THE ROYAL MARTYRS: OR, A LIST of the Lords, Knights, Commanders, and Gentlemen, that were slain in the late Wars, in defence of their KING and COUNTRY. As also of those Executed by High Courts of Justice or Law-Martial.
PROV. 10.
‘The Memory of the Just is blessed; but the name of the wicked shall rot.’
Earls and Lords.
- EArl of Lindsey, His Majesties Lieutenant-General, slain at Edghill, Octob 23. 1642.
- Earl of Northampton, slain at Hopton-heath, in Stafford-shire, March 19. 1642.
- E. of Carnarvan
- E. of Sunderland
- E. of Lichfield, slain at Row [...]on Heath in Cheshire, Sept 29. 1645.
- E. of Kingston slain ne [...]r Gainsborough in Lincoln sh.
- E. of Denbigh received his Deaths-wound at Birmingham, April 3. 1643.
- The Lord Francis Villiers slain at Comb Park, July 7. 1648.
- Marquess de Vieuville (a native of France) slain at Newberry. Sept. 17. 1643.
- Lord Viscount Falkland there also.
- Lord D'ambigny slain at Edghill.
- Lord John Stuart slain near Al [...]esford in Hampsh.
- Lord Grandison received his Deaths wound at Bristol.
- Lord Cary slain at Marston Moor in July 1644.
- Sir Henry Constable L. Viscount Dunbar, at Scarborough Castle.
- Baron D'aunneau (a Dutchman) slain at Nottingham.
Baronets and Knights.
- Sir Edmund Verney, His Majesties Standard bearer, slain at Edghill.
- Sir Bevil Greenvile at Landsdown July. 5. 1643.
- Sir Nicholas Sla [...]nyng at Bristol July 26. 1643.
- Sir Rich. Lawdy at Cover in Gloucester sh.
- Sir Ingram H [...]pton
- Sir George Bowls
- Sir Will. Butler
- Sir Will. Clark
- Sir Tho. Meth [...]m
- Sir Will. Lampton
- Sir Auth. Manse [...]l, at Newberry.
- Sir John Smith (who rescued the Kings Standard at Edghill) slain near Alresford in Hampsh
- Sir Anth St. Leger at Newberry Octob. 27. 1644.
- Sir Henry Gage, at Cullom Bridge near Abingdon, Jan 11. 1644.
- Sir Michael Earnley, slain at the surprisal of Shrewsbury.
- Sir John Girlington, near Melton Mowbray.
- Sir William Manwaring at Chester.
- Sir John Digby received his Deaths wound at Langport in Com. Sommerset.
- Sir William Croft slain at Stokesey in Shropsh. June 9. 1645.
- Sir Thi Gardiner in Buckinghamsh
- Sir Pet. Brown of Kiddington wounded at Naisby, died at Northamp.
- Sir Tho. Dallison
- Sir Rich. Cave.
- Sir Henry Fletcher, at Chester.
- Sir Bernard Astley
- Sir Rich. Crane
- Sir Rich. Hutton
- Sir Francis Carnaby
- Sir Gilb. Gerrard jun. near Ludlow.
- Sir Will. Wentworth
- Sir Charls Slingsby
- Sir Francis Dacre
- Sir Richard Goodhill, wounded in Wales, died at Worcester.
- Sir Brian Stapleton in Yorksh.
- Sir Lodowick Wyer at Banbury.
- Sir Philip Byron at York.
- Sir Nicholas Fortescu (Knight of Malta) slain in Lancashire.
- Sir Troilus Turbervil (Capt. Lieut of the Kings Life Guard) slain at His Majesties marching from Newark to Oxford.
- Sir Tho. Tildesly, slain at Wiggan
- Sir Nic Kemish at Chepstow.
- Sir. Rich. Gleddal at Hessam M [...]or.
- Col. Tho. Howard (son of the Lord William) slain at Piersbrig.
- Col. Charls Cavendish near Gainsb.
- Col. Tho. Howard (son of Sir Francis) at Atherton Moor June 30. 1643.
- Col. George Hern, there also.
