THE LIBERTY of THE FREEBORNE ENGLISH-MAN Conferred on him by the house of lords: Iune 1646.

Gaze not vpon this shaddow that is vaine
But rather raise thy thoughts a higher staine
To GOD (I meane) who, set this young-man free
And in like straits can oke deliver thee.
Yea though the lords have him in bonds againe
[...] LORD of lords will his Just cause maintaine

A REMONSTRANCE OF Many Thousand Citizens, and other Free-born PEOPLE OF ENGLAND, To their owne House of COMMONS.

Occasioned through the Illegall and Barbarous Imprisonment of that Famous and Worthy Sufferer for his Countries Freedoms, Lievtenant Col.


Wherein their just Demands in behalfe of themselves and the whole Kingdome, concerning their Publike Safety, Peace and Freedome, is Express'd; calling those their Commissioners in Parliament to an Ac­count, how they (since the beginning of their Session, to this present) have discharged their Duties to the Universallity of the People, their Soveraigne LORD, from whom their Power and Strength is deri­ved, and by whom (ad bene placitum,) it is continued.

Printed in the Yeer, 1646.

Many Thousand Citizens, and other Free-borne People of England, to their owne House of COMMONS.

WEE are well assured, yet cannot forget, that the cause of our choosing you to be Parliament-men, was to deliver us from all kind of Bondage, and to preserve the Common-wealth in Peace and Happinesse: For effecting whereof, we possessed you with the same Po­wer that was in our selves, to have done the same; For wee might justly have done it our selves without you, if we had thought it convenient; choosing you [as Persons whom wee thought fitly quallified, and Faithfull,] for avoiding some inconveniences.

But ye are to remember, this was only of us but a Power of [...]ust, [which is ever revokable, and cannot be otherwise,] and to be imployed to no other end, then our owne well-being: Nor did wee choose you to continue our Trust's longer, then the knowne established constitution of this Commonly-wealth will justly per­mit, and that could be but for one yeere at the most: for by our Law, a Parliament is to be called once every yeere, and oftner (if need be,) as ye well know. Wee are your Principalls, and you our Agents; it is a Truthe, [...]he you cannot but acknowledge: For if you or any other shall assume, or exercise any Power, that is not derived from our Trust and choice thereunto, that Power is no lesse then usurpation and an Oppression, from which wee expect to be sreed, in whomsoever we finde it; it being altogether incon­sistent with the nature of just Freedome, which yee also very well understand.

[Page 4] The History of our Fort-fathers since they were Conquered by the Normans, doth manifest that this Nation hath been held in bondage all along ever since by the policies and force of the Offi­cers of Trust in the Common-wealth, amongst whom, wee always esteemed Kings the chiefest: and what (in much of the former­time) was done by warre, and by impoverishing of the People, to make them slaves, and to hold them in bondage, our latter Princes have endeavoured to effect, by giving ease and wealth unto the People, but withall, corrupting their understanding, by insusing false Principles concerning Kings, and Government, and Parlia­ments, and Freedoms; and also using all meanes to corrupt and vitiate the manners of the youth, and strongest prop and support of the People, the Gentry.

It is wonderfull, that the failings of former Kings, to bring our Fore-fathers into bondage, together with the trouble and danger that some of them drew upon themselves and their Posterity, by those their unjust endevours, had not wrought in our latter Kings a resolution to rely on, and trust only to Justice and square deal­ing with the the People, especially considering the unaprnesse of the Nation to beare much, especially from those that pretend to love them, and unto whom they expressed so much hearty affecti­on, (as any People in the world ever did,) as in the qulet admissi­on of King James from Scotland, sufficient, (if any Obligation would worke Kings to Reason,) to have endeared both him and his sonne King Charles, to an inviolable love, and hearty affection to the English Nation; but it would not doe.

They choose rather to trust unto their Policies and Court Arts, to King-waste, and delusion, then to Justice and plaine dealing; and did effect many things tending to our enslaving (as in your First Remonstrance; you shew skill [...] manifest the same to all the World:) and this Nation having been by their delusive Arts, and a long continued Peace, much softened and debased in judgement and Spirit, did beare far beyond its usuall temper, or any example of our Fore-Fathers, which (to our shame,) wee ac­knowledge.

But in conclusion, longer they would not beare, and then yee were chosen to worke our deliverance, and to Estate us in naturall and just libertie agreeable to Reason and common equitie, for what­ever [Page 5] our Fore-fathers were; or what ever they did or suffered, or were enforced to yeeld unto; we are the men of the present age? and ought to be absolutely free from all kindes of exorbitancies, mo­lestations or Arbitrary Power, and you wee choose to free us from all without exception or limitation, either in respect of Persons, Officers, Degrees, or things; and we were full of confidence, that ye also would have dealt impartially on our behalf, and made us the most absolute free People in the world.

