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- Crompto [...] poems
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- Chancellours Office
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- Christian moderator
- Castle of Memorie
- Cawdry against H [...]mmond
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- Charlton against Heyden
- Carters Tombe stone Church Common wealth
- Cudmores poems
- Calamys Arke
- Cure of Errors
- Cabinet of Invention
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- on the Covenant
- waters of life
- Combachius Sal. lumen Engl.
- Casaubon on the Lords prayer
- Collins on Faith 5. Lessons
- Clarkes phraseologia
- Adages
- Comes facundus in via
- C [...]sps 1 Vol. 2 and 3 Vol.
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- Court K. Guide
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- Catalogue of English Divinity
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- Corbets poems
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- Carews poems
- Chewney of hell
- Clarks Tutor
- [...] s [...]tter
- Court & Kitchin of Ioane Cromwell
- Cawdry of Independency
- Cathedrall Service
- Cookes Guide
- Contemplatio Mortis
- Childrens Dictionary
- Conference between the K. & Bishop of Wo [...].
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- Discourse of prodigies for guiding of reason
- Declaration of Cupiff
- Divine poems
- Disputat. at Winchcombe
- Daniels poems
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- Errors
- on the Creed
- populat Errors
- Deaths Advantage
- Dia poemata
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- Mrs Drakes life
- Dingley of Angels
- Davids blessed man Repentance
- Durants Christs love with Sipps
- Sipps
- Denison on the Sacrament
- Dales Analysis
- Davisons poems
- Duty of Constables by Layer by Shepherd
- Dionysius Longinus of Eloquence Eng.
- Donns History of the Septuagint
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- Donns poems old
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- pathway
- on the Revelation
- works
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- Dyers Christs voice famous titles
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- Dugress his Dialogues Eng. Lat. and Fren.
- Dialogue of polygamy
- Excellencies of Free state
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- Edward 2. in verse.
- English Dictionary Expositor
- Easts Summons on lames
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- Elementa Logica
- Entertainment at Rutland-house
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- Governour
- Euleston of Excommunication
- Englands old Religion by H. B.
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- of Conscience
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- Fullers poems
- French Kings lives
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- Manuall
- Milk for Babes
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- Fathers advise
- Four Lyers
- Family of love
- Flaming Bush
- False Favourite
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- Index Temporum
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- Greenwood of love
- Goulden grove Key of mans Salvation
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- Glass of humours
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- Glass for Papist and Pnritants
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- History of Iustine in Eng. of the Iews
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- Height of Eloquence
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- Examinar. of the Grammar
- Grammar
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- History of Naples
- Homer Allamode
- Harts Orthography burning Bush
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- Jessey of conscience of grace
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- traditions
- purgatory
- on the mass
- Manual of parliaments
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- Mystery of Christ in us
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- Magical gold
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- Manwaring of consumptions on the scurvy
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- Markhams art of fowling
- Man in paradice
- Means to make a trade flourish
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- Markhams horsemanship
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- Maserus laws of the Rosie cross
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- Natural conclusions
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- second
- compleat
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- english by Vicars
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- de ponto
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- works
- festivals
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- Observator observed
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- Osorius against Haddon
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- Ove [...]buries characters
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- Office of a justice of peace
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- Perkins cases
- golden chain
- reformed catholick
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- Perkins of the law
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[Page]Poem on tobacco, latine
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- Right devil
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- three treatises
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- proposals
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- divine epistles
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- second part
- rule of proportion
- body of the law
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- Webs pract. of quietness
- Woods history king Charles
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- Academy of complements
- Abbots description of the world
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- A viaticum or journey to paradice
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- zeal
- Tythes
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- Bloys on 42 psalm
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- essayes
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- on the sacrament
- humiliat.
- Book of fish
- Book of oaths
- But of grace
- Boats life
- Bedford on the sacrament
- Bifield of faith
- marrow
- directions
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- Burthen of conscience
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- Christian sacrifice exercise by R. P.
