus the fierce-look'd Man that was so prudent, mighty, and,
Would fight against the King of Kings, is broken without hand.
After that he was grown great, in twenty three hundred days,
Was beaten by the Cedar-branch, and so has lost the Bays.
For he an Army hath that throw stones with a Sling full well,
The Sword can't hurt them, and they are called, chosen, faithfull.
And then the Lord an Egypt-flood doth make there with broad streams,
Wherein no Galley goes with Oars, nor Ship sails in those Leams.
And then a whirlwind, with great rain, and hailstones fly so fa [...]
The tacklings are loosed, that they cannot strengthen the Mast.
There's an end of the Ships of Chetham, that afflict Ashur and that afflict Eber, &c.
Two Prophets two and forty months oppose the Man of sin,
Who is the eighth, and of the seventh sort, chiefest ruler in
The City Rome, 'fore it is burnt, and wept over by Kings,
Saying alas, when Heav'n is glad, and Hallelujah sings.
In Cuds they preach, where Christ our Lord Jesus was crucify'd;
And their words true believ'd by few, by signs are justify'd:
For if that any man will hurt them in their Prophecy,
By fire that comes out of their mouth, thereof they're sure to dye
And they have pow'r to hinder rain twelve hundred sixty days
And to turn waters into blood if the World won't God praise
And they also the Earth can smite with Plagues both great an [...] small,
Whilst that Euphrate's Angels fight with head and tail and all.
By their Horses, whose heads are like the heads of Lions fierce,
Out of whose mouths go fire and smoak, and brimstone that [...] pierce
Those men that have not God's seal in their foreheads, [...] that will
Persist in thefts and sorceries, and the Saints seek to kill.
An hour, a day, a month, a year, these Angels pow'r doth last,
And they the third part of bad men into death's lap doe cast.
And five months pow'r 'fore this is giv'n to Locusts for to sting
Such wicked men with grievous pains, but not to death th [...] bring,
After the third part of the Sun is smit, and eke the Moon,
And eke the Stars, that one third part of all their light is g [...].
Which Plague succeeds the Wormwood-drink, that killeth ma­ny men,
And the burnt Mountain cast i'th' Sea, precedeth that Pl [...] then
The third part of the Sea proves blood, that one in three doe dy [...]
As well in Ships, as those that in the bottom thereof lye.
And before this fire Hail and Blood are cast upon the Earth,
Which burn the third of trees and grass, and so begins a dunk
Which doth encrease to such a price, I think I reckon well;
Barly is for a Noble sold, Wheat one pound a Bushel;
And Oyl proves scarce, and Wine proves scant, God's [...] none can controul;
Because the Drunkard can't get Wine, he then begins to b [...].
When these Prophets have said and done what they ought s [...] and doe:
Then he that was 'live, dead, and lives, doth kill them like foe.
And they dead are not put in Graves, that all men may th [...] see;
Who'f late were sad, but then are glad, 'cause from them th [...] are free.
John then and there doth prophesie 'fore Nations, Kings, [...] People,
In the Quire which his Reed laid out, and Pope-Gods 's in [...] Steeple.
For he that said what if I will, he tarry till I come,
Will make it known he still doth live, and 'tis believ'd by s [...]
For Heylin his Geography doth to this purpose say,
John went alive into his Grave, and there himself did lay.
As Page five hundred thirty sev'nth doth witness, where [...] sed
Some learned Men doe think he sleeps, and that he is not d [...]
Now of the sev'n last Plagues I tell, that are to Angels g [...]
By one of the four Seraphims, chief Ministers in heav'n;
Whose office it is night and day the service to begin,
In the Temple of that fashion Moses Temple was in.
With a great Vessel made of Glass, and other things I count,
Which Moses saw when he with God was on the bur [...] Mount.
But whilst the Angels take the Plagues, the strength of them is so,
In the Temple where they are giv'n, no Man can therein go.
Then Moses, and Christ Jesus sing, and many more accord,
Thou onely art holy, O God, who fears not thee, O Lord.
For then God with a great voice bids the sev'n Angels go forth,
And pour the Vials of the wrath of God upon the Earth.
The first comes then, and a noysome and grievous Sore doth fall
Upon the Men that on the Man of Sin, as God doe call.