But how ye have dealt with us; wee shall now let you know, and let the Righteom GOD judge between you and us; the continuall Oppressours of the Nation, have been Kings, which is so evident, that you cannot denie it; and ye your selves have told the King, (whom yet you owne,) That his whole 16. Yeeres reigne was one continued act of the breach of the Law.

You snewed him, That you understood his under-working with Ire­land, his endeavour to enforce the Parliament by the Army raised a­gainst Scotland, yee were eye-witnesses of his violent attempt about the Five Members; Yee saw evidently his purpose of raising Warre; yee have seen him engaged, and with obstinate violence, persisting in the most bloody Warre that ever this Nation knew, to the wasting and destructi­on of multitudes of honest and Religious People.

Yee have experience, that none but a King could doe so great introllerable mischiefes, the very name of King, proving a suffici­ent charme to delude many of our Brethren in Wales, Ireland, England, and Scotland too, so farre, as to fight against their own Li­berties, which you know, no man under heaven could ever have done.

And yet, as if you were of Counsell with him, and were resol­ved to hold up his reputation, thereby to enable him to goe on in mischief, you maintaine, The King can doe no wrong, and apply all his Oppressions to Evill Counsellors, begging and intreating him in such submissive language, to returne to his Kingly Office and Par­liament, as if you were resolved to make us beleeve, hee were a God, without whose presence, all must fall to ruine, or as if it were impossible for any Nation to be happy without a King.

You cannot fight for cur Liberties, but it must be in the Name of King and Parliament; he that speakes of his crueldes, must be thrust out of your House and society; your Preachers must pray [Page 6] for him, as if he had not deserved to be excommunicated all Chri­stian Society, or as if yee or they thought God were [...] respect of the Persons of Kings in judgement.

By this and other your like dealings, your frequent treating, and tampering to maintaine his honour, Wee that have trusted you to deliver us from his Opressions, and to preserve us from his cruel­ties, are wasted and consumed (in multitudes) to manifold miseries, whilst you lie ready with open armes to receive him, and to make him a great and glorious King.

Have you shoke this Nation like an Earth-quake, to produce no more then this for us; Is it for this, that ye have made so free use, & been so bold both wich our Persons & Estates? And doe you (because of our readines to comply with your desires in all things) conceive us so sottish, as to be contented with such unworthy re­turnes of our trust and Love? No; it is high time wee be plaine with you; WEE ar [...] not, nor SHALL not be so contented; Wee doe expect according to reason, that yee should in the first place, declare and set forth King Charles his wickednesse openly before the world, and withall, to shew the intollerable inconyeniences of having a Kingly Government, from the constant evill practises of those of this Nation; and so to declare King Charles an enemy, and to publish your resolution, never to have any more, but to ac­quite us of so great a charge and trouble for ever, and to convert the great revenue of the Crowne to the publike treasure, to make good the injuries and injustices done heretofore, and of late by those that have possessed the same; and this we expected long since at your hand, and untill this be done, wee shall not thinke our selves well dealt withall in this originall of all Oppres­sions, to wit Kings.

Yee must also deal better with us concerning the Lords, then you have done? Yee only are chosen by Us the People; and therefore in you onely is the Power of binding the whole Nation, by making, altering, or abolishing of Lawes; Yee have therefore prejudiced [...], in acting so, as if ye could not make a Law without both the Royall assent of the King (so ye are pleased to expresse your selves,) and the assent of the Lords; yet when either King or Lords assen [...] not to what you approve, yet have so much sense of your owne Power, as to assent what you thinke good by an Order of your owne House.

[Page 7] What is this but to blinde oureyes, that Wee should not knew where our Power is lodged, nor to whom to apply our selves for the use thereof; but if We want a Law, Wee must awaite till the King and Lords assent; if an Ordinance, then Wee must waite till the Lords assent; yet ye knowing their assent to be meerly formall, (as having no root in the choice of the People, from whom the Power that is just must be derived,) doe frequently importune their assent, which implies a most grosse absurditie.

For where their assent is necessary and essentiall, they must be as Free as you, to assent, or dissent as their understandings and Con­sciences should guide them: and might as justly importune you, as yee them. Yee ought in Conscience to reduce this case also to a certaintie, and not to waste time, and open your Counsells, and be lyable to so many Obstructions as yee have been.

