The Qualifications of Persons, declared Capa­ble by the Rump, Parliament to Elect, or be Elected, Mem­bers to supply their House.

Printed in the year 1660.

THE QUALIFICATIONS, Of Persons declar'd, capable to E­lect, or be Elected; as Mem­bers to supply the present house of PARLIAMENT.

THE Representative of the Parlia­ment of England, having for many years employ'd their constant en­deavour, to impose Freedome and Liberty on the Three Nations; (notwithstanding their obstinate re­luctancy, and opposition thereunto, who would take upon them against all right and reason, to be their own Judges) and being now after two scandalous Ejectments, and as many sig­nall Restorations, happily return'd to discharge the re­maining fragment of their Trust; do find, (to their un­speakable grief,) the Red-coats, (in whom they alwayes loyally acquiesed) failing of their pay, to faile likewise of their Trust, and seduced by evill Counsell, to adhere unto the Common enemy that is to say; The said three Nations, in complying with their Desires and Ad­dresses, which are to have this present Representative dissolv'd, and a Free Parliament, speedily Conven'd, [Page 4](which they tremble to think upon) or the Secluded, Members re-admitted, (which they equally abhomi­nate) or the present House suppli'd with new Electi­on, which their bowels sigh to reflect on: Neverthe­lesse, they have after serious and mature deliberation re­solv'd upon he lest, (that is to say,) to fill up their House, as being (though of dangerous consequence) lesse horrible, and dreadfull to themselves, then any other way. And to the end, the Persons to be Elected, may be of as near a Condition as may be, to match the present Members, and so possibly, go Hand in Hand with them, in carrying on the said Work; they have a­greed upon these following Qualifications, and do En­act, and be it here by Enacted, that no Person, whatso­ever, presume to Elect, or be Elected, (under pain of Confiscation of his Estate, and sale of his Person,) that is not allow'd capable thereof, by the said Qualificati­ons, in which they do professe before the searcher of all hearts, that they have freely discover the naked truth of all their intentions, as if their Breasts were to be o­pened, and their Hearts taken out, (which God de­fend) it would manifestly appear to all the World.

Qual. I.

Whosoever hath at any time been known to take the Name of God in vain, that is, to swear, or forswear him­selfe for nothing, without advantage to that Publique, or his owne particular concernments, but meerly out of rash and needlesse prophanation; is hereby declar'd, utterly incapable to Elect, or be Elected, as a Member to serve in this present Parliament. For Oaths have been found by experience, to be wonderfull expedients in State affiaires; and ought not to be made or broken, but with great and serious Consideration.

Qual. II.

Whosoever is noted to be a Sabbath breaker, or Pro­phaner of the Lords day, is declar'd, incapable to Elect, or be Elected, &c. For he that cannot one day in seven observe, (at least in shew) on Commandement in ten, that costs nothing the keeping, nor gains any thing by being broken, is not fitly qualifi'd to sit in this Parlia­ment; For all such sins, as have no immediate relation to the service of this House, must be openly detested, that there may be the lesse notice taken of such as are for the advantage and interesse thereof.

Qual. III.

Whosoever hath at any time, within the space of these twenty years last past, been observ'd to be disguis'd in drink, unlesse he can bring testimony that it is his usuall Custom to drink himselfe drunk in private alone, to avoid giving evill example, or in secret and well af­fected Company, without healths, is declar'd incapable to Elect, or be Elected; Provided that Surfet and Glut­tony be not included within this incapacity, nor such other alterations, as may fall upon the Spirit of a man, at Thanksgiving Dinners.

Qual. IV.

Whosoever doth live in Adultery, or Fornication, or hath at any time had Carnall Copulation with the Wife, Sisters, or Daughter, of any Member of Parlia­ment, now sitting without the Consent, or Satisfaction of the said Member; Or hath been seen in the day time, to resort to houses of evill fame, or frequent the Company of Common women, is declar'd, incapable to [Page 6]Elect, or be Elected, &c. Provided that this do not ex­tend to any Person, that hath kept a Concubine or Con­cubines so long, that now there is no notice taken there­of, or to such as by the losse of their Eyes or Noses; Botches in their Skins, or aches in their Bones, can bring proof of their Repentance, and Resentment of their former Lives: as it hath been allow'd in the Cases of William Lord Viscont Monson, Sir Henry Martin, Mr. Secretary Scot, William Heveningham, Esq and o­thers.

Qual. V.

