The Ranters Bible OR, Seven several Religions by them held and maintained.
WITH The full particulars of their strange Sects and Societies; their new places of meetings, both in City and Countrey; the manner of their life and conversation; their blasphemous Opinion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and their burning of his blessed WORD, and sacred Scriptures; the names of their new gods, and worshiping of the Sun, and three black Clouds; with the manner of their idolizing them, North, West, East, and South; their drinking of healths to the Devill, and disposing of places in Hell; their blasphemous Creed and Letany; their Savage Opinion to ly with any mans wife, either in houses, fields, or streets, in the presence of hundreds of people; their Declaration in Kent; the apprehending of 30 of them neer Uxbridge, with their trials and examinations, and the routing and dispersing the rest of their fellow ranters neer Lin in Norfolk: A strange voice from heaven speaking to one Mr. Roulston, a London-Ranter, upon his going from White-Chappel, to meet some of his fellow-Creatures at Hackney, and the great things that happened thereupon, to the admiration of the Reader: the coming in of 700 since the second of this instant December, their Recantation, Oath, and Protestation. And Mr. Roulston's Letter to his late fellow-Ranters, with his Advice and Proposals, to be published in all Cities, and Market-townes, throughout England and Wales.
Published by Mr. Gilbert Roulston, a late Fellow-RANTER.
London, Printed by J. C. and are to be sold in Cornhil, near the Exchange, and at Temple-Bar, 1650.
The Ranters Bible, &c.
GReat are the troubles of this Age, in respect of that persecution on all sides, that hardly one opinion can afford another a good word. And what is the reason of all this? Sure it is not of God, but of the Man of sin, who was a murtherer from the beginning: This spirit of persecution hath not ceased to work, since Adams fall, going amongst rich and poor, high and low, to set them at variance, and divide them in judgment; and as God is the Authour of all good, so the Devil is the Authour of all evil, being now very busie and active in this Nation, for the depriving of the poor people of their Soul-salvation, sowing the Atheistical Seed in the hearts of divers, by which meanes they are too prone to fall from their former principles, studying and practising new-found devices, and Hel-bred stratagems, as will appear by this ensuing Relation, wherein is contained a description of the several Sects, Societies and Factions of the new Generation of those called Ranters, both in City and Countrey, and the particulars of their several Tenents, viz.
I. On the 16. of Novemb. 1656. A great Company of these new Generations of Vipers, called Ranters, were gathered together near the Soho as Westminster, where they exercised themselves in many royatous and uncivil actions; and after some hours spent i [...] feasting and the like, they stript themselves quite [...]aked, and dansing the Adamites Curranto, which was, That after 2. or 3. familist Giggs, hand in hand, each man should imbrace his fellow-semale, in the flesh, for the acting of that inhumane Theatre of carnal copulation, which is so gloriously illustrated in the sacred Scriptures, to be one of the greatest sins, in bringing them to the very brinks of perpetual damnation; in defence of which abominable and lascivious act, they hold it a tenent lawful, to lie with any Woman Whatsoever: These are a sort of Ranters, called by the name, Of the Familists of Love, who would have all things common, and hold it a Paradice to live so, because their Discipline allowes, to court naked, in which they blush no more, then Adam at his first Creation, Gen. 2.5. This Opinion a native German first practised in Holland, 40. years since, and coming over into England, proved a Diabolical Instrument, in soweing the seed of Sathan, in the hearts of many about London, telling and perswading them, that it was a great sin, to cleave either to one man or Woman, that there was neither God nor Devil, Heaven nor Hell, and that they ought not to worship any thing visible or invisible, but the Sun, which in this wise, he perswaded them to do; that after they had taken their fill in this, [savage] pleasure of Paradice, (as they call it) they should turn themselves North, West, East and South, (according to the sign here inserted) and that was a remission, promised, for their inhumane act of Ranting.