But to prevaile with them (enjoying their Honours and Pos­sessions,) to be lyable, and stand to be chosen for Knights and Bur­gesses by the People, as other the Gentry and Free-men of this Na­tion doe, which will be an Obligation upon them, as having one and the same interest: then also they would be distinguished by their vertues, and love to the Common-wealth, whereas now they Act and Vote in our affaires but as intruders, or as thrust upon us by Kings, to make good their interests, which to this day have been to bring us into a slavish subjection to their wills.

Nor is there any reason, that they should in any measure, be lesse lyable to any Law then the Gentry are; Why should any of them assault, strike, or beate any, and not be lyable to the Law, as other men are? Why should not they be as lyable to their debts as other men? there is no reason: yet have yee stood still, and seen many of us, and some of your selves violently abused without repairation.

Wee desire you to free us from these abuses, and their negative Voices, or else tell us, that it is reasonable wee should be slaves, this being a perpetuall prejudice in our Government, neither con­fisting with Freedome nor Safety: with Freedome it cannot; for in this way of Voting in all Affaires of the Common-wealth, being not Chosen thereunto by the People, they are therein Masters & Lords of the People, which necessarily implyes the People to be their servants and vassalls, and they have used many of us accordingly, by committing divers to Prison upon their owne Authority, [Page 8] namely William Larner, Liev. Col. John Lilburne, and other wor­thy Sufferers, who upon Appeale unto you, have not been relieved.

Wee must therefore pray you to make a Law against all kinds of Arbitrary Government, as the highest capitall offence against the Common-wealth, and to reduce all conditions of men to a certain­ty, that none hence-forward may presume or plead any thing in way of excuse, and that ye will leave no favour or scruple of Ty­rannicall Power over us in any what soever.

Time hath revealed hidden things unto us, things covered over thick and threefold with pretences of the true Reformed Religion, when as wee see apparently, that this Nation, and that of Scotland; are joyned together in a most bloody and consuming Warre, by the Waste and policie of a sort of Lords in each Nation, that were male-contents, and vexed that the King had advanced others, and not themselves to the manageing of State-affaires.

Which they suffered till the King increasing his Oppressions in both Nations, gave them opportunity to reveale themselves, and then they resolve to bring the King to their bow and regulation, and to exclude all those from managing State-affaires that hee had advanced thereunto, and who were growne so insolent and pre­sumptuous, as these discontented ones were lyable to continuall molestations from them, either by practises at Counsel-table, High-Commission, or Starre-chamber.

So as their work was to subvert the Monarchiall Lords and Cler­gy, and there withall, to abate the Power of the King, and to Or­der him: but this was a mighty worke, and they were no wise able to effect it of themselves: therefore (say they,) the generallity of the People must be engaged; and how must this be done? Why say they, wee must associate with that part of the Clergy that are now made underlings, and others of them that have been oppres­sed, and with the most zealous religious Non-conformists, and by the helpe of these, wee will lay before the Generalitie of the Peo­ple, all the Popish Innovations in Religion, all the Oppressions of the Bishops and High-Commission, all the exorbitances of the Counsell­board, and Star-chamber, all the injustice of the Chancery, and Courts of Justice, all the illegall Taxations, as Ship-mony, Pattents, and Pro­jects, whereby we shall be sure to get into our Party, the generali­tie of the Citie of London, and all the considerable substantiall Peo­ple of both Nations.

[Page 9] By whose cry and importunity we shall have a Parliament, which wee shall by our manifold wayes, alliant, dependant, and relati­ons soone worke to our purposes.

But (say some) this will never be effected without a Warre, for the King will have a strong party, and he will never submit to us; 'tis not expected otherwise (say they) and great and vaste sums of money must be raised, and Souldiers and Ammunition must be had, whereof wee shall not need to feare any want: for what will not an opprest, rich, and Religious People doe, to be delivered from all kinds of Oppression, both Spirituall and Temporall, and to be restored to purity and freedome in Religion, and to the just liberty of their Persons and Estates?

All our care must be to hold all at our Command and disposing; for if this People thus stirred up by us, should make an end too soon with the King and his party, it is much to be doubted, they would place the Supreame Power in their House of Commons, unto whom only of right it belongeth, they only being chosen by the People, which is so presently discerned, that as wee have a care the King and his Lords must not prevaile, so more especially, wee must be carefull the Supreame Power fall not into the Peoples hands, or House of Commons.

