To the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of LONDON in Common-Council Assembled; The Humble Petition and Address of the Sea-men, and Watermen, in and about the said City of LONDON.


THat they cannot without much grief of heart, and consternation of spirit, consider and bewail the Extraordinary decay of Merchandize, Trade, Religion, Iustice, Piety, and in undation of all sorts of Oppressions Miseries, Rapines Wars Tumults, Sects, Heresies Blasphemies, Alterations of Government and destructive Confusions, which have over whelm'd our formerly flourishing and renowned Nations, and this famous City ever since the notorious violations, and subversions of our Fundamental Laws, Liber­ties, Properties Governments and Parliaments, by the treacherie, and armed violence of ambitious, treacherous Mercenaries of inconsiderable Fortunes and corrupt Principles usur­ping a more arbitrary dominion over Our Lives, Persons, Estates, and Priviledges, than the worst of Our Kingly Governors whose desperate Counsels Practises and Innovations have made Vs the scorn, derision of all the World and plunged Our Church State Nations, and this famous City, into the very Gulph of inevitable Ruin; unless spéedily and timely preven­ted by your prudent, unanimous Counsels, and standing up in the G [...]p in this day of Our pub­lique Calamity, by improving your power and interest to accomplish these just Desires of Your Petitioners, and many Thousands of these Nations, which we humbly conceive to be the onely visible means (through Gods blessing on them) to obviate our Dangers, compose Our Divisions and restore Our pristine Peace, Vnity, Trade, Prosperity, and make Vs once more a praise amongst the Kingdoms, Churches, and Nations, whom the Lord hath sig­nally blessed with glorious Deliverances, and transcendent Mercies.

We shall therefore humbly importune this Honorable Assemblie (to whom We can make Our Addresses) to endeavour,

  • I. That a Free and Legal Parliament, may with all convenient speed be convened to sit within the City of Lon­don, without any forcible Interruption or Molestation, to Settle the Government, Redresse the Grievances, Restore the Peace, Merchandize, Trade, and Navigation of this Nation.
  • II. That the Militia of the City may be presently raised, and put into the hands of such Persons, whose Prin­ciples and Actions have evidenced them to be Well-affected to Government, Magistracy, Ministry, Laws, Liberties, the Rights and Priviledges of Parliament, and Reformed Religion here Established. That the Guards of the City may be put into their Hands, and all Obtruded Guards, disturbing the Peace, obstructing the Trade of, and Threat­ning Danger to the City, removed.
  • III. That all such Officers and Souldiers of the Army in and about the City and elsewhere, who shall obey your Commands, and contribute their Assistance for the Calling, & Safe-Sitting, of a FREE PARLIAMENT, may be assured and speedily paid their Arrears; and those, who shall oppose the same, and Settlement of the Nation, and City, left to publique Justice for the Murders lately Committed, and other Misdemeanours.
  • IV. That the Nobility, and Gentry of Quality, in and about the City, may be Invited to contribute their Coun­sels and assistance for effecting the Premisses.

In the prosecution whereof, and Our former Oaths, Protestation▪ Vow and Covenant' We shall with Our Estates, Lives and last drop of Our Bloods▪ constantly and una­nimously assist Your Honours, and all others adhering to You, to promote and accom­plish the Promises and what else Your Wisdome shall think fit to conduce to the Re­stitution of the Publique Peace, Trade and Welfare of this City, and Our Thrée Distracted Nations.

In Witness whereof We hereunto subscribe Our Hands and Hearts.

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