North East West ☉ ♍ in South
II. Another sort of Ranters are called by the name of Shelomethites, who hold swearing but a Complement, and blasphemy a badge of honour, accounting that fellow-Creature, the greatest and most worthy, that can invent the chiefest Oaths, springing from the bitter and fiery lake of Hell and Pluto: Of this wicked Generation, a party of them were lately discovered near Uxbridge, who upon examination before a Justice of Peace, confessed. That they held it lawful so to do, resolutely breaking forth in most bitter and unchristian like language against all those who endeavoured to turn them from these desperate and soul-damning opinion; but since their restraint of liberty, divers of them have detested against this diabolical way, protesting, against their infernal tenents, and Hel-bred principles, and utterly disavowing any fellowship or society with them for the time to come; and promising a discovery of all others of the like nature, resident in those parts, or else-where.
III. Another sort of Ranters are called by the name of Clements, who are perswaded that after death (notwithstanding their lascivious actions, as aforesaid) they may repent in the world to come; and that it is then sure enough to seek Gods mercy, which absur'd and false Opinion, causeth divers, both in City and Country, to attend to this blasphemous Crew, and wholly to cast off their blasphemous principles of Christianity, and sobriety of life: O the ignorance of these times! that men should fall from the ways of truth and comply with the spirit of darkness.
IV. Another sort of Ranters are called by the name of Athians, who affirm, that when the body dies, the soul perisheth, and both shall be received again at the day of judgement: which Doctrine is something like that which lately possessed divers about Lin in Norfolk, who at a meeting the 17. of Novemb. last, would needs take upon them to maintain this point to be just and right; but others of their late Brethren, after a serious and great dispute, wholly denied this tenent, and publickly declared, That in respect of that condition in which the soul is stated, (which being immortal cannot die) shall be increased, but never changed: To which principle above 100. came in, there present declaring themselves enemies to all those who persisted in that blasphemous opinion; insomuch, that some of those that refused to re [...]eive conversion, were apprehended; others escaped; but, in fine, they all received a blow, and were all subdued and ro [...]ted.
V. Another sort of Ranters are called by the name of Nicholartanes, much like the former, who lived promissiously, like Beasts, no man having his own proper wife, but using any Woman at their pleasure, and thirsting after their proprieties and estates: These are not only plunderers, but Robbers of their very skins and bones.
VI. These sorts of Ranters are called by the name of Marcious, who believe that there are two Gods, one the Authour of all good, the other of all evil things; which Sect Paipiripes, in his time, called The first born of the Devil, and in these latter times, too too many hold these erroneous Opinions, there being a Generation sprung up, who have a great respect to observe the traditions of men, but deny Scriptures, holding this dangerous Discipline, (which the mad and ranting Ranters, calls his B [...]le,) That Swearing, whoring, Roaring, Revelling, Bl [...]spheaming, and the greatest vices they can imagine, are the only actions of honour to bring them to happiness; and in which happiness, they assume to themselves a right, by drinking Healths to the Devil, and casting lots for the disposing of places in Hell; but some amongst the rest, being indu'd with the spirit of Grace, upon the carouzing of the Cup about, in like manner aforesaid, at a meeting near the Wild in Kent; when it came to their turns to drink, refused the same, saying,
Where upon this infernal Crew, began ro utter many bitter rexecrations, and blaspheaming Vows and Protestations, to send them head-long to the Devil, which the reformed Ranters, before spoken of, hearing, imediately fell upon them, and beat them exceedingly, uttering these words, Where is your Devil and dark Angels, that can delive [...] you out of our hands; for although we were a long time blinded by the Man of sin, we are now by the tender mercies of Jesus Christ, and by the influence of his Divine Spirit, restored again unto light; and therefore are resolved to partake no longer with you in your abominable and detestable vanities, &c. Which words struck such a terror to their former fellow-Creatures, that they all unanimously resolved to lead a new life, to withdraw from the Gulf of Hell, and to betake themselves to the true Soul-saving Gospel Road, and so with great alacrity and joy parted quietly, betaking themselves to their respective places of habitation.