Therefore wee must so act, as not to make an end with the King and his party, till by expence of time and treasure, a long, bloody and consuming War, decay of trade, and multitudes of the highest Impositions, the People by degrees are tyred and wearied, so as they shall not be able to contest or dispute with us, either a­bout Suprerne or inferiour Power; but wee will be able, afore they are aware, to give them both Law and Religion.

In Scotland it will be easie to establish the Presbyteriall Govern­ment in the Church, and that being once effected, it will not be much dif­ficult in England, upon a pretence of uniformity in both Nations, and the like, unto which there will be found a Clergy as willing as wee, it giving them as absolute a Ministery over the Consciences of the People, over the Persons and Purses, as wee our selves aime at, or desire.

And if any shall prefume to oppose either us or them, wee shall be ea­sily able by the helpe of the Clergy, by our Party in the House of Com­mons, and by their and our influence in all parts of both Nations, easily to [...] and suppresse them.

[Page 10] Well (saies some) all this may be done, but wee, without abundance of travell to our selves, and wounding our owne Consciences, for wee must grosly dissemble before God, and all the world will see it in times, for wee can never doe all this that yee aime at, but by the very same op­pressions as wee practised by the King, the Bishops, and all those his ty­rannicall Instruments, both in Religion, and Civill Government.

And it will never last or continue long, the People will see it, and hate you for it, more then ever they ha [...]ed the former Tyrants and Op­pressou [...]s: were it not better and safer for us to be just, and [...]lly to doe that for the People, which wee pretend, and for which wee shall so freely spend their lives and Estates, and s [...] have their Love, and enjoy the Peace of quiet Cons [...]iences?

For (say they) are not Wee a LORD, a Peere of the Kingdom? Have you your Lordship or Peerage, or those Honours and Priviledges that belong thereunto from the love and Election of the People? Your in­terest is as different from theirs; and as inconsistent with their freed me, as those Lords and Clergy are, whom wee strive to supplant.

And therefore, rather then satisfie the Peoples expectations in what concernes their Freedoms, it were much better to continue as wee are, and never disturbe the King in his Prerogatives, nor his Lords and Prelates in thei Priviledges: and therefore let us be as one, and when wee talke of Conscience, let us make conscience, to make good unto our selves and our Posterities those Dignities, Honours and Preheminencies conveyed unto us by our Noble Progenitours, by all the meanes wee can; not making questions for Conscience sake, or any other things; and if wee be united in our endeavours, and worke wisely, observing when to ad­vance, and when to give ground, wee cannot faile of successe, which will be an honour to our Names for ever.

These are the strong delusions that have been amongst us, and the my­stery of iniquity hath wrought most vehemently in all our affaires: Hence it was that Strafford was so long in tryall, and that he had no greater heads to beare his company. Hence it was that the King was not called to an account for his oppressive Government, and that the treachery of those that would have enforced you, was not severely punished.

That the King gained time to raise an Army, and the Queene to fur­nish Ammunition; that our first and second Army was so ill formed, and as ill mannaged; Sherburn, Brainford, Exeter, the slender use of the As­sociate Counties, the slight garding of the Sea, Oxford, Dennington, the [Page 11] West Defeate, did all proceed from (and upon) the Mystery of Ini­quitie.

The King and his Party had been nothing in your hands, had not some of you been engaged, and some of you ensuared, and the rest of you over-borne with this Mystery, which [...] may now easily perceive, if you have a minde thereunto, that yee were put upon the continuation of this Parliament, during the pleasure of both H [...]ouses, was from this My­stery, because in time these Polititions had hopes to worke, and pervert you to for sake the common Interest of those that choose and trusted you to promote their unjust Designe to enslave us; wherein they have prevailed too too much.

For Wee must deale plainly with you, yee have long time acted more like the House of Peers then the House of Commons: Wee can scarcely approach your Door with a Request or motion, though by way of Petition, but yee hold long debates, whether Wee break not your Priviledges; the Kings, or the Lords pretended Prerogatives never made a greater noise, nor was made more dread­full then the Name of Priviledge of the House of Commons.

Your Members in all Impositions must not be taxed in the places where they live, like other men: Your servants have their Priviledges too. To accuse or prosecute any of you, is become dangerous to the Prosecutors. Yee have imprisonments as fre­quent for either Witnesses or Prosecutors, as ever the Star-cham­ber had, and yee are furnished with new devised Arguments, to prove, that yee onely may justly doe these grosse injustices, which the Starre-Chamber, High-Commission, and Counsell-board might not doe.