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- Civil wars of France
- Cato Major
- Cokes reports abridg'd
- Christian combate
- Capel of tentations third part
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- Communion of saints
- Costara
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- Cid first part
- first and second
- Country captain with varietie
- variety
- Card of courtship
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- Cozens devotions
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- diocess
- angel of peace
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- Cusanius idiot in english
- Christian souldier
- Carpenders achitophel
- Cowpers two treatises
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- Daily practice of piety
- Dons polydoron.
- [Page]serm. at Lady Ramsey's fun.
- meditations
- of atheism
- Dod's pieces
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- D [...]kes right receiving
- Discourse of eternity
- Dux grammat.
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- Diseases of the times
- Denisons resolut.
- Daniels poems
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- Dialogue of polygamie
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- Davids diamond
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- paradoxes
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- compleat
- Davenants poems discourse upon Gondibert
- Dodona's grove
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- Detections of the devils sophistry
- Digby's discourse of powders of plants
- Drerelings court-meditat.
- Declarat. of christian doctrine
- Divine meditations of several men
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- Duncons returns
- Davies muses sacrifice
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- English school
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- Emblems of rarities
- Englands summons reprover
- Edward the 6 his history
- Evens prayers and meditations
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- Eicon basilicon
- Featly's devotions trans [...]bstant.
- Fiery pillar
- Faithful shepher.
- Forbidden fruit
- Fenners manna grace
- Ferne of the reformat.
- French gardiner
- Fettiplace exercise
- Fruit-trees
- Fullers threefold romanz [...]
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- Gilpins life
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- Gerrards day-book
- Garden of spiritual flowers
- Groans of the spirit
- Grandisons S. Chrysostom
- Grammar-war
- Guntons Gods house
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- christians engagement
- return of mercies
- Tho. of justificat.
- aggravation
- Christ in heaven
- Saints happiness
- Greenwoods works
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- Gauls works
- theory
- distractions
- against Taylor
- Funeral-serm.
- Golden mean
- Gardiners devotions
- Gouldwels reason metamorphosed
- Henrietra Maria
- Hermes theologus
- Hunting the fox
- Heavenly knowledge
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- Hackwels passing of bills
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- Harrington of the Messiah
- Howels visions
- Holy flames
- Hammond of schism reasonableness of christian relig.
- Hinkley's sermons
- Helps to saith
- Hilder sham of fas [...]ing
- Hides christian legacie
- History of S. Eliz.
- Help to discourse
- History of theeves
- Henry the 3 & 4 by Cotton and Heywood
- Heavenly progress
- [Page]Holy incense
- Hooker of perfection
- three sermons
- Lords prayer
- souls possession
- souls preparation
- Halls cases of conscience
- soliloquies
- holy raptures
- holy order
- occasional meditations
- peace-maker
- mourners in Sion
- Herberts poems
- Hattons psalms
- Hobbes of dominion of government
- Haywards sanctuary of a troubled soul
- Harsnet of repentance
- Hools grounds of grammar
- Hall of contentment
- Howels Dodona's grove
- instruction to travellets
- compleat
- Heaths poems
- Hills pathway to piety comments on scripture
- Horace art of poetry. Orations by Johnson
- History of Mary queen of Scots
- Habingtons poems
- Heywoods english Elizabeth Davids tears
- Holy sinner, by W.H.
- Help to discourse
- Hides christian legacie
- Horat. lat. and engl. by Hawkins
- Help to engl. history
- History of king Charles the second
- Interest of princes
- Isle of man
- Joseph and his mistress
- Johnsons arithmetick
- Joys of tribulation
- Jacksons key of knowledge History
- Jenisons two treatises
- Invitation to prayer
- Ideot
- Image of both churches
- Jeanes of abstinence
- Justice restored
- Jacobs ladder
- Instruction to pray, by H. I.
