AGAINST Dr. COSSENS, Dr. MAYNWARING, and Dr. BEALE; Ʋpon the Complaint of Mr. PETER SMART.
Esquire; March the 16
th. 1640.
I Am commanded by the House of Commons to present to your Lord-ships a Declaration and Impeachment against Dr. COSSENS and others upon the Complaint of Mr. PETER SMART: which Mr. SMART was a Proto-Martyr, or, [Page 2]first Confessor of note in the late daies of Persecution. The whole matter is a tree, whereof the branches and fruit are manifest in the Articles of this Declaration; which being read, I shall with your Lordships favour discover and lay open the root.
The Declaration was read, and then Hee proceeded thus:
I Am now to discover the Root of Master SMARTS Persecution.
Your Lordships have heard of a great Designe to bring in Popery; you have heard of Armies of Souldiers, and particularly of the Popish Irish Armie, the burthen and Complaint of the Commons. But there is another Armie not so much spoken of, and that is an Army of Priests: for since Altars came in (so they delight to bee called,) it is a saying of Gregory the Great, that when Antichrist comes, Praeparatus est excercitus Sacerdotum: there is an Army of Priests ready to receive him; this is [Page 3]fulfilled in our time; for certainty this Army of Priests doth many wayes advance the designe and plot of Popery. A first is by the subversion of our Lawes, and Government: our Lawes and Popery cannot stand together; but either Popery must overthrow our Lawes, or our Lawes must overthrow Popery: but to overthrow our Lawes, they must overthrow Parliaments; and to overthrow Parliaments, they must overthrow propertie; they must bring the Subjects goods to be arbitrarily disposed, that so there may be no need of Parliaments; this hath been done by Dr. MAYNWARING (whom we find wanting yet not in the seats, but in the Barr of the Lords House) and the like by Dr. BEALE: and I thinke it was the Intention of the late Cannons.
A second way, by which this Armie of Priests advanceth the Popish Designe, is the way of Treatie. This hath beene acted both by writings and conference; Sancta Clara himselfe saith, Doctissimi corum quibuscunque egi; so it seems they have had conferences together; And Sancta Clara on his part, labours to bring the Articles of our Church to Popery; and some of our side strive to meete him in that way: wee have a testimonie that the great Arch-Priest himselfe hath said; It were no hard matter to make a reconciliation, if a wise man had the handling of it. But I verily beleeve that as [Page 4]the State of Papacie stands, a farre wiser man then he cannot reconcile Us, without the losse of our Religion. For the Pope being fastened to his Errors, even by his Chaire of Inerrabilitie, he sits still unmoved, and so we cannot meete, except wee come wholly to him. A man standing in a Boat tied to a Rock, when he drawes the rope, doth not draw the Rock to the Boat; but the Boat to the Rock. And Sancta Clara doth (in this somwhat honestly) confesse it: for he saith that he dealt in this way of Treatie, not to draw the Church to the Protestants: but the Protestants to the Church.
A third way is a way of violence, this violence they exercise partly by Secular Armes, and partly by Priestly Armes, which they call Spirituall: for Secular Armes, wee have their owne confession, that the late warre was Bellum Episcopale; and wee have the Papists confession, that it was Bellum Papale: for in their motives, they say, that the Warre concernes them not only as Subjects, but as Catholikes, for so they falsly call themselves: and if it be so, then Bellum Episcopale, is also Bellum Papale: in the Episcopall Warre, the Papall cause is advanced: For the Spirituall Armes, thus they come to execution.
When a great Man is comming, his Sumpters, his Furniture, his Provisions goe before: [Page 5]the Popes Furniture, Altars and Copes, Pictures and Images are come before; (and if wee beleeve Dr. COSSENS) the very substance of the Masse; a certaine signe that the Pope was not farre off. Now these fore-runners being come, if any man resist them, Fire comes out of the Brambles and devoures the Cedars of Lebanon: the Army of the Priests falls upon him with their Armes of Suspension, Sequestration, Excommunication, Degradation, and Deprivation. And by these Armes hath Mr. SMART beene oppressed and undone. Hee falls upon their Superstitions and Innovations, and they fall upon him with their Armes, they beate him downe, yea they pull him up by the rootes, taking away all his meanes of maintenance and living; yet they leave him life to feele his miseries: Ita foriunt, ut diu se sentiat mori; there is no crueltie to Priestly crueltie; these are they that did put our very Saviour to death: the Calling is Reverend, but the Corruption of it most pernicious; Corruptio optimi pessima: I know no reason of this change, except it bee that of the Apostle: Because when they knew God, they did not worship him as GOD, but made a God of the World, placing the excellencie of Priest-hood in Worldly pompe and Greatnesse and gave the glory of the invisible GOD to Pictures, Images and Altars: therefore [Page 6]God gave them up to vile affections, to be implacable, unmercifull, and without naturall affection. But whatsoever the cause is of their Corruption; certainly their Armes have fallen heavy upon Mr. SMART, and Priestly crueltie hath cast him into a long miserie, from which hee could get no release by any Priestly mercie.
And now it is prayed, that as these Delinquents by the cruel oppressions of M. SMART have advanced the Cause of Poperie; so they may in such a degree of justice bee punished, that in them Priestly cruelty and the very cause of Popery may appeare to be punished and suppressed, and that Mr. SMART suffering for the Cause of Protestancie may be so repaired, that in him pious Constancie, and the very Cause of Protestancie may appeare to be righted and repaired.