• 1. Of Caesars politique state, or civill Government,
  • 2. Of the Divine politique state, or Kingdome of Christ Jesus, given him of his Father.
  • 3. Of the devilish politique state or kingdome of Antichrist.

Laid open in the essentiall and main circumstantiall parts of each body or state by substantiall and fundamentall reasons and principles of policy both divine and humane, and confirmed by holy Scripture.

Whereby the great and intolerable grievances of Christ Jesus and his subjects are made knowne:

Also how honourable Magistracy and civill Government is, and how farre it extends, without intrenching upon the preroga­tive of Christ, doth evidently appear in this Treatise.

Humbly presented to the serious consideration of the Kings most excellent Majesty, and the High Court of Parliament now assembled.

By Michael Quintine.

Matth. 22.21.

Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and unto God the things that are Gods.

2 Thess. 2.8, 9.

And then shall that wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightnesse of his comming.

London printed. 1641.

TO THE MOST HIGH COVRT OF Parliament, the Right Honourable the Lords and Barons, and the Honourable House of COMMONS, to all and every of them now assembled, be a full blessing of wisdom and right spirit, from the glorious Trinity, sutable to their callings, and the weighty occasions that concerne them therein.

ACcording to my undoubted duty in discharging my Conscience of fulfilling the will of Iesus Christ, I doe present to both Houses of this Honourable Court, the greatest and most generall cause of the particular grievances of Christ Iesus, and his servants, the upright, the innocent, and tender in conscience; which as it did in speciall manner concerne my Sove­reigne Lord the King, from whose hand it might most seasonably have been cast [Page]upon the consideration of this high Court, from whence onely do issue all politicke acts, statute-lawes, and ordinances, con­cerning matters Ecclesiasticall and Civill within his Majesties Realme of England, I procured to be presented to his High­nesse owne hand in Ianuary last, 1640. The copy of the passages therein con­teined; lest those should sleep, I have here again recited, and do present them unto you: accept & peruse them as you see cause.

And this be pleased to take notice of; as the Lawes of Divine and Civill Policie admit not of two heads in one body, so likewise doth not the transcendent and glorious Kingdome of Christ, which is above the humane element, admit of Ci­vill Lawmakers in confining conscience and disposing of matters thereto belong­ing; the same Scripture and reason which denieth Caesar to sit on Christs throne; denieth you power of making Lawes for the ordering the Lawes thereof, who shall increase or diminish the liberties, Lawes, and privileges of the Gospel of Christs Kingdom, but they must incurre the curse, [Page]and who shall be wiser than his maker but to his owne destruction?

The cause aforesaid of all grievances of Christ and his servants is oppression of conscience, otherwise conscionable op­pression, for so it is taken, although it be impossible, being oppression, so to be; the root from whence it springeth, the tree, and every part of it, is discovered by the following passages, to which I referre you.

And that you may not be found false in the trust committed to you by the King and Countrey, for the ordering of the af­faires of this Land, for the peace and wel­fare of the Church of God, and likewise of the King and Common-wealth; let it be your speciall care to remove and repeal all things and statutes, tending to the bondage of conscience, be not wiser than the Tri­nity in continuing and establishing penall acts, and statutes, to bring people under conformity, in externall worship; if you consider from whence every good and spi­rituall gift is, who it is that giveth light, what it is that is acceptable to him, to whom all worship is due, and that Law, [Page]Do unto all as you would they should do unto you: yee cannot, neither would ye go about Antichristian-like, to make yokes for conscience, it is most Papisticall, and why will ye do what yee condemne your selves in others? do not correct Tyrants with tyranny, but overcome evill with good: if you fear Papists wil be treacherous to State & Common-wealth, let them have a civill providence over them for preven­tion, and in case they or any of them prove so, as some prove naught and treacherous of all Religions, let them have civill cor­reclion; for it is that, not conscience keep­eth people in generall within bounds of Civility, and leave the cutting off, or rooting out of errours in matters spirituall to the free use of the sword of Gods Spirit, which is sharper than a two-edged sword; and fear yee not but in case of liberty of con­science, true Religion, which onely is of God, will have the upper hand, and ful­lest approbation of all civilly disposed persons; if it be not Caesars due, to sit on the Ecclesiasticall Throne, nor any mans beside, look you to it, how you set or con­tinue [Page]any person thereon; and except God had consecrated and set apart a parcell of the earthly revenues for spirituall uses, how dare ye powers of the earth to do it, or to allow of it? but to avoid tediousnesse, I commend you to the serious minding of the following passages, hoping you will not slight what is substantially appli­able to your selves, by the injunction of the will of the Lord Almighty, lest yee be found resisters of God: and so I remain yours in all due service, even to my power and life.

