THE Royal Chronicle: Wherein is contained, An Historical Narration of His Majesties Royal Progress; The Princely Cabinet laid open, with an Embleme to Great Brit­tain; The Peoples Diadem, proceeding from the Ornament and Crown of their gracious Lord and Soveraign; The incom­parable Studies of His Majesty in the Government of Kings, to the admiration of all forreign Princes; and His Majesties Liege People within these His Realms and Dominions; His great Endow­ments and Experience, in Religion, Law, and Governments; His Mercy rejoycing over Justice, and his Justice cutting out work for his Mercy; His gracious Pardon to Offenders, and His Chri­stian Speech to the London Ministers.


C. R.


LONDON, Printed for G. Horton, living near the three Crowns in Barbican. 1660.

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