The second Vial makes the Sea as dead Man's blood to be,
Then ev'ry living Soul doth dye that is in the great Sea.
The third Angel's Vial doth make waters to drink not good,
For in the Fountains and Rivers, they're turned into Blood.
The fourth Angel's Vial doth make the Sun scorch Men with fire,
Yet they blaspheme the Name of God, and from Sin don't retire.
The fifth Angel's Vial doth make the Pope-God's Kingdom dark;
And pain doth make them gnaw their tongues, yet they good­will not work.
The sixth Angel's Vial doth make Euphrate's River dry,
That the East Kings in Mageddon may be there instantly.
The seventh Angel's Vial doth make a great Earthquake and Hail,
That Cities fall, and Talent stones hit men, yet they doe rail.
But before this, The Isr'elites and Jews shall ask the way
To Palestine and Sion Hill, and be found there that day.
When Magog's force, more swift than horse, shall make that Land to tremble,
And some to run, for fear o'Gun, and i'th' desart assemble.
For Magog grows exceeding great, as I doe understand,
Toward the South, and to the East, and to the pleasant Land.
And when six thousand years are come since God the World did build;
That the great Sabbath is begun, my Signs are all fulfill'd.

Which Verses I mean in the plain literal sence. And although Astronomers declare in their Books that one Star is bigger than all the Globe of Earth and Water, yet I believe them not. For, that John in his Revelation speaking of things that must be hereafter, Rev. 4.1. which he saw in a Vision in Heaven, when he was called up thither to that purpose, saith thus, That lo there was a great Earthquake, and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the Moon became as blood, and the Stars of heaven fell unto the Earth, even as a Fig-tree casteth her green Figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every Mountain and Island were moved out of their places. And the Kings of the earth, and the great Men, and the chief Captains, and the mighty Men, and every bondman, and every freeman hid themselves in the dens and rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Rev. 4.1, 2, 3. chap. 5.1, 6, 8. chap. 6.12, 17. which Scriptures in the plain literal sence plainly confute that opinion. And here I challenge any Astronomer whatsoever to render any other meaning hereof (if he can) than the plain literal meaning. But if he be not able, then let him believe what is therein written in the book that God gave to the Lamb, chap. 5.1, 7. chap. 6.12, 17. which agrees with Christ's words, Matth. 24.29, 30. Luke 21.25, 27. and with Isai. 13.10, 11. and Joel 2.31. And if so many Stars fall to the earth, as there fall green figs to the earth from a fig tree when she is shaken with a mighty wind, then multitudes of Stars will fall to the earth; and probably some of them which are of the first magnitude. For accor­ding to Bagwell, in his Mystery of Astronomy, which is highly praised by John Booker and five others, he tells us that a Star of the first or greatest magnitude, of which there are 15, that every one of them is 107 times bigger than all the Earth. Of the next degree 46, each of them 87 times bigger than all the Earth. Of the third sort 208, every one of them 22 times bigger, &c. Of the fourth sort 280, 54 times bigger, &c. Of the next degree 221, 36 times bigger, &c. And of the least sort 55, which are set down to be every one of them 88 (I suppose he meant 8) times bigger than all the Earth. John Seller in his Atlas Coelestis, of the 6 degrees aforesaid saith thus of them, According to Ptolomy's computation, they amount to 1022. Pliny he saith, reckons them 1600, and the absolute number of all the Stars to be innumerable, at least by humane calculation. And according to Tycho, and Boyer, a Star of the first magnitude is (compared to the Earth) as 68 to 1. That is, 68 times bigger than the Earth. A Star of the second magnitude, is as 28½ to 1. The third sort for greatness, as 11 to 1. The fourth as 41 to 1. I suppose he meant as 4 to 1. The fifth as 1/18 to 1. And the sixth as ⅓ to 1. That is, three times bigger than the Earth. See I pray how they differ. Bagwell aforesaid saith thus also, that some other of the ordinary Stars are much bigger than the whole compass of the Earth, and that the least of all the Stars in that heaven, are bigger than the Moon. Believe him who will, but I will not. For I read in the Scripture of Truth, that God said let there be Lights in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. God then made two great Lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made also the stars, and set them in the firmament of heaven, Gen. 1.14, 15, 16, 17. Which foresaid Scripture enlightneth my understanding to believe that the Sun or Moon are bigger than any of the Stars. And if there be such a number