Whosoever hath suffer'd for his Conscience, either by Imprisonment, Sequestration, or sale of his Estate, or hath refus'd to take any Oath, imposed by this Parlia­ment; Howsoever, contradictory to any former Oath, by him taken. Or hath gain'd nothing by the Ruine of his Native Country, nor is liable to suffer by any Revo­lution, that may tend to the Generall Settlement there­of, but being unbias'd by any party, is at liberty to pro­mote the proper and naturall interests of the Nation in Generall. Or hath subscrib'd any Petition or Remon­strance for a Free Parliament, or for the Re-admission of the Secluded Members, to their Right of sitting; Or for a time to be prefix't, to determine the sitting of this present Parliament, or any thing else against the sense of this House, in order to the settlement of the Nation. Or hath declar'd against Taxes, Excise, Free­quarter, Plunder, Arbitrary Government, the Perpe­tuation, and Supremacy of the Present Parliament, Continuation of the distractions, decay of Trade, and slavery of the English Nation. Any, and every such Person, is hereby declar'd, not onely incapable to Elect, or be Elected, a Member of this present, or any future Parliament; or of bearing any Office, or place of Trust In this Common-wealth, but shall suffer such further punishment, either by Sequestration, or sale of his E­state [Page 7]or Person, as to the wisdom of this House shall seem expedient.

Qual. VI.

Whosoever hath been engag'd in the late Rebellions of Sir George Booth Barronet, or Lambert Symnell Esq or any way aiding, or assisting thereunto; Or hath sate or acted, in, or under the late Committee of Safety, or had any hand in the late disturbances of this present Parliament, is, (beside such other punishment as this House shall judge fitting) declar'd incapable, to Elect, or be Elected, to serve in this or any future Parliament; Provided that this shall net extend to such Members of this House, as were ingag'd in the said Insurrections. For if all such should be impeached before the House be full, there would not be a Quorum left to make it a Par­liament.

Qual. VII.

Whosoever hath cald Charls Stewart King, or drunk his Health, or pray'd God to restore Him to his Right, and every honest man to his owne, or us'd any such ma­lignant and treasonable expressions; Or hath call'd the present Parliament, Rump, Arse, Bum, Taile, or Breech: Or hath rejoyced at the interruptions thereof, or wish'd it at an end. Or hath Sued, Arrested, Revil'd, Beaten, Kickt, Cookolded, Trepand, or refus'd to Trust any of the Members thereof, during the intervalls; Or hath any Action of Debt, or Bill of Complaint against any Mem­ber now sitting: and doth refuse to give the said Mem­ber a full discharge, and generall release; any, and every such person is declar'd utterly, in capable to Elect, or be Elected, to serve in this present, or any future Par­liament, or of bearing any Office, or place of Trust in this Common-wealth.

Qual. VIII.

No man shall be judg'd, rightly qualify'd, nor ad­mitted to fit in this House as a Member thereof, that doth not first acknowledge this Parliament to be a Free Parliament, unfounded by the Laws of God or Man; that all things are expos'd to the will of the Members thereof, who may freely dispose of the Estates, Persons, Consciences, and Lives of men as they please, and after­ward make it lawfull. That this House hath a greater power in Civill affaires then the Turk, and in Spirituall then the Pope, for it is Head of Churches, not yet in being, and judge of more Faith, then all the Generall Councells ever were. That it can damne, and save, and bind, and loose in this World, in dispight of the Next; make what it pleases, Holy or Profane, True or False, Scripture or Apocrypha, and no man dares to question its infallibility: and that every Member thereof, can Vote and Swear Contradictions, and make others do so too, or pay them for it.

Qual. IX.

No man shall be judg'd, rightly qualify'd, nor ad­mitted to sit in this House, untill he hath engag'd to use his Christian endeavour, to carry on a thorough Refor­mation of the Calendar, that the English Nation may no more use the Julian account, nor reckon by the year of our Lord, but by the Roman Indiction, according to the custom of the Christians in▪ Ancient times; that is, reckon the year by their Taxes, and not their Taxes by the year: A Reformation, which this Parliament made some progresse in before their late interruption, when they drew the whole year, within the compasse of four months, and do intend by Gods help, to bring to per­fection with all Convenient expedition.

Qual. X.

Whosoever makes profession of Godlinesse and holi­nesse of life, although he be commonly reputed to be both a Fool, and a Knave, a notorious Villain, and Dia­bolical Hypocrite, shall neverthelesse be allowed (if du­ly elected) to be rightly qualifyed to sit in this present Parliament. Provided that this capacity do not extend to Charles Fleetwood Esq John Disbrow Yeoman, and Sr. Henry Vaine Knight, lately Ejected, John Hewson Cordwayner, [...] of the City of London.

Ordered that Dr. John Owen, Mr. Hugh Peters, and Major John Wildman, be included within this Qualify­cation notwithstanding they are in Orders,

Qual. XI.