- Johnstons history of Scotland
- Instructions for forreign travelers
- King James apology for the oath of Allegiance psalms
- Key to history
- Looking of [...]chism
- Loves heroick champion
- Loarts life
- Lots little one
- Ladies secretary
- Life of mistriss Roats more
- Loes mystery
- Lascivious queen
- Londons distuler
- Lovels Herbal
- Leighs faints [...]ncouragement
- Lauds seven sermons
- Lyfords legacie
- Life of Alfred
- Lilies comedies
- Liptius of constancie
- Lusus serius
- Lives of seven famous women
- Laws physick for the poor
- Lants daily exercise
- Sir William Lowres three new playes
- The laymans mite
- Lynds by way
- Lucius slorus, english
- Mazarines entrance
- Moulins antibarb. against armini
- Majestas intemerata
- Mirrour of mindes
- Masters plea
- Moots relation
- Mirrour of complements
- Moors utopia, english Edward the fifth, & Richard the third
- Meads almost a Christian
- Matchiavils prince
- Mirrour that flatters not
- Mirrour of devotion
- Minority of king James
- Marriage of the Lemb
- Manual
- Ma [...]gariton
- Misere [...]e me dom.
- Mi [...]our of martyrs
- Manual of d [...]otion
- Maions three treatises
- [...]h ee [...]d state
- cure of c [...]es
- of [...]ying
- [Page]of contentment
- hearing and do
- Method for sciences
- Musers Hero and Leander
- Marrow of complements
- Murfords poems
- Malvezzi spanish events
- christian favorite
- Roman and Tarquin
- Alcibiades
- David persecuted
- spanish event dav. per. favorite
- Mayes agrippina
- Agrippa and Cleopatra
- contemplat. mortis
- Matthews glorious star
- Napiers logarithmes
- Nosegay of flowres
- Nordens guide
- Neal of travel
- Nolins hermetical physick chimists key
- Narrative of the troubles in England
- Osborns works in four vol.
- advice compleat
- political reflections
- second part
- miscellanies
- Office of the blessed virgin
- Oyl of scorpions
- Ovids epistles, english De arte amandi
- Proceedings of the H.C. of Ju. against K. Charls
- Piersons cure of cares
- Primerose on the sacrament
- Peacocks desertion
- Paracelsus aurora
- Parliaments practice
- Prideaux of conscience
- Psalms in four languages
- Phillips of hell
- Partridge Rhabdologie
- Peters inlargement
- Prisoners and Claracilla
- Peachams variety
- P [...]ckquets anatomy
- Practice of quietness
- Pathway to patience
- Pelham on Job
- Practice of christianity
- Philosophers banquet
- Prestons abridgement
- on the sacrament
- Saints infirmities
- Penitent pilgrim
- Perfect cook
- Poem of hunting
- Parrs grounds
- Prodigals tears
- Pathway to heaven
- Pattern of patience
- Popes deadly wound
- Parry's pious reflections
- Pemble on the sacrament
- Parry's drops
- Pearls of eloquence
- Queen of Scots
- Quarles divine fancies
- Queens closet
- Quarles boanerges and barnabas
- Ross his epitomy of Rawleigh Arcania microcosm.
- Reads anatomy
- Ravis hebrew grammar
- Robinsons essays
- Rogers of love good news
- Ross on Rawleigh on Hobbs and Rawleigh
- Resolver of curiosities
- Rous art of happiness
- psalms
- mystical marriage
- onely remedy
- Rivets meditat.
- Raymonds travels
- Rationale on common prayer
- Richelleus moral discourses
- Sadlers sick womans glass
- Shirleys manuductio
- Stevensons poems
- Spiritual thirst
- Siege of buss
- Skippon on the promises
- Sprint on the sabbath
- Saints advantage
- Sedgwicks wonders of God doubting christian
- Sinners sanctuary salvation
- Struthers observat.
- Straight gate
- Stoughtons two treatises
- Sparkes saints joy
- Stuarts serm. compl.
- four sermons
- second ternary
- Saltmarsh beams
- [Page]Southwels works
- Samways devotion
- Survey of the turkish empire
- Spira's life
- State of France under Lewis 13.