of Stars, and that they be so many Worlds as Cardinal Cusanus, and Jornan­dus Brunus affirm (This is set down in the Book (said to be made by Bishop Wilkins, to prove that 'tis probable, there may be another habitable World in the Moon) they will so cover the Earth, that the Kings of the Earth, &c. sha'l not need to say to the Rocks and Mountains, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth upon the Throne. When they are then hidden with so many Worlds, probably some of them 107 times bigger than all the Earth. And if their sayings be true, it will be impossible for the Kings of the Earth and their Armies to make war against Christ and his Armies, which they will doe; as God's word declares. Rev. 19.9, 11, 19. And concerning the Sun's big­ness, it is so great, as a great Astronomer told me at Greenwich, that it is impossible, if his words be true, that the Moon should shadow all the Sun from all the Earth at one time, as Tycho affirms it cannot doe; but he is therein contradicted by the supposed Bishop aforesaid, who saith, That the Diameter of the Moon, for the most part, appears to be bigger than the Sun's; and also saith, That Tycho is therein singular, being opposed by Keplar, and all other Astronomers; I say it is impossible that she should totally eclipse the Sun, if she be less than the Earth 45 times, as Atlas Coelestis saith she is, and that the Sun is many Millions bigger than the Earth, as the Astronomer aforesaid saith he is.

And now Countryman, what doest thou think of this bigness? The Astronomers laugh at thee for thinking that the Sun is no bigger about than thy Cart-wheel: I will tell thee what I think; and that is, That it is not so much about as the Nave of the Wheel. But they tell us, that his distance proves him to be vastly bigger than the Earth: Why so, Countreyman? there's no reason for them to say so; for Lights appear biggest when they are far­thest off. I remember that the Fields men in Dullingham Field thought that they had seen a Scare-fire, that is, an House in flames of fire, when it was nothing else but a Candle shone through the glass upon the top of the Lord Gor­ [...]e's Chamber in Stechworth, a mile or two off. And thou mayest take notice, that the Sun shows bigger when he [Page]rises and sets, than at noon time of the day, when he is at the highest and nighest to us. And thou mayest take [...] Hat, and prove this plainly. Suppose the hole of thy Hat wherein thou puttest thy head, doth signifie the round Earth. If thou measurest from the place right against the knot of thy Hatband, to that part of the verge of the Hat that is nighest the knot, that part of verge is nearer the knot than the other part of the verge is that is farthest of from the knot: As for example; Suppose the hole in thy Hat be 8 Inches over, and the verge of thy Hat be 4. If thou measurest from the knot aforesaid, to that part of the brim that is nighest to it, it is but 4 Inches: but if thou measurest to the farthest part of the brim, it is 12. Now suppose the Earth to be round like a ball, as it is, if the Waters be measured with it, and that it is about 8 thousand English miles thick, as I shall afterwards demonstrate it is, if I have occasion to write again of this subject. The Sun must needs be 8 thousand miles farther off from thee when he is right under thy feet, than when he is right over thy head, as he doth so move in 12 hours time to those that live under the equinoctial line, and the Sun must needs be 4000 miles nearer at high noon-day when he is right over thy head, if he be but 10 miles off then, than when he is at rising or setting; And although there is not 4000 miles difference to us that live in 52 latitude, yet there is about 2000 miles difference. Now I speak of the Sun's be­ing about 10 miles distant from the nearest place of the Earth to those; because I read in the Scriptures of Truth, That the whole Earth was of one language, even of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journied in the East Countrey, that they found a Plain in the land of Shinar (I remember that I have read of a Caliph of Babylon that drew a mighty great circle upon the Plain of Shinar, I cannot now spare time to look in my books to find it, that I may tell you the bigness thereof, because the Printer must have that I now write to day, and I must make all the hast I can to go into the Countrey a while to mind my husbandry there. Therefore bear with me a little, if the things I write now be not well digested) and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go too, let us make brick, and burn the [...] thorowly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go too, let us build us a City and [...] Tower, whose top may reach unto heaven, and let us solemnize us a name before we be divided abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the City and the Tower, which the children of men builded. And the Lord said Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language, and have begun to doe this that they intended, neither will they desist from their advice, for they will compleat those things they spake of in the work. Gen. 11.1, 3, 7. if I hinder them not. Therefore the Lord did there confound their Language, and the name of the City therefore was called Babel, that is, i [...] words at length, Babylon, i. e. confusion. ver. 9. And now Astronomer, or whosoever thou beest, that thinkest Heaven o [...] their heads is above 10 miles from the Plain of Shinar, show me any other meaning of this Scripture, if thou canst? [...] not, I pray thee, the word of God be to thee (as it was to them whose wisdom God threatned to destroy) like a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this I pray thee: And he saith, I cannot, for it is sealed. Isai. 29.11. Take pains I pray, and open the seal, and mind more what it saith, than what the Coperni [...] say: For they would make thee believe that the World that thou livest upon, turns round 21600 miles in 24 hours and though thou shootest an Arrow upright, that will not leave thee, for that the Air that is about the Earth is a [...] ­tracted to thee, (I wonder how we come to have the Winds blow this way and that way then, seeing they allow [...] no Coops (for Orbs they will not allow the Ptolomeans) to coop the Air to the Earth;) yea, they will make th [...] believe, if thou wilt part with thy wits, that though thou beest 47 degrees from a Star that is in the North or So [...] part of the Heavens, which are round, farther off at one time than they are at another; yet that Star is not elev [...] to the sight by thy approach towards it, because of the vast distance, as they tell thee, that is between thee and th [...] Star. For that though thou beest whirled upon the poles of the ecliptick from North to South, and so from So [...] to North 31560207 miles round about the Sun, as Atlas Coelestis saith that the circuit of her Sphere is; yet that [...] not considerable, by reason of the vast distance of them Stars from the Earth, which as Atlas Coelestis aforesaid [...] thee is 142746428 Semidiameters of the Earth, and therefore the circumference of that Sphere is 3589053046 [...] miles. And so will they set thy wits at a distance from thee. But that they may not be believed, I will speak the distance that is betwixt them. Bagwell aforesaid saith, that the distance of the Sun from us is 4169955 [...] and ⅔. Thou seest he lays it down to ⅓ of a mile, as if he had measured it with a mete pole. And he saith [...] that it is 166 times bigger than the Earth. The Astronomer aforesaid said many millions, that is (at least) thirty hun­dred thousand times bigger than all the Earth; and the other said 133 times. I'll tell you of a bigger wonder [...] this, if their words be true; I have it in Atlas Coelestis, in the 5th. Table, shewing the true magnitude of the [...] Stars, that is, of one of the greatest, and one of the least, viz. Sirius, and Alcor, supposing the apparent Dia [...] of Sirius to be 18″ of Alcor 4″, according to the distance in the Copernican Hypothesis, maintaing the Parallax [...] by the Earth's motion not to exceed 10″, and imagining the Diameter of the Annual Orb to be such as upon [...] Principles it is stated to be, according to Keplar. The Diameter of Sirius contains Diameters of the Earth 12 [...] Lo! hath he not out done the Astronomer of Greenwich? For Keplar, whom Bishop Wilkins admired for his Sk [...] Astronomy, tells us, that Sirius his Diameter contains the Earth 12550 times; That is, the breadth of that round [...] is one hundred millions and four hundred thousands of miles. For 12550, multiplied by 8000, the Diameter of [...] Earth produceth 100400000 aforesaid, and the circumference thereof is 315542857 miles. So that to go round a [...] it at 20 miles the day, 'twill take 43225 years. And the distance of Sirius aforesaid is 142 millions 746 thousand [...] Semidiameters of Earth, which is 570985712000 miles. What reason is there to believe any of them, by r [...] of the distance between them? It is, saith Bagwell, from the Earth to the Sun 4169955 miles, as aforesaid. [...]las Coelestis saith 5021896 miles; but Atlas Coelestis nor Bagwell doe prove that the Sun is 4169955 miles from Earth that I can find in their books, Bagwell tells us therein, that the Diameter of the Earth is 6872 miles, [...] that I allow; and he saith, she casteth a shadow 74602 miles: That I allow not; and he tells us moreover, [...] above or beyond that shadow, there can be no darkness, but a continual light round about the World: If it be [...] then the Earth cannot cause darkness to the Moon, as he saith it doth, because the Moon is distant from the E [...] as he saith in his book 160426 miles, and so out of the power of her shadow. I doe not speak this as if I tho [...] that the Earth being between the Moon and the Sun, is not the cause of her eclipse or darkness, but to show th [...] that the Astronomers say is not Gospel. But how doth he prove that the Earth doth cast a shadow 74 02 [...] These Rules following, saith he, will give satisfaction. 