THE BLACK REMEMBRANCER For the Year of our LORD GOD, 1661.
Containing divers remarkable Things, profitable and necessary to be known by all sorts of persons.
January 31. | February 28. | March 31. | April 30. | May 31. | June 30. | July 31. | August 31. | Septemb. 30. | October 31. | Novem. 30. | Decemb. 31. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M | W | Festivals | ☽ | M | W | Festivals | ☽ | M | W | Festivals | ☽ | M | W | Festivals | ☽ | M | W | Festivals | ☽ | M | W | Festivals | ☽ | M | W | Festivals | ☽ | M | W | Festivals | ☽ | M | W | Festivals | ☽ | M | W | Festivals | ☽ | M | W | Festivals | ☽ | M | W | Festivals | ☽ |
D | D | Sun rise | pl. | D | D | Sun rise | pl. | D | D | Sun rise | pl. | D | D | Sun rise | pl. | D | D | Sun rise | pl. | D | D | Sun rise | pl. | D | D | Sun rise | pl. | D | D | Sun rise | pl. | D | D | Sun rise | pl. | D | D | Sun rise | pl. | D | D | Sun rise | pl. | D | D | Sun rise | pl. |
- The Spring initiates this year on March 9. 12 h. 40′
- The Summer commences this year on
June 10. 15 h. 36′
- Afternoon
- The Harvest begins this year, September 12. 6 h. 39′
- The Winter inchoates this year,
December 10. 18 h. 17′
- Afternoon
The Names of those persons who presumed to sit several times actually, as Judges upon our late Sovereign Lord King Charles the I. whereof seventy three did pass Sentence of Death upon Him, as is Recorded in an Addition to that Divine Piece, Entituled, [...], written by His Sacred Majesties own Hand, Fol. 299.
- SErjeant John Bradshaw, President.
- Lieu. Gen. O. Cromwel.
- Com. Gen. Hen. Ireton
- Major Gen. Skippon.
- Sir Hardress Waller.
- Col. Thomas Harrison
- Col. Edward Whalley
- Col. Thomas Pride
- Col. Isaac Ewer
- Col. Rich Ingoldsby
- Sir Henry Mildmay
- Thomas Lord Grey
- Philip Lord Lisle
- Wil. Lord Munson.
- Sir John Danvers
- Sir Tho. Maleverer
- Sir John Bowcher
- Sir James Harrington
- Sir Wil. Brereton
- Wil. Henningham Esq.
- Isaac Pennington Ald.
- Tho. Atkins Alderman
- Rowland Wilson Alder.
- Sir Peter Wentworth
- Col. Henry Martin
- Col. VVil. Purefoy
- Col. Godfrey Bosvil.
- Col. John Barkstead
- Sir VVil. Constable
- Col. Edward Ludlow
- Col. John Hutchinson
- Col. Robert Titcborn
- Col. Owen Roe
- Col. Adrian Scroop
- Col. John Okey
- Col. John Harrison
- Col. John Desbrow
- Cornelius Holland Esq.
- Miles Corbet Esq.
- Francis Allen Esq.
- Peregrine Pelham Esq.
- John Gourd [...]n Esq.
- Serj. Francis Thorp
- Tho. Challoner Esq.
- Col. John Moor
- John Allured Esq.
- Col. Francis Lassels
- Henry Smith Esq.
- James Challoner Esq.
- Dennis Bond Esq.
- Humph Edwards Esq.
- Gregory Clement Esq.
- John Fry Esq.
- Thomas VVogan Esq.
- Sir Gregory Norton
- Col. Edmund Harvey
- John Dove Esq.
- Col. John Venn
- Jo. Foulks Alderman
- Thomas Scot
- Tho. Andrews Alderm.
- Wil. Cawley Esq.
- Anthony Stapely
- Jo. Lisle Esq.
- Jo. Corbet Esq.
- Tho. Blount Esq.
- Tho. Boon Esq.
- Col. George Fleetwood
- Col. James Temple
- Col. James Wait
- Jo. Brown Esq.
- VVil. Say Esq.
- Col. Mat. Thomlinson
- John Blackeston
- Gilbert Millington
- Abraham Barrel
- Col. Jo. Downes
- Mr. Norton
- L. G. Tho. Hammond
- Nich. Love
- Augustine Garland
- Sir Miles Livesey
- John Dixwel
- Symon May [...]e
- Daniel Blagrave
- Col. Rob. Lilbourn
- Col. Rich. Dean
- Col. Hewson
- L. Col. Wil. Goff
- Mr. Carew
- John Jones.
Ninety two in all.
Councellors, Assistants to draw up the Charge against the King.
Dr. Isaac Dorislaus, Mr. Aske, Mr. Cook. Mr. Steel (who by reason of Sickness was absent.) Serjeant Danby, Serjeant at Arms. Master Phelps Clerk.
Messengers and Door-keepers.
MAster VValford. Mr Radley, Mr. Pain, Mr. Powel, Mr. Hull.
Mr. King the Cryer.
The Names of the Evidence that either did, or were ready to Swear away His most Sacred Majesties Life.