- Spouse royal
- Strodes holy love
- Son of a rogue
- Sincere convert welch
- Smiths Moses prayer pattern of prayer
- Sanders palmestry
- Suttons live and dye
- live
- Scudders daily walk
- Sejanus life
- Smiths commonwealth
- Sands Europae speculum.
- Sands Ovid
- Sibbs excellencie of the Gospel
- Christ exalted
- bruised reed
- conference
- Sibbs sountain sealed
- glance
- christian portion
- Skilful physitian
- Senalt on Job
- Sinners tears
- Staffords life of the virgin Mary
- Sandy's works
- Skeffington's Hero of Lorenzo
- Salustius, englisht by Cross
- Sleidans sour monarchies
- Spry's council of state-policie
- Treatise of indulgencies
- Taffins marks
- Tables of interest
- Taylors circumspect walking
- of content
- Attributes
- principles of christian practice
- regula vit [...]
- Table of humane passions
- Teats ter tria
- Temples master piece
- True catholick
- Terrestrial paradice
- Tilenus against Baxter
- Tombs of scandal
- Tulli fam. epistles in english
- True watch first and second, fourth part
- Tuckny's balm
- more with none but Christ
- none but Christ
- five sermons
- T [...]kes high way to heaven antiquity of the catholike faith
- Taylors golden grove
- letters to Rochester
- repentance
- time well spent
- Twisden of usury
- Treatise of pacification of liberty and servitude
- Five treatises of several authors
- Theophilus mystical divinity
- Vicars against Christs picture
- Vanity of the creature
- Via tuta
- Virels grounds
- Vaughans two discourses
- life of paulinus
- world controv. with Pauls life
- world contemned
- Wotton of separation
- Wells anchor of Hope
- Ward of the loadstone
- Walfols meditations
- Willis mount tabor
- Walker on the covenant
- Westfields white robe
- Whitfields helps
- Wisdom of the ancients
- Wits theatre commonwealth
- Wortons remains letters
- Withers juvenilia
- remembrancer
- character of man
- Wishart on the Lords prayer
- Wolfal of mortification
- Whites state of souls
- Wastels epit. of Bible Christians daily delight
- Wasberns poems
- Wakes meditat
- Wasses poem of hunting
- Y [...]ungmans warning piece
- Yarrows comfort
- St. Austins confessions in english enchi [...]idion
- Glass of vain glory
- Apology so lovers
- Act for wardmoote-inquest
- Abridgement of doctor and student
- [Page]Adams citie of peace
- Anchor of saith
- Art of thriving
- Atheism anatomized
- Apologie for young divines
- Art of cookery
- Amboyna's relation
- Andrews on the ceremonies
- Arraignment of the tongue
- Avener of atheism
- Algebra
- Augustus
- Alfords works
- of the soul
- Church triumphant
- Abstract of humane wisdom
- Art of brachigraphy
- Antipathy betwixt French and Spaniard
- Argalus and Parthenia
- Balm for the bruised
- Bay-bush
- Bunworths Drs. signature
- Beza's houshold-prayers
- Bedford on the Sacrament.
- Becon on the mass
- Breviary of religion
- Bundle of myrrhe
- Bacons essays apologie for Essex
- Babingtons farewel
- Bartons psalms
- Botero of cities
- Bottle of tears
- B [...]nister of the eyes
- Bain on the Lords prayer
- Brightmans self-denial
- Burges on the sacrament
- Balzac's roman. Aristippus
- Bakers apologie soliloquies
- Bacons catechism
- Baxter on the hypocrite
- assize-sermons
- on judgement
- now or never
- call
- Bakers three sermons
- Burgis of original sin
- Brooks of health
- Boltons helps
- Burleighs precepts
- Bunny's resolutions compl.