- Col. Ferdinando Stanhop slain in Nottinghamsh
- Col. Stanhop his brother at Shelford house, Octob. 25. 1645
- Col. Cuthbert Conniers at Malpass in Cheshire, August. 1644.
- Col Thomas Morgan of Weston at Newberry first battle.
- Col. John Arundel at Plymouth.
- Col. Hen. Lunsford
- Col. Buck
- Col. Trevanian
- Col Hern (son of S. Edw.
- Col. Beton
- Col. John Marrow, in Cheshire.
- Col. Tho. Dalton wounded at Newberry died at Marlborough.
- Col. Bernard (with divers Gent.) put to the Sword at Cannon-froo [...] in Herefordsh. in July 1645.
- Col Middleton at Hopton Heath.
- Col. Francis Hung [...] at Chester
- Col My [...] slain in Gloucestersh.
- Col. Will. Bains at Malpass.
- Col Billingsley at Bridgenorth.
- Col Whitley at Conway Castle.
- Col. Pinchback at Newberry.
- Col Rich. Green at Beeston Castle.
- Col Kirton
- Col. Prideaux
- Col Rich. Mannyng, near Alresford.
- Col. Will. Ewre (brother of the Lord Ewre) at Marston Moor.
- Col John Fenwick, there also.
- Col. Bluet slain at Lyme.
- Col. St. George at Leicester.
- Col. Dalby at Winkfield Mannor.
- Col Cassey Bental at Stow.
- Col Cuth Ratcliff at—
- Col Philips near Winchester.
- Col Taylor at Bristol.
- Col Will. Winn at Wem.
- Col. Bawd at Naisby.
- Col. Cuthbert Clifton at Manchester
- Col Leak at Newark
- Col. James Chidley at Dartmouth.
- Col. Bowles at Alton.
- Col. Hugh Windham in Dorsetsh.
- Col. Rich Poor in Wales.
- Col. Pert in Cornwal.
- Col. Trollop at Wiggan.
- Col. Bagot at Naisby.
Lieutenant Colonels.
- Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Markham slain near Gainsborough.
- L. C Monroe at Edghil.
- L. C Lancelot Holtby at Branceford
- L. C. Colt at Radcoat
- L. C. Geo. Preston at Bradford.
- L C. Howard
- L. C. Ward.
- L. C. Pavyer at Lincoln.
- L. C Edw. Wiburn slain at Basinghouse in cold bloud
- L C. Johnson slain at Basing.
- L. C Haggerston at Preston.
- L. C. Liste
- L. C. Steniwood
- L C. Jordan Metham at Pontfract Castle, March. 1. 1644.
- L C. John Gower at Scarborough
- L C. Tho. Ewre at Newberry.
- L. C. Sayer
- L. C. Lawson
- L C. Topham at Newberry 1. bat.
- L. C. Will. Hougton at Newberry 2.
- L. C Philip Howard.
- L. C. Michael Constable
- L. C Story in Gloucestersh.
- L. C. Moyle at Bristol.
- L. C. Ballard
- L. C Muddiford
- L. C. Jones at Bridgwater.
- L. C Slingsby at Newberry.
- L. C. Bolton at Nantwich.
- L. C. Scot at Alresford.
- L. C. Godfrey at Tewksbury.
- L. C Ger. Salvin at Northallerton.
- L. C. Post Kirton at.
- L. C. Dewes at Reading.
Serj. Majors.
- Major Cufand slain at Basing-house upon cold bloud.
- M. Huddleston at York.
- M. Rich. Harborn
- M. Heskith
- M Beaumont at Leeds
- M. Geo. Pluckney near Stamford.
- M. Kendal at Bristol.
- M. Smith at.
- M. Pate near Ashby-dela-Zouch.
- M. Sheldon
- M. Lower
- M. Williams in Southwales.
- M. Tho. Vavasor at Marston Moor.
- M. Threave at Torrington.
- M. Dubleday at.
- M Gower at Scarborough.
- M. Trevillian at Newberry.
- M. Turner at.
- M. Price
- M. Garneer
- M. Will. Leak at Newberry 2.