Michael Quintyne.

To the Kings most Excellent Majestie.

WHereas your most submissive and faithfull subject hath in some mea­sure perceived, and in the following Treatise substantially discovered the way of greatest deceit, wherein God and the King are insufferably and most subtilly deprived of their due, and doth in the freedome and strength of fidelity in the sight of all hazards of good suc­cesse, humbly present it unto your most Excellent Majestie.

His just and humble request is, that your Highnesse will be gratiously pleased to accept of it accordingly, and now the Scales of this your Kingdome are in use, let it be truly weigh­ed, not cast by, and as it is found in the bal­lance, for the main scope and substance thereof, even so, let it be done to your poor subject, who during life, shall heartily pray for your long happy and most prosperous reigne,

Michael Quintyne.

TO THE KINGS most Excellent Majesty, Gods greatest and most speciall Officer and Mi­nister within his Majesties Dominions in place of Authority and power of Justice, be a full blessing from the blessed Trinity, of a right and suteable spirit, for his high Calling, with all truly desire­able issues thereof.

IN the cause of Heavens right no man is injoyned silence, but may move the case before the greatest of men on earth, Matth. 10.31, 3 [...]. who are but men in person, though Gods anoint­ed, Gods in place of Government, to whom with God belongeth a due to be rendered, Matth. 22.21. Rom. 13▪ 7 Let not place of honour, as it hath been in times past, be an occasion of pride, and forget­fulnesse, whereby men have forgotten that they were men, and the remembrance of their Master, his cause, and servants, the upright and innocent; but exa­mine, consider, and scorne not, the reall demonstration and reasonable motion in the case of greatest wrong put upon the Trinity and the whole Host of Heaven, and your Majesties dignity and honour of civill Govern­ment; [Page 2]for reliefe wherein if you do not your part, let your neglect rest with your selfe, for I will present it to you with my life in my hand, accept it as you please.

The Kingdome of the Gospel, the divine politique state, the Ecclesiasticall Government, or visible Church, which was given to Christ Jesus by his Father, is by the Kingdom of Darknesse the false Ecclesiasticall state, and false Church, together with the deluded and abused as­sistance of your own civil state, the honorable Ordinance of God, utterly defaced, trodden under foot, excluded and banished your Dominions, to the greatest dishonour, and undervaluing of the Trinity, the power, wisdom, and goodnesse thereof, represented and expressed in the con­trivance and establishment of the said Kingdome of Christ, to the greatest destruction, desolation, disconsolati­on, and losse of conscionable and saintlike persons, and to the great overthrow of your owne subjects, and decay or strength in your owne Dominions.

To prove the truth of this cause is not hard, the Lawes and Rules of the policy of Divinity and Humanity jumpe home to it: neither will the Lawes and Rules of devilish policy, be able to contrary it, although they may dazzle and cloud it.

All bodies of policy, as well Ecclesiasticall as Civil, true and false, as all other things, do consist of matter and forme, by the quality of which two essentiall parts all politique bodies transcendent, different, and contrary in nature, are reasonably and substantially distinguished, and knowne one from the other : and all bodies poli­tique of one nature, whether Ecclesiasticall, true, false, or civill are distinguished one from another by the ex­tent, limitation, and confines of those two forenamed essentiall parts.

The realty and truth of this Rule will appear in the incontradictable and undeniable discovery and manife­station [Page 3]of each politique body and Kingdom in an essen­tiall way.

Every body and state of policy consisteth of like, or one and the same essentiall and circumstantiall parts in respect of name and number, the difference or means of distinction lieth in the transcendent, different, and con­trary qualities of those parts.