- Brathwaits spicery
- Bradford on the Lords prayer
- Bifields doctrine of Christ
- on the promises
- signes
- more with three other tracts
- directions
- Barnabies journil
- Bithner on the soul
- Borroughs on the sea
- Cousins devotions
- Closet for Ladies
- Compleat trades-man
- Contents of scripture
- Collection of capital hereticks
- Christs journeys on earth
- Courtiers art
- Cannons cabinet
- Christian state of matrimony
- Comforter
- Church incense
- Christian directory
- Cases morning exercise
- Carletons directions
- Canterburies devotions
- Collection of prayers
- Converts catechism
- Character of cruelty
- Chappels art of preaching
- Clergie in their colours
- Celestial soliloquies Lamp
- Crabtree-lecture
- Curtain lecture
- Comfort for conscience
- Conceits of noble persons
- Companion for a Christian
- Christian combat
- Claphams brief
- Crashaw's dialogues
- Cornwallis on Seneca
- Carpenters Achitophel
- Causins entert. for Lent diary
- Cooper on the affections dialogue
- Character of Spain
- Character of the times
- Cordial for a heart-qualm
- Cawdrey's fam. reform.
- Christian instruction
- Dialogue of good works
- Daniels Delia
- Divine emblems, by Mall
- [Page]Dwarss newyears gift
- Divine eccho
- Denisons resolutions
- Drexelius Zodiack
- eternity
- right intention
- fore runner to eternity
- patience
- hive
- Defence of women
- Divine cosmographer
- Devout mans purpose
- Discourse against flattery on Gondibert
- Despain on the eclipse 1652
- Drerlincourt on the sacrament
- Directions for our duty to God
- Divine meditations
- Discourse of temples
- Ephesian matron
- Erasmus golden work
- English pharisee
- English academ. of complements
- Englands Elizabeth
- Enchiridion physice
- Enemy to atheism
- Elenchus in english
- Entertainment for the soul
- Enemy to security
- Eatons dead saith
- Essayes philosophical
- Exercise of spirit, devot.
- Enchanted lovers
- Englands command at sea
- Fathers blessing
- Featley's tears
- Ferns divisions
- Felicity of queen Elizabeth
- Fenton of symony
- Four birds of Noahs-ark
- Form of friendship
- French-cook
- Flemings prayers
- French littleron
- Fields prayers
- Fragmenta regalia
- Fullers meditations good thoughts in bad times
- Gerrards weeks work conquest of temptations
- Granado's meditat.
- devotions
- flowers
- heavenly exercise
- paradice of prayer
- on the Lords prayer
- Garniers confession
- Government of thoughts
- Guide to honour
- Gaul of witchcraft
- Gots essayes
- Grounds of monarchy
- Gretius of providence politick maxims
- Game of jamesanna
- Godly letters
- Gerblers lady's vindicat.
- Gray's perfection of prayer
- Guilds penitent sinner
- Gurney's vindication pacification
- Government of vertue
- Greenham of conscience
- Garfields dialogue of polygan
- Grammar-school
- Grimstones prayers and meditations
- Hookers souls preparation doubting christian
- History of portugal
- Heavenly treasure
- Holy limbick
- Hall of obedience
- devour souls
- paradoxes
- resolutions
- Hesters physick
- Hunts mathemat. recreations christian combate
- Halls holy observation
- meditat. and vows
- on the creed
- Hothams character
- Heavens glory
- Happy minde
- Honest man by Grimstone
- Heavenly academy
- Henshaws daily thought miscellanies
- Hap [...]iness of the english in union
- Hooper of Christ
- Heavenly thoughts and comforts thoughts
- H [...]dges of the soul of prayer
- Hitchcocks sanctuary
- H [...]aven of the minde
- Heirons devotions
- Holy sinner
- [Page]Heavenly refreshment
- History of Alexto Valentine
- Hobbs humane nature
- Hilliards fruits of afflict.
- History of the Bible
- Hippocrates aphorisms
- Hermetical physick
- Hermes trismegistus engl.
- Holybands french Littleton
- Hackwells vanity of the eye instruct. to prayer by H. J.