- M. Laur. Clifton at Shelford house.
- M. Pilkington at.
- M. Armstrong at Oxford.
- M. Dewet (a Frenchman) at Lechlade
- M. Pollard at Dartmouth.
- M. Clarke at Yorke.
- M. Metcalf at.
- M. Wigmore at Ilmister.
- M. Wilson at Naisby.
- M. Spotswood at Wem.
- M. Tho. Whitmore at Muscam.
- M. Dean at Bristol.
- M. Dacre at Westhoughton.
- M. Salvin at York.
- M. Walter Baskerfield in Bedfordsh.
- M. Bunnington at Leicester.
- M. How at Keighley
- M. Robson in Durham.
- M. Jenkins at Colum in Yorksh.
- M. Wormley at Cirencester.
- M. Riveley wounded at Naisby, died in prison at London.
- C. Marm Constable (Standard-bearer to the L. G. Lindsey) sl. at Edgh.
- C. Henry Byron
- C. Kingsmill
- C. William Laborn
- C. Math. Anderton
- C. Plunket at.
- C. John Lampton at Bradford.
- C. Joseph Constable at Newberry 1.
- C. William Bowls at.
- C. Tho. Winkley at Leverpool.
- C. Thurstan Anderton wounded at Newberry, died at Oxford.
- C. Will. Williamson at.
- C. James at Landsdown.
- C. Cornisham slain at Landsdown.
- C. Ratcliff Houghton at Preston.
- C. Hugh Hen at Faringdon.
- C. Tho. Whittingham at Newberry
- C. Hugh Houghton at Reading.
- C. Vaughan at.
- C. Goring at Newberry.
- C. Robert Molineux at Newberry 1.
- C. Cha. Osburn near Hartland.
- C. Fry at Torrington.
- C. Cha. Thimelby at Worcester.
- C. Cottingham at.
- C. Gardiner at Tame.
- C. John Bird at Marston Moor.
- C. Rich at Bristol.
- C. Needham at Shrewsbury.
- C. Tho. Meynel at Pontfract Castle
- C. Fits-James at Bridgwater.
- C. Cha. Stuart in Warwicksh.
- C. Christopher Wray
- C. Bunce
- C. John Clifton at Shelford house.
- C. Rodman at Pontfract.
- C. W. Fenwick at Boulton in Yorksh
- C. Abraham Lance
- C. Robert Lance
- C. Slany at.
- C. Coney at Whaley in Lancash.
- C. Rich. Wolfole at Newberry.
- C. Chamberlain at.
- C. Farrar at Nantwich.
- C. Bush [...]l at
- C. James Basset at Lanceston.
- C. Edw Ron at Wakefield.
- C. Anth Hammerton near Manchest
- C. Will. Simc [...]ts at Newberry 1.
- C. Gerard at.
- C. Joh. Whitley at Harding.
- C. Sares at Ʋtoxater,
- C. Tho. Singleton at Newberry 1.
- C. Fran. Errington at Rotheram.
- C. Nich. Fitzackerley at Leverpool.
- C. Butler
- C. Max. Nelson
- C. William Lampton at Wakefield.
- C. Topham
- C. L. Burbeck
- C. Baxter at Baughton near Chest.
- C. Henry Aldersey
- C. John Adlington
- at Chester.
- C. Gilb. Markham
- C. Messenger
- C. Dan. Thorold
- C. Greenbury
- C. Tho. Gough
- C. John Rooksby at Sherburn.
- C. Gascoign near Melton.
- C. Sandford at Nantwich.
- C. Gilb. Ashton at Boulton in Lanc.
- C. Anth. Awd
- C. Tho. Cole
- C. Huddleston at York.
- C. Dudley Smith at Roundway-down
- C. Sam. W [...]nman in Devonsh.
- C. O [...]mshaw near Oxford.
- C. Joseph Davison at Newcastle.
- C. Fran. Clifton at Newberry 1.
- C. Standish at Manchester.
- C. Roger Houghton
- C. Edw. Bradley
- C. Meynel.
