THE SPEECH Of Collonel MALCOMB ROGERS (Agent for the King of Scots) At the same place of Execution at Edenbo­rough in Scotland, where the Earl of Montross lost his life, for his raising of Forces against the English, in the Name and Defence of his Masters Prerogatives.

With the manner of his Tryal before the Of­ficers of the Army; the Articles and Charge, read, and exhibited against him by the Judge Advocate, the fatal Sentence pronounced at the Bar of Justice; and a Narrative of the Transa­ctions of the whole Business.

LONDON: Printed for GEORGE HORTON, 1654.


ON the 25 of April, 1654. a general Court Marshal was held within within this City, where were pre­sent the Deputy Governour of Lieth, and divers Officers of the Army; before whom was brought the grand Agent of the King of Scots, viz. Col. Rogers, who was taken going to Middleton with new Commissi­ons and Instructions from his Master, in­citing them to prosecute the War vigo­rously, and to admit of all poffible encou­ragment towards those English that should come in to their assistance, &c. And being [Page 4]brought to the Bar of Justice, the Judge Advocate caused to be read the Articles of War, wherein the respective Agents and Spies were comprised, which is death with­out mercy; and so accordingly they pro­ceeded to Sentence, which was, That he should be hanged upon a Gollowes by the Neck til he was dead, at the place of Exe­cution where Montross suffer'd; And thereupon ordered, That he should be re­manded back to the place from whence he came; and thence, to the place of executi­on on the morrow, between 10 and 11 of the clock in the forenoon: In pursuance whereof, about the time appointed, he was conducted to the place of termination, where a very high Gibbet was erected, much like unto that which the said Earl of Montross took his last good night on: And coming neer it, he looked up, and said, [Page 5]Gods wil be done, my Saviour was cruci­fied on a Cross, and shal not I with pati­ence here finish my course; yea, certainly, and by divine Assistance, was this dreadful Object as high again, it should not in the least, I hope, astonish me: For, truly Gen­tlemen, that which bears up my heart now, is, that there is but few steps between me and Heaven; and that upon giving the fa­tal Turn, I shal ascend to a glorious Throne: Blessed be God, that hath given me this assurance, that I am now sailing to­wards the Ocean of Eternity; through a rough passage to my Haven of Rest; and through the Red sea to the promised Land. This day am I making a double ex­change, a Guard of Souldiers, for a Guard of Angels, to carry my soul into blessed Abrahams bosom. For I protest here in the presence of the Almighty Jehovah, and as [Page 6]a dying man, I do not bring a revengeful heart to the Ladder, but am free from ran­cour and malice, but desire God to forgive them, that vvould not forgive me.

And although they have passed the fatal Sen­tence of bringing me to so untimely and igno­minious an end; yet the justness of my cause takes a way the sting of Death, and beautifies the end of my life; for truly, I was never culpable or perfidi­ous to my Master the King (putting off his Hat) in any thing; but alwayes rather chose to expose my se f to the greatest of difficulties, then (in the least) to hazard the propagating of so great an in­terest; for, indeed, had I as many lives, as hairs upon my head, I should freely submit and lay them down in the Royal Quarrel.

But being interrupted, and not permitted to pro­ceed upon such Circumstances, he uttered these ex­pressions: Well! Gentlemen, I see men hunger af­ter my flesh, and thirst after my blood, which will be a means (I hope) to heighten my happiness: And as I must now draw to an end of my life: so shall I now come to an end of my Speech; but be­fore I expire my last breath, give me leave to; justi­fie [Page 7]God, and condemn my self; for God is righte­ous, though I have sinned: God is just, though I have been wicked; And his great mercy is it, that my Captivity was not made a Hell, and this place of execution the bottomless pit: To him alone be ascribed all Glory; for I cannot onely justifie his divine Majesty; but also magnifie the riches of his grace towards me.

I have done, having no more to say, but to de­sire the help of your prayers, that God would be pleased to give me continual supplies of Divine Grace, to carry me through this Vail of Death, that so I may put off this body with as much comfort of mind, as ever my Cloaths to go to rest: I shall now draw to a final period, and conclude with that speech of the Apostle, I am ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness; which the Lord Jehovan, the righteous Judge of Heaven, shall give me at that day; and not to me onely, but unto them also that love his appearing: through whose bloud, when breath is out of my nostrils, I expect remissi­on of all my sins; and so the Lord bless all those that fights his battel.


MOst eternal and glorious Lord God, I thy poor and unworthy Creature, do here pro­strate my self before thy sacred Majesty, beseech­ing thee through the merits of Jesus Christ, my blessed Saviour and Redeemer, to have mercy on me; and dea [...] Father I humbly beseech thee, that thou wi [...]t be pleased to strengthen me with thy blessed Spirit in this great Work, in sailing towards the Ocean of Eternity, to my Haven of rest; and so Lord Jesus into thy hands, I give and recommend my soul.

After which, they sung a Psalm; and then im­mediatly after going up the Ladder, the Executio­ner did his office.


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