- Hobson on the creed
- Help to devotion by R. B.
- Hunis penitent. psalms
- Herles policy and prudence
- Jewels apology in english
- Jones works
- cry of blood
- Judges judged
- returna brevium
- Jenkins works lex terrae
- Index temporum Edw. 5.
- Johnsons essayes
- Jackson on conscience
- Juniper lecture crabtree, with womans revenge
- Jesuits policie
- Instructions for gentlemen
- Jones on resurrection
- Jonahs message to Nineve
- Ignoramus
- Jackson of conscience
- Journies of our blessed Saviour on earth
- King James aphorisms
- on Matthew
- psalms
- King Charles prayers meditations
- Key for Chimists
- Kemp is imitation of Christ
- Lyford of names
- Lewis on the promises
- Luthers prayers
- Lloyds Christs valedict.
- Line of life
- Leonards problems
- Lockyers little stone
- Littletons tenures, french
- Linakers comforts
- Ladies cabinet companion
- Lucans continuat. engl. Pharsalia
- Loving husband
- Liberty and servitude
- Life of Lueas and Lisle
- Londons gate
- Loves catechism
- Luptons daily imployment for the soul
- Lynds safe way
- Letters between the bishop of Sarum and doctor Cole
- Looking-glass for sinners
- Mothers blessing second part
- Mornayes self-knowledge
- life death with anatomy
- homilies
- Melancthons prayers
- Mirrour of mercy
- Modern policie
- Matryrs flowers
- Multiplicity of words
- Moral discourses philosophy of the stoicks
- Malvezzi's letters politick favorite
- Map of microcosmus
- Moulin on the sacrament
- Manual of spirit. exercises
- Manual of prayers
- Musculus temporizer
- Method to understand the bible
- Moustrap bayted
- Meditat. on Lords prayer on the 51 psalm
- Murrels cookery
- Mountgomery's Eusebia
- Me [...]try of Europe
- Munition against mans misery
- Mayers cookery
- Moulin of the love of God
- Heraclitus
- letters
- Manna digested
- orations
- Manual for catholicks
- Mans imperfection
- Manzinies loving husband and careful wife
- Maxwels treasure of tranquility
- Meditations by J. H.
- Mystery of redemption
- Malvezzi's paradoxes
- Metamorphosis anglorum
- Middletons heavenly progress
- Nocturnal lucubrat.
- Newcastles call
- [Page]Nomenclator Bodleyan library
- Newtons mathemat. instit. compl.
- first part
- second part
- New-engl. psalms
- Nosegay of flowers
- Nature and grace
- Newyears-gift
- Nordens load-star souls delight
- Owens spanish tongue epigrams in eng.
- Ornament of woman
- Picture of a careful man
- Picturae loquentes
- Prisoners prayers
- Parrots prayers
- Paget of death
- Fam. duties
- meditations
- Practice of charity
- Princes prayers
- Picture for Susanna
- Pattern for women of catechistical doctrine
- Pattern of imperfections of christianity
- Peachams truth
- Popish cat confuted
- Pathway to paradice
- Physick for the poor
- Presions saints submission
- Pearl of the gospel
- Pincks tryal
- Pool against blaspheming
- Palmers practice christian freedom
- Purchasers pattern
- Pathway to heaven
- Poesie of prayers
- Petreus caneus, eng.
- Pilats jests
- Pilgrims practice
- Practice of the saithful piety
- Pry or on the sacrament
- Poesie of flowered prayers
- Pastors plea
- Peace-maker
- Powel of lending and borrowing
- Precepts for christian practice
- Paradise for the soul
- Purchasers paradise
- Parasynagogue
- Pensive mans practice compl. second part
- Perkins seven treatises
- two treatises
- abridgement
- of predestination
- of damnation
- right way to dye well
- Protestants practice Schism
- Politick maxims
- Parr's help to devotion
- Pagets Hist. of the bible
- Packets true catholick
- Percy of prayer
- Questions on the gospel
- Quarles Boanerges and Barnabas Enchiridion
- Read on the muscles
- Rous on the great Oracle mystical marriage
- Rule of good life of perfection
- Richardsons saints desires divine consolations
- Rous Meditat.