VII. Another sort of these notorious Ranters, both in City and Countrey, are called by the name of Selentian Donatists; who hold an opinion, that neither the word of God, (for the [...]ible they burn nor any under the Canopy of Heaven, can make so perfect a Church, as their [...] Discipline; denying all powers, and refusing to submit to any Government, erected either by Kings or Parliament, being of an opinion, [Page 5]that the Mosse whereof God made the Elements, was coeternal with him, and that Christ in his Ascention uncloathed himself of the flesh of Man, and left it in the Globe of the Sun; and thereupon hold this erroneous Tenent, that it is only lawful for them to idolize and adore the Sun, and the 3. Clouds, wherein its splendor is sundry times eclipsed and darkened, being of this idolatrous and dangerous Opinion, that after this life there, their bodies shall rest for ever. These sort of Ranters, are of a vain-glorious opinion, steering their ways and actions, by the concourse of the Stars; for towards the Evening, so soon as the bright [...] met, called the Shephard-star, appears, they frequent their Babylonish meetings, the said Star being the word and sign, given out by these infernal Creatures, for the calling in of their diabolical Flocks; and upon their dissembling together, they exercise themselves in nothing else, but lacivious and unapparalleld vices, accounting it no sin for hundreds of Men and Women (savage-like) to lie with each other, publickly all together, either in Houses, Fields, or Streets, which is their constant course upon several meetings. And one amongst the rest, of these ranting Crew, observing the time when the Shepheards-Star should appear; to the end, he might give his personal residence amongst them; upon his going from his own house in White-Chappel, to Pluto's Flock, enfolding each other near Hackney, he heard a loud voice sounding in his mind, as followeth, Leave off thy abominable ways, and return from whence thou comest; for after all such things only wicked men seek. And as he heard this voice sounding in his heart, so also his Conscience accused him, that he was one of those wicked men, spending his precious time in lacivious, shameless, and intemperate societies with other Women: whereupon, he imediately fell down on his knees, praising the great God of Heaven, for this his great change and conversion; and upon his imediate resurrection, betook himself to privacy for a time, writing this ensuing Letter, to his former Ranting Associates.
JT hath always been the subtilty of the Serpent, that old Devil, since Man had a being, to seek to deceive and destroy him, and to take him off from his being, and his well-being, and as God useth all means to do Mankind good, so Satan seeketh by all the means he can to do them hurt, in every age; and so much the more, as the light doth appear in every age, transforming himself [Page 6]like an Angel of light, that he may appear glorious in them, when he is nothing in substance, and in this age more then ever; because his Kingdom and black Angels begins to be full of darkness; he sees its high time to stir, or else to lose all, and is now labouring to overthrow the foundations of your faith, by taking you off from searching the Scriptures, by denying the word, and burning the sacred Writ, &c. utterly detesting against Christ and his truth, which truth we must all yield to, or else you are damned: And for [...] part, I do wholly imbrace it, denying and abhorring the wicked course of life, which formerly I delighted in, with you, for the space of 7. years, and odd moneths; during which time, I conceived my self to be in a happy condition; but being near to the very edge of the brink of the infernal lake and bottomelss pit of Hell, then came the Lord God in a terrible voice into my heart, saying, Leave off thy wicked ways, and return from whence thou camest, for after all such things even wicked men seek: These words I heard dolefully sounding, even when I was coming to your Diabolical meeting, which caused me to return back: And therefore friends, I do humbly implore you, in the name of Jesus Christ, to leave off your wicked wayes, and to lay hold on the truth; for he that acts against truth, acts against God: His truth is the greatest Champion, and breaks all the Armour and Weapons that it fights with; for it is a soul-saving Weapon, and no Weapon formed against it shall prosper; to those that yield, he shews mercy, and to those that will not, his blowes are mortal: Therefore dear friends, be not found fighters against God, least he tear you in peeces, and there be none to help; for on whomsoever this stone shall fall, it shall grind him to peeces. Now the Lord Jesus Christ give you understanding in these things, and so I rest,
REader, since the writing of this Letter, above 700. are come in but by reason of a new Treatise preparing for the Press, I shall insist no further at present; but referreth thee to that subject, which contains a 7. years Chronicle of all their ways, lives, and actions.