HIS MAJESTIES GRACIOUS MESSAGE To the Citizens of LONDON, And His new and finall Propositions for Peace, to be forthwith published, throughout the severall Wards and Parishes, within the Cities of London and Westminster, Middlesex, Surrey and parts adjacent.
With His Royall Promise and Grant to be by him Enacted, and His further Concessions and Resolution to both Houses.
Expressed in a Letter from Newport October 25. 1648.
Also, two Letters from the Nobility of Scotland, to the Kings Majesty, and the Prince of Wales.
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HIS MAJESTIES GRACIOUS MESSAGE TO The Right Honourable, the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Common-councell of the City of LONDON.
Expressed in a Letter from the Isle of Wight, Octob. 23. 1648.
HIs Majesty being desirous to give all possible satisfaction to the Citizens of London, in all things by them desired, that may preserve and [Page 2]maintain the honour and renown of that famous Metropolis, throughout all future Ages, desires that he may have admittance to his Palace at Westminster, to be personally amongst them; to the end, he may the better compose and reconcile all differences both in Church and State, And his Maiesty hath promised upon his Royall Word, that for the intire love and affection He bears to the Magistrates and Inhabitants thereof, He will rather inlarge their Charter and priviledges, then abridge them in the least; And therefore, to cleere all doubts and scruples that may arise amongst any of the Citizens, His Majesty hath given Directions (as is said) to his Secretary, to draw up a satisfactory Letter to be sent to the Lord Major, and Court of Aldermen, which as near as I can gather, consisteth of these particulars, viz.
1 That his Majesty doth look upon this City with a most tender eye and affection, freely forgiving all former acts whatsoever, done or executed by them, 2 That He hath given his Royall assent to the proposition touching the said city, for the confirming of all their ancient Rights, Charters, and priviledges. And 3. That His Majesty desireth a right understanding may be had of him by all his Subjects whatsoever, even from the highest to the lowest, and that He desireth nothing more then to establish a true and lasting peace throughout all the Confines and Territories of his Majesties languishing and bleeding Kingdoms, which God grant may be speedily faciliated and effected.
These particulars are said to be drawn up into form and then presented to the view of the Citizens, a Breviate [Page 3]whereof I thought meet to communicate, as the fore-runner and messenger of so gracious tydings.
His Majesty hath given in his finall answer touching Church-Government, (a copy whereof I have here inserted and upon hi [...] delivery thereof to the Commissioners, laid his hand upon his heart, and vowed He could go no further in honour and conscience. After reading the same, one of the Parliaments Commissioners declared to his Majesty that he doubted it would not be satisfactory, his Majesty replied, that if his two Houses, would concur with him therein, he knew the worst on't, saying. I must return to Carisbrook Castle, and my subiects remain involved in a Labyrinth of sorrow. Here hath been little done since Saturday, yet as much as was expected, till the pleasure of both Houses be known touching this ensuing answer, in relation to Episcopacy.
That albeit, for the reasons expressed in his former paper, he cannot consent to a Bill for abolishing Bishops, yet he will consent to a Bill for taking away of all Arch-bishops, Chancellors, and all other their Officers out of the Church of England, Dominion of VVales, and out of the church of Ireland.
And his Maj. will consent to suspend the exercise of all Epispocal Government for the space of 3 yeares; and hath consented, and will consent to confirme the Form of Church Government now prefented to Him for the said 3 years, and that no othar shal be used during that time. In which time his Maj. continues his desire, that a consultation may be had with the Assembly of Divines at Westminster 20 of his own nomination being added to the end, that his Maj. and his two [Page 4]Houses may within those 3 years informe themselves of the practise of the primitive Church in point of Episcopacy, and may accordingly agree in limiting the Bishops to the councell and assistance of Presbyters if it be thought fit. And his Maj. will consent that in case no settlement shal be agreed on within the said 3 years, That after the said time, the power of Ordination shall not be exercised by Bishops without the Councel, and Assistance of presbyters. And that no other Episcopal Jurisdiction shall be exercised by Bishops, but such and in such manner as shal be agreed on by his Majesty and both Houses. And his Maj. doth professe That, if in that time he be convinced, that the function of Bishops is not agreeable to the Word of God or that Christ commanded any other Government, he will most cheerfully embrace that, and take away Episcopacy.
This Answer (it is hoped) will give great satisfaction to his two Houses of Parliament. For, indeed I his Majesty hath in effect already granted all that is desired, only he desires that there may not be too rigorous proceedings against Delinquents, & that some thing may be altered in the Bill for abolishing of Episcopacy, yet hath he in generall consented to Deans, Chapters, and Chancellors.
And as for the form of Church Government, His Majesty is contented that the Presbytery Government expressed in the Bill be established for the time limited, and no other exercised; neither shall any other Government after the three yeares be exercised, but [Page 5]such and in such manner, as shall be agreed on by him and his two Houses.
[...] And therefore his Majesty propounds, that he may forthwith come to London in honour, freedome, and safety, as also that some mitigation may be made concerning Delinquents in the first qualification.
And hath further consented to these particulars following.
- 1 That the nomination of the great Officers of the Kingdom be as is desired in the proposition, during the term of ten years.
- 2 His Majesty consents that the City of London shall enjoy their ancient Rights and priviledges, as is desired.
- 3 That the Court of Wards be taken away; provided that his Majesty may be assured of 100000 li. per annum, to Him, his Heires, and Successors.
- 4 His Majesty doth fully condescend to the Bill for making void all Honours by him confirmed under the Great Seal, after it was surruptitiously carryed away from the Parliament.
Thus having given you the most materiall passages touching the Treaty, I remain
REsolved, &c. That they conceive his Majesties Answer to the Church in part satisfactory.
Resolved, &c. That 50000. l. per annum, be given to his Majesty, and his Successours, in lieu of the Court of VVards.
Heads of two Letters to be sent from the Kingdome of Scotland, to the Kings Maiesty, and the Prince of Wales.
THat they humbly beseech his Maiestie to hearken to the advice of the Parliament of England, in consenting to the Propositions of both Kingdoms, and specially to those concerning the Covenant, and Reformation of Religion, which they understand to be the point he sticks most at. 2 That they are bound in honour and interest to maintain the same. And 3. That without which, they tell him his Throne cannot be established in righteousnesse and truth. They have also writ to the Prince, dehorting him from that course of opposition he is in, and from attempting any act of hostility against their Kingdom and that he would apply his endeavours to mediate with his Father, that He would consent to the propositions of both Kingdomes, and sign the Covenant.
These Letters are to be communicated to the Representatives at Westminster, by Sir John Cheesly, and so transmitted to his Maiesty, and the Prince of Wales.