And for doing whereof (whil'st yee were untainted,) yee abo­lished them, for yee now frequently commit mens Persons to Pri­son without shewing Caus; Yee examine men upon In eroga [...]ories and Questions against themselves, and Imprison them for refusing to answere: And ye have Officious servile men, that write and pub­lish Sophisticall Arguments to justifie your so doing, for which they are rewarded and countenanced, as the Starre-Chamber and High-Commission-beagles lately were.

Whilst those that ventured their lives for your establishment, are many of them vexed and molested, and impoverished by them; Yee have entertained to be your Committees servants, those very [Page 12] prowling Varlets that were imployed by those unjust Courts, who took pleasure to torment honest conscionable People; yea vex and molest honest men for matters of Religion, and difference with you and your Synod in judgement, and take upon you to de­termine of Doctrine and Discipline, approving this, and reproach­ing that, just like unto former ignora [...] pollitick and superstiti­o [...]s Parliaments and Convocations: And thereby have divided honest People amongst themselves, by countenancing only those of the Presbitry, and discountenancing all [...] [...]eparation, Ana­baprists and Independents.

And though it resteth in you to acquiet all differences in affe­ction, though not in judgement, by permitting every one to be fully perswaded in their owne mindes, commanding all Reproach to cease; yet as yee also had admitted Machiavells Maxime, Di­vide & impera, divide and prevaile; yee countenance onely one, open the Printing-presse onely unto one, and that to the Presbytry, and suffer them to raile and abuse, and domineere over all the rest, as if also ye had discovered and digested, That without a power­full compulsive Presbytry in the Church, acompulsive mastership, or Arristocraticall Government over the People in the State, could never long be maintained.

Whereas truely wee are well assured, neither you, nor none else, can have any into Power at all to conclude the People in matters that concerne the Worship of God, for therein every one of us ought to be fully assured in our owne mindes, and to be sure to Worship him according to our Consciences.

Yee may propose what Forme yee conceive best, and most avail­able for Information and well-being of the Nation, and may per­swade and invite thereunto, but compell, yee cannot justly; for ye have no Power from Us so to doe, nor could you have; for wee could not conferre a Power that was not in our selves, there being none of us, that can without wil [...]ull sinne, binde our selves to wor­ship God after any other way, then what (to a title,) in our owne particular understandings, wee approve to be just.

And therefore We could not referre our selves to you in things of this Nature; and surely, if We could not conferre this Power upon you, yee cannot have it, and so not exercise it justly; Nay, as we ought not to revile or reproach any man for his differing with [Page 13] us in judgement, more then wee would be reviled or reproached for ours; even so yea ought not to countenance any Reproachers or revilers, or molesters for matters of Conscience.

But to protect and defend all that live peaceably in the Common­wealth, of what judgement or way of Worship whatsoever; and if ye would bend your mindes thereunto, and leave your selves open to give eare, and to consider such things as would be presen­ted unto you, a just way would be discovered for the Peace & quiet of the land in generall, and of every well-minded Person in par­ticular.

But if you look up your selves from hearing all voices; how is it possible you should my all things. It is not for you to assume a Po­wer to controule and force Religion, or a way of Church Govern­ment, upon the People, because former Parliaments have so done; yee are first to prove that yee could have such a Power justly en­trusted unto you by the People that trusted you, (which you see you have not,) we may happily he answered, that the Kings Wri [...] that summons a Parliament, and directs the People to choose Knights and Burgesses, implyes the Establishment of Religion.

To which wee answere, that if Kings would prove themselves Lawfull Magistrates, they must prove themselves to be so, by a law­full derivation of their Authority, which must be from the volun­tary trust of the People, and then the case is the same with them, as between the Peopl & you, they as you, being possessed of no more Power then what is in the People justly to intrust, and then all im­plications in the Writer, of the Establishment of Religion, sheweth that in that particular, as many other, we remain under the Norman yoke of an unlawfull Power, from which wee ought to free our selves; and which yee ought not to maintains upon us, but to ab­rogate.

But ye have lisraed to any Counsells, rather then to the voice of us that trusted you: Why is it that you have stopt the Presse; but that you would have nothing but pleasing slattering Discourses, and go on to make your selves partakers of the Lordship over us, without hearing any thing to the contrary: yea, your Lords [...] Clergy long to have us in the same condition with our deluded bre­thren, the Commons of Scotland, where their understandings are so captivated with a Reverend opinion of their Presbytsy, that they [Page 14] really beleeve them to be by Divine Authority, and are as zealous therein, as ever the poore deceived Papists were.