1. Note, saith he, that the distance of the Sun fro [...] Earth is 4169955 miles. 2. The Diameter of the Earth is 6872 miles 3. The Sun's distance I divide by Earth's Diameter, and find the Quotient to be 614: and so many times the Diameter of the Earth reaches up [...] Sun. 4. I proportion by the compass the Diameter of the Earth, in a figure the length of a Barley corn (or [...] part of an Inch:) which being divided by 3, makes 204 Inches; and that being divided by 12, comes to 17 [...] 5. I chuse a plain level just of that length, namely 17 Foot; upon which, at one end, I place the figure [...] Earth; and at the other end thereof, I set a light in proportion to the Sun. 6. The same light being at th [...] [Page] [...] from the figure of the Earth, makes the shadow thereof to be 11 times the length of the said Diameter. 7. I multiply the said Diameter, which is (as abovesaid) 6782 miles, by 11, and that produceth 74602 miles; which is the length of the said shadow, and may well cause so great a darkness as night it self to our sight, notwith­standing the greatness and glorious light of the Sun, as he saith. To this I reply, That if a plain level be chosen of 17 Foot, upon which, at one end, be placed the figure of the Earth inflamed almost round about, as the Moon is, (as a round ball will be that is hung over a brisk fire) as we may perceive it is at all times, especially when she is in the full. I say then, That that round figure casteth not a shadow 11 times the length of the Diameter of the fi­gure, but onely according to the Diameter of the figure not inflamed. And from hence I argue, that if the Moon were as far from the Earth as the Stars are, suppose 10, 20, 50, or 100 miles, she would not be darkened or eclipsed by the Earth at all; but it may be that her distance is but ⅔, or ¾ from the Earth, of their distance. If I be asked why I reckon it, or rather guess it to be but 10, 20, 50, or 100 miles from the Earth to the Stars, which Bagwell afore­said saith is so far distant, that it is 116000000 of miles. And, if it were possible, he saith, that a Stone should be let fall from thence, of that bigness and weight, as it should be continually a falling 150 miles an hour, untill it should fall to the Earth, it would be 88 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, 5 hours, and 20 minutes, falling down from thence to the Earth. Tycho Brahe saith, that to the starry Firmament is 14000 Semidiameters of the Earth, which is 56000000 miles, or thereabout, which is but half the distance. Albategnius saith 19000 Semidiameters; Keplar a Coper­nican 142746428 Semidiameters of the Earth, which is about 570985712000 miles, which is no less than 10196 times bigger than Tycho Brahe reckons it to be: There's a swinging Sum, Ten thousand one hundred ninety six times bigger than Tycho Brahe declares! Thomas Hill in his book of the Sphere, saith, That the Earth compared unto Heaven, is as a point: yea, so little in comparison, he saith, as a Pepper-corn unto a Circle of a thousand paces compass. For if the Earth, saith he, were of any sensible greatness, a man should not see the half of Heaven. And how greater the Earth should be, by so much the lesser should a man see the half of Heaven. I allow of what he saith, if the sight of our eye did not fly, as it doth, in a bowed line; but it doth, for that some years ago the Moon did rise totally eclipsed, when the Sun and Moon were both above the Horizon, and that the Moon began to recover her light at the lower part of her, being next our Horizon, and therefore under the Earth: And this was seen by my self, William Gorham of Cambridge, and J. Hands, (that made the book called Astronomia Christallina, who supposed the Earth to be the Center of the World, and that it turned round about upon its own Axis every 24 hours, and by that means he supposed the starry Sky to be immoveable, and that the Planets did move from West to East upon the Poles of the Ecliptick; an opinion to me more probable than that of Copernicus, for by this opinion every 69 miles nearer the Pole raiseth a degree) which could not have been seen by us, if our sight had run to them in a strait line. And that which is to be seen at Greenwich Stairs puts the matter quite out of dispute concerning the sight of the eye: For if you stand upon the Gar­den-stairs, when the Tide is down, at