Circumstantiall differences are of consequence, the misplacing, misapplying, and misusing of any such part in any body of policy, deserveth reproof and disclama­tion of the members or subjects of any such body; but essentiall differences misplacing, misapplying, and mis­using any such parts is intolerable and incommunicable, and requireth separation: the truth of all these things will be most fully proved by humane and naturall reason, and holy Scripture, is setting forth the severall kindes of bodies of policy in their essentiall and main circumstan­tiall parts.

That there is a true and false Ecclesiasticall state, I need not stand to prove, but refer it to the severall defi­nitions and full demonstration of them justifiable from Scripture, Lawes of all policy, and common experience, for all Europe granteth the same, and most forreigne and domestique wars and jars are more concerning Ecclesia­sticall affairs, than all the matters in the earth besides, according as Christ prophetically speaketh, Matth. 24. 5, 6, 7. The whole earth is filled with the cry, Lo here, Lo there, the voice of greatest deceivers, of which spe­ciall care is to be had for the avoiding them, Matth. 24.23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.

And that the world in generall, and most especially, my native King and his Dominions, may not continue in contention, which is the readiest way to confusion, and to be made a prey to strangers about which is the true Church, or about circumstances thereof, I have with [Page 4]heart in hand, yea heart in hand, undertaken, and shall essentially and fully make it appear from the Rule of di­vine and humane wisdom and policy, that it is impossi­ble for any nationall Church to be the true Church of Christ, or to be righted by force of Armes, in case it were really so; either by the King in way of offence, or by his subjects in way or defence; and why should not great ones be as ready to try and prove the truth hereof, as to kill me in wrath, which no way accomplisheth Gods will in righteousnesse, Iam 1.20. But what Effects shall be expected of Creatures lifted up above their Ele­ment, but actions of pride and scorne, in oblivion of God and man, and what Lawes of Divinity shall rule the Potentates of the Earth, who make Lawes and con­fines for the same: the glory of high powers is mercy and the grace of humanity is to be humble and faultlesse, not cowardly and murderous; and that I may briefly come at, and accomplish the performance of what I have undertaken, even essentially to discover the Church of Christ, to be trodden under foot, and made desolate, by on Antichristian and false Ecclesiasticall state, through the assistance of the civill state, obteined by delusion, and deceivablenesse of unrighreousnesse, in all the Kingdoms of the Earth; I have thought it necessary to begin with a discovery of the Civil State, in the essentiall parts of it, the circumstantiall ones also, and the use of the whole.

Civill State or body of humanity, wheresoever thou dwellest in any measure of truth and realty, thou art Gods Ordinance, the off-spring of the second Table of the Morall Law of God, the Image of Innocency in the first Creation, in man towards man thou art the Parent of all Nations, in whole honour and dishonour is length and shortnesse of dayes.

The subject or material part of the consistance of this body of Civility is Mankindle in generall, conteined [Page 5]within the limits and confines of any such body.

The formall or part of life which giveth being to this Civil politique body, is the Kingly or Regal Civil poli­tique Power, by which any member hath any politique motion, actively or passively, by which also any Law be­longing thereto hath any vigour or current.

The quality of both these essentiall parts is meerly civill and humane, and such as have relation to this state, concerneth them onely in temporall affairs, for the civill ordering and governing their persons and estates accord­ing to the Law of equity between man and man.

To prove the matter and forme of this, Civil body po­litique, to be as aforesaid, the reason of all unions and bodies in the world serveth (hand pat) to do it, for the matter and forme of every body is comprehended with­in it selfe, neither without either of those two parts can the body well or ill subist; the Creatour, Parent, and Institutour can be no part of the Creature, production and platforme or institution, and all other things, belong­ing to this body are circumstantiall, and serve properly to prove the quality of the essential parts to be meerly civil and humane.

The instrumentall meanes of the being of this body is ordinarily Victory or Conquest, by force of Armes, whereof onely mens bodies and goods are capable, for conscience who is all the witnesses of a reasonable, or unreasonable soul is free, beyond the reach of the power of man to command and subdue, because if a man sub­ject his body unto the sword of the Magistrate to main­tain the freedom and peculiar use of his conscience, and soul, as in some cases Christ adviseth, Matth. 10.17, 18. Also verse 28 & 39 and looseth the use of his body and bodily life, his conscience and soul is not overcome and subdued, but overcommeth, which plainly proveth the quality and disposition of this body to be humane.