- Reward of the faithful
- Reynolds oration
- divine pourtrait.
- on the sacrament
- spiritual intervals.
- history of Susanna
- Rogers faithful friend meditations
- Rushworths dialogues
- Rich treasury
- Rols confession
- Relation of a persecuted gentlewoman
- Ros coeli
- Rusha described
- Rawleighs remains
- sceptick
- maxims of state
- prerogat. of parliaments
- observation
- gospel
- Ross meditat. and conscience
- meditat.
- conscience
- Randalls visions of God
- Royal chain of golden sentences
- Sparks of the spirit
- Spare hours ministers
- [Page]Spiritual insaruat.
- Sheppards cases
- Spiritual increase exercise
- Swedish devotion
- Satyre seriè
- Seven sobs
- Spira's life
- Seven penitent. and consolat. psalms
- Sutton of dreams
- Souls porter exercise
- Summary of the Bible
- Smith of mortality
- Syrophoenicia
- Supplicat. of saints
- Sorrowful soul-solace
- Staffords Niobe & meditat. Niobe
- Heavenly dogge meditat.
- Spanish school-master
- Scot of schism
- Spanish braggadocio
- Saints legacie
- Souls alarm bell
- Samsons jaw-bone
- Sacrifice of a Christian of the soul
- Souls comfort
- Seamans safety
- Souldiers solace
- Serious satyrs
- Solomons foundat. of Christian religion
- Shepherds souls solace
- Sellers paradoxes
- Sheerings Saints happiness
- Styles contemplations
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- Skippons salve for every sore
- Thynne of ambassadours
- Tryal of a mans self
- Touchstone of a Christian
- Teacher of an engl. school
- Treatise of death of warm drink
- Triumph of patience
- Treasure of the soul
- Theatre of complements
- Treatise of temples
- Tuvels essays
- Treatise of the pike
- Tozers directions
- Tutor to astrol [...]gie
- Taylors meditations
- Tempests meditations
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- Taylor of friendship
- Tousiains Lamentations of Jeremiah
- Use of the promises, by Lewes
- Velleius Paterculus
- Vanes dove and serpent
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- Vennings new com.
- Vision of hell
- Vade mecum
- Vade mecum for Justice of peace
- Vanity of the eye
- Vision of God
- Verity of believing
- Violets discovery of the commons cheated
- Winding sheet, with 3 treat, more
- Whimsies
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- Whitaker of the grape of waters
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- Weak believer
- Whitgift examined
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- Webbs works arraignment of an unruly tongue
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- sharp revenge
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- Wodenots descants upon old records
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- Alphabet of prayers
- Andrews private devotions manual for the sick compleat
- [Page]Book of prayers
- Bills accompts
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- Bay bush
- Bacons prayers
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- Crums of comfort 1 and 2 part
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- Fortune-book
- Finsbury archers
- Fountain of felicity
- Good thoughts
- Godly rule
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- Garland of godly flowers
- Godly garden
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- Handkerchif for parents eyes
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- Imanuel
- Kings works speeches and letters
- Kents receipts
- Key of paradise
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- Life of Lopez
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- Moulin of fasting prayer
- Mayes epigrams Virgils georgicks
- Martyn on the soul
- Nature of charity
- Ovid metamorph engl.
- Perkins of the law
- Palmers practice
- Rule of perfection
- Riley of conscience
- Rous psalms
- Society of twelve, a treatise
- Souls exercise
- Staffords day of salvation
- Sum of the bible
- Samsons Prayer
- Tulli of friendship
- Treasure of gladness
- Vyneard of devot.
- Virgils Eneis fourth, engl.
- VVigmores poems
- VVithers hymns
- Publick devotions
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- Farewel prayers
- Groans of the spirit
About 200 Manuscripts, english and latine