ΦΘΟΝΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ [...]. SIVE, Accurata Invidiae Delineatio, AD Archetypum Ovidianum (quibusdam hinc illinc Immutatis & Additis) Met. l. 2. In Quâ, G. Keithus Imaginem suam ad Vivum (ex parte) Depictam Contempletur.
Ver'tas nigro Squalentia Tabo
Tecta petit: Domus est imis in Vallibus Antri
Abdita, Sole carens, non ulli pervia Vento,
Tristis, & ignavi plenissima Frigoris; & quae
Igne vacet Semper, Caligine semper abundet.
Huc ubi pervenit
Ver'tas metuenda Virago,
Constitit ante Domum (ne
(que) enim Succedere Tectis
Fas habet) & Postes extremâ Cuspide pulsat;
Concussae patuere Fores: Videt intus edentem
Vipereas Carnes, Vitiorum Alimenta suorum,
Invidiam: Visâ
(que) Oculos avertit. At
Surgit Humo pigrâ, semesarum
(que) Relinquit
Corpora Serpentum, passu
(que) incedit inerti.
Ver'tatem ut vidit Formâ
(que) Armis
(que) decoram
Ingemuit; Vultum
(que) ima ad Suspiria duxit.
Pallor in Ore sedet; Macies in Corpore toto;
Nusquam recta Acies; livent Rubigine Dentes;
Pectora Felle virent; Lingua est suffusa Veneno;
Risus abest, nisi quem visi movere Dolores;
Nec fruitur Somno, Vigilacibus excita Curis:
Sed videt ingratos, intabescit
(que) videndo,
Veri; carpit
(que) & carpitur unà;
(que) suum: Nam
Illi frigida Mens est
Criminibus, tacitâ sudant Praecordia Culpâ.
Corripias frustrà, frustraà inhibere labores;
Acrior Admonitu est, irritatur
(que) retenta,
Et crescit Rabies, remoramina
(que) ipsa nocere.
Sic ego Torrentem, quà nil obstabat eunti,
Leniùs & Modico Strepitu decurrere vidi:
At quacun
(que) Trabes obstructa
(que) Saxa tenebant,
Spumeus, et Fervens, et ab Objice saevior ibat.
Pectore mille Dolos, Mendacia mille volutat;
(que) necem Fidis intentat Amicis.
(que) Dei est 'temptrix, saevae
(que) avidissima Caedis,
Et violenta simul; scires e Sanguine natam.
At Brevis iste Furor; reliquis quae Fata pararet,
Succumbet proprio miserè laniata Flagello.
PHTHONOGRAPHY: OR, An Accurate Description of Envy, According To the Original Latin (with some Alteration and Addition) in Ovid's Met. b. 2. Wherein, G. Keith may see his own Picture drawn (in part) to the Life.
TRƲTH unto th' Cave of
Envy her Course bent,
Furr'd with black Filth: Within's a deep Descent,
Between two Hills, where no Sun ever shows
His chearful Face, where no Wind ever blows;
With dismal Sadness fill'd, and irksome Cold;
Still void of Fire, yet still in Smoak inroll'd.
Whither, when
Truth, so fear'd by th'
Caitiff, came;
She stood before the House, (that Loathsome Frame
She might not enter) and th' dark Door she stroke
With her bright Lance, which straight in sunder broke.
There she saw
Envy lapping Vipers Blood,
And feeding on their Flesh, her Vices Food;
And having seen her, turn'd away her Eyes.
Wretch then slowly from the Ground doth rise,
(Her half-devoured Serpent's laid aside)
And forward crawleth with a Lazy Stride.
Truth's Form so fair, and Arms so bright,
She Groan'd, and Sigh'd at such a Beauteous Sight.
She's Meager-Bodied; wretched Pale her Hue;
Her Teeth furr'd o're with Rust, her Looks Askew;
Her Heart with Gall, her Tongue with Venom flows;
She only laughs at th' Sight of others Woes:
Her ever-waking Cares exile soft Sleep;
She looks on
Truth's Success, with Eyes that weep.
She Rends and Tears, and, Tearing others, Bleeds;
Revenging on her self her own black Deeds.
For th' Guilt which from unseen Pollution springs,
Cold-Sweating Horror on her Bosom brings.
In vain 'tis to Reprove her, or Dis-swade;
By Opposition she's more Furious made:
Her Rage increaseth, when it is withstood;
And then good Counsel doth more harm than good.
So have I seen an unstopp'd Torrent glide
With quiet Streams, and scarcely heard to chide:
But when great Trees or Rocks have barr'd its Course,
'Thath Foam'd and Roar'd with uncontrouled Force.
She many Lyes and Falshoods doth invent,
To Persecute the Truth
and Innocent.
She God contemns, and's Violent withal;
Her Wolf-like Teeth shew her Original.
But Short's her Rage; see, her Revengsul Ire
Exhausts apace; 'Twill sorce her to Expire.
LONDON: Printed for the Author, 1700.