[Page 6] The manner of the being of this body, state, or plat­forme, which was and may be when that of Christ was not and may not be, it is of imparity, superiority and de­grees of Authority, consisting of lordly and inferiour of­fices; which are necessary for the well being thereof; for what else should rule nationall and confused lumps of the cursed posterity of Adam, and it is but meet that some in order of office should have a sword ready drawn to cut off intolerably uncivil, and inhumane persons; and to disable them in their strength and command of estate; and that all uncivill and brutish persons and acti­ons may be prevented, which is the onely meanes of a peaceable and godly life; all Christians are exhorted to pray for all men in Civil Government, for Kings and all in place of Authority, 2 Tim. 2.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. And this also is a meanes to distinguish and discerne the quality of the essence of this body to be as aforesaid, Luke 22.24, 25, 26, 27.

The Lawes, Statutes, and Ordinances belonging to this body communicable between the head and mem­bers thereof, and conveighed from one to another by the severall offices of the state thereof; they all generally▪ tend to the prevention of oppression, and preservation of equity in the civil use of mens bodies and personall estates, the truth hereof daily experience testifieth in the use of all Courts of common justice and belonging to the Laity, this witnesseth the Spirit of Christ who suffered under Civill Authority approving their stately calling and the Lawes and Ordinances, and the good and necessary use of them, Rom. 13. This likewise proveth the quality of the essentiall parts of this body to be hu­mane and civil onely.

Divine politique body, true Ecclesiasticall state, visible Church of Christ, or Kingdome, to which belongs the Gospel and all the Records of new Testament; thou art [Page 7]the new Jerusalem, the Body comprehending the sub­stances of all Types and shadowes, the perfection of all order of sacrifice, the union of the fulnesse of him that filleth all things, thou art the Government of the ever­lasting Prince the Son of David, of which there shall be no end, Isay 9.6, 7. This is the most beautifull daughter of the first Table of the Moral Law, the most perfect and fullest resemblance of the invisible bond in divine nature, the compleatest use whereof the elect shall enjoy, when they have put off their mortality, and are all accomplish­ed, when also Christ also shall deliver up his Kingdome, and government to his Father, 1 Cor. 15.24. &c. Which resemblance and expression of the Law written in the heart shall remain for ever and ever.

The subject or material part of this divine politique bo­dy and true Ecclesiasticall state, (of the true Son and Heire apparent of God, and right Successour of the Crowne and Ecclesiasticall Throne of David, the Alone Redeemer of the whole company of Gods elect, the be­leeving seed of Abraham both Jewes and Gentiles, who brake downe the partition-wall, the Jewish nationall state, and set up and established a divine spirituall King­dome, capable of the Saints, of all sorts whatsoever) Is the sort of all mankinde which Jesus Christ pronounceth blessed, Matth. 5. Such as worship God in spirit and in truth, Iohn 4.23, 24. without respect to Nation or Tribe, Acts 10.34, 35. In short it is faithfull persons, beleevers, reall, saintlike people, as the severall Epistles to the Chur­ches nominated in the New Testament do declare; to shut up the proof of this truth that the subject or mate­riall part of the Kingdome of Christ is as aforesaid, of Christian people take also this one witnesse more, Rom. 8.8, 9 Here take notice, reall profession giveth reall being to members, and is the forme of a member, but not the forme of the Church, but the material quality thereof.

[Page 8] But the formall part of this divine politique body or true Ecclesiasticall state or kingdom which Christ Jesus hath upon earth, which also is the life of the same, is the divine regall and kingly politique power of Christ; by which every member performeth every Church action, whereby every Law in every Office is communicable, and executed; in this sense, not in a personall sense speaketh Christ, Matth. 18.20. 1 Cor. 5.4.

The quality of the two essentiall parts of this divine politique body is divine love, the Fountain of all merci­full goodnesse, from whence issueth every good gift to­ward man, and the communicable benefits thereof, be­tween man and man; this is the quality of wisdoms house, derived from the Father and the Son, and exprest by the holy Spirit proceeding from both, and lively set forth in the matter and forme of the same, as largely will appear by the discovery of the circumstantiall parts, belonging to the being and welbeing of this body.