As much they live in feare of their thunder-bolts of Excommu­nication, and good cause they have, poor soules, for those Excom­munications are so followed with the civill Sanction, or secular Power, that they are able to crush any opposer or dissenter to dust, ta undoe or ru­ins any mans: so absolute a Power hath their new Clergy already gain­ed over the poore People there, and earnestly labour to bring us into the same condition, because if wee should live in greater Freedome in this Nation, it would (they know,) in time be observed by their People, whose understandings would be thereby informed, and then they would grow impatient of their thraldome, and shake off their yoake.

They are also in no lesse bondage in things Civill; the Lords and great Men over-rule all, as they please; the People are scare free in any thing.

—Friends, these are knowne Truths.—

And hence it is, that in their Counsells here, they adhere to those that maintaine their owne greatnesse, and usurped rule over us, left if wee should here possesse greater liberty, then their vassalls the People in Scot­land, they might in short time observe the same, and discha [...]ge them­selves of their Oppressions.

It is from the mystery of iniquity, that yee have never made that use of the People of this Nation, in your wa [...]re, as you might have done, but have chosen rather to hazard their comming in, then to Arme your owne native undoubted friends; by which meanes they are possessed of too ma­ny considerable strengths of this Nation, and speak such language in their late published papers, as if they were not payed for their slow assistance.

Where as yee might have ended the Warre long ereathis, if by Sea or Land you had shewed your selves resolved to make us a Free-People; but it is evident, a change of our bondage is the uttermost is intended us, and that too for a worse, and longe; if wee shall be so contended, but it is strange you should imagine.

But the truth is, wee-finde none are so much bated by you, as those you thinke doe discerne those your purposes, or that apply themselves un­to you, with motions tending to divert you from proceeding therein: for some yeers now, no condition of men can prevaile with you, to ammend any thing that is amisse in the Common wealth.

The exorbitances in the Cities Government, and the strivings a­bout Prerogatives in the Major and Aldermen, against the Freedoms [Page 15] of the [...], (and to their extreme prejudice,) are [...] the same point they were at in [...] ti [...]e, which you ob­serve, and move not, nor [...] the [...], Nay, worse then in his time, they are justified by the Major, in a book published, and sent by him to every Common- [...].

The oppession of the Turky Company, and the [...] Com­pany, and all other infringements of our Native Liberties of the same nature, and which in the beginnings of the Parliament, yet seemed to abhominate, are now by you complyed withall, and li­censed to goe on in their Oppressions.

Yee know, the Lawes of this Nation are unworthy a F [...]-Peo­ple, and deserve from first to last, to be considered, and seriously debated, and reduced to an agreement with common equity, and right reason, which ought to be the Forme and Life of every Go­vernment.

Magna Charta it self being but a begge [...]ly thing, containing many markes of intollerable bondage, & the [...]awes that have been made since by Parliaments, have in very many particulars made our Go­vernment much more oppressive and intollerable.

The Norman way for ending of Controversies, was much more abusive then the English way, yet the Conquer [...]r, contrary to his Oath introduced the Norman Lawes, and his litigious and vexati­o [...]s way amongst us; the like he did also for punishment of male­factours, Controversies of all natures, having before a quick and finall dispatch in every hundred.

He erected a trade of Judges and Lawyers, to sell Justice and injustice at his owne unconscionable rate, and in what time bee pleased; the corruption whereof is yet remaining upon us, to our continuall impoverishing and molestation; from which we thought you should have delivered us.

Yee know also, Imprisonment for Debt, is not from the begin­ning; Yet ye thinke not of these many Thousand Persons and Fa­milies that are destroyed thereby, yee are Rich, and abound in goods, and have need of nothing; but the afflictions of the poore; your [...]ger-starved brethren, ye have no compassion of; Your zeal makes a noise as farre as Argiere, to deliver those captived Christians at the charge of others, but those whom your owne unjust Lawes hold captive in your owne Prisons; these are too neere you to thinks of; Nay, [Page 16] ye [...] suffer poor Christians, for whom Christ died to kneel before you in the streets, aged, fact and cripled, begging your halfe-penny Charities, and yee ruffle by them in your Coaches and filkes daily, without regard, or taking any course for their constant reliefe, their sight would melt the heart of any Christian, and yet it moves not you nor your Clergy.

Wee intreat you to consider what difference there is, between binding a man to an Oare, as a Cally-slave in Turkie or Argiere, and Pressing of men to serve in your Warre; to surprize a man on the sudden, force him from his Calling, where he lived comfortably, from a good trade; from his dear Parents, Wife or Children, a­gainst inclination, disposition to fight for a Cause hee understands not, and in Company of such, as he hath no comfort to be withall; for Pay, that will scarce give him snstenance; and if he live, to re­turne to a lost trade, or beggery, or not much better: If any Ty­ranny or cruelty exceed this; it must be worse then that of a Turkish Gally-slave.

