A Faithful Testimony against Extra­vagant and Ʋnnecessary Wiggs.

WHereas, the Great and Wise God, the Creator of all things, having made Man according to his own good pleasure, hath bestowed on many a plentiful Quantity of Hair to keep them Warm, some of one Colour and some of another, but to Each one of them, hath his Providence afforded such a Colour as will satisfie an Humble Mind.

And if any one hath not a sufficient quantity of Hair to keep him Warm, or thro' Sickness, or by any other Infirmity, or Casualty looses his Hair; a sui­table and modest supply may then be very reasonable, and no offence to God or Good Men, and such supply of Hair being used, till Natural Hair grows again, may afterwards be well laid aside.

But if for Pride, or without any just occasion, any that have sufficient Hair to keep them Warm, do cut it off; esteeming it not Fashionable or Modish, or that it don't curl enough, or is not of such Colour as they would have it be; this is not right in the sight of God, and is an evident Token, his Divine Wisdom, Care and Providence is slighted and undervalued, by those who are not contented with such Sort, and Colour of Hair, as he hath seen fit to bestow; as if they would alter the Work of Providence, and mend what God hath made.

I felt a Concern upon my Spirit from the Lord, to give a short Testimo­ny against Excess in these things; seeing to my Sorrow many, both Old and Young, run into unnecessary Wiggs; and have found that it hath given occa­sion of offence in divers places.

Therefore in the Love of God, which now flows in my Heart to all my Friends and Brethren, I entreat all to be Careful to shun such occasions, and rather to deny themselves than to give offence to any.

This Counsel I have taken my self, and by the helping hand of God Al­mighty, I intend so to continue to the end of my days, and not only in that, but in avoiding all Superfluity of Naughtiness whatsoever: for so is the Will of God concerning us, whom he hath chosen above all the Families of the Earth, to place his Eternal Name in, and to be the first Fruits to his Glory in these latter Ages of the World.

Oh! let us walk circumspectly, not as Fools whose Eyes are abroad, ga­zing upon the foolish Fashions of the World, which will pass away and Pe­rish with the Using; but follow him in our Day, whom God hath given for a Covenant of Light to us Gentiles; who still leads in the way of Self-denial, and in the clean Path of Righteousness, which alone brings to his Kingdom, all who walk in it to the End of their Days.

So the God of Consolation be with all his chosen Vessels, whom he hath sanctified to do his Will in the Earth, and Preserve us all to the End of our Days in Faith, Patience and Well-doing; that the Worthy and Honou­rable Name of the Lord, by which we are called, may be renowned by us for evermore, Amen.

I am a Brother, and Fellow-Labourer in the Gospel of Christ. Ambrose Rigge.

LONDON, Printed by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Grace-Church-street, 1699.

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