Whosoever hath had a hand in the late Kings blood, or Petitioned to bring him to tryal, or hath demolished his Houses, cut down his Woods, or pulled down Churches to sell the materials. Or can bring proofe that he hath been of one or more High Courts of Justice, at one or more Committees of Sale or Sequestration, of the Committee for Propagation of the Gospell. Or hath been a Commissioner of the Excise, a Sequestrator, Trea­surer or Trustee, for the sail of Kings Lands or Goods, or Bishops, and Deanes and Chapters, and Delinquents Lands. And hath gotten a considerable estate by buying or selling, the aforesaid Lands; And can make it appear that his head is forfieted to the Tower on London-Bridge, and the 4 Quarters of his Outward man to 4 respective Gates of the City, if any Revolution should happen to the Generall settlement of the Nation. Any and every such person is declared rightly Quallifyed to sit in this [Page 10]present Parliament, and shall be admitted without ta­king any Oath at all: for a mans skin is tenderer then his conscience, and this world much nearer to him then the next.

Qual. XII.

Whosoever can bring proofe by the losse of his eares or otherwise, that hath stood the Pillory for Per­jury, Forgery, Faction, or sedition to hinder the govern­ment of the late King. Or that he hath been burnt in the hand, forehead, or shoulder, thrown over the Bar, set in the stocks, Carted or whipt at the tail of a cart, for any thing by him done, said, or written against the said Government before the year 1642. shall be approved as most fitly qualified to sit in this present Parliament. Provided that this shall not extend to William Prin of Swanswick Esq Utter Bencher of Lincolns-Inne; nor to Major William Poe.

Qual. XIII.

Whosoever is Son, Brother or Nephew, or can prove himselfe to be the naturall Son or Bastard of any Mem­ber, or of the Mother, Sister, or Wife of any Member of this Parliament now sitting, or any Member thereof deceased that sate since the year 1648, and will engage to conform to the Sence of this House according to the example of the said Member unto whom he hath relati­on, is hereby declared rightly qualifyed, either to elect or be elected a Member of this present Parliament.

Qual. XIV.

Whosoever can bring proof, that he is a man of a pub­lique Spirit, fit for all times and occasions, of approved [Page 11]liberty of Conscience, and of courage and resolution to encounter any danger that extends to soul or body, (if need be) rather then live out of Authority and Command, or under the Laws of God or Man. That he hath proper suit for the service of the present Go­vernment, and can do the same things by the Spirit of God, which other men are drawn to by the temptations of the Devil. That he can break Oaths by providence, and forswear himself to the glory of God, deal falsly and treacherously with men out of Conscience, and verily believeth it to be a greater sin to name Faith then to break it. That Religion is his trade, and God himselfe his occupation. That he can hold forth any usefull, though notorious untruth with convenient ob­stinacy, untill he belives himself, and so renders it no sin. That he hath an excellent spirit to find out wayes of raising mony, and will deserve his share both of the substance and curses of the People. Any and every such Person is declared to be most aptly qualifyed to elect or be elected Member of this present Parliament. Provided that this cappacity do not extend to Bullstard. Whitlock Esq Richard Salway Grocer, lately ejected this House.

Qual. XV.

Whosoever can produce testimony, that he hath taken the late Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy, the Pro­testation, the Solemn League and Covenant, the En­gagement to be true and faithfull to the present Go­vernment, without King or House of Lords. That he hath subscribed the addresses to live and dye with Oliver and Richard Cromwell, and taken the Oaths to be true and faithfull to the Governments under them, and feels no alteration in his Conscience, but is ready to take the Oath of Abjuration of Charles Stewart, King Jesus, or any other single Person. Any and every such person is declared and rightly qualifyed, to elect or be elected [Page 12]Member of this present Parliament, and shall be admit­ted to sit (being duly elected) without taking any fur­ther Oath at all.

Qual. XVI.

Ordered that a Bill be forthwith brought in to make Newgate Bridewell and Bedlam Corporations, that writs may be issued out to empower them to chose their respective Representatives to serve in this present Par­liament in as full manner as the Upper-bench and the Fleet have already done.

Qual. XVII.

Any Noble man or late Peere of the Realm that will renounce his Creation, or his Creator, and is otherwise. Qualifyed, shall be allowed capable (being first natura­lized by an Act of this House) to be made a Knight Citizen, or Burgesse, and being duly elected and sworn, shall be admitted to sit among the Rabble of this House, in as full manner as Phillip Herbert Esq late Earl of Pembrocke, and William Cicill late Earl of Salisbury at this present do. Provided that this shall not extend to any Peer of the late other house, that having a Trade to get his living honestly by, did neverthelesse betake him­self to so lewd a course of life.

Qual. XVIII.

Whosoever by fraud coven or otherwise hath possest himself of another mans estate or hath gotten into his hands any Office or Place of considerable Value, by ejecting indirectly the right owner thereof, and does not know how to maintain and justifie the same so well as by being chosen a Member of this House, shall be approved of in so doing to have given good security for his fideli­ty to the present Government, and be capable to elect or be elected &c.