The instrumentall meanes of the being of this divine politique body or union, is by agreement and free con­sent of love, issuing from one Lord through one Faith, one Spirit, one Baptisme, Iohn 5.12, 13 There is no other instrumentall meanes of a peculiar body, consistting of Volunteers; and of such consisteth this Kingdome of the Lambe of God, as prophetically speaketh the ho­ly Ghost by way of proclamation, Isai 55.1. Fulfilling the same in like manner, speaketh the same Spirit, Rev. 22.15. In this way a right Captain accomplisheth a right Band or body of Souldiers, Rev. 14.4. Rev. 17.14. By instinct of nature, not compulsion, Birds of a Feather flocke together, this main circumstantiall part belonging to the being of this body aforesaid, declareth it to be the Tabernacle of God, who is love, 1 Ioh. 4.16. which is the prepared dwelling for persons of love, Revel 21.1, 2, 3.

[Page 9] The state platforme or manner of being of this Kingdom of heaven upon earth, wherein the matter and forme are united, and the divine Lawes and Ordinances there­of executed, and performed, consisteth of Offices of service, not of command and authority, Matth. 20.25, 26, 27. Luke 22.24, 25, 26, 27. And is the perfect Em­bleme or representation of the most compleat current of divine, and most perfect love, as the onely necessary Offices cf Administration of the head, which in Divi­nity as in humanity are three; to wit, direction, provisi­on, and protection; and because humanity is inseparable from Christianity, wisdom hath left civil protection to the head thereof, but hath provided an Office of distri­bution for his subjects, in necessity, and tender atten­dance for the sicke and weake in body, that his body may be as one in all things, communicating according to oc­casion the gifts and graces which God hath given them, for the building up and for divine and reasonable preser­vation of one another, and this the holy Ghost testifieth, Rom. 12.4, 5, 6, 7, 8. This also maketh it plain that the po­wer of the disposing of Offices and execution of all Lawes and Ordinances truly Ecclesiasticall and belong­ing to this body of Christ which is the Church, Col 1.24. is in the Church, and derived from the Church, as plainly witnesseth, Matth 18.17. here is the state or manner of being of the house of God, which is the Church, 1 Tim. 3.15. of the body of parity, whose members are all Kings and Priests, Rev. 1.6. This is the state of the body (not the body of the state,) which is the representation or expression of the current of the divine nature of the Church of Christ which is the expresse Image of the forme thereof, and when that faileth, members or Church cease to be, and state & all; for this see the seven Churches mentioned in Rev. 2. & 3. cl.

This circumstantiall part belonging to the being of this [Page 10]body, declareth the matter and forme to be qualified as aforesaid.

The Lawes, Statutes, and Ordinances belonging to this body of Christ are transcending in nature those of huma­nity (which prevent oppression and enjoyne equity and civil and reasonable use of mens persons and estates:) for these not onely allow the same; but prevent oppres­sion, injoyne equity, and command mercy and compassi­on; yea, doing good for evil, in all cases belonging to soul and body, thus Christ teacheth Christians, Matth. 5.44, 45, &c. Thus the Spirit of Christ is exercised, and against such there is no Law, Gal. [...].22, 23. In the per­formance of such is fulfilling the Law of Love, establish­ed by the Son of God, Iohn 13.34. These divine, yea, most heavenly Lawes, &c. manifestly discovereth the mat­ter and forme of the body of Christ his Visible Church, to be qualified as aforesaid, to the bodies of such a constituti­on did the Apostles write their Epistles.

Devilish politique body, false Ecclesiasticall state, Visible Church of Antichrist, or Kingdome to which belongeth the Charter bookes of humane Constitutions, and Canons, and all Records of Heathenish and Jewish nationall Traditions, touching matters Ecclesiasticall, and cases of Conscience; Thou art the man of sin, whose compleat image consisteth especially in the breach of the first Table of the Morall Law, the fullest expression whereof is in taking Gods power from him, and Christ his kingly Office from him, sitting in the Temple of God which is Conscience, (for God dwelleth not in Temples made with hands) as God, and exalting thy selfe above all that is called God, commanding the Conscience of man­kinde in the way of politique (which onely and property is publique) worship, for in no other sense can any sit in the Temple of God, or exalt himselfe above all that is called God; Thou art Babylon the great, the mystery of [Page 11]iniquity, who robbest God of his honour, in usurping the Prerogative Royall of his Son, for thou interposest with thy power Ecclesiasticall, which snareth and captivateth all Nations, in the liberties of their consciences, persons, personall and temporall estates; thou art the City spiritu­ally called Sodome and Egypt▪ for no filthy person liveth that liveth not in thee, and the height of thy power Egypt like opposeth God, for who shall get out of thy merci­lesse and more than inhumane murderous clutches? thou committest sin by a Law, and puttest a man to death for conscience sake, thou art the devils master-peece, the expresse image of devilish inhumanity, Cain like spoiling the innocent, and what thou canst not restore, the earth cannot bear a fuller measure or pride, craft, and envie, than thou art composed of, (the unlimited composition whereof is the devil himselfe) thou art a body of con­fusion, an hotch-potch without respect of good or bad, rich or poor, bond or free, devillish, humane or divine.

