FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS FOR Cap: Thomas Allen Touching the Execution of his Commission; bearing date the Eight day of January, 1649.

[printer's or publisher's device]

LONDON; Printed by M. Simmons in Aldersgate-streete. 1649.

To the Reader.

[...] to the late K. his uncle, or to him whom he reputes his Successor, hath bin the cause which hath mov'd him to what he hath doe, since his actions, and demeanour, especialy his delivering up of Bristow hath render him to the most of his own party, not suspected only but hated; as one sufficiently discoverd to have no other aime or interest, but, as the proverb is, to fish in troubled waters, and to patch up his own indigent fortunes, with the spoile and robbery of whomsoever. The rest of his piraticall arts, and who are his re­ceavers, who his interlopers, together with the whole model of his trade, may be read plain anough in the instructions themselves, which were happily intercepted, and heer presented to public view, not his instructi­ons, but discoveries to fore-arme all those whose affaires necessitate them to traffic, or Sea voiage.

FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS FOR Cap: THOMAS ALLEN touching the execution of his Commission; bearing date the Eight day of January, 1649.

WHen you have taken any Prize from any of the Rebells against the King of England, or their assistants, you shall come to Neuport Rode, or to the Peere­head there, and lade the Goods into Billanders, for Dort, and consign them to M r Cornelius Vande Graef, the sraight to pay. But first take away the Markes, and unpack the Goods, and put them in­to new Cloth packes, and give order to the Billander-men, and to some trusty men, whom you shall send with them, to passe by Zealand without stay, to escape visitation: Keepe all your Prisoners safe aboard your own Ships, suffer none of them to remain in the Pri­zes, till you may conveniently send them on shore in England or France after that the Goods are sold, and [Page]the whole Fleete put out to Sea; to prevent noise and discovery.

If you take a Ship laden with costly Goods, thou send her with trusty men into Gordy, & give them In­structions to run up the River towards wilderland, and thence send speedily to M r. Cornelius Vande Graef, to give notice to M r. Revixit van Nassen at Rotterdam with all hast to come to you. But be sure to give me speedy notice thereof if I shall be here. And then get what ready money you can for the Goods, and ap­point what remaines unpaid to be returned unto mee or to whom I shall appoint by Bill of Exchange from M r. Revixit van Nassen son in Nants, in as short a time as may be obtained.

If you take any Prizes where you cannot so conve­niently carry them as aforesaid, you may cause them to be carried into the Balke, and to goe up so near VVeareing, as you may lye out of right of any Ships going out or in at the Texell; there hire a Boate, and send one of the trustiest men to M r. Zacharie Lapie, English Merchant at Eucusen, and procure him to goe aboard with your Messenger, and agree with him for sale of the Goods, for ready money, and such nocessa­ries as you want, which he will furnish you with: Keep close the Ships company of the Prize, as before is appointed you: and let it not be knowne whence M r Lapie comes, let him enter the Ship from what place he thinkes sit, according to the sorts of the Goods, and then bring Lighters to unloade them, and to bring to your Ships any supplyes that you want but let not your Ships stirre out of the Balke till they goe to Sea againe, nor suffer any of the Com­mon men to goe on shore, to avoyd discovery.

If you shall meete with Prizes coming out of Hol­land, send them for Flanders, and such as come from Flanders or France, send for Holland if you shall heare that Marshall Rantzewe is at Dun [...]k, you may have a safe Harbour at that Port.

If you cannot bring your Prizes into any the afore­mentioned places to be sold, then in cases of necessity you may dispose of them as you shall conceive to be for the best advantage of his Highnesse the Prince of VVales his service, wherein there is great trust re­posed in your care and fidelity, whereof you are to be carefull to give a good accompt.

Your Randezvous is Helvert Sluce, in case you can put in thither within eighteen dayes after the date hereof. But if you shall finde that the Fleete is gone from thence, then if you perceive by the windes that the Fleete is gone Northward, your Randezvous must be Hamburrough head: But if you shall judge by the winds, that the Fleete is gone towards the Chanell Westward, you are to follow that way, and your Ran­dezvous is Silley or Pell Isle, according as you shall finde the winds to blowe, or meet with any advertise­ment or Commands from me to direct you to the Fleete, which you are to endeavour with all speed to come unto.

If you shall not heare of the Fleete in any of the places appointed for your Randezous, you are to stay about Silley, and to doe there what you shall con­ceive to be best for the Kings service in taking Prizes, and further execution of your Commission and Or­ders. And when you finde your victuals to begin to be scant, then you are to goe towards Corke in Ireland, keeping there out of Command of the Land, untill [Page]you be informed how things goe in Ireland, in or [...] to your safety there; And if you may goe safely [...] Kingsale, then you are to goe into that Port.

You are immediatly upon the taking of any [...] to be very carefull to advertise me from time to time what Ships or Vessels you shall seise, what the value of them may be, to what place, and to whom they [...] long, and where you intend to send them. And for my better satisfaction, you are to send me upon [...] occasions, Expresses, with Copies of such L [...] ­ters, Invoices, and bills of lading, as are of impor­tance.


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