- C. Edw. Wynn
- C. Swords
- C. Parroy
- C. John Lance at Istep.
- C. Charls Blount at Gloucester.
- C. Geo. Cassey at Hereford.
- C. Anth Girlington at Lancaster.
- C. Langdale in Wales
- C. Carver in Monmouthsh.
- C. John Lingen at Ledbury.
- C. S [...]mwaies at Newberry 2.
- C. Will. Arundel at Plymouth.
- C. Fr. Bartu at Newberry 1.
- C. Fr. Godfrey at Sherburn.
- C. John Plumpton at York.
- C. Yates at M [...]lton.
Gentlemen Voluntiers.
- Edw. Talbot Esq.
- Charls Townley Esq.
- Mr. Cho. Sherburn
- Edw. Sackvyle Esq. near Oxford.
- Edw. Preston Esq. at Ormschurch.
- Mr. Sands at Alresford.
- Mr. Price of Washingly slain at Lincoln in cold bloud.
- Mr. Bale at Thorp in Leicestersh. Ralph Langton Esq. at Preston.
- Mr. John Constable in Yorksh.
- Mr. Steven Tempest at the Devises.
- Mr. Cuth. Ratcliff at Newcastle.
- Mr. Joh. Latham at Newark.
- Mr. Rich. Latham at Lichfield.
- Mr. Cary and
- Mr Jennings
- Mr. Blount near Manchester.
- Mr. Bourscale at Newberry 2.
- Mr. Courtney in Lancash.
- Mr. James Anderton in Wales.
- Mr. Steven Pudsey in Holderness.
- Mr. Fr. Pavyer at Marston M.
- Mr. Rick. Brown in the West.
- Mr Christoph. Anderton at Marston
- Mr. Cha. Mohun at Dartmouth.
- Mr. Cresset at Bridgnorth.
- Alderm. Davison
- Mr. Tho. Ogle
- Mr. St. Johns in the West.
- Monsieur St. Paul at Marston M.
- Mr. Mort Mayor of Preston sl. there
- Mr. Boniface Kemp
- Mr. Hesket
- Mr. Miles Lochard at Gooderich C.
- Mr. George Moor in Wales.
- Mr. Peter Davis at Denbigh.
- M [...]. Edw. Davis at Chester.
- Doctor Weston Physitian at.
- Doctor The. Westby at Preston &c. With many more.
- Earl of Strafford executed at Tower-hill May 12. 1641.
- Mr. Rob. Yeomans
- Mr. Geo. Bourcher
- Mr. Nath. Tompkins.
- Mr. Chaloner.
- Sir Alexander Carew, at Tower-hill Dec. 23. 1644.
- Capt. Horham there Jan. 1. 1644.
- Sir John Hotham there Jan. 2. 1644.
- Archb. of Cant. there Jan. 10. 1644.
- Sir Charls Lucas
- Sir Geo. Lisle
- Duke Hamilton
- Earl of Holland
- Lord Capel
- Col. Jo. Morris
- Cor. Blackburn.
- Marq. of Montross
- M. G. Ʋrrey.
- Col. Spotswood.
- Col Euseb. Andrews at Towerhill Aug 22. 1650.
- Sir Hen Hide near the Exchange March 4. 1650.
- Capt. Brown Bushel at London April 21. 1651.
- Mr. Love
- Mr. Gibbons
- James Earl of D [...]rby at Bolton in Lancashire Oct. 25. 1651.
- Col Joh. Gerrard at Tower h [...]ll July 10. 1654
- Mr. Peter Vowel at Charing-Cross July 10. 1654.
- Capt. Levins at the Old Exchange
- Col. Penruddeck
- Mr. Hugh Grove
- Col. Ashton in Towerstreet
- Mr. John B [...]tley in Cheapsid.
- Mr Edmund Stacy in Cornhill.
- Sir Henry [...]lingsby
- Doctor John Hewet
If the names of any persons of quality have escaped the industry of the Collectors Pen, upon notice given to the Printer, they shall be inserted.
LONDON, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, living in Thames-street over against Baynards Castle. 1660.