Qual. XIX.

Resolved that the Curses of the People shall hence­forth (that is to say from this present 14th of February 1659) be reputed and taken for their free voyces, and whosoever hath most of the curses of his Country shall be understood to have most of their free voyces, and be approved as most fitly qualifyed to sit in this present Parliament. For such will be very profitable Members to this House when it shall be judged seasonable to make the People pay for their cursing as well as they have done for their swearing.

Qual. XX.

No Man shall be admitted to sit in this House as a Member thereof howsoever duly qualifyed and elected (except before excepted) untill he hath taken the fol­lowing Oath upon the Holy Evangelists.

The Oath.

IAB, Do swear in the presence of Almighty God, and by the contents of this Book to be true and faith­full to this present Government as it is now unestablish­ed, and to the Keepers of the Liberties unsight unseen, whether they are of invisible and internall Nature as Fiends, Pugs, Elves, Furys, Imps or Goblins, or whether they are incarnate as Redcoates Lobsters, Corporals, Troopers, Dragoones. I do also swear that neither Charles Stewart nor any Person claim­ing from King James, shall ever be restored to the Crown of England Scotland or Ireland, either by Foraigne or domestick assistance, All dispensations, and [Page 14]outgoing of Providence to the contrary notwithstanding. I do likewise swear never to understand nor believe any thing that is against the Authority, interest, or sence of this House, and that I will never give my vote to deter­mine the sitting thereof, during the naturall life of eve­ry respective Member thereof, now sitting, nor consent to the establishment of any thing but Taxes, Excise, Free-quarter, Plunder, Confiscations, Arbitrary Government, High Courts of Justice, Committees of Sale and Sequestration, a Gospel-preaching Mi­nistery, and Liberty of Conscience. I do further swear that I will constanly believe in all the Priviledges of Parliament, as the House believes, and that I will to the uttermost of my power maintain and defend the same, although I do not understand, nor ever will, what they are, or how far they extend. And lest the present Mem­bers should (when the House is full) be secluded by their own Votes (by which the secluded Members are declared uncapable of ever sitting in Parliament, or bearing any office of Trust in this Common-wealth) I do swear, that the Secluded Members (properly so called) are not these who have been twice secluded, that is to say, the present Mem­bers now sitting, but those who have been secluded but once, that is, the major part of the long Parliament. As al­so that when it shall seem good unto this Parliament, to make every Member thereof an Officer or Commander of the Army, this House will nevertheless be no Councell of Officers, but a very Parliament, and the sword still in the hand of the civil Magistrate. I do also swear, that what­soever time shall hereafter produce (6 Governments off) for the advantage of the present Parliament, or whatsoe­ver they shall at any time do, say, or swear, in order thereunto, how contrary soever to any thing by them for­merly done, said, or sworn, is, and will be alwayes the good old Cause, and the work of the Lord. That the present [Page 15]distractions are for his Glory and the peace of the Go­vernment, and that the slavery of the English Nation is for the liberty of the People. That notwithstanding they are hard to change their Masters as Christian Bond­slaves as in Turky, and are conveied from Government to Government, as Rogues are from Constable to Con­stable, still to be whipt and punished, all is for their Free­dom and Protection in their antient Lawes, Rights, and Immunities. Lastly, I do swear never to divulge the se­crets of this House, nor discover the hidden Mysteries thereof. The Admirable Art of manageing Factions with confederate contests in ordinary matters, and sta­ving, and tayling with the Rabble of Parties in busi­nesses of Profit and advantage to carry on private de­signes under the mask of publique Good. The subtle ways of packing Committees and progging businesses without dores. The Ingenious artifices of double-dealing by sel­ling with one hand and buying with the other, whereby severall Members have afforded themselves good bar­gains of Delinquents estates in suborn'd Purchasers names. The most excellent invention of advising votes, and finding out the true value of a leading or seconding voyce, third, fourth, or fifth, how many a lasting voyce goes for, like the last Truck at Picquet, how to balance all these upon accompt so that every sharer may have his due, with infinite other curious and occult Sciences with the present-Members out of their long practise and expe­rience have found out, to the glory of God, and good of the Nation.

So help me God.

Qual. XXI.

And lest the new elected Members should (notwith­standing all these Oaths and Qualifications) oppose, and being the greater number, overvote the present Mem­bers, like a new piece of cloath upon an old garment in­stead of patching teare it wider. It is resolved that but 8 writs for new elections be issued forth at one time and no more untill the new returned Members have been intrusted in the practise of this House and being engaged by profitable employments, have given proof of their conformity thereunto, or in case of refusall have been elected.


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