But yee are apt to say, What remedy, men wee must have? To which we answer, in behalfe of ourselves, and our too much inju­red Brethren, that are Pressed; That the Hollanders our provident Neighbours have no such cruelties, esteeming nothing more un­just, or unreasonable, yet they want no men; and if ye would take care, that all sorts of men might find comfort and contentment in your Government, yee would not need to enforce men to serve your Warres.

And if yee would in many things follow their good example, and make this Nation a State, free from the Oppression of Kings, and the corruptions of the Court, and shew love to the People in the Constitutions of your Government, the affection of the Peo­ple, would satisfie all common and publike Occasions: and in ma­ny particulars wee can shew you a remedy for this and all other inconveniences, if wee could find you incimable to heare us.

Yee are extreamely altered in demeanour towards us, in the beginning yee seemed to know what Freedome was; made a di­stination of honest men, whether rich or poor, all were welcome to you, and yee would mix your selves with [...] loving familiar [...] of Courtly observance or behaviour.

Yee kept your Com [...]itte [...] doores open, all [...] judge [Page 17] of your dealings, hardly ye would permit men to stand bare-headed before you, some of you telling them, ye more regarded their health, and that they should not deem of you, as of other domineering Courts, yee and they were one, all Commons of England; and the like ingenious carriage, by which ye wanne our affections to that height, that ye no sooner demanded any thing, but it was effected; yee did well then, who did hinder you? the mystery of iniquity, that was it that perverted your course.

What a multitude of precious lives have been lost? What a masse of moneys have been raised? What one way was proposed to advance moneys, that was refused by you, though never so prejudiciall to the People, allowing your Committees to force men to pay or lend, or else to sweare that they were not worth so or so: the most destructive course to tradesmen, that could be devised, fifty intire sub­sidies, to be lent throughout London, if not procured, yet authorized by you; never the like heard of, and the Excise that being once setled, all other assessments should cease.

Notwithstanding in few moneths comes forth Ordinance upon Ordinance for more moneys, and for the Customes, they were thought an oppression in the beginning, an I being (so high,) an hinderance to Trade, and extreamly prejudiciall to the Nation, neverthelesse is now confirmed, with many augmentations, in so much as men of inferiour trading finde great trouble to provide moneys for Customes, and have so many Office [...] please, that it is a very slavery to have any thing to doe with [...] no remedy; the first Commissioners being more harsh [...], then the late Farmers, and the last worse then the former.

Truly it is a sad thing, but too true, a plaine quiet-minded man in any place in England, is just like a harmelesse sheep in a Thicket, can hardly move or stirre, but hee shall be strech'd, and loose his wooll: such Committees have ye made in all Cities and Counties, and none are so ill used as honest Godly men.

Ye have now fate full five yeeres, which is foure yeeres longer then wee intended, for wee could choose you but for (at most) one yeere; and now we wish ye would publish to all the world, the good that you have done for us, the liberty ye have brought us unto: If yee could excuse your selves, as ye use to doe; by saying it hath been a time of warre; that will not doe: for when the warre might in the beginning have been prevented, if yee had drawn a little more blood [Page 18] from the right veine, and night often (ere this) have been ended.

Occasion hath been given away, and Treated away, and now, when through the faithfulnesse of the New Modell, yee have almost forc'd an end, and have no great part to effect: now againe, at the instiga­tion of those that love their Kings more then all this Nation, and their owne, his Sacred or holy Majestie, must againe be treated with, their Nationall and Solemne League and Covenant with their God, bind­ing them to be respecters of Persons in judgement: and to preserve His Person in the defence of the true Protestant Religion, and Libertie of the People; that hath constantly against all perswasion and Obligation, done what ever he could to subvert both: if this be not the height of the mystery of iniquitie, what is higher.

But let not these be deceived, nor thus under zealous expressions deceive you; wee wish your soules may no further enter into their secret: For God will not be mocked, nor suffer such grasse Hypocrisie to pasie without exemplary punishment: And if yee beleeve there is a God; yee must beleeve it; and it yee doe beleeve it, and consider the wayes yee have troad, and truely repent, shew it by walking contrary to what yee have done, or purposed to doe, and let us quickly and speedily partake thereof: For God is a God that taketh vergeance, and will not suffer you to goe on to our ruine.