a low water, and look over the River, you cannot see the Cattel feeding in the Marsh, by reason that the bank of the River intercepts your sight; neither can you see the house wherein the Ferry­man lives, nor the top of the Chimney when the Tide is down, as aforesaid: But when the Tide is up, then you may see the chimney, and the house, and the dore of the house, which commonly stands open, and the ground upon which men walk when they go into the house, and the cattel feeding, yea a Dog may be seen then in the Marsh (if there be one) by them that stand upon the Stairs aforesaid, as I was told in the Boat by one of them that brought me from thence, when I had been there to make an observation concerning what was told me of this matter. Neither could Satan have shown Jesus upon an exceeding high Mountain, (he was too subtile to undertake to show the sight of them in a valley) all the Kingdoms of the World, and the glory of them, which he did doe, Matth. 4.8. if Christ's sight did not then fly to those places in a bowed line. For probably the Mountain whereon he was set, was Mount Nebo, not far from the place where he was baptized, as others think. See for this Fuller's Pisgah Sight of Palestine, and that is not (nor any Mountain in Palestine) one mile high; and if he was shown all the Kingdoms aforesaid there in a strait line from his eye, it requires a higher Mountain to stand upon, than is needfull to doe it upon a Mountain that is mid­way of the Kingdoms aforesaid. Now the length of the Kingdoms aforesaid in that day, was from the East-Indian Ocean to the West of Spain. 1 Maccabees 1.3. chap. 8.1, 3, 4. Dan. 2.39, 40. chap. 7.23. which is 103 degrees at 69 miles to a degree, according to the part of the circle that is made upon the 10000 square Furlongs. And to see from thence to them two places aforesaid, the Mountain must be 2153 miles high, as may be seen in that Figure, or else he must look 430 miles under the Earth, according to that Figure. And thus is Hills's Argument aforesaid answered, or any Argument against my drawing the Circle of the Earth so big, and the Moon, Sun, and Stars so near it. I therefore conceive it is better to heed holy Scriptures, than to hearken to what they say: Now the Scriptures of Truth tell us, That God made all the Stars, Sun, and Moon, in one day. Gen. 1.14, 19. Whereas in making the Earth and Waters, with their appurtenances, he wrought part of the first day, all the third day, all the fifth day, and all the sixth day; as may be seen in that chapter. I conclude therefore, that they are not so many Worlds as Cardinal Cusanus and Jornandus did hold. And concerning them Lights aforesaid, Judg. 5.20. saith, That the Stars in their runnings fought against Sisera. And if they did run, they did not stand still, as the Copernicans affirm. Joshua knew that the Sun was in his race, and the Moon in her walkings, or else he would never have commanded them to stand still. Josh. 10.12. So that that day was as long as two, Eccles. 46.4. Hezekiah did believe that the Sun did move forward, and that he could go backward, ac­cording to the word of the Lord, Isa. 38.8 I therefore conclude that they doe move the fixed Stars in Heaven, (which probably is one of the three Heavens, 2 Cor. 12.2.) run round about the Earth 366¼ times in one year, the Sun 365¼ (little more or less) either of them. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury, according to the law that God hath given them, Psal. 148.6. Luna half so many times as there be Tides in a year; All of them, except the fixed Stars, move one while toward the North, and another while towards the South, sometimes nearer, and sometimes farther from us, as it were in a screw line, not compelled with Strings, as the Ancients did think, or with Wheels, or some such device to make Epicycles and Eccentricks, nor turned about by Angels, as others immagine, but as Fishes move in the waters, as I have read some suppose. The Jews did probably think that they were living creatures, because they burnt incense to them. And Rev. 9.1, 2. tells us of a Star's sliding down to the Earth with the key of the bottom­less pit, which he opened; and that doth strengthen my judgment that they are so. I did intend to have made Observa­tions concerning the Figures of Copernicus, Tycho, and Ptolomy, showing the difference of these Astronomers positions of the Planets, and how that RANNEW's Figure is to be preferred before them: but I have not now time and Paper. But I will say thus much, That I bear no ill-will to any man's person, but I am troubled to see mens Writings make the Word of God of none effect in these matters, and so hinder mens believing the Scriptures in other things. Farewell courteous Reader.

Thy friend to serve thee,

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