A PROPHECY, Said to be VVritten three hundred Years ago, for this Year; lately found in a Chest, hid in the Wall behind the Altar in the Temple-Church.

REgem inter Populúmque diu de crimine Chartae,
Lis erit, eventúmque Urbs malè tuta timet:
Scindentur varii, studia in contraria, Patres,
Rex propriâ semet Judice lite cadet.
Vinci dum voluit, potuit cum vincere, Patrem
Rex Patriae, Regem se probat esse sui.
Haec est Billa vera & Originalis Copia.
REx erit, an Populus Dominus mage, Nomine Chartae,
Lis est: Eventum Pars malefida timet:
Hinc Variae Partes studia in contraria currunt,
Arbitrio credunt cedere cuncta suo:
Rex tamen invictus dum vult fraenare superbos,
Et Patriae, & Regem se probat esse sui.
The Interpretation of Billa vera.
THe Question lyes, is Charles or Rabble King?
Charter retriev'd, or lost, will speak the thing;
Mean while True-Protestants Dissent and Vary,
Owning nought, but y [...] own will, Arbitrary:
Yet Caesar stoops not: Ergo, Rebels yield,
We fear no Flails, since Caesar is our Shield.

LONDON, Printed for S. Carr, 1682.

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