1. HEnry Hartford of tratford upon Avon, Warickshire.
2. Edward Roberts of Bishops-Castle Shropshire Ironmonger.
3. Wil Brayns of Wix al in Shropshire, Gent.
4. Rob Lacque of Notingham, Painter
5. Rob. Loads of Cottam in the county of of Notingham Tyler.
6. Samuel Morgan of Wellington in Shropshire, Feltmaker.
7. James Williams of Ross in Hartfordshire, Shooe maker.
8. Rich. Pots of Sharperton in Northumberland, V [...]ntner.
9. Giles Grice of Wellington in Shrops G [...]nt
10. William Arnopp
11. John Hudson
12. John Winston of Dornorham, Wiltshire.
13. George Ceely of London, Cordwayner
14. Ioh. Moor of Cork in Ireland, Gent.
15. Tho Ives of Boyset in Northamptonshire, Husbandman.
16. Iames Cresby of Dublin, Barber.
17. Tho. Rawlins of Hanslop, Bucks. Gent.
18. Rich. Bloomfield of London, Weaver.
19. John Thomas of Langallan, Denbighsh.
20. Wil. Lawson of Notingham, Maulster.
21. John Pinegar of Damar in Derbyshire, Shooemaker.
22. Humph. Brown of Whitsundine, Rutland.
23. Robert Holms.
24 Sam. Woorden of Lyneham, Wilts, Gent.
25. Tho. Read of Maidstone in Kent, Gent.
26. George Cornwal of Aston in Herefordshire Smith.
27. Wil. Jones of Usk in Monmouthshire, Husbandman.
28. Arthur Young of London, Barber-Chyrurgeon.
29. Diogenes Edwards of Carlton in Shropshire, Butcher.
30. John Bennet of Harwood, Yorkshire, Glover.
31. Wil. Cutbert of Pattington, Yorkshire, Gent.
32. Richard Price of London, Scrivener.
33. Henry Gouch of Grays Inne, Gent.
The Names of the pretended Mayor and Aldermen of London, that personally proclaimed the Act for abolishing Kingly Government.
- ALderm. Andrews
- Mayor.
- Alder. Penington
- Alder. Foulks
- Alder. Kenrick
- Alder. Byde
- Alder. Edmonds
- Alder. Pack
- Alder. Atkins
- Alder. Venne
- Alder. Avery
- Alder. Wilson
- Alder. Dethick
- Alder. Foot
The Names of the Major Generals that so religiously decimated the Loyal Gentry.
- COlonel Kelsey
- Colonel Goff
- General Desborough
- Lieu. Gen. Fleetwood
- Major Gen Skippon
- Commis. Gen. Whally
- Major Butler
- Colonel Berry
- Colonel Wortley
- Major General Lambert.
- Colonel Barkstead.
The Names of Oliver Cromwel's Privy-Council.
- HEnry Lawrence President.
- Lieu. Gen. Fleetwood.
- Major Gen. Lambert.
- Philip Lord Lisle.
- Nathaniel Fiennes.
- John Desboro [...].
- Edward Montague.
- Sir Gilbert Pickering.
- Sir Charls VVoolsley.
- Col. VVil. Sydenham.
- Edm. Earl of Mulgrave.
- VValter Strickland Esq.
- Philip Sk [...]ppon.
- Col. Philip Jones.
- Richard Major Esq.
- Francis Rouse Esq.
- John Thurloe Secretary.
The Names of the Judges in the Courts of Law and Equity, as they sate and acted in Olivers time.
- JOhn Glynn
- Peter Warburton
- Rich. Nudigate
- for the K Bench
- Oliver St John
- Edward Atkins
- Mathew Hale
- Hugh Windham
- for the Common Bench.
- Nath. Fiennes
- John Lisle.
- for the Chancery.
- Wil. Lenthal. Mr. of the Rolls.
- Rob Nicholas
- John Parker
- Roger Hill
- for the Exchequer.
- Edmo. Prideaux Att. Gen.
- Wil. Ellis, Sollicit Gen.
- Erasmus Earle Serjeant at Law.
A List of the Names of those persons exempted from Pardon, by the Act of Indempnity.
SIr Henry Vane, John Lambert, John Lisle, William Say, Sir Hardress Waller, Valentine Wanton, Thomas Harrison, Edw. Whalley, William Heveningham, Isaac Penington, Henry Martin, John Barkstead, Gilbert Millington Edmund Ludlow, Sir Michael Livesey, Rob: Titchborn, Owen Row, Robert Lilburn, Adrian Scroop, John Okey, John Hewson, Wil: Goff, Corn. Holland, Tho. Challoner, John Carew, John Jones, Miles Corbet, Hen: Smith, Gregory Clement, Thomas Wogan, Edm: Harvey Tho: Scot, Wil. Cawley, John Downs, Nich: Love, Vincent Potter, Augustine Garland, John Dixwel, Geor: Fleetwood, Simon Meyn, James Temple, Pet: Temple, Daniel Blagrave, Thom: Wait, John Cook, Andrew Broughton, Edw: Dendy, Wil: Hewlet, Hugh Peters, Francis Hacker, Daniel Axtel.
The Characters of the Signs explained.
♈ Aries, ♉ Taurus, ♊ Gemini, ♋ Cancer, ♌ Leo, ♍ Virgo, ♎ Libra, ♏ Scarpio, ♐ Sagiary, ♑, Capricorn, ♒ Aquarius, ♓ Piscs.
Of the ECLIPSES this Year 1661.
There will be four Eclipses of the Sun and Moon this Year, but we in England shall behold onely two of them, but I shall present you with them as they happen:
First, on March 30. at half an hour after 9 in the morning, the Sun will be eclipsed above 7 digits, and it will be visible to all Europe.
Second, on April. 4. past 3 in the morning, the Moon will be eclipsed, but not to be seen of us, because the Meridian thereof is removed so much Eastward.
Third, on September 13. near our noon-time the Sun will be eclipsed, but in regard of the Moons great South Latitude, it will not be visible to us in England.
Fourth, on September 28. about 4 a clock in the morning, the Moon will be 7 digits eclipsed, and this will be visible if the Air be clear, to all Europe.
LONDON, Printed by Tho. Johnson, in the Year of Restauration.