The subject or materiall part of this false Ecclesiasti­call body or Kingdom of Antichrist, is mankinde in ge­nerall, without any respect of spiritual quality, or Christi­an spirit and divine disposition, onely with relation to an enforced and conjured profession of Christ, which is of the devils putting on, not Christs, and being compelled it is the garment of Hypocrisie, not of uprightnesse, and in the fleest use is often made an Hypocrites cloak, which is the very opposite quality of the material part of Christs Church, but the speciall and chosen disposition of Anti­christs, which is justified by these Scriptures, Matth. 24.5. 2 Tim. 3.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 2 Thess 2.10, 11, 12. Rev. 13.7, 8. also verses 16, 17.

The formall part which is the politique power of the false Ecclesiasticall state or body of devilish policy, is dragonish, violent and compulsive commanding powers of death, to seazon such as will not subject their consci­ences [Page 12]to it; or rather be slavonized therein; which is clean contrary to heavenly powers, and is a starke enemy to humanity both personall and politique, for there is none under heaven able to give light or peace, or to deal for anothers conscience between God and him, the con­trary conceit whereof, begotten by delusion and conceived by corruption of humane nature, hath and will produce more unnaturall and unreasonable wars and plagues upon the earth than it can bear with a seeming to subsist; that the quality of the formall part of the false Ecclesiasticall body is really such as is now proposed, take these Scrip­tures for witnesse, Rev. 13.2. and verse 7, 8. also verse 15, 16, 17. This is the expresse image of the devil ruling in the generation of Cain and cursed seed of Adam, to their utter ruine, if it be not looked into in time.

The instrumentall meanes of the being of this body (with the other main circumstantiall parts) prove the qua­lity of the forenamed essentiall parts to be as aforesaid.

For it is produced and effected by a compulsive power­full proclamation, conjured out of the civil powers of the earth by lying wonders and delusion, Matth. 24.5, 6, 7. also verse 24. 2 Thess. 2.8, 9, 10, 11. Rev. 13.13, 14.

The state or manner of being of this body of devilish policy, or which is falsely called Ecclesiasticall, and di­vine, it is most magnificently majesticall and tyrannicall, full of offices of greatest superiority and highest authori­ty, Rev. 13.2. and are more for gain than administration of any good, 2 Pet. 2.3. This circumstantiall part testifi­eth the matter and forme to be as aforesaid.

The Lawes, Statutes, and Ordinances, Constitutions, and Canons, of this body of Antichrist, are devilish and inhumane, opposite to those of the body of Christ, and most pernicious to humanity; these binde Conscience which Christs Lawes set free, and compell externall con­formity in circumstantiall matters, which breedeth more [Page 13]hypocrisie than sincerity, and destroyeth civilly disposed persons, for the proper and peculiar use of their owne Consciences, the truth hereof, witnesseth all persons which have suffered, do and shall suffer for their Consciences; these are compulsive and enforcing Conscience, and al­though set on foot with fair pretences, yet are such snares and traps for men, that thereby their Consciences are made very slaves, or their persons and personall estates ruined; of these the Epistle to the Colossians speaketh pertinently in way of caution and preadmonition, Col. 2.8. also verse 20, 21, 22, 23. These circumstantiall things also belonging to the being of this body, declare the qua­lity of the matter and forme to be most palpably, Anti­christian as aforesaid.