Wee have some hopes ye will; for amongst you, there have been alwayes faithfull and Worthy men, whose aboundant grief it hath been to observe the strange progresse of the Chosen men of the Com­mon-wealth, and have strove exceedingly on all [...] to pro­duce better effects, and some Christians of late [...] to their praise.

Others there are, that have been onely misled by the policies, and stratagems of politick men, and these, after this our serious advice, will make you more seriously studdie the common Interrest of this Nation: others there are, and those a great number, that are newly chosen into your house, and wee trust are such as will exceedingly strengthen the good part, that hitherto hath been too weake to steere an even course amidst so many oppositions and crosse waves.

But henceforth joyn'd all in one will be able to doe and carry on whatsoever is just and good for the Common-wealth, the more just and good, the more easily effected, for such things are easily to be [Page 19] made evident to all men, and can never faile of the uttermost assist­ance of all well-minded People.

And therefore wee would not have you to be discouraged in at­tempting whatsoever is evidently just, for Wee will therein assist you to the last drop of our bloods: Feare neither the Anok [...]ms, nor the sonnes of the Cyants, For the LORD our God, hee wil [...] stand by you in all things that are just, and will blesse and prosper you therein.

For sake, and utterly rencurce all crastie and subtill intentions; hide not your thoughts from Us, and give us encouragement to be open breasted unto you: Proclaime afore-hand, what yee determine to doe, in establishing any thing for continuance: and heare all things that can be spoken with or against the same, and to that intent, let the imprisoned Presses at liberty, that all mens understandings may be more conveniently informed, and convinced, as farre as is possible by the equity of your Proceedings.

Wee cannot but expect to be delivered from the Norman bondage, whereof wee now as well as our Predecessours, have felt the smart by these bloody warres; and from all unreasonable Lawes made ever since that unhappy conquest; as wee have encouragement, wee shall informe you further, and guide you, as we observe your doings.

The Worke yee must note is ours, and not your owne, though ye are to be partakers with us in the well or ill doing thereof: and there­fore ye must expect to heare more frequently from us then yee have done, nor will it be your wisedome to take these Admonitions and Cautions in evil part.

If yee consider well, yee may wonder Wee are no tarter: Ye may perceive, wee have not yet left our true English confidence, but are wil­ling that both you, and all our Neighbour-Nations should know, that wee both see and know all stratagems and Policies that are laid in waite to entrap, and so to enslave us, and that wee hid desyance to their worst our enemies can doe; we know wee have stoore of friends in our Neighbour Countries.

Our head is not yet so intoxicated with this New mystery of Iniqui­ty, but that a reasonable Cordiall Administred by your hand, will see us fast in our seat.

Yee are not to reckon that yee have any longer time to effect the Great Worke wee have entrusted unto you a for wee must not loose our free choice of a Parliament once every yeer, fresh and fresh for a continuall Parliament.

[Page 20] For so, if a present Parliament be mistaken in their understandings, and doe things prejudiciall, We may so long remain under these pre­judices, that the Common-wealth may be endangered thereby, nor doe wee value a Trieniall Parliament: before three yeeres come to an end, Grievances and Mischiefes may be past remedy.

And therefore our advice is, that yee Order a meeting of the cho­sen of Parliament-men, to be expresly upon one certaine day in No­vember yeerly throughout the Land in the Places accustomed, and to be by you expressed, there to make choice of whom they think good, according to Law, and all men that have a Right to be there, not to faile upon a great penaltie but no summons to be expected.

And if any Person without exception, shall write Letters, or use any endeavours to incline the choosers to choose any man, or use any meanes to disturbe or pervert them from a free Choice, then that all such sinister dealing be made punishable, or a most haynous crime.

And that a Parliament so chosen in November, succeeding yeere by yeere, may come instead of the preceeding Parliament, and proceed with the Affaires of the Common-Wealth; nor would wee have it in the Power of our Parliament, to remove any Member from his Place or service of the House, without the consent had of those Counties, Cities and Burroughs respectively that choose him; great inconveniences depending thereon, where­of wee have seene and felt too much.

Now, if yee shall conscionably performe your Trust the yeer en­suing, and order the Parliaments to succeed as aforesaid, then Wee shall not doubt to be made absolute Free-men in time, and become a just, plenteous and Powerfull Nation; All that is past will be forgot­ten, and Wee shall yet have cause to rejoyce in your Wisedome and Fidelity.


Moreover, as for me, God forbid that I should sinne against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and right way. Onely feare the LORD, and serve him in Truth with all your heart: For consid­der how great things He hath dine for you. But if yee still doe wickedly, yee shall be consumed, both yee and your King. 1 Sam. 22. 23, 24, 25.


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