Most noble King, impartially let former passages be considered, and call to minde of what generation you came, of Adam and Eve in Paradise, and in the time of their innocency were miscarried by temptation of the devil; what may be the condition of their posterity, since the curse passed upon them and their being thrust out of the Presence Garden of God by head and shoul­ders; though I conceive your calling to be the chiefest that is given to the sons of men, and although God hath given you a Land flowing with milke and honey, yet I am perswaded you are no more privileged from tempta­tion, and transgression, against God, than were your first parents, and those Kings of Israel (which were Types of Christ the King of new Jerusalem) whose calling or state and seat was above yours, yet no disparagement to yours neither, for upon that Throne sitteth the Son of God, and Lord of David; if your first parents were de­ceived by flattery and an ambitious inclination, and if they by looking after more than God gave them lost what they had, may not their posterity be taken in the same snare; yea, they are subjected to it under a curse, which [Page 14]followed since their fall; if the true Light which lighteth every man that commeth into the World, was in the World, and the World was made by him, and the World knew Him not; if He came unto his owne, and his owne received Him not, Iohn 1 9, 10, 11. may we not suspect our owne aversnesse and the double advantage our old false friend the devil, who is worse than an open enemy to all mankinde, hath against us, take notice of the passages of Scripture before mentioned, and these fol­lowing, Iohn 5.43. Matth. 7.1 [...]. Matth. 24.24. 1. Iohn 2.18. If there be a generation to whom nothing is pure, but even their minde and conscience is defiled, which professe they know God, but in workes denie him, Titus 1.15, 16. who will talke of Christ or teach Him, yet deny Him to be come in the flesh, I mean so as to yeeld him the Throne of his father David, to sit as King in matters Ecclesiasticall, and to let him rule in the Element of Con­science, which is that spirit of Antichrist, 1 Iohn 4.3. O noble King, is not a double jealousie of being deceived necessarily called upon in you, whom these forenamed persons have made supreme Head of the Church, as if one body could have two heads, or two bodies (different in nature) one head, of which interposition and confu­sion the Lawes of your owne policy admit not; be judge your selfe, it is not outward religious performances please God, witnesse Caine and Abe: under pretence of long prayers some devour widowes houses: what is accept­able with God of this nature, see Iames 1.26, 27. To be short, fully plain and faithfull, do but consider the Book or Revelation, which from the fifth Chapter includeth the discovery of the state of Christ and his Church, and Antichrist and his Kingdom, and the birth, life and death of him, and the main particular passages of the combate, between them both, and behaviour of the Kings of the earth therein toward either side, and observe how poor [Page 15]deluded man, in the state and seat of Kings is beset, when the vials of Gods wrath are poured out to the destructi­on of the Beast, especially when he is touched upon his seat and revenue, which is his life and livelihood, Rev. 16.13, 14. Most royall Soveraigne, be not angry and full of wrath which accomplisheth not the will of God, Iames 1.20. But look well to your going, Prov. 14.15, 16.

And be pleased now to take into your hand the line of truth which defineth all the Creatures and things upon the face of the earth whatsoever, and judge and deal by all states and bodies of policy according to their severall natures and qualities of their essentiall parts, and of their circumstantiall parts, which belong unto them; wherein the Rules of holy Scripture and of humane reason and policy, will bear you out against all opposition.

View the Ecclesiasticall states within your owne do­minions, which are so apt to breed wars, to maintain the truth of their being, and to call for subscription thereof from all others, and examine how the quality of their essentiall and circumstantiall parts suit with that of Christs Church, or with that of Antichrist, and accordingly you may account of them, and deal by them, so farre as con­cerneth you in your state of civility. And thus farre I can do no lesse than move your Majesty to do, sithence to God and Caesar belongeth a due; and that you would take to what is your owne, and give unto God the things that are Gods, to which Act I am confident all good and faith­full Subjects would consent upon fair evidence (whereof sacred Scripture and naturall reason will afford sufficient to all persons and Courts of Parliament) to the perfor­mance thereof.

And for your owne due, none can deny, but as you are Head of all Civill powers, within your owne do mi­nions; so the execution of all Civill Lawes (whereof your power is the life) for the preservation of your Sub­jects [Page 16]in all Civill respects, belongeth unto you: therefore keep it to your selfe, and for that use onely, and give it not into the hands of any Ecclesiasticall persons, for Christ never called for the use of it, to cut off men for Consci­ence sake, but for incivility, and for that same purpose God did ordain it, Rom 9. And onely in this respect are Kings and Queenes held truely to be nursing Fathers and Mothers, to the Church of Christ, for in so doing they de­fend the innocent, relieve the oppressed, and preserve the meek, from unreasonable and Cain-like men of the world, and hatch up the people in generall, by main­taining equity between man and man, out of which Christ calleth his chosen, such as are appointed for the worship and speciall service of the Trinity.

Likewise for your owne due, none can deny, since God hath put an end to the Jewish and nationall Ecclesi­asticall state; but that the use of all meanes set apart for Ecclesiasticall uses of right belongeth to none but persons in Civill state, of Government, the lands and Tenths set apart for holy persons and holy uses are with the holy per­sons the Tribe of Levi, the holy places, holy times, and all externall holinesse ended in Christ; now the King­dom of Heaven is within, it hath not relation to the matters of this World, Iohn 18.36. Rom. 14.17. But the devil remembreth how to coozen and cheat mankinde of old, make men beleeve they shall be as Gods, and the while bring them to be the greatest slaves to himselfe: let me speak freely though I hang for mine uprightnesse, so hath he since Christ to deceive the whole earth, even all Civil Government, set a company of deceivers, to lift up the Kings of the earth above their owne Element, into Christs seat: and to draw them to support such as are lifted up into it, and the while coozen the Kings of the earth of the greatest part of their temporall revenues, and were it not that Princes came out of the loines of [Page 17] Adam and Eve, and are most beset with witches and delu­ders, it were impossible to be thought that they should be so handled, to be perswaded that God should put an end to a naturall generation, and raise an artificiall one in their stead, and that out of a contrary Nation, which should carry five times a greater revenue of the earth than the former; considering how largely Christ and his Disci­ples declared themselves in this case, in the last recited Scriptures, and also in the passage of Tribute money, Matth. 22.19, 20, 21. Once let that old devillish suggest­ed opinion and proverbe be buried, I mean no Bishop no King, it is but a delusion and meer dreame, for what shall more oblige Subjects than when they have all the free­dom that conscience and naturall reason can afford them? and were it no more for fear of penalty in transgressing ci­vil Lawes than for wounding Conscience; what would not be done in these dayes? I appeal to your owne and the generall experimentall knowledge, and what pleasure hath God in such formality? Be no longer thus gulled of what is your owne, and that in a devilish way, to the confusion of your owne Kingdom; for every one shall be saved or damned by his owne beleeving or unbeleeving, Marke 16.16. Not every one that saith Lord, Lord, shall enter in­to the Kingdom of Heaven, &c. Matth. 7.21. Without faith it is impossible for any man to please God, Heb. 11.6. For whatsoever is not of faith is sin, Rom. 14.23. And since faith is the gift of God, not of: you, Ephes. 2.8. Iames 1.17. Take to your selfe what is your owne, and apply and imploy both your sword and maintenance to and in the matters of your owne Element, defending the innocent and civill, and releeving the poor and oppressed, then Christ shall bear rule in his owne, and amongst his owne, and you shall be master of your owne: these things are easie to be accomplished by Parliament, how can any of any Religion which conceive themselves [Page 18]to be of God, be against the casting off of the tyranni­call though golden bonds of conscience, and setting that at liberty they need not fear sinking, A ts 5.39. That which is not of God shall have a time to be rooted up, Matth. 15.13. And double and double the Lawes and execution of them in all cases of civility, and what can your Majesty aske that will not be yours.

And let the blessed Trinity in their owne cause in mat­ters of Conscience, use their owne sword which is shar­per than yours, Heb. [...].12. Let the light be free, not li­mited and confined by the eyes of men, support none that adde to it or detract from it, neither cut off any with your sword which are enemies to it; but in cases of intolerable incivility; for persecutors may be converted, if they be not intrade and custome of murdering: but if so, let no Caines raging on the earth live within your Do­minions; neither favour that posterity of his who exer­cise his spirit according to, 1 Iohn 3.12.

So I leave all passages to your royall consideration, and commit my selfe in the manifestation of realty and faithfulnesse in the service of God, my King, and Coun­trey, to your Majesties sword